15,220 research outputs found

    The Earth Mantle-Core Effect in Matter-Induced Asymmetries for Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations

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    Earth medium effects in the three-neutrino oscillations of atmospheric neutrinos are observable under appropriate conditions. This paper generalizes the study of the medium effects and the possibility of their observation in the atmospheric neutrino oscillations from the case of neutrinos traversing only the Earth mantle, where the density is essentially constant, to the case of atmospheric neutrinos crossing also the Earth core. In the latter case new resonance-like effects become apparent. We calculate the CPT-odd asymmetry for the survival probability of muon neutrinos and the observable muon-charge asymmetry, taking into account the different atmospheric neutrino fluxes, and show the dependence of these asymmetries on the sign of Δm312\Delta m^{2}_{3 1} and on the magnitude of the mixing angle θ13\theta_{13}. A magnetized detector with a sufficiently good neutrino momentum resolution is required for the observation of the muon-charge asymmetry generated by the Earth mantle-core effect.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    What drives the helpfulness of online reviews? A deep learning study of sentiment analysis, pictorial content and reviewer expertise for mature destinations.

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    User-generated content (UGC) is a growing driver of destination choice. Drawing on dual-process theories on how individuals process information, this study focuses on the role of central and peripheral information processing routes in the formation of consumers’ perceptions of the helpfulness of online reviews. We carried out a two-step process to address the perceived helpfulness of user-generated content, a sentiment analysis using advanced machine-learning techniques (deep learning), and a regression analysis. We used a database of 2,023 comments posted on TripAdvisor about two iconic Venetian cultural attractions, St. Mark’s Square (an open, free attraction) and the Doge’s Palace (a museum which charges an entry fee). Following the application of deep-learning techniques, we first identified which factors influenced whether a review received a “helpful” vote by means of logistic regression. Second, we selected those reviews which received at least one helpful vote to identify, through linear regression, the significant determinants of TripAdvisor users’ voting behaviour. The results showed that reviewer expertise is an influential factor in both free and paid-for attractions, although the impact of central cues (sentiment polarity, subjectivity and pictorial content) is different in both attractions. Our study suggests that managers should look beyond individual ratings and focus on the sentiment analysis of online reviews, which are shown to be based on the nature of the attraction (free vs. paid-for)

    Compressibility and structural stability of ultra-incompressible bimetallic interstitial carbides and nitrides

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    We have investigated by means of high-pressure x-ray diffraction the structural stability of Pd2Mo3N, Ni2Mo3C0.52N0.48, Co3Mo3C0.62N0.38, and Fe3Mo3C. We have found that they remain stable in their ambient-pressure cubic phase at least up to 48 GPa. All of them have a bulk modulus larger than 330 GPa, being the least compressible material Fe3Mo3C, B0 = 374(3) GPa. In addition, apparently a reduction of compressibility is detected as the carbon content increased. The equation of state for each material is determined. A comparison with other refractory materials indicates that interstitial nitrides and carbides behave as ultra-incompressible materials.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    2MASS J154043.42-510135.7: a new addition to the 5 pc population

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    The aim of the project is to find the stars nearest to the Sun and to contribute to the completion of the stellar and substellar census of the solar neighbourhood. We identified a new late-M dwarf within 5 pc, looking for high proper motion sources in the 2MASS-WISE cross-match. We collected astrometric and photometric data available from public large-scale surveys. We complemented this information with low-resolution optical and near-infrared spectroscopy with instrumentation on the ESO NTT to confirm the nature of our candidate. We also present a high-quality medium-resolution VLT/X-shooter spectrum covering the 400 to 2500 nm wavelength range. We classify this new neighbour as an M7.0±\pm0.5 dwarf using spectral templates from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and spectral indices. Lithium absorption at 670.8 nm is not detected in the X-shooter spectrum, indicating that the M7 dwarf is older than 600 Myr and more massive than 0.06 M_{\odot}. We also derive a trigonometric distance of 4.4 pc, in agreement with the spectroscopic distance estimate, making 2MASS\,J154043.42-510135.7 the nearest M7 dwarf to the Sun. This trigonometric distance is somewhat closer than the \sim6 pc distance reported by the ALLWISE team, who independently identified this object recently. This discovery represents an increase of 25\% in the number of M7--M8 dwarfs already known at distances closer than 8\,pc from our Sun. We derive a density of ρ\rho\,=\,1.9±\pm0.9×\times103^{-3}\,pc3^{-3} for M7 dwarfs in the 8 pc volume, a value similar to those quoted in the literature. This new ultracool dwarf is among the 50 nearest systems to the Sun, demonstrating that our current knowledge of the stellar census within the 5 pc sample remains incomplete. 2M1540 represents a unique opportunity to search for extrasolar planets around ultracool dwarfs due to its proximity and brightness.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. Acepted in Astronomy & Astrophysics (15/05/2005

    Binary frequency of planet-host stars at wide separations: A new brown dwarf companion to a planet-host star

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    The aim of the project is to improve our knowledge on the multiplicity of planet-host stars at wide physical separations. We cross-matched approximately 6200 square degree area of the Southern sky imaged by the Visible Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) Hemisphere Survey (VHS) with the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) to look for wide common proper motion companions to known planet-host stars. We complemented our astrometric search with photometric criteria. We confirmed spectroscopically the co-moving nature of seven sources out of 16 companion candidates and discarded eight, while the remaining one stays as a candidate. Among these new wide companions to planet-host stars, we discovered a T4.5 dwarf companion at 6.3 arcmin (~9000 au) from HIP70849, a K7V star which hosts a 9 Jupiter mass planet with an eccentric orbit. We also report two new stellar M dwarf companions to one G and one metal-rich K star. We infer stellar and substellar binary frequencies for our complete sample of 37 targets of 5.4+/-3.8% and 2.7+/-2.7% (1 sigma confidence level), respectively, for projected physical separations larger than ~60-160 au assuming the range of distances of planet-host stars (24-75 pc). These values are comparable to the frequencies of non planet-host stars. We find that the period-eccentricity trend holds with a lack of multiple systems with planets at large eccentricities (e > 0.2) for periods less than 40 days. However, the lack of planets more massive than 2.5 Jupiter masses and short periods (<40 days) orbiting single stars is not so obvious due to recent discoveries by ground-based transit surveys and space missions.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 13 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, optical spectra will be available at CDS Strasbour


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    Los vehiculos conectados y automatizados han sido recientemente concebidos como entes ci- berf sicos, estrechamente relacionados con la red del Internet de las cosas (IoT). Este hecho supone un incremento en la super cie de ataque del veh culo, que junto a la creciente tendencia hacia veh culos automatizados, hacen que estos riesgos de ciberseguridad puedan tener conse- cuencias catastr o cas en seguridad vial. En el presente trabajo se expone un an alisis de riesgos de ciberseguridad en el marco de una arquitectura de veh culos automatizados. Este an alisis previo se realiza en el contexto de dos escenarios de estudio en maniobras cooperativas. Inicialmente se presenta un estado del arte de la ciberseguridad en automoci on, as como tambi en su repercusi on en entornos automatizados, haciendo especialenfasis en las comunicaciones entre veh culos y con infraestructura. Adem as, se analizan dos maniobras cooperativas, y se ilustran una serie de posibles ataques en la plataforma.H2020 SerIoT (780139

    Assessing and mapping cultural ecosystem services at community level in the Colombian Amazon

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    Understanding the significance that cultural ecosystem services (CES) have for traditional communities will provide useful input to the design of more appropriate regional or territorial plans for the area in which they are located. We conducted semi-structured surveys in 11 indigenous communities within the corregimiento La Pedrera, of the Colombian Amazon. We analysed the CES established in the region through a study of their preferences in relation to the service providing units (SPUs) identified, using the Shannon diversity index method as an indicator of ‘diversity of use’. More CES were identified in communities with a larger population; education and recreation were the two most prevalent CES categories in the study area. Our findings also highlight the cultural importance of bodies of water, which were strongly linked with Spiritual and Sense of Place CES. Furthermore, the integration of qualitative and quantitative assessments enables a better understanding of the importance CES which have for the local communities involved in the study and may assist in the management of the indigenous territory.EDITED BY Matthias Schröte