341 research outputs found

    Quantum master equation for electron transport through quantum dots and single molecules

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    A quantum master equation (QME) is derived for the many-body density matrix of an open current-carrying system weakly coupled to two metal leads. The dynamics and the steady-state properties of the system for arbitrary bias are studied using projection operator techniques, which keep track of number of electrons in the system. We show that coherences between system states with different number of electrons, n, (Fock space coherences) do not contribute to the transport to second order in system-lead coupling. However, coherences between states with the same n may effect transport properties when the damping rate is of the order or faster then the system Bohr frequencies. For large bias, when all the system many-body states lie between the chemical potentials of the two leads, we recover previous results. In the rotating wave approximation (when the damping is slow compared to the Bohr frequencies of the system), the dynamics of populations and the coherences in the system eigenbasis are decoupled. The QME then reduces to a birth and death master equation for populations.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, paper accepted in Phys. Rev.

    STM Simulation of Molecules on Ultrathin Insulating Overlayers Using Tight-Binding: Au-Pentacene on NaCl bilayer on Cu

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    We present a fast and efficient tight-binding (TB) method for simulating scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) imaging of adsorbate molecules on ultrathin insulating films. Due to the electronic decoupling of the molecule from the metal surface caused by the presence of the insulating overlayer, the STM images of the frontier molecular orbitals can be simulated using a very efficient scheme, which also enables the analysis of phase shifts in the STM current. Au-pentacene complex adsorbed on a NaCl bilayer on Cu substrate provides an intricate model system, which has been previously studied both experimentally and theoretically. Our calculations indicate that the complicated shape of the molecular orbitals may cause multivalued constant current surfaces -- leading to ambiguity of the STM image. The results obtained using the TB method are found to be consistent with both DFT calculations and experimental data.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Reactivity of shape-controlled crystals and metadynamics simulations locate the weak spots of alumina in water

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    International audienceThe kinetic stability of any material in water relies on the presence of surface weak spots responsible for chemical weathering by hydrolysis. Being able to identify the atomistic nature of these sites and the first steps of transformation is therefore critical to master the decomposition processes. This is the challenge that we tackle here: combining experimental and modeling studies we investigate the stability of alumina in water. Exploring the reactivity of shape-controlled crystals, we identify experimentally a specific facet as the location of the weak spots. Using biased ab initio molecular dynamics, we recognize this weak spot as a surface exposed tetra-coordinated Al atom and further provide a detailed mechanism of the first steps of hydrolysis. This understanding is of great importance to heterogeneous catalysis where alumina is a major support. Furthermore, it paves the way to atomistic understanding of interfacial reactions, at the crossroad of a variety of fields of research

    Analytical study of non-linear transport across a semiconductor-metal junction

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    In this paper we study analytically a one-dimensional model for a semiconductor-metal junction. We study the formation of Tamm states and how they evolve when the semi-infinite semiconductor and metal are coupled together. The non-linear current, as a function of the bias voltage, is studied using the non-equilibrium Green's function method and the density matrix of the interface is given. The electronic occupation of the sites defining the interface has strong non-linearities as function of the bias voltage due to strong resonances present in the Green's functions of the junction sites. The surface Green's function is computed analytically by solving a quadratic matrix equation, which does not require adding a small imaginary constant to the energy. The wave function for the surface states is given

    Biology and dynamics of potential malaria vectors in Southern France

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria is a former endemic problem in the Camargue, South East France, an area from where very few recent data concerning Anopheles are available. A study was undertaken in 2005 to establish potential malaria vector biology and dynamics and evaluate the risk of malaria re-emergence. METHODS: Mosquitoes were collected in two study areas, from March to October 2005, one week every two weeks, using light traps+CO(2), horse bait traps, human bait catch, and by collecting females in resting sites. RESULTS: Anopheles hyrcanus was the most abundant Anopheles species. Anopheles melanoon was less abundant, and Anopheles atroparvus and Anopheles algeriensis were rare. Anopheles hyrcanus and An. melanoon were present in summer, whereas An. atroparvus was present in autumn and winter. A large number of An. hyrcanus females was collected on humans, whereas almost exclusively animals attracted An. melanoon. Based on an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, almost 90% of An. melanoon blood meals analysed had been taken on horse or bovine. Anopheles hyrcanus and An. melanoon parity rates showed huge variations according to the date and the trapping method. CONCLUSION: Anopheles hyrcanus seems to be the only Culicidae likely to play a role in malaria transmission in the Camargue, as it is abundant and anthropophilic

    Microscopic origin of the conducting channels in metallic atomic-size contacts

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    We present a theoretical approach which allows to determine the number and orbital character of the conducting channels in metallic atomic contacts. We show how the conducting channels arise from the atomic orbitals having a significant contribution to the bands around the Fermi level. Our theory predicts that the number of conducting channels with non negligible transmission is 3 for Al and 5 for Nb one-atom contacts, in agreement with recent experiments. These results are shown to be robust with respect to disorder. The experimental values of the channels transmissions lie within the calculated distributions.Comment: 11 pages, 4 ps-figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Evidence for Quantum Interference in SAMs of Arylethynylene Thiolates in Tunneling Junctions with Eutectic Ga-In (EGaIn) Top-Contacts

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    This paper compares the current density (J) versus applied bias (V) of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of three different ethynylthiophenol-functionalized anthracene derivatives of approximately the same thickness with linear-conjugation (AC), cross-conjugation (AQ), and broken-conjugation (AH) using liquid eutectic Ga-In (EGaIn) supporting a native skin (~1 nm thick) of Ga2O3 as a nondamaging, conformal top-contact. This skin imparts non-Newtonian rheological properties that distinguish EGaIn from other top-contacts; however, it may also have limited the maximum values of J observed for AC. The measured values of J for AH and AQ are not significantly different (J ≈ 10-1 A/cm2 at V = 0.4 V). For AC, however, J is 1 (using log averages) or 2 (using Gaussian fits) orders of magnitude higher than for AH and AQ. These values are in good qualitative agreement with gDFTB calculations on single AC, AQ, and AH molecules chemisorbed between Au contacts that predict currents, I, that are 2 orders of magnitude higher for AC than for AH at 0 < |V| < 0.4 V. The calculations predict a higher value of I for AQ than for AH; however, the magnitude is highly dependent on the position of the Fermi energy, which cannot be calculated precisely. In this sense, the theoretical predictions and experimental conclusions agree that linearly conjugated AC is significantly more conductive than either cross-conjugated AQ or broken conjugate AH and that AQ and AH cannot necessarily be easily differentiated from each other. These observations are ascribed to quantum interference effects. The agreement between the theoretical predictions on single molecules and the measurements on SAMs suggest that molecule-molecule interactions do not play a significant role in the transport properties of AC, AQ, and AH.

    Coherent electron-phonon coupling and polaron-like transport in molecular wires

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    We present a technique to calculate the transport properties through one-dimensional models of molecular wires. The calculations include inelastic electron scattering due to electron-lattice interaction. The coupling between the electron and the lattice is crucial to determine the transport properties in one-dimensional systems subject to Peierls transition since it drives the transition itself. The electron-phonon coupling is treated as a quantum coherent process, in the sense that no random dephasing due to electron-phonon interactions is introduced in the scattering wave functions. We show that charge carrier injection, even in the tunneling regime, induces lattice distortions localized around the tunneling electron. The transport in the molecular wire is due to polaron-like propagation. We show typical examples of the lattice distortions induced by charge injection into the wire. In the tunneling regime, the electron transmission is strongly enhanced in comparison with the case of elastic scattering through the undistorted molecular wire. We also show that although lattice fluctuations modify the electron transmission through the wire, the modifications are qualitatively different from those obtained by the quantum electron-phonon inelastic scattering technique. Our results should hold in principle for other one-dimensional atomic-scale wires subject to Peierls transitions.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B (to appear march 2001

    Density functional method for nonequilibrium electron transport

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    We describe an ab initio method for calculating the electronic structure, electronic transport, and forces acting on the atoms, for atomic scale systems connected to semi-infinite electrodes and with an applied voltage bias. Our method is based on the density functional theory (DFT) as implemented in the well tested Siesta approach (which uses non-local norm-conserving pseudopotentials to describe the effect of the core electrons, and linear combination of finite-range numerical atomic orbitals to describe the valence states). We fully deal with the atomistic structure of the whole system, treating both the contact and the electrodes on the same footing. The effect of the finite bias (including selfconsistency and the solution of the electrostatic problem) is taken into account using nonequilibrium Green's functions. We relate the nonequilibrium Green's function expressions to the more transparent scheme involving the scattering states. As an illustration, the method is applied to three systems where we are able to compare our results to earlier ab initio DFT calculations or experiments, and we point out differences between this method and existing schemes. The systems considered are: (1) single atom carbon wires connected to aluminum electrodes with extended or finite cross section, (2) single atom gold wires, and finally (3) large carbon nanotube systems with point defects.Comment: 18 pages, 23 figure