122 research outputs found

    Нестандартна діяльність бібліотек вищих навчальних закладів Польщі

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    Artykuł opisuje rezultaty badania ankietowego wykonanego w celu uzyskania informacji o niestandardowej działalności bibliotek polskich uczelni akademickich. Wyniki pokazują, że prawie wszystkie biblioteki prowadzą różnorodną działalność kulturalną, promocyjną i edukacyjną. Znacznie mniejszy procent angażuje się w nietypową działalność w obszarze tworzenia i utrzymania systemów informacji o nauce czy systemów dydaktycznych.The paper describes the results of a survey conducted in order to obtain information about non-standard activities in libraries of Polish academic institutions. The results show that almost all libraries are involved in diverse cultural, promotional and educational activities. A much smaller percentage engages in non-typical activities in the area of supporting the university in creating and maintaining current research information systems or teaching systems.У статті представлено результати анкетування і проведеного дослідження з метою аналізу інформації про нестандартну діяльність польських бібліотек ВНЗ. Результати показали, що практично усі бібліотеки здійснюють різноманітну культурну, рекламну і освітню діяльність. Значно менша кількість бібліотек займається нетиповою діяльністю у сфері створення і підтримки автоматизованих інформаційних систем у сфері науки або сучасних систем електронного навчання

    Comparative effectiveness of ZUMA-5 (axi-cel) vs SCHOLAR-5 external control in relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma

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    Follicular lymphomaLimfoma fol·licularLinfoma folicularIn the pivotal ZUMA-5 trial, axicabtagene ciloleucel (axi-cel; an autologous anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy) demonstrated high rates of durable response in relapsed/refractory (r/r) follicular lymphoma (FL) patients. Here, outcomes from ZUMA-5 are compared with the international SCHOLAR-5 cohort, which applied key ZUMA-5 trial eligibility criteria simulating randomized controlled trial conditions. SCHOLAR-5 data were extracted from institutions in 5 countries, and from 1 historical clinical trial, for r/r FL patients who initiated a third or higher line of therapy after July 2014. Patient characteristics were balanced through propensity scoring on prespecified prognostic factors using standardized mortality ratio (SMR) weighting. Time-to-event outcomes were evaluated using weighted Kaplan-Meier analysis. Overall response rate (ORR) and complete response (CR) rate were compared using weighted odds ratios. The 143 ScHOLAR-5 patients reduced to an effective sample of 85 patients after SMR weighting vs 86 patients in ZUMA-5. Median follow-up time was 25.4 and 23.3 months for SCHOLAR-5 and ZUMA-5. Median overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) in SCHOLAR-5 were 59.8 months and 12.7 months and not reached in ZUMA-5. Hazard ratios for OS and PFS were 0.42 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.21-0.83) and 0.30 (95% CI, 0.18-0.49). The ORR and CR rate were 49.9% and 29.9% in SCHOLAR-5 and 94.2% and 79.1% in ZUMA-5, for odds ratios of 16.2 (95% CI, 5.6-46.9) and 8.9 (95% CI, 4.3-18.3). Compared with available therapies, axi-cel demonstrated an improvement in meaningful clinical endpoints, suggesting axi-cel addresses an important unmet need for r/r FL patients. This trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as #NCT03105336.Was provided by Kite Pharma, a Gilead company, for this study

    Images from a jointly-arousing collective ritual reveal affective polarization

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    Collective rituals are biologically ancient and culturally pervasive, yet few studies have quantified effects on participants. We assessed two plausible models from qualitative anthropology: ritual empathy predicts affective convergence among all ritual participants irrespective of ritual role; rite-of-passage predicts emotional differences, specifically that ritual initiates will express relatively negatively valence when compared with non-initiates. To evaluate model predictions, images of participants in a Spanish fire-walking ritual were extracted from video data and assessed by nine Spanish raters for arousal and valence. Consistent with rite-of-passage, we found that arousal jointly increased for all participants but that valence differed by ritual role: fire-walkers exhibited increasingly positive arousal and increasingly negative valence when compared with passengers. This result offers the first quantified evidence for rite of passage dynamics within a highly arousing collective ritual. Methodologically, we show that surprisingly simple and non-invasive data structures (rated video images) may be combined with methods from evolutionary ecology (Bayesian Generalized Linear Mixed Effects models) to clarify poorly understood dimensions of the human condition

    Carbonic anhydrase II based biosensing of carbon dioxide at high temperature: an analytical and MD simulation study

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    Concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere has increased significantly due to anthropogenic activities and attributed as a major factor to global warming. Its detection by biosensing methods will provide an alternative for the assessment of CO2 concentration. Biomineralization of CO2 is one of the available methods for the biological conversion of CO2 to carbonate using a highly active enzyme, carbonic anhydrase II (CAII). CAII was used for the carbonation reaction to convert CO2 to CaCO3. The precipitation of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) was promoted in the presence of the CAII at 325 K. CAII showed an enhanced formation of solid CaCO3 through the acceleration of CO2 hydration rate at 325 K. Furthermore, the electrocatalytic properties of glassy carbon electrode enable us to determine the reduction peak potential values of CO2 through cyclic voltammetry at –1.75 and 0.3 V at 325 K. Molecular dynamic (MD) simulations were performed each at 50 ns time scale provided a deeper insight into the molecular basis of the CAII interaction with CO2 at different temperatures, highlighted that the CAII can detect CO2 up to 325 K. We assume that CAII could be an effective and economical biosensor for biomineralization of CO2 at high temperature 325 K

    Late presentation of chronic HBV and HCV patients seeking first time specialist care in Spain: a 2-year registry review

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    Chronic viral hepatitis infection affects an estimated 325 million people globally. People who initiate treatment after significant disease progression face increased risk of severe liver complications and death. Data are scarce on the characteristics and risk factors of people who present late to care in Spain and globally. Data were collected from January 2018 to December 2019 to report late presentation (LP) to specialist care at 11 large university hospitals in Spain to assess related risk factors using a multivariable logistic regression model. 2290 (CHB = 505, CHC = 1785) patients were analysed, with 581 (25.2%) presenting late. Hepatitis C patients more frequently reported LP compared to hepatitis B patients (28.1% vs 15.0%; p < 0.001). Older age (p < 0.001), being male (p < 0.001), being Spanish‑born (p < 0.001), and having an unknown origin of referral (p = 0.08) were associated with a higher likelihood of LP. Advanced liver disease was identified in 533 (23%) patients and late‑stage liver disease in 124 (5.4%). LP, including with irreversible liver damage, to viral hepatitis specialist care is frequent in Spain, despite being a country with unrestricted treatment access. Initiatives to reduce LP should specifically target men, older individuals, foreign‑born populations for CHB, and Spanish nationals for CHC

    In Vitro and In Vivo Biological Activity of Ruthenium 1,10-Phenanthroline-5,6-dione Arene Complexes

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    Funding Information: We are grateful to Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., through MOSTMICRO-ITQB R&D Unit (UIDB/04612/2020, UIDP/04612/2020) and LS4FUTURE Associated Laboratory (LA/P/0087/2020). The NMR spectrometers at CERMAX are integrated in the national NMR Network and partially supported through project 022162. Oscar A. Lenis-Rojas acknowledge national funds through FCT, POPH-Programa Operacional Potencial Humano, and FSE (European Social Fund) for the CEEC 2017 Initiative. Additionally, this work is financed by national funds from FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in the scope of the project UIDP/04378/2020 and UIDB/04378/2020 of the Research Unit on Applied Molecular Biosciences—UCIBIO and the project LA/P/0140/2020 of the Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy—i4HB. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.Ruthenium(II) arene complexes exhibit promising chemotherapeutic properties. In this study, the effect of the counter anion in Ru(II) complexes was evaluated by analyzing the biological effect of two Ru(II) p-cymene derivatives with the 1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione ligand of general-formula [(η6-arene)Ru(L)Cl][X] X = CF3SO3 (JHOR10) and PF6 (JHOR11). The biological activity of JHOR10 and JHOR11 was examined in the ovarian carcinoma cell line A2780, colorectal carcinoma cell line HCT116, doxorubicin-resistant HCT116 (HCT116-Dox) and in normal human dermal fibroblasts. Both complexes JHOR10 and JHOR11 displayed an antiproliferative effect on A2780 and HCT116 cell lines, and low cytotoxicity in fibroblasts. Interestingly, JHOR11 also showed antiproliferative activity in the HCT116-Dox cancer cell line, while JHOR10 was inactive. Studies in A2780 cells showed that JHOR11 induced the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that trigger autophagy and cellular senescence, but no apoptosis induction. Further analysis showed that JHOR11 presented no tumorigenicity, with no effect in the cellular mobility, as evaluated by thye wound scratch assay, and no anti- or pro-angiogenic effect, as evaluated by the ex-ovo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay. Importantly, JHOR11 presented no toxicity in chicken and zebrafish embryos and reduced in vivo the proliferation of HCT116 injected into zebrafish embryos. These results show that these are suitable complexes for clinical applications with improved tumor cell cytotoxicity and low toxicity, and that counter-anion alteration might be a viable clinical strategy for improving chemotherapy outcomes in multidrug-resistant (MDR) tumors.publishersversionpublishe

    Community-based screening enhances hepatitis B virus linkage to care among West African migrants in Spain

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    Hepatitis B virus; Community approach; Screening programsVirus de l'hepatitis B; Abordatge comunitari; Programes de deteccióVirus de la hepatitis B; Abordaje comunitario; Programas de detecciónBackground: Chronic infection with HBV is responsible for >50% of all hepatocellular cancer cases globally and disproportionately affects sub-Saharan African (sSA) countries. Migration from these countries to Europe has increased substantially in recent years, posing unique challenges to health systems. The aim of this study was to carry out a community-based intervention to increase HBV screening, vaccination, and linkage to care among sSA migrants in Catalonia, Spain. Methods:This was a prospective cohort study. Participants ≥18 years were offered community-based HBV screening between 20/11/20 and 21/01/22. Rapid HBV testing and blood sample collection utilizing plasma separation cards were carried out and linkage to care was offered to all participants. HBV vaccination and post-test counseling were performed at a second visit in the community. The main outcome was the odds of those with current HBV infection being successfully linked to hepatology. Rates of completing the care cascade of this model were analyzed. Results: In the present study, 444 people undergo screening, with 50.6% of participants showing evidence of past or current HBV infection, including an HBsAg prevalence of 9.2%. Migrants with current HBV infection exhibit 5.2 times higher odds of successful linkage to care compared to those in need of post-test counseling or vaccination. The study achieves a successful linkage to care rate of 72% for all participants, with specialist appointments arranged within 15.5 days.Conclusions:This community-based HBV screening program provides evidence of a successful model for identifying and providing care, including vaccination, to west African migrants at high risk of HBV infection who may otherwise not engage in care.Antecedents: La infecció crònica pel VHB és responsable del >50% de tots els casos de càncer hepatocel·lular a nivell mundial i afecta desproporcionadament els països de l'Àfrica subsahariana (SAS). La migració d'aquests països a Europa ha augmentat substancialment en els últims anys, plantejant reptes únics per als sistemes de salut. L'objectiu d'aquest estudi va ser dur a terme una intervenció basada en la comunitat per augmentar la detecció del VHB, la vacunació i la vinculació amb l'atenció entre els migrants de SSA a Catalunya, Espanya. Mètodes: Es tractava d'un estudi de cohort prospectiu. Als participants ≥18 anys se'ls va oferir un cribratge comunitari del VHB entre el 20/11/20 i el 21/01/22. Es van dur a terme proves ràpides de VHB i recollida de mostres de sang mitjançant targetes de separació de plasma i es va oferir vinculació a l'atenció a tots els participants. La vacunació contra el VHB i l'assessorament post-test es van realitzar en una segona visita a la comunitat. El resultat principal van ser les probabilitats que les persones amb infecció actual pel VHB estiguin vinculades amb èxit a l'hepatologia. Es van analitzar les taxes de completar la cascada assistencial d'aquest model. Resultats: En el present estudi, 444 persones se sotmeten a cribratge, amb el 50.6% dels participants que mostren evidència d'infecció passada o actual pel VHB, inclosa una prevalença de VHB del 9.2%. Els migrants amb infecció actual pel VHB presenten 5,2 vegades més probabilitats d'èxit en l'atenció en comparació amb aquells que necessiten assessorament o vacunació post-prova. L'estudi aconsegueix una taxa de vinculació reeixida a l'atenció del 72% per a tots els participants, amb cites amb especialistes concertades en un termini de 15,5 dies. Conclusions: Aquest programa de cribratge del VHB basat en la comunitat proporciona proves d'un model reeixit per identificar i proporcionar atenció, inclosa la vacunació, als migrants de l'Àfrica occidental amb alt risc d'infecció pel VHB que d'altra manera podrien no dedicar-se a l'atenció.C.A.P., J.V.L. and Lv.S. acknowledge support to ISGlobal from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the “Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2019-2023” Program (CEX2018-000806-S), and from the Government of Catalonia through the “CERCA Program”. C.A.P. acknowledges support from the Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya and the European Social Fund as an AGAUR-funded PhD fellow. E.M. thanks the CERCA Program/Generalitat de Catalunya for their support to the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP). This study was carried out by ISGlobal with competitive funding through the Gilead Sciences global HBV-CARE program (IN-ES-988–5799)

    Patients' perceptions on shared decision making during prescription of subcutaneous biological drug treatments for inflammatory arthritis: the RHEU-LIFE survey

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    Short report[Abstract] Objectives: The aim of this study was to explore the preferences of patients with rheumatic diseases and their perceived experience regarding participation in shared decision making (SDM) when they were prescribed a subcutaneous (SC) biological drug. Methods: A printed survey was handed to 1,000 patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases treated with SC biological drug. The survey included closed questions about preferences regarding decision making and about patients' experience when they were prescribed an SC biological drug. Descriptive statistics were performed with stratification by patient profiles, using chi-square for comparisons between groups. Results: A total of 592 surveys were received (response rate 59.2%, mean age 51.7 years, 57.6% women). Some 28.2% of patients reported preferring to take part in treatment selection, a percentage that was higher in younger patients, in those with higher academic degree and in those who search information in sources different to that of health care professionals. Over half of patients (56.3%) perceived that the rheumatologist considered their opinion when prescribing an SC biological drug, a percentage higher in younger people. Only in 40.8% of cases did the patients' preference match their perception of their participation in the process. No differences were observed by sex, disease or number of biologics. Conclusions: Patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases want information about their treatments but mostly leave the prescription decision to the rheumatologist. Younger people, or those with higher academic degree, more often want to participate in the SDM. There are discrepancies between patient preferences and perceptions of this process

    Liver-specific insulin receptor isoform A expression enhances hepatic glucose uptake and ameliorates liver steatosis in a mouse model of diet-induced obesity

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    Among the main complications associated with obesity are insulin resistance and altered glucose and lipid metabolism within the liver. It has previously been described that insulin receptor isoform A (IRA) favors glucose uptake and glycogen storage in hepatocytes compared with isoform B (IRB), improving glucose homeostasis in mice lacking liver insulin receptor. Thus, we hypothesized that IRA could also improve glucose and lipid metabolism in a mouse model of high-fatdiet-induced obesity. We addressed the role of insulin receptor isoforms in glucose and lipid metabolism in vivo. We expressed IRA or IRB specifically in the liver by using adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) in a mouse model of diet-induced insulin resistance and obesity. IRA, but not IRB, expression induced increased glucose uptake in the liver and muscle, improving insulin tolerance. Regarding lipid metabolism, we found that AAV-mediated IRA expression also ameliorated hepatic steatosis by decreasing the expression of Fasn, Pgc1a, Acaca and Dgat2 and increasing Scd-1 expression. Taken together, our results further unravel the role of insulin receptor isoforms in hepatic glucose and lipid metabolism in an insulin-resistant scenario. Our data strongly suggest that IRA is more efficient than IRB at favoring hepatic glucose uptake, improving insulin tolerance and ameliorating hepatic steatosis. Therefore, we conclude that a gene therapy approach for hepatic IRA expression could be a safe and promising tool for the regulation of hepatic glucose consumption and lipid metabolism, two key processes in the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease associated with obesity

    The (ir)relevance of the abandoned criterion II for the diagnosis of serrated polyposis syndrome:a retrospective cohort study

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) recently updated the diagnostic criteria for serrated polyposis syndrome (SPS). One of the three previous diagnostic criteria (criterion II 2010) is now abandoned: ≥ 1 serrated polyp (SP) proximal to the sigmoid in a first-degree relative (FDR) of a patient with SPS. Individuals fulfilling this abandoned criterion now receive the same surveillance recommendations as all FDRs of patients with SPS. We aimed to compare the incidence of advanced neoplasia (AN) in FDRs with vs. without fulfillment of the abandoned criterion II 2010. We retrospectively recruited FDRs of patients with SPS who underwent a colonoscopy, and stratified them according to fulfilment of criterion II 2010 at baseline. Our primary and secondary outcomes were AN incidence during surveillance and at baseline, respectively. We included 224 FDRs of patients with SPS, of whom 36 (16%) fulfilled criterion II 2010 at baseline. One hundred and five underwent surveillance after baseline. Criterion II 2010-positive FDRs were at increased risk of AN, both during surveillance (hazard ratio 8.94, 95% CI 2.15–37.1, p =.003) as well as at baseline (adjusted odds-ratio 9.30, 95% CI 3.7–23.3, p <.001). FDRs of patients with SPS that underwent colonoscopy and fulfilled the abandoned criterion II 2010 for SPS diagnosis were at increased risk of AN at baseline and during surveillance in this small, retrospective cohort study. Our results should be interpreted with caution but suggest that adherence to surveillance recommendations for all FDRs of patients with SPS is important, especially for those that would have fulfilled the now abandoned criterion II 2010