110 research outputs found

    Influence of ion implantation on the magnetic and transport properties of manganite films

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    We have used oxygen ions irradiation to generate controlled structural disorder in thin manganite films. Conductive atomic force microscopy CAFM), transport and magnetic measurements were performed to analyze the influence of the implantation process in the physical properties of the films. CAFM images show regions with different conductivity values, probably due to the random distribution of point defect or inhomogeneous changes of the local Mn3+/4+ ratio to reduce lattice strains of the irradiated areas. The transport and magnetic properties of these systems are interpreted in this context. Metal-insulator transition can be described in the frame of a percolative model. Disorder increases the distance between conducting regions, lowering the observed TMI. Point defect disorder increases localization of the carriers due to increased disorder and locally enhanced strain field. Remarkably, even with the inhomogeneous nature of the samples, no sign of low field magnetoresistance was found. Point defect disorder decreases the system magnetization but doesn t seem to change the magnetic transition temperature. As a consequence, an important decoupling between the magnetic and the metal-insulator transition is found for ion irradiated films as opposed to the classical double exchange model scenario.Comment: 27 pages, 11 Figure

    Combining half-metals and multiferroics into epitaxial heterostructures for spintronics

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    We report on the growth of epitaxial bilayers of the La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 (LSMO) half-metallic ferromagnet and the BiFeO3 (BFO) multiferroic, on SrTiO3(001) by pulsed laser deposition. The growth mode of both layers is two-dimensional, which results in unit-cell smooth surfaces. We show that both materials keep their properties inside the heterostructures, i.e. the LSMO layer (11 nm thick) is ferromagnetic with a Curie temperature of ~330K, while the BFO films shows ferroelectricity down to very low thicknesses (5 nm). Conductive-tip atomic force microscope mappings of BFO/LSMO bilayers for different BFO thicknesses reveal a high and homogeneous resistive state for the BFO film that can thus be used as a ferroelectric tunnel barrier in tunnel junctions based on a half-metal

    Direct observation of electronic inhomogeneities induced by point defect disorder in manganite films

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    We have investigated the influence of point defect disorder in the electronic properties of manganite films. Real-time mapping of ion irradiated samples conductivity was performed though conductive atomic force microscopy (CAFM). CAFM images show electronic inhomogeneities in the samples with different physical properties due to spatial fluctuations in the point defect distribution. As disorder increases, the distance between conducting regions increases and the metal-insulator transition shifts to lower temperatures. Transport properties in these systems can be interpreted in terms of a percolative model. The samples saturation magnetization decreases as the irradiation dose increases whereas the Curie temperature remains unchanged

    Variation in tick load among bird body parts: Implications for studying the role of birds in the ecology and epidemiology of tick-borne diseases

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    Wild birds play important roles in the maintenance and dispersal of tick populations and tick-borne pathogens, yet in field studies of tick-borne disease ecology and epidemiology there is limited standardization of how birds are searched for ticks. We conducted a qualitative literature review of 100 field studies where birds were searched for ticks to characterize which parts of a bird's anatomy are typically sampled. To increase understanding of potential biases associated with different sampling approaches, we described variation in tick loads among bird body parts using field-collected data from 459 wild-caught birds that were searched across the entire body. The literature review illustrated a lack of clarity and consistency in tick-searching protocols: 57% of studies did not explicitly report whether entire birds or only particular body parts were searched, 34% reported concentrating searches on certain body parts (most frequently the head only), and only 9% explicitly reported searching the entire bird. Based on field-collected data, only 22% of ticks were found on the head, indicating that studies focusing on the head likely miss a large proportion of ticks. We provide tentative evidence that feeding locations may vary among tick species; 89% of Amblyomma americanum, 73% of Ambloyomma maculatum, and 56% of Haemaphysalis leporispalustris were on body parts other than the head. Our findings indicate a need for clear reporting and increased standardization of tick searching methodologies, including sampling the entire bird body, to provide an unbiased understanding of the role of birds in the maintenance and emergence of tick-borne pathogens.Peer reviewedEntomology and Plant PathologyNatural Resource Ecology and Managemen

    Magnetic relaxation in La0.250Pr0.375Ca0.375MnO3 with varying phase separation

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    We have studied the magnetic relaxation properties of the phase-separated manganite compound La0.250Pr0.375Ca0.375MnO3 . A series of polycrystalline samples was prepared with different sintering temperatures, resulting in a continuous variation of phase fraction between metallic (ferromagnetic) and charge-ordered phases at low temperatures. Measurements of the magnetic viscosity show a temperature and field dependence which can be correlated to the static properties. Common to all the samples, there appears to be two types of relaxation processes - at low fields associated with the reorientation of ferromagnetic domains and at higher fields associated with the transformation between ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic phases.Comment: 30 pages with figures, PDF, accepted to be published in Physical Review

    The 2nd competition on counter measures to 2D face spoofing attacks

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. I. Chingovska, J. Yang, Z. Lei, D. Yi, S. Z. Li, O. Kahm, C. Glaser, N. Damer, A. Kuijper, A. Nouak, J. Komulainen, T. Pereira, S. Gupta, S. Khandelwal, S. Bansal, A. Rai, T. Krishna, D. Goyal, M.-A. Waris, H. Zhang, I. Ahmad, S. Kiranyaz, M. Gabbouj, R. Tronci, M. Pili, N. Sirena, F. Roli, J. Galbally, J. Fiérrez, A. Pinto, H. Pedrini, W. S. Schwartz, A. Rocha, A. Anjos, S. Marcel, "The 2nd competition on counter measures to 2D face spoofing attacks" in International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), Madrid (Spain), 2013, 1-6As a crucial security problem, anti-spoofing in biometrics, and particularly for the face modality, has achieved great progress in the recent years. Still, new threats arrive inform of better, more realistic and more sophisticated spoofing attacks. The objective of the 2nd Competition on Counter Measures to 2D Face Spoofing Attacks is to challenge researchers to create counter measures effectively detecting a variety of attacks. The submitted propositions are evaluated on the Replay-Attack database and the achieved results are presented in this paper.The authors would like to thank the Swiss Innovation Agency (CTI Project Replay) and the FP7 European TABULA RASA Project4 (257289) for their financial support

    Role of Cellular Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans in Infection of Human Adenovirus Serotype 3 and 35

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    Species B human adenoviruses (Ads) are increasingly associated with outbreaks of acute respiratory disease in U.S. military personnel and civil population. The initial interaction of Ads with cellular attachment receptors on host cells is via Ad fiber knob protein. Our previous studies showed that one species B Ad receptor is the complement receptor CD46 that is used by serotypes 11, 16, 21, 35, and 50 but not by serotypes 3, 7, and 14. In this study, we attempted to identify yet-unknown species B cellular receptors. For this purpose we used recombinant Ad3 and Ad35 fiber knobs in high-throughput receptor screening methods including mass spectrometry analysis and glycan arrays. Surprisingly, we found that the main interacting surface molecules of Ad3 fiber knob are cellular heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs). We subsequently found that HSPGs acted as low-affinity co-receptors for Ad3 but did not represent the main receptor of this serotype. Our study also revealed a new CD46-independent infection pathway of Ad35. This Ad35 infection mechanism is mediated by cellular HSPGs. The interaction of Ad35 with HSPGs is not via fiber knob, whereas Ad3 interacts with HSPGs via fiber knob. Both Ad3 and Ad35 interacted specifically with the sulfated regions within HSPGs that have also been implicated in binding physiologic ligands. In conclusion, our findings show that Ad3 and Ad35 directly utilize HSPGs as co-receptors for infection. Our data suggest that adenoviruses evolved to simulate the presence of physiologic HSPG ligands in order to increase infection

    Overexpression of Human and Fly Frataxins in Drosophila Provokes Deleterious Effects at Biochemical, Physiological and Developmental Levels

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    10 pages, 5 figures. 21779322[PubMed] PMCID: PMC3136927BACKGROUND: Friedreich's ataxia (FA), the most frequent form of inherited ataxias in the Caucasian population, is caused by a reduced expression of frataxin, a highly conserved protein. Model organisms have contributed greatly in the efforts to decipher the function of frataxin; however, the precise function of this protein remains elusive. Overexpression studies are a useful approach to investigate the mechanistic actions of frataxin; however, the existing literature reports contradictory results. To further investigate the effect of frataxin overexpression, we analyzed the consequences of overexpressing human (FXN) and fly (FH) frataxins in Drosophila. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We obtained transgenic flies that overexpressed human or fly frataxins in a general pattern and in different tissues using the UAS-GAL4 system. For both frataxins, we observed deleterious effects at the biochemical, histological and behavioral levels. Oxidative stress is a relevant factor in the frataxin overexpression phenotypes. Systemic frataxin overexpression reduces Drosophila viability and impairs the normal embryonic development of muscle and the peripheral nervous system. A reduction in the level of aconitase activity and a decrease in the level of NDUF3 were also observed in the transgenic flies that overexpressed frataxin. Frataxin overexpression in the nervous system reduces life span, impairs locomotor ability and causes brain degeneration. Frataxin aggregation and a misfolding of this protein have been shown not to be the mechanism that is responsible for the phenotypes that have been observed. Nevertheless, the expression of human frataxin rescues the aconitase activity in the fh knockdown mutant. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results provide in vivo evidence of a functional equivalence for human and fly frataxins and indicate that the control of frataxin expression is important for treatments that aim to increase frataxin levels.This work was supported by grants from Fondo Investigaciones Sanitarias (ISCIII06- PI0677) and La FundaciĂł la MaratĂł TV3 (exp 101932) of Spain. JVL is supported by the European Friedreich's Ataxia Consortium for Translational Studies. SS is a recipient of a fellowship from Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn of Spain.Peer reviewe
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