169 research outputs found

    El dolor de espalda como lesión deportiva en jóvenes de 10-12 años

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la incidencia de dolor de espalda en jóvenes de entre 10 y 12 años en función de si practican o no algún deporte, cuál practican, con qué frecuencia, y las posibles diferencias entre género. El estudio se llevó a cabo en 2270 escolares (1214 niños y 1056 niñas) de 10-12 años de Mallorca. La muestra se obtuvo por conglomerados (centros escolares) por muestreo intencional. El cuestionario y la metodología de recogida de datos fueron previamente validados mediante el método test-retest. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la existencia de dolor de espalda fue del 38.3% (34.5% en niños y 42.8% en niñas). Existe una relación significativa entre dolor de espalda y practicar deporte o no, en niños positiva y en niñas negativa, pudiendo ser explicado por las diferencias del tipo de deportes practicados según el género. Los mayores índices de incidencia de dolor de espalda aparecen entre los que practican voleibol, gimnasia deportiva y natación más de 4 horas semanales, y los que practican gimnasia rítmica. Este estudio sugiere, a partir de los resultados obtenidos, que el dolor de espalda es un mal que afecta de manera importante a la población juvenil, en especial al género femenino, y que el tipo de deporte practicado, así como su frecuencia, es determinante a la hora de definir si un deporte puede ser o no un factor de riesgo asociado al dolor de espalda.The aim of this research study is to explore the existence of back pain in schoolchildren aged 10-12 years old related to sports practice or not, sports type, frequency, and gender differences. This study was carried out using a sample of 2270 schoolchildren (1214 boys and 1056 girls) aged 10-12, resident in Mallorca. The sample was chosen using intentional random sampling. The questionnaire and method for gathering the data were previously validated using the test-rest reliability method. The results show the existence of low back pain among 38.3% of the schoolchildren (34.5% boys and 42.8% girls) suffers from back pain. There is a significant relationship between back pain and sport practice, positively in boys and negativity in girls, being explicated for the different sports practice according to gender. The highest values of back pain incidence were found in volleyball, masculine gymnastics and swimming more the 4 hours per week, and in rhythmic gymnastics. This study suggests, according to the results, back pain as a problem that affects the young population, especially to girls. The type of sport and its frequency is determinant to define if a sport could be or not a risk factor related to low back pain.O objectivo desta investigação foi analisar a incidência da dor cervical em jovens com idades compreendidas entre os 10 e os 12 anos em função de praticarem ou não algum desporto, qual praticam, com que frequência, e as possíveis diferenças de género. O estudo foi levado a cabo em 2270 alunos (1214 rapazes e 1056 raparigas) de 10-12 anos de Maiorca. A amostra foi composta por conglomerados (centros escolares) por amostragem de conveniência. O questionário e a metodologia de recolha de dados foram previamente validados mediante o método de teste-reteste. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a existência de dor cervical foi de 28.3% (34.5% em rapazes e 42.8% em raparigas). Existe uma relação significativa entre a dor cervical e praticar ou não desporto, positiva em rapazes e negativa em raparigas, podendo isto ser explicado pelas diferenças no tipo de modalidades praticadas segundo o género. Os maiores índices de incidência de dor cervical registam-se entre os que praticam voleibol, ginástica desportiva e natação mais de 4 horas semanais, e os que praticam ginástica rítmica. Este estudo sugere, a partir dos resultados obtidos, que a dor cervical é um mal que afecta de forma importante a população juvenil, em particular o género feminino, e que o tipo de modalidade praticada, assim como a sua frequência, é determinante quando se define se um desporto pode ou não ser um factor de risco associado à dor cervical

    Intereses, motivos y actitudes hacia el deporte en adolescentes : diferencias en función del nivel de práctica

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    El trabajo que se presenta forma parte de un estudio descriptivo más amplio en el que se analizan los hábitos, motivos, intereses y actitudes hacia el deporte en una muestra de adolescentes, estudiantes de 2º ciclo de E.S.O. Concretamente se analizan diferentes variables en función de la frecuencia e intensidad de la práctica deportiva en jóvenes practicantes. Se estudió una muestra representativa de la población mencionada compuesta por 1999 sujetos. El instrumento utilizado fue un cuestionario de elaboración propia y los resultados muestran que el nivel de práctica deportiva (bajo, medio, alto) establece diferencias en relación a motivos, actitudes y en definitiva patrones de actividad deportiva.The present analysis is part of a broader descriptive study that assess habits, motives, interests and attitudes toward sport practice in a sample of adolescents that study 2nd ESO. We analyse different variables in relation to frequency and levels of practice in young sport participants. We studied a representative sample of the population analysed (N=1999 subjects). We designed an instrument that includes the different variables. Results show that the level of sport practice (low, medium, high) implies significant differences in relation to motives attitudes and patterns of physical activity

    Perfil de hábitos deportivos de los preadolescentes de la isla de Mallorca

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    La práctica deportiva constituye una de las actividades de ocio preferidas por toda la población, pero los deportistas no forman en ningún momento un grupo homogéneo, atendiendo a que existen claras diferencies en función del género y de los factores sociodemográficos. Mientras que la etapa escolar coincide con el momento de máxima participación en actividades físicas y deportivas, la salida de la escuela coincide con el abandono masivo de esta práctica, a causa de la multiplicidad de factores que dependen de variables psicológicas y variables sociopersonales. El objetivo del artículo que a continuación se presenta, es identificar el perfil del deportista de la Isla de Mallorca en función de variables sociodemográficas y del nivel de práctica. Este trabajo forma parte de una amplia investigación realizada durante el ano 2001 que pretendía estudiar e identificar los hábitos de práctica deportiva de la población mallorquina de entre 10 y 14 anos. Para realizar dicho estudio se utilizó una muestra de 2661 personas y para la evaluación se utilizó un cuestionario de elaboración propia previamente validado y basado en otros autores. Los resultados obtenidos con este estudio, sugieren que la práctica deportiva se ha consolidado como estilo de vida en nuestra sociedad y ocupa un lugar preferente en el tiempo de ocio entre los preadolescentes mallorquines. Asimismo son resaltables las diferencias claramente significativas existentes entre hombres y mujeres de las edades motivo de estudio en cuanto a práctica deportiva fuera de las clases de Educación Física.Participating in sports is one of people's favourite leisure time activities, but athletes are not a homogeneous group at any time, owing to obvious differences in gender and socio-demographic factors. Maximum participation in physical and sport activities occurs during a child's school years. On the other hand, participation in sports drops massively when children leave school, owing to a multitude of factors that depend on psychological and socio-personal factors. The objective of this article is to identify the athletic profile of people from the island of Majorca in accordance with sociodemographic variables and levels of participation. This paper is part of research conducted during 2001 that aimed to study and identify the athletic habits of the Majorcan population between 10 and 14 years of age. A sample of 2661 subjects was studied and a previously validated questionnaire based on authors' work was used for evaluation. The results obtained in this study demonstrate that taking part in sports has been consolidated as a life style in our society and that it is a favourite occupation for Majorcan pre-adolescents during free time. It is also significant to emphasize the obvious differences between males and females in the age groups studied in connection with taking part in sports outside physical education classes

    Relaciones entre calidad de vida, actividad física, sedentarismo y fitness cardiorrespiratorio en niños

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    The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between some domains of health related quality of life (HRQoL) in children with cardiorespiratory fitness, physical activity level, sedentary lifestyle (screen time) and the body mass index of a population of 302 children eleven and twelve years of age to determine whether physical fitness (cardiorespiratory fitness) is a key factor, to ensure the future quality of life of children. Children's health and Illness profile - Child edition - Parent Report Form - Spanish Edition - (CHIP-CE / PRF-Spanish edition) was used to measure HRQoL, the 20m run test for cardiorespiratory fitness, and the School Health Action, Planning and Evaluation (SHAPES) physical activity module was used to measure weekly physical activity and screen time. Parents reported height and weight. The results show a strong correlation between cardiorespiratory fitness and HRQoL, and screen time with HRQoL, but no correlation between HRQoL and physical activity

    Intervención para la promoción de actitudes de fairplay en futbolistas cadetes

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    En este artículo se describen los procesos de diseño y elaboración de una intervención para la promoción del fairplay y la deportividad, así como el estudio realizado de cara a la comprobación del efecto de la mencionada intervención. En líneas generales podemos observar que las actitudes de los jóvenes deportistas durante la práctica deportiva tienen tendencia a mostrar actitudes de acuerdo frente a la victoria, a la diversión y el espíritu de juego, y una actitud de indiferencia ante el juego duro. Una vez realizada la intervención no se consigue cambiar las actitudes, aunque se logra racionalizar la medida de las actitudes con una tendencia a sobrevalorar sus actuaciones positivas y a ocultar las socialmente negativas

    Phase IV open-label study of the efficacy and safety of deferasirox after allogeneic stem cell transplantation

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    This is the first prospective study of deferasirox in adult allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients with transfusional iron overload in hematologic malignancies. Patients at least six months post transplant were treated with deferasirox at a starting dose of 10 mg/kg/day for 52 weeks or until serum ferritin was less than 400 ng/mL on two consecutive occasions. Thirty patients were enrolled and 22 completed the study. A significant reduction from baseline in median serum ferritin and in liver iron concentration at 52 weeks was observed in the overall population: from 1440 to 755.5 ng/mL (P=0.002) and from 14.5 to 4.6 mg Fe/g dw (P=0.0007), respectively. Reduction in serum ferritin in patients who did not discontinue deferasirox therapy was significantly greater than that found in those who prematurely discontinued the treatment (from 1541 to 581 ng/mL vs. from 1416 to 1486 ng/mL; P=0.008). Drug-related adverse events, reported in 17 patients (56.7%), were mostly mild to moderate in severity. There were no drug-related serious adverse events. Twelve patients (40.0%) showed an increase of over 33% in serum creatinine compared to baseline and greater than the upper limit of normal on two consecutive visits. Two patients (6.7%) with active graft-versus-host disease showed an increase in alanine aminotransferase exceeding 10 times upper limit of normal; both resolved. In this prospective study, deferasirox provided a significant reduction in serum ferritin and liver iron concentration over one year of treatment in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients with iron overload. In addition, the majority of adverse events related to deferasirox were mild or moderate in severity. (clinicaltrials.gov identifier:01335035)

    Intervenció per a la promoció d'actituds de fair play en futbolistes cadets

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    En aquest article es descriuen els processos de disseny i elaboració d'una intervenció per a la promoció del fair play i l'esportivitat i també l'estudi realitzat per tal de comprovar-ne l'efecte. En línies generals, podem observar que les actituds dels joves esportistes durant la pràctica esportiva tenen tendència a mostrar una actitud d'acord davant de la victòria, una actitud d'acord davant de la diversió i l'esperit de joc i una actitud d'indiferència davant del joc dur. Un cop realitzada la intervenció no s'aconsegueix de canviar les actituds, tot i que s'aconsegueix de racionalitzar la mesura de les actituds amb una tendència a sobrevalorar les seves actuacions positives i a ocultar les socialment negatives.En este artículo se describen los procesos de diseño y elaboración de una intervención para la promoción del fairplay y la deportividad, así como el estudio realizado de cara a la comprobación del efecto de la mencionada intervención. En líneas generales podemos observar que las actitudes de los jóvenes deportistas durante la práctica deportiva tienen tendencia a mostrar actitudes de acuerdo frente a la victoria, a la diversión y el espíritu de juego, y una actitud de indiferencia ante el juego duro. Una vez realizada la intervención no se consigue cambiar las actitudes, aunque se logra racionalizar la medida de las actitudes con una tendencia a sobrevalorar sus actuaciones positivas y a ocultar las socialmente negativas.Process to design and develop a protocol for sportpersonship and fair play promotion intervention is described in this paper, the posterior study to check the influence of the interventión is related too. In a regular basis we can observe that young soccer players are more oriented to attitudes towards victory and enjoyment and they are not oriented to agression. The intervention was not succesfull to change the orientation of the attitudes but was succesfull in to relativize the mesure of the attitudes of young soccer players with a high tendence to describe themselves as very high qualifications in positive social attitudes and to hide negativelly attitudes

    Novel CYP4F22 mutations associated with autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis (ARCI). Study of the CYP4F22 c.1303C>T founder mutation

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    Mutations in CYP4F22 cause autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis (ARCI). However, less than 10% of all ARCI patients carry a mutation in CYP4F22. In order to identify the molecular basis of ARCI among our patients (a cohort of ninety-two Spanish individuals) we performed a mutational analysis using direct Sanger sequencing in combination with a multigene targeted NGS panel. From these, eight ARCI families (three of them with Moroccan origin) were found to carry five different CYP4F22 mutations, of which two were novel. Computational analysis showed that the mutations found were present in highly conserved residues of the protein and may affect its structure and function. Seven of the eight families were carriers of a highly recurrent CYP4F22 variant, c.1303C>T; p.(His435Tyr). A 12Mb haplotype was reconstructed in all c.1303C>T carriers by genotyping ten microsatellite markers flanking the CYP4F22 gene. A prevalent 2.52Mb haplotype was observed among Spanish carrier patients suggesting a recent common ancestor. A smaller core haplotype of 1.2Mb was shared by Spanish and Moroccan families. Different approaches were applied to estimate the time to the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) of carrier patients with Spanish origin. The age of the mutation was calculated by using DMLE and BDMC2. The algorithms estimated that the c.1303C>T variant arose approximately 2925 to 4925 years ago, while Spanish carrier families derived from a common ancestor who lived in the XIII century. The present study reports five CYP4F22 mutations, two of them novel, increasing the number of CYP4F22 mutations currently listed. Additionally, our results suggest that the recurrent c.1303C>T change has a founder effect in Spanish population and c.1303C>T carrier families originated from a single ancestor with probable African ancestry