740 research outputs found

    Physics Beyond SM at RHIC with Polarized Protons

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    The capabilities of RHIC with polarized protons to test the Lorentz structure of electroweak interactions and also the properties of MSSM Higgs, should it be discovered, are discussed.Comment: Report to the 14th International Symposium on Spin Physics, October 16-21, 2000, RCNP, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan. To be published in the Proceedings, 6 page

    On Critical Relative Distance of DNA Codes for Additive Stem Similarity

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    We consider DNA codes based on the nearest-neighbor (stem) similarity model which adequately reflects the "hybridization potential" of two DNA sequences. Our aim is to present a survey of bounds on the rate of DNA codes with respect to a thermodynamically motivated similarity measure called an additive stem similarity. These results yield a method to analyze and compare known samples of the nearest neighbor "thermodynamic weights" associated to stacked pairs that occurred in DNA secondary structures.Comment: 5 or 6 pages (compiler-dependable), 0 figures, submitted to 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2010), uses IEEEtran.cl

    Electrodynamics of the vortex lattice in untwinned YBaCuO by complex impedance measurements

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    We report complex impedance measurements in an untwinned YBaCuO crystal. Our broad frequency range covers both the quasi static response and the resistive response of the vortex lattice. It allow us to characterize the irreversibility line without the need of any frequency dependent pinning parameters. We confirm the validity of the two modes model of vortex dynamic, and extract both the surface critical current and the flux flow resistivity around the first order transition TmT_{m}. This latter is identified by the abrupt loss of pinning and by an unexpected step of ρff(T)\rho_{ff}(T) at TmT_{m}.Comment: accepted for publication in EPJ

    Persistence of characteristics of an ordered flux line lattice above the second peak in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δBi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+ \delta}

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    We report Small Angle Neutron Scattering measurements of the flux lines lattice (FLL) in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δBi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+ \delta}. As previously reported, the scattered intensity decreases strongly when the magnetic field is increased, but it remains measurable far above the second peak. The direct observation of Bragg peaks proves that the characteristics of a lattice are still present. No structural features related to a symmetry breaking, such as a liquid like or an amorphous state, can be observed. However, the associated scattered intensity is very low and is difficult to explain. We discuss the coexistence between two FLL states as a possible interpretation.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys Rev

    Nuclear forward scattering in particulate matter: dependence of lineshape on particle size distribution

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    In synchrotron Moessbauer spectroscopy, the nuclear exciton polariton manifests itself in the lineshape of the spectra of nuclear forward scattering (NFS) Fourier-transformed from time domain to frequency domain. This lineshape is generally described by the convolution of two intensity factors. One of them is Lorentzian related to free decay. We derived the expressions for the second factor related to Frenkel exciton polariton effects at propagation of synchrotron radiation in Moessbauer media. Parameters of this Frenkelian shape depend on the spatial configuration of Moessbauer media. In a layer of uniform thickness, this factor is found to be a simple hypergeometric function. Next, we consider the particles spread over a 2D surface or diluted in non-Moessbauer media to exclude an overlap of ray shadows by different particles. Deconvolving the purely polaritonic component of linewidths is suggested as a simple procedure sharpening the experimental NFS spectra in frequency domain. The lineshapes in these sharpened spectra are theoretically expressed via the parameters of the particle size distributions (PSD). Then, these parameters are determined through least-squares fitting of the line shapes.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Random Coding Bounds for DNA Codes Based on Fibonacci Ensembles of DNA Sequences

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    We consider DNA codes based on the concept of a weighted 2-stem similarity measure which reflects the ”hybridization potential” of two DNA sequences. A random coding bound on the rate of DNA codes with respect to a thermodynamic motivated similarity measure is proved. Ensembles of DNA strands whose sequence composition is restricted in a manner similar to the restrictions in binary Fibonacci sequences are introduced to obtain the bound