18 research outputs found

    Effect of triticale grain characteristics, scouring, and extrusion conditions on physico-chemical properties, antioxidant activity, and volatile compounds of flat bread

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    The objective of the study was to determine the effect of grain preparation technology, extrusion cooking conditions, and triticale cultivars on physico-chemical properties of crisp bread. Triticale cultivars used in the experiments differed in protein content, starch content, amylolytic activity, and viscosimetric properties. The type of the twinscrew extruder used has an effect on starch degradation, phenolic contents, and antioxidant activity of the product, but a greater effect on those characteristics is found for grain scouring prior to extrusion. All factors had an effect on volatile compound amounts in crisp bread, but the direction and range of these changes were random in character. Results of this study show that triticale grain can be useful raw material for the production of flat bread

    Determination of cheese origin by using 26S rRNA gene fingerprinting of yeast communities by PCR DGGE: an application on fried cheese of Wielkopolska region

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    Póster presentado en el European Food Innovation Systems Annual Meeting (EFFoST), celebrado en Boloña (Italia) del 12 al 15 de noviembre de 2013.Fried cheese from Wielkopolska is one of the few traditional fermented products in Poland endowed with a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) label. Its traditional manufacturing process, maintained through the ages in the Wielkopolska region, gives the product an original and specific character. The sensory properties of the fried cheese are closely related to the particular cheese technology, but also to its associated microbiota which plays a key role in creating its typical aroma and taste. To eliminate unfair competition and the misleading of consumers by promoting non-genuine products, it is necessary to create an effective traceability system of food articles.This research project was supported by grant No. 2011/01/N/NZ9/04558 from the National Science Centre, Poland. T. Rychlik is the scholarship holder within the project “Scholarship support for Ph. D. students specializing in majors strategic for Wielkopolska’s development”, Sub-measure 8.2.2 Human Capital Operational Programme, co-financed by European Union under the European Social Fund.Peer Reviewe

    Properties and application of levan

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    Lewan jest wielkocząsteczkowym β-(2→6)-fraktofuranozylo-fruktanem z β-(2→1) terminalną resztą przyłączoną do α-glukopiranozy. Wiedza o występowaniu, biosyntezie i właściwościach tego fruktanu jest obszerna. Wyniki badań wskazują na duży aplikacyjny potencjał lewanu i produktów jego hydrolizy w obszarze żywności o właściwościach prozdrowotnych. Głównymi czynnikami ograniczającymi zastosowanie lewanu w żywieniu jest jego dostępność i brak jednoznacznych wyników dotyczących kompleksowego oddziaływania lewanu na organizm człowieka i/lub zwierząt doświadczalnych. Praca jest studium dotyczącym wskaźników prozdrowotnego działania lewanu i niektórych lewanooligosacharydów. Dokonano również przeglądu możliwości zastosowania lewanu.Levan is a high-molecular, β-(2→6)-linked fructose homo-polymer with the glucose residue bound to the terminal fructose by α-glycosidic bond. The knowledge of occurrence, biosynthesis, and properties of this fructan is extensive. Research results show a large potential for practical applications of levan and its hydrolysis products in the domain of food with pro-healthful properties. The main factors limiting the application of levan in diet is its availability and the lack of unambiguous data referring to the comprehensive impact of this fructan on human organism and/or on experimental animals. In this paper, a research into some indicators of pro-healthful impact of levan and levulans are presented. Possible applications of levan are also surveyed

    Diet, Trimethylamine Metabolism and Mitochondrial DNA: An Observational Study

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    Scope Mitochondrial DNA copy number (mtDNAcn) and its methylation level in the D-loop area have been correlated with metabolic health and are suggested to vary in response to environmental stimuli, including diet. Circulating levels of trimethylamine-n-oxide (TMAO), which is an oxidative derivative of the trimethylamine (TMA) produced by the gut microbiome from dietary precursors, have been associated with chronic diseases and are suggested to have an impact on mitochondrial dynamics. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between diet, TMA, TMAO, and mtDNAcn, as well as methylation. Methods and results 200 subjects with extreme (healthy and unhealthy) dietary patterns were recruited. Dietary records were collected to assess their diets’ quality (Healthy Eating Index). Blood levels of TMA and TMAO, circulating levels of TMA precursors and their dietary intakes were measured. MtDNAcn, nuclear DNA methylation (LINE-1) and strand-specific D-loop methylation levels were assessed. There was no association between dietary patterns and mtDNAcn. The TMAO/TMA ratio was negatively correlated with D-loop methylation levels but positively with mtDNAcn. Conclusions These findings suggest a potential association between TMA metabolism and mitochondrial dynamics (and mtDNA), indicating a new avenue for further research

    The effect of starch materials fertilization on the availability of carbohydrates and the alcoholic fermentation process efficiency

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    W badaniach wykorzystano 27 próbek surowca (żyto, pszenżyto, kukurydza) pochodzącego z różnych lokalizacji o zmiennych poziomach nawożenia. Cel niniejszej pracy stanowiło zbadanie wpływu zmiennych dawek nawożenia azotowego na wydajność procesu fermentacji alkoholowej. Proces otrzymywania etanolu przeprowadzono z zastosowaniem metody bezciśnieniowego upłynniania skrobi. Oceny przebiegu procesu dokonano na podstawie bilansu materiałowego. Stwierdzono niejednoznaczny wpływ poziomu nawożenia na wydajność etanolu (L/100 kg surowca). W przypadku ziarna żyta stwierdzono istotny wpływ na obniżenie wydajności procesu fermentacji, a w odniesieniu do ziarna pszenżyta i kukurydzy nie stwierdzono istotnego wpływu tych czynników.The study used 27 samples of raw material (rye, triticale, com) originating from different locations with variable levels of fertilization. The object of this work was to investigate the effect of variable doses of nitrogen fertilization on the alcoholic fermentation process efficiency. The alcoholic fermentation was carried with non - pressure starch liquefaction method, in order to estimate material balance of the process. An ambiguous impact of fertilization on the ethanol productivity (L/100 kg material) was presented. In the case of rye grain a significant effect was found on reducing the efficiency of the fermentation process, and for triticale and corn grain a negligible effect on the above dependence was observed

    Mitochondrial DNA and epigenetics: Investigating interactions with the one-carbon metabolism in obesity.

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    Mitochondrial DNA copy number (mtDNAcn) has been proposed for use as a surrogate biomarker of mitochondrial health and evidence suggests that mtDNA might be methylated. Intermediates of the one-carbon cycle (1CC), which is duplicated in the cytoplasm and mitochondria, have a major role in modulating the impact of diet on the epigenome. Moreover, epigenetic pathways and the redox system are linked by the metabolism of glutathione (GSH). In a cohort of 101 normal-weight and 97 overweight/obese subjects, we evaluated mtDNAcn and methylation levels in both mitochondrial and nuclear areas to test the association of these marks with body weight, metabolic profile and availability of 1CC intermediates associated with diet. Body composition was associated with 1CC intermediate availability. Reduced levels of GSH were measured in the overweight/obese group (p=1.3*10-5). A high BMI was associated with lower LINE-1 (p=0.004) and nominally lower methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene methylation (p=0.047). MtDNAcn was lower in overweight/obese subjects (p=0.004) and independently correlated with MTHFR methylation levels (p=0.005) but not to LINE-1 methylation levels (p=0.086). DNA methylation has been detected in the light strand but not in the heavy strand of the mtDNA. Although mtDNA methylation in the light strand did not differ between overweight/obese and normal-weight subjects, it was nominally correlated with homocysteine levels (p=0.035) and MTHFR methylation (p=0.033). This evidence suggests that increased body weight might perturb mitochondrial-nuclear homeostasis affecting the availability of nutrients acting as intermediates of the one-carbon cycle

    Effect of different starter cultures on chemical and microbial parameters of buckwheat honey fermentation

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the microbiology of buckwheat honey fermentation inoculated with different starter cultures by culturing and PCR-DGGE, taking as a model for comparison a spontaneously fermented batch. The inoculants tested were (i) cider lees (from a cider factory), (ii) sourdough (from a bakery), and (iii) a commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain. The results of the culturing and culture-independent techniques agreed well and detected the same dominant species along the fermentations. Our results suggest that S. cerevisiae strains, which constituted a majority population in all batches including the uninoculated one, carried out the fermentations. The highest microbial diversity was found at the beginning of the fermentation in the uninoculated batch; this contained in addition to S. cerevisiae bacteria (Paracoccus sp., Staphylococcus sp., and Bacillus sp.) and yeast (Candida sp.) species. Candida sp. was also common in batches inoculated with sourdough and cider lees cultures. Lactobacillus species were found throughout the fermentation of the sourdough-inoculated batch. Basic chemical analysis and testing trials demonstrated that the overall sensory acceptance of the four meads were highly similar. Yeast and bacteria isolated in this study could serve as a source of technologically relevant microorganisms for mead production.This study was partially supported by MINECO (AGL2014-57820-R) and the Plan for Science, Technology, and Innovation of Asturias Principality (GRUPIN14-137).Peer reviewe