1,911 research outputs found

    UWB imaging for breast cancer detection using neural network.

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    This paper presents a simple feed-forward back-propagation Neural Network (NN) model to detect and locate early breast cancer/tumor efficiently through the investigation of Electromagnetic (EM) waves. A spherical tumor of radius 0.25 cm was created and placed at arbitrary locations in a breast model using an EM simulator. Directional antennas were used to transmit and receive Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) signals in 4 to 8 GHz frequency range. Small training and validation sets were constructed to train and test the NN. The received signals were fed into the trained NN model to find the presence and location of tumor. Very optimistic results (about 100% and 94.4% presence and location detection rate of tumor respectively) have been observed for early received signal components with the NN model. Hence, the proposed model is very potential for early tumor detection to save human lives in the future

    Impact of Knowledge and Attitude on Saudis’ Physical Activity Practice and Inactivity Barriers: A Questionnaire-based Study

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    BACKGROUND: Community participation in physical activity is considered a major public health preference of WHO. Saudi Arabia in the last decades faced many tremendous economic changes leading to adoption of western dietary habits associated with sedentary lifestyle. AIM: We aimed to study the relationship between both physical activity knowledge and attitude of community to the practice of individuals. METHODS: We used a questionnaire consists of a mixture of closed-ended questions. Participants were recruited through direct meetings in local markets, schools, and workplaces. Seven hundred and sixty six individuals agreed to participate. RESULTS: Overall correct answers to questions about importance of physical activity were 76.58%. The predominance of participants’ attitude was to establish public places for physical activity in each neighborhood (92.1%). Participants acknowledged that they exercise to improve their health (47.5%). Participants mainly perform light exercises (47.2%) on basis of 1–3 times weekly (48.9%). About 90.8% of participants admitted that they like to increase duration of their physical activity. CONCLUSIONS: Overall physical activity practice of participants’ needs encourage overcoming obstacles that prevent individuals from practicing especially lack of time

    Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer in a Prismatic Modular Reactor under Cosine Heat Flux

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    The current study has investigated natural convection heat during pressurized conduction cooldown (PCC) accident scenario to understand the passive safety features of prismatic modular reactors (PMR) under different intensities of nonuniform center peaking step heat flux distributions (approximating cosine shape) using an advanced fast-response heat transfer technique. A scaled-down PMR module was designed and developed at Missouri S&T by the research team of the Multiphase Reactors Engineering and Applications Laboratory (mReal). The module consists of upper and lower plena connected by heated and cooled channels. Nonuniform heat flux distribution was applied to the heated channel under nonuniform heating center peaking step (approximating cosine shape), simulating nonuniform heat distribution within the core of PMR. Air was used as the coolant to study the effect of nonuniform heating under a range of heat flux intensity (four sets of nonuniform heat flux and one set of uniform heat flux were tested) at 413.7 kPa (60 psi). At an axial position of Z/L = 0.409 along the heated channel, the heat transfer coefficient is increased by 35% for nonunifor libJo2O18*m heat flux distributions of set 1 (0.25*2.579 kW.m-2+0.50*3.152 kW.m-2+0.25*2.579 kW.m-2) and set 2 (0.25*2.292 kW.m-2+0.50*2.865 kW.m-2+0.25*2.292 kW.m-2) with respect to the the uniform heat flux set 5(2.865 kW.m-2), and it is decreased by 56% for nonuniform heat flux distributions of set 3 (0.25*2.006 kW.m-2+0.50*2.579 kW.m-2+0.25*2.006 kW.m-2) and set 4 (0.25*1.719 kW.m-2+0.50*2.292 kW.m-2+0.25*1.719 kW.m-2) with respect to the uniform heat flux set (set 5). There is a significant reorder in the heat transfer coefficients distribution curves in descending order along the heated channel after the inflection point (after Z/L =0.773)

    Disseminated Herpes Simplex Virus-1 in Previously Healthy Child Without Skin Rash: A case report and review

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    Disseminated Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) is a known fatal condition in neonate and immunocompromised patients. However, very few cases have been reported in immunocompetent host. We report a one year old child who was previously healthy, presented with febrile illness associated with decrease conscious level. Child has been found to have marked elevated liver enzymes. Ultimately diagnosed with disseminated. HSV (encephalitis/ hepatitis) based on Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) finding of HSV as well as positive HSV Immunoglobulin M (IgM) serology. She received acyclovir course and follow up for 1 year showed excellent developmental outcome. Keywords: HSV, Encephalitis, Hepatitis

    Active vibration suppression of a nonlinear electromechanical oscillator system with simultaneous resonance

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    In this paper, we explored the nonlinear dynamics behavior and vibration suppression of a nonlinear electromechanical oscillator system under harmonic and parametric excitation. The model comprises of an electrical part coupled to mechanical part and displayed by a coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The analytical up to second order approximate solutions are sought applying the method of multiple scales method. We utilized the time-series and method of averaging to analyze the response and stability of the solutions at the worst resonance cases. We checked the results of perturbation solution through numerical simulations and the effects of different system parameters have been reported. Comparison between analytical and numerical solutions is obtained. Also, the numerical results are obtained using MAPLE and MATLAB algorisms

    Evaluation of The Quality of E-Learning Platforms Used in Educating Kindergarten Children Distantly During the Coronavirus Pandemic

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    During the coronavirus pandemic, and for the first time, ministries of education in many countries have resorted to electronic education platforms for kindergarten children as a safe alternative to face-to-face education. This shift to distance education is still used partly in the education process, even after the end of the pandemic. The current study aimed to consider this unique experience by evaluating the quality of the Rawdaty platform, which is one of the e-learning platforms launched by the Saudi Ministry of Education during the coronavirus pandemic, to ensure the continuation of the educational process in kindergartens. The analytical descriptive approach was used, and a scale derived from the Saudi National E-Learning Center (NELC) standards was designed to achieve the studys objectives. The scale includes four main dimensions: Design, Interaction, Equity and accessibility, Measurement and Evaluation. The research sample consisted of (94) mothers and (67) kindergarten teachers. The results of the study were as follows: The quality standards of the Rawdaty platform were achieved to a high degree from the point of view of mothers, with an arithmetic mean of (55.93) and an average weight of (2.664). It also showed the high-quality standards of the kindergarten platform from the point of view of the teachers, with an arithmetic mean of (58.35) and an average weight of (2.78). The study recommended the possibility of adopting e-learning platforms to teach kindergarten children distantly during exceptional circumstances

    Determination of VCSEL laser structures based InGaAsN / GaAs for fiber optic communication

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    The objective of this work is to study the electronic properties of GaInNAs semiconductor alloy in order to obtain quantum well GaInNAs/GaAs structures emitting at wavelengths around 1.3 μm to 1.55 μm, to use as active layers in laser diodes for fiber-optic communication. The incorporation of nitride in the GaInAs alloy gave very particular and attractive properties, the most important being the reduction of the energy of band gap. The anticrossing band model describes these properties; using this model, we determined the effect of nitrogen on the conduction band and the energy gap. We observed that the incorporation of nitrogen decreases the energy of the band gap and increases the emission wavelength. We found a compromise between the concentrations of In and N in order to determine the optimal structures for use in fiber-optic communication

    Agronomical, physiological and molecular evaluation reveals superior salt-tolerance in bread wheat through salt-induced priming approach

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    Salt stress significantly limit wheat crop productivity worldwide. Exposure to non-lethal levels of salt stress, referred to as "salt-priming", allows plants to persist subsequent lethal conditions; the priming effect continues even after an extended salt stress-free period. This study attempted to evaluate the effectiveness of the salt-induced priming approach to cope with the toxic effects of long-term salinity stress in wheat. After 22 days of gradual salt acclamation to reach 250 mM NaCl, plants were recovered for eight days and finally shocked with 250 mM NaCl (priming+shock) for 7 days. After that, physiological parameters and gene expression of six salt-responsive genes were assessed. Additionally, 120 days after germination (at the end of the season), agronomic traits were recorded. Analysis of the agronomical traits revealed higher productivity in the salt-pretreated group (priming+shock) plants than the non-pretreated (shock only). Consistently, salt-pretreated plants maintained higher photosynthetic pigments level and decreased proline and MDA content than non-pretreated, suggesting enhanced salt tolerance. Moreover, salt-pretreated plants sustained high expressional levels of salt-responsive genes (TaNHX1, TaSOS1, TaSOS4, TaHKT1, TaHKT2, and TaAKT1) comparing with non-pretreated, indicating a vital role in ion homeostasis and conferring salt tolerance. Ultimately, this finding could facilitate novel smart approaches to improve wheat productivity under salt stress

    Sufficiency and Efficiency of Field Training for Radiology Students During Internship Experience in Najran University, Saudi Arabia

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    Purpose: The study was design to evaluate the effectiveness and adequacy of the internship period employing quantitative study descriptive survey approach.   Theoretical framework: Internship is requirement of every student of radiology program of Radiological Sciences patch for the award of bachelor's degree at Najran University, Saudi Arabia. The competency level would demonstrate influence the sufficiency and efficiency of clinical training during internship period which represent six months after completing nine levels of radiology program.   Design\Methodology\Approach: The survey was distributed to the tow levels of the last year of radiological sciences which composed of 81 male and female students which gathered seventy-seven (77) participants. Data collected through a questionnaire and summarized as percentages, frequencies, means and standard deviations using SPSS version 20.0.   Findings: The study revealed un adequacy of the internship period and showed low efficiency due to its short duration.   Research, Practical, Social Implication:The research construct and variables are identified the effectiveness and adequacy of the internship period.this  study will be the modele of internship with a new qualitative change related to a period of time acceptable to students, similar to other universities.   Originality/Value: The originality and value in this study are the framework conceptance and questionnaire that prepared and proved for evaluating the effectiveness and adequacy of the internship period for student of radiology program.   Conclusion: In general internship period must be efficient and adequate to enhance sufficiency and efficiency experience by intern trainees

    Dermatological Lesions of Cholesterol Embolization Syndrome and Kaposi Sarcoma Mimic Primary Systemic Vasculitis: Case Report Study

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    Primary systemic vasculitis can present with a wide spectrum of manifestations ranging from systemic non-specific features such as fever, malaise, arthralgia, and myalgia to specific organ damage. We describe two cases of cholesterol embolization syndrome and Kaposi sarcoma mimicking primary systemic vasculitis, both of which were characterized by features such as livedo reticularis, blue toe syndrome, a brown, purpuric skin rash, and positive p-ANCA associated with Kaposi sarcoma. Establishing the right diagnosis was challenging, and thus we aim in this study to highlight the possible ways to distinguish them from primary systemic vasculitis. Keywords: Dermatological lesions, Cholesterol embolization syndrome, Kaposi sarcoma, vasculitis mimic