32 research outputs found
Geometrical isotropy in perforated plates with subwavelength holes decorated with Archimedean patterns
The design and use of small apertures perforated in opaque plates to control the transmission of ultrasonic waves has been widely studied in recent years. The ultrasonic transmission response of brass plates perforated with Archimedean patterns of subwavelength hole arrays immersed in water is reported, both numerically and experimentally, in this work. It is shown that an increase in the geometrical isotropy of the elementary cells of the Archimedean patterns gives rise to a suppression of both minimum and maximum transmission corresponding to the destructive and constructive interferences, leading to uniformity within the angle-dependent transmitted sound power coefficient. The experimental results are in close agreement with the calculated ones. This property can be used to design ultrasonic devices such as filters and sensors.This work has been supported by the Spanish MICINN (MAT2010-16879) and Generalitat Valenciana (PROM-ETEOII/2014/026).Gómez Lozano, V.; Rubio Michavila, C.; Candelas Valiente, P.; Belmar Ibáñez, F.; Uris Martínez, A. (2015). Geometrical isotropy in perforated plates with subwavelength holes decorated with Archimedean patterns. EPL. 111(3):34002p1-34002p5. https://doi.org/10.1209/0295-5075/111/34002S34002p134002p5111
Impacto de un programa intervención em alunos del segundo ciclo
O objetivo do presente estudo consistiuem avaliar um programa de intervenção junto a alunos do 2º ciclo de escolaridade nas seguintes dimensões: tomada de decisão, conhecimentos sobre sexualidade, competências sociais, assertividade e autoconceito. Metodologia: Participaram 145 alunos, distribuídos pelos grupos controle e experimental. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: TCU Decision-Making; Questionário de Conhecimentos sobre Sexualidade; Assertion Self-Statement Test- Revised; Questionário de Competências Sociais; Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale. Os resultados revelaram diferenças no pós-teste entre os grupos ao nível da sexualidade. Verificaram-se diferenças do pré-teste para o pós-teste no grupo experimental nos níveis da sexualidade, da assertividade e das competências sociais. No grupo experimental encontraram-se associações positivas entre tomada de decisão, competências sociais e assertividade, bem como entre sexualidade, competências sociais e autoconceito, no pós-teste. Os preditores da assertividade no pós-teste foram tomada de decisão, sexualidade e competências sociais. Como conclusão, os resultados enfatizam a importância de intervenção junto a adolescentes, particularmente na tomada de decisão, na sexualidade e nas competências sociais.
Palavras-chave: Habilidades sociais, sexualidade, autoconceito.In this study we evaluate an intervention program in the following dimensions: Decision Making, Knowledge on Sexuality, Social Skills, Assertiveness and Self-Concept with students in 5th and 6th grade. Methodology: 145 students participated in the study divided by control and experimental group. The instruments used were: Decision-Making TCU, Knowledge on Sexuality Questionnaire; Assertion Self-Statement Test-Revised;Social Skills Questionnaire, and Piers-Harris Children's Self- Concept Scale. The results indicate differences at post-test between the groups on knowledge regarding sexuality. There were also differences from pre-test to post-test in the experimental group on knowledge on sexuality, assertiveness and social skills. Positive associations among decision making, social skills and assertiveness were found as well as among knowledge on sexuality, social skills and self-concept, in the experimental group, in the pos-test. Finally, the predictors of assertiveness regarding health behaviors, in the pos-test were: decision making, knowledge regarding sexuality and social skills. The results emphasize the importance of intervention for adolescents in terms of health promotion particularly in decision making, sexuality and social skills.El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar un programa de intervención con alumnos del 2º ciclo de escolaridad en las siguientes dimensiones: Toma de Decisión, Conocimientos sobre Sexualidad, Habilidades Sociales, Asertividad y Autoconcepto. Metodología: Participaron 145 alumnos, distribuidos en grupo control y experimental. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: TCU Decision-Making; Cuestionario de Conocimientos sobre Sexualidad; AssertionSelf-Statement Test-Revised; Cuestionario de Habilidades Sociais; Piers-Harris Children'sSelf-Concept Scale. Los resultados mostraron diferencias en el post-test entre los grupos en cuanto a la sexualidad. Se verificaron diferencias del pre-test para el post-teste en el grupo experimental, cuanto a sexualidad, asertividad y habilidades sociales. Se encontraron asociaciones positivas entre toma de decisión, habilidades sociales y asertividad, así como entre sexualidad,habilidades sociales yautoconcepto, en el post-test en el grupo experimental. Los predictores de la asertividad en el post-test fueron toma de decisión, sexualidad y habilidades sociales. Los resultados destacan la importancia de la intervención con adolescentes particularmente en la toma de decisiones, sexualidad y habilidades sociales.(undefined
Application of Phase-Reversal Fresnel Zone Plates for High-Resolution Robotic Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Evaluation
[EN] Nowadays the development of automated inspection systems based on six degrees of freedom robotic manipulators is a highly relevant topic in ultrasonic non-destructive testing. One of the issues associated with such development is the problem of acquiring high-resolution results. In this article, the application Phase-Reversal Fresnel Zone Plates is considered for solving this problem. Such acoustic lenses can solve the task of high-resolution results acquisition by using a single unfocused transducer. Furthermore, Phase-Reversal Fresnel Zone Plates can provide the desired focusing depth with the fixed thickness of the coupling layer. It is important in the case of application of devices which provide localized coupling. In this paper a proper design of Phase-Reversal Fresnel Zone Plate was determined according to the conditions of planned experiments. Its efficiency was verified via the Finite Element Method modeling. In all performed experiments the relative error of flaws size estimation did not exceed 6% whereas the signal-to-noise ratio was not lower than 17.1 dB. Thus, experimental results demonstrate that the application of Phase-Reversal Fresnel Zone Plates allowed to obtain results with high lateral resolution and signal-to-noise ratio. These results demonstrate the reasonability of the development of devices that provide localized coupling and use Phase-Reversal Fresnel Zone Plates.This work has been supported by Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (grant No. RTI2018-100792-B-I00) and Generalitat Valenciana AICO/2020/139 project. The study has been performed under the financial support by the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the State Task Research (basic fundamental) project # FSWW-2020-0014.Dolmatov, DO.; Tarrazó-Serrano, D.; Filippov, GA.; Uris Martínez, A.; Sednev, DA. (2021). Application of Phase-Reversal Fresnel Zone Plates for High-Resolution Robotic Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Evaluation. Sensors. 21(23):1-12. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21237792112212
Analytical evaluation of the acoustic insulation provided by double infinite walls
The acoustic insulation provided by infinite double panel walls, when subjected to spatially sinusoidal line pressure loads, is computed analytically. The methodology used extends earlier work by the authors on the definition of the acoustic insulation conferred by a single panel wall. It does not entail any simplification other than the assumption that the panels are of infinite extent. The full interaction between the fluid (air) and the solid layers is thus taken into account and the calculation does not involve limiting the thickness of any layer, as the Kirchhoff or Mindlin theories require. The problem is first formulated in the frequency domain. Time domain solutions are then obtained by means of inverse Fourier transforms using complex frequencies.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6WM3-48BKTGF-C/1/7dd5d637ad258a65e80a1097e6ee96a
ABSTRACT This paper identifies contexts in which trust and reciprocation are likely to arise. Using an experimental trust game we examine the influence of country, social distance and communication on trust and reciprocation in China, Japan, Korea, and the United States. We find mixed support for the commonly-accepted negative relationship between trust and social distance across the four countries. While social distance has the expected effect in the US, its effects internationally are more complex. We also show that even irrelevant communication influences game behavior, but that it is personal discussion rather than impersonal, that produces significantly higher levels of trust
Europe’s Last Colony: 1918 Palestine’s Arab Majority, Jewish Immigration, and the Justice of Founding Israel Outside EuropeKATTANVICTORFrom Coexistence to Conquest: International Law and the Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1891–1949. London: Pluto Press, 2009, xl + 416 pp., ISBN 9780745325781, £29.95 (pbk).
Observância e efetividade das intervenções de um protocolo clínico utilizado para pacientes com sepse grave e choque séptico de uma Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos da Espanha
The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to assess levels of compliance with the intervention bundles contained in a clinical pathway used in the treatment of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock, and to analyze the pathway’s impact on survival and duration of hospital stays. We used data on 125 patients in an Intensive Care Unit, divided into a control group (N=84) and an intervention group (N=41). Levels of compliance increased from 13.1% to 29.3% in 5 resuscitation bundle interventions and from 14.3% to 22% in 3 monitoring bundle interventions. In-hospital mortality at 28 days decreased by 11.2% and the duration of hospital stay was reduced by 5 days. Although compliance was low, the intervention enhanced adherence to the instructions given in the clinical pathway and we observed a decline in mortality at 28 days and shorter hospital stays.El objetivo de este estudio cuasiexperimental fue valorar el nivel de cumplimiento de las intervenciones de los paquetes de medidas de un protocolo clínico para pacientes con sepsis grave y shock séptico y analizar su impacto sobre la supervivencia y la duración de estancias hospitalarias. Se incluyeron los datos de 125 pacientes divididos en grupo control (N=84) e intervención (N=41) de una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. El nivel de cumplimiento aumentó de 13,1% a 29,3% en 5 intervenciones del paquete de reanimación y de 14,3% a 22% en 3 intervenciones del paquete de seguimiento. La mortalidad hospitalaria a los 28 días disminuyó un 11,2% y la duración de la estancia hospitalaria se redujo en 5 días. Aunque el cumplimiento fue bajo, la intervención aumentó la adhesión a las indicaciones del protocolo clínico y se observó un descenso de la mortalidad a los 28 días y menor duración de estancias hospitalarias
Ferroptotic pores induce Ca2+ fluxes and ESCRT-III activation to modulate cell death kinetics
Ferroptosis is an iron-dependent form of regulated necrosis associated with lipid peroxidation. Despite its key role in the inflammatory outcome of ferroptosis, little is known about the molecular events leading to the disruption of the plasma membrane during this type of cell death. Here we show that a sustained increase in cytosolic Ca2+ is a hallmark of ferroptosis that precedes complete bursting of the cell. We report that plasma membrane damage leading to ferroptosis is associated with membrane nanopores of a few nanometers in radius and that ferroptosis, but not lipid peroxidation, can be delayed by osmoprotectants. Importantly, Ca2+ fluxes during ferroptosis induce the activation of the ESCRT-III-dependent membrane repair machinery, which counterbalances the kinetics of cell death and modulates the immunological signature of ferroptosis. Our findings with ferroptosis provide a unifying concept that sustained increase of cytosolic Ca2+ prior to plasma membrane rupture is a common feature of regulated types of necrosis and position ESCRT-III activation as a general protective mechanism in these lytic cell death pathways