1,458 research outputs found

    Influence of various training systems on yield and quality of Muscat Hamburg grapes

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    Effect of different training systems on the performance of Muscat Hamburg was studied as regards yield and quality for six years. Although the space allotted and fertilizer applied per vine were the same, the vines trained on bower system gave yields five times as high (9.0 kg/vine) as those trained on head system (1.8 kg/vine). Unilateral Kniffin, unilateral telephone, bilateral telephone and bilateral Kniffin gave yields of 5.4, 5.6, 5.8 and 6.7 kg/vine, respectively. There was no measurable effect on quality of fruit.Der Einfluß verschiedener Erziehungssysteme auf Ertrag und Qualität der RebsorteMuskat HamburgIn einem sechsjährigen Versuch wurde der Einfluß verschiedener Erziehungssysteme auf die Ertrags- und Qualitätsleistung von Muskat Hamburg verfolgt. Obwohl die Fläche und die Düngergabe je Rebe durchweg gleich waren, erbrachten die Reben bei Pergolaerziehung im Durchschnitt den fünffachen Ertrag wie bei Kopferziehung (9,0 kg/Rebe gegenüber 1,8 kg). Bei einseitiger Kniffin-, einseitiger „Telephon"-, zweiseitiger „Telephon"- bzw. zweiseitiger Kniffin-Erziehung wurden Durchschnittserträge von 5,4, 5,6, 5,8 bzw. 6,7 kg/Rebe erzielt. Ein meßbarer Einfluß der Erziehungsform auf die Beerenqualität lag nicht vor

    Effect of plant density on vine growth, yield, fruit quality and nutrient status in Perlette grapevines

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    Studies on the effect of plant density on vine growth, nutrient status, yield and quality of the grape cv. Perlette were carried out during 1980, 1981 and 1982. Vine growth measured in terms of shoot length, trunk girth and pruning weight as weil as the level of the nutrient elements N, P, K, Fe, Mn, Zn and carbohydrates were highest at the maximum spacing i. e. 3.0 x 3.0 m and decreased with an increase in the plant density. Most of the nutrients were high either in early spring or during the rainy season. The average yields per vine and per ha were highest at 3.0 x 3.0 m and 2.0 x 2.0 m spacing, respectively. No significant differences were observed in the various quality parameters of the fruit under various plant densities. Under the prevailing agro-climatic conditions optimum yield per ha of Perlette grapes trained on head system can be obtained by planting the vines at 2.0 x 2.0 m spacing

    Physicochemical Characteristics of Cobalt Selenides & Their Catalytic Activities

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    Response of different Bt cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) hybrids to canopy modification practices

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    A field investigation was carried out to characterize the growth and development of Bt cotton hybrids by detopping and use of plant growth retardants during the rainy (kharif) season of 2011 and 2012. The experimental site had loamy sand soils with normal in reaction. The experiment (split plot) involved three Bt cotton hybrids (MRC 7017, MRC 7031 and RCH 314) in main plots and growth regulation treatments (Mepiquat chloride (MC) @ 300 ppm, 2, 3, 5-tri iodo benzoic acid (TIBA) @ 100 ppm and Maelic hydrazide (MH) @ 250 ppm) in sub plots with four replications. Hybrid MRC 7017 produced significantly higher (p<0.01) seed cotton yield which was attributed to the maximum number of sympodial branches plant-1, total number of flowers and picked bolls plant-1. Application of MC @ 300 ppm, TIBA @ 100 ppm and MH @ 250 ppm reduced plant height, leaf area index and total dry matter accu-mulation than control. Detopping treatment significantly (p<0.01) reduced plant height than control but attained more plant height than all the PGRs. MC @ 300 ppm, TIBA @ 100 ppm and MH @ 250 ppm at 80 days after sowing had beneficial effect on seed cotton yield. Detopping done at 80 days after sowing failed to influence the seed cotton yield dur-ing both the years. The results revealed that foliar application of MC @ 300 ppm yielded more seed cotton by improv-ing the setting percentage and therefore, increased number of picked (open) bolls plant-1 without exhibiting any ad-verse effect on quality traits

    InAs-AlSb quantum wells in tilted magnetic fields

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    InAs-AlSb quantum wells are investigated by transport experiments in magnetic fields tilted with respect to the sample normal. Using the coincidence method we find for magnetic fields up to 28 T that the spin splitting can be as large as 5 times the Landau splitting. We find a value of the g-factor of about 13. For small even-integer filling factors the corresponding minima in the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations cannot be tuned into maxima for arbitrary tilt angles. This indicates the anti-crossing of neighboring Landau and spin levels. Furthermore we find for particular tilt angles a crossover from even-integer dominated Shubnikov-de Haas minima to odd-integer minima as a function of magnetic field

    Impact of paddy straw mulch on germination and growth of celery (Apium graveolens L.) seedlings and associated weeds in nursery

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    A study was undertaken during three consecutive rabi seasons of 2014–15 to 2016–17 at the Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana (Punjab) to determine the effect of paddy straw mulch load and retention time on the germination and growth of celery and associated weeds. The experiment was conducted in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with nine treatments viz., paddy straw mulch @ 4 and 6 t ha-1 with retention time of 15, 20, 25 days after sowing (DAS), full time retention (60 DAS), and control (without mulch). The results indicated that application of paddy straw mulch @ 4 or 6 t ha-1 significantly improved the germination of celery in nursery as compared to no mulch treatment but retention of paddy straw mulch beyond 20 days after sowing suppressed the celery seedlings adversely resulting in lowering seedling population as well as fresh and dry weight of celery seedlings. Application of paddy straw mulch @ 4 or 6 t ha-1 resulted in significantly lower density and dry weight of weeds as compared to control. Further, each successive increase in retention time of paddy straw mulch from 15 DAS to full time retention (60 DAS) through 20 and 25 DAS significantly reduced the weed population in celery nursery

    lntrogression of Bacterial Leaf Blight Resistance Gene from Oryza Minuta J.B. Presl. Ex C. B. Presl. into New Rice Type (Oryza sativa L.)

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    F1 Hybrids, backcross progenies, advanced introgression lines (2n=24) and monosomic alien addition lines or MAALs (2n=25) were successfully produced following embryo rescue between an elite new plant type (NPT) breeding line of Oryza sativa (2n=24, AA) and a wild species, O. minuta (2n=48, BBCC). F1 hybrids performance were intermediate between the parents. The F1 hybrids had 36 chromosomes indicating having 12 chromosome A from O. sativa and 12 B and 12 C from O. minuta. THE BACK CROSS progenies had different chromosome number indicating abnormal meiosis of the hybrids and back cross progenies. Plant with 2n=24 and 25 chromosomes were obtained in BC4FI. The hybrids and backcross progenies were susceptible to bacterial leaf blight (BB). However, several of the 2n=24 plants derived resistant plant to bacterial leaf blight race 1 of the Philippines races. The gene is different from introgressed gene intio rice from O. longistaminata ( Xa21) and from O. Minuta Acc. 101141   I Key words: Oryza minuta, MAALS, Bacterial leaf bligh

    An Ethanol-Based Proliposome Technology for Enhanced Delivery and Improved Respirability of Antiasthma Aerosols Generated Using a Micropump Vibrating-Mesh Nebulizer

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    Salbutamol sulphate liposomes were generated using ethanolbased proliposomes followed by nebulization using an Aeroneb Pro vibrating-mesh nebulizer. The droplet size, output and fine particle fraction (FPF) of the drug incorporated in liposome formulation were compared to those of a conventional drug solution. Aerosol output was determined gravimetrically and drug output was analyzed by using high performance liquid chromatography. The potential of aerosol deposition in deep lung was evaluated using inertial impaction and laser diffraction. The effect of formulation surface tension on the aerosol performance was studied. Output and FPF were improved using liposomes compared to the conventional solution, for instance, FPF values were 57.85% and 45.81% respectively. The volume median diameter as measured by laser diffraction was respectively 3.44 μm and 3.22 μm; however, the higher FPF of the liposome formulation is justified by the lower polydispersity of its aerosol. The improved aerosol performance using liposomes was attributed to the reduction of surface tension caused by the presence of phospholipid. This is the first study that demons trates the ability of liposomes to improve the nebulized drug output and FPF