46 research outputs found

    Self-Presentation Strategies and Tactics in TED-Talks

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    The article tackles the notions of self-presentation strategy and self-presentation tactics as well as offers a detailed account of selfpresentation strategies and tactics employed by TED-Talk speakers. The author provides her own classification of tactics used to implement selfpresentation strategy in the setting where English-language presenters deliver their speeches before the audience, pointing at the most frequent linguistic means associated with these tactics.В статье представлены результаты исследования речевых стратегий и тактик самопрезентации, используемых участниками конференций в формате TED (TED-Talks). В работе описаны и разграничены понятия «стратегия самопрезентации» и «тактика самопрезентации», приведена классификация тактик, используемых для реализации данной стратегии в ситуации непосредственного выступления англоязычных говорящих перед аудиторией конференции, а также отмечены частотные языковые средства их реализации

    The home-built pulse nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer with digital quadrature detection for 3He research at low temperatures

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    The home-built pulse nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer for 3He research is described. The temperature range is 1.5 - 4.2 K, the frequency range is 3 - 20 MHz, the dead time is 10 μs at 10 MHz. The spectrometer software is based on programming language LabVIEW. The advantages of digital technique are described; particularly the implementation of digital quadrature detector. © Kazan Federal University (KFU)

    Size effect in the (PrF3 nanoparticles-3He) system

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    Spin kinetics of adsorbed and liquid 3He in contact with crystalline nanopowders of the Van Vleck paramagnet PrF3 at a temperature of 1.5 K has been studied by nuclear magnetic resonance. The correlation between the parameters of the nuclear magnetic relaxation of 3He and the sizes of the sample particles has been found. A qualitative model of the magnetic relaxation of 3He describing the experimental results has been proposed. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Experimental proof of the existence of water clusters in fullerene-like PrF 3 nanoparticles

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    Synthesized fullerene-like nanoparticles of the Van Vleck paramagnet PrF 3 have been studied by nuclear magnetic resonance cryoporometry. Water clusters have been discovered in the internal cavities of the nanoparticles. The analysis of the experimental data indicates that the cluster radius is 1-2. 3 nm. The obtained data agree well with the high-resolution transmission electron microscopy data. © 2012 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Regulator constants and the parity conjecture

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    The p-parity conjecture for twists of elliptic curves relates multiplicities of Artin representations in p-infinity Selmer groups to root numbers. In this paper we prove this conjecture for a class of such twists. For example, if E/Q is semistable at 2 and 3, K/Q is abelian and K^\infty is its maximal pro-p extension, then the p-parity conjecture holds for twists of E by all orthogonal Artin representations of Gal(K^\infty/Q). We also give analogous results when K/Q is non-abelian, the base field is not Q and E is replaced by an abelian variety. The heart of the paper is a study of relations between permutation representations of finite groups, their "regulator constants", and compatibility between local root numbers and local Tamagawa numbers of abelian varieties in such relations.Comment: 50 pages; minor corrections; final version, to appear in Invent. Mat

    Experimental Setup for Observation the Bose-Einstein Condensation of Magnons in Solid Antiferromagnets CsMnF3 and MnCO3

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    The Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons was observed in 1984 in superfluid 3He-B. The same phenomena should exist in solid magnetic systems. We describe here a partly digital experimental setup for studying solid antiferromagnets CsMnF3 and MnCO3 by pulse and continuous wave nuclear magnetic resonance. With this equipment, the Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons was observed for the first time in these single crystals. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Wien

    Парвовирусная инфекция у детей

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    The article presents current information about the etiology, epidemiology, clinical manifestations of parvovirus infection in children. The problems of the use of laboratory tests, treatment and prevention ofinfection.В обзорной статье представлены современные сведения по этиологии, эпидемиологии, клинических проявлениях парвовирус-ной инфекции у детей. Рассмотрены вопросы использования лабораторных методов исследования, лечения и профилактики инфекции


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    Основні методичні аспекти на занятті з іноземної мови. У статті розглянуто специфіку кожного виду мовленнєвої діяльності та особливості їх реалізації на занятті з іноземної мови; продемонстровано практичні прийоми роботи з кожним окремим аспектом; визначено взаємопозитивний вплив різних видів мовленнєвої діяльності.Основные методические аспекты на занятии иностранного языка. В статье рассмотрена специфика каждого вида речевой деятельности и особенности их реализации на занятиях иностранного языка; продемонстрированы практические приемы работы с каждым отдельным аспектом; определено взаимное позитивное влияние разных видов речевой деятельности.The main methodological aspects due to a foreign language lesson. The issue of foreign language lesson structure always remains relevant requiring constant improvement as successful foreign language communication being a dominate task of a foreign language learning process , depends on the choice of appropriate methods and application of methods and their successful implementation in the course of the lesson