1,437 research outputs found

    Photoemission spectra of massless Dirac fermions on the verge of exciton condensation

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    Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is a powerful probe of electron correlations in two-dimensional layered materials. In this Letter we demonstrate that ARPES can be used to probe the onset of exciton condensation in spatially-separated systems of electrons and holes created by gating techniques in either double-layer graphene or topological-insulator thin films.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Construction of improved plasmid vectors for promoter characterization in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other Gram-negative bacteria

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    We report the construction of two broad host range promoter-probe plasmid vectors for rapid analysis of promoters in Gram-negative bacteria. The new vectors, pME4507 and pME4510, carry carbenicillin and gentamycin resistance genes, respectively, and are small sized (4 kb) with a flexible multiple cloning site to facilitate directional cloning of putative promoter elements. The vectors allow rapid plate-based screening for promoter activities, using β-galactosidase as the reporter enzyme. In the absence of an inserted promoter fragment, they display very low background activity, making them a useful tool for analysis of low expression level promoter

    Attitudes Towards Sports Concussion in Australian Exercise Science Students. Does the Type and Level of Participation in Sport Matter?

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 11(5): 739-753, 2018. Concussion in sport is a growing public health issue. However, research suggests that under-reporting of concussion by student-athlete cohorts reflects conflicting attitudes compared to the wider community. Interestingly, previous studies have focused on the attitudes and beliefs irrespective of the type or level of sport played at. This study explored concussion beliefs and attitudes in a cohort of Australian exercise science students, analyzing responses based upon the type and the level of sport participated. Two-hundred and ninety-four students (m = 208; f = 86; age 22 ± 5.2 years) responded to a series of statements regarding their personal attitudes and beliefs towards concussion, risk playing with a concussion, and their views on elite/professional athletes who continue to play after a concussion. Data was compared between the type of sport played (team and individual, contact and non-contact) and the level of sport played at (elite, regional and recreational). Significant differences were reported in those experiencing a concussion, and the number of concussions sustained between different types of sports. Specifically, significant differences in attitudes between team-contact versus individual non-contact sports were found. Similarly, significant differences in attitudes were observed between team contact and individual non-contact sports. Conversely, similar attitudes were found between team contact, team non-contact and individual contact. Irrespective of the level of competition, no differences were found in previous concussion history and the number of concussions, reflecting similar attitudes. The data from this study suggests that concussion awareness programs should be delivered across all sports and to all levels

    Collisional excitation of doubly and triply deuterated ammonia ND2_2H and ND3_3 by H2_2

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    The availability of collisional rate coefficients is a prerequisite for an accurate interpretation of astrophysical observations, since the observed media often harbour densities where molecules are populated under non--LTE conditions. In the current study, we present calculations of rate coefficients suitable to describe the various spin isomers of multiply deuterated ammonia, namely the ND2_2H and ND3_3 isotopologues. These calculations are based on the most accurate NH3_3--H2_2 potential energy surface available, which has been modified to describe the geometrical changes induced by the nuclear substitutions. The dynamical calculations are performed within the close--coupling formalism and are carried out in order to provide rate coefficients up to a temperature of TT = 50K. For the various isotopologues/symmetries, we provide rate coefficients for the energy levels below \sim 100 cm1^{-1}. Subsequently, these new rate coefficients are used in astrophysical models aimed at reproducing the NH2_2D, ND2_2H and ND3_3 observations previously reported towards the prestellar cores B1b and 16293E. We thus update the estimates of the corresponding column densities and find a reasonable agreement with the previous models. In particular, the ortho--to--para ratios of NH2_2D and NHD2_2 are found to be consistent with the statistical ratios

    Impaired CD8+ T-Cell Reactivity against Viral Antigens in Cancer Patients with Solid Tumors

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    Abstract. : Background: : Patients with hematological malignancies are at increased risk for various infections. In patients with solid cancer, a variety of immunosuppressive mechanisms affecting T-cell response are described. We hypothesized that patients with advanced solid tumors may exhibit an impaired recognition of viral antigens. To test this, the capability of CD8+ T cells to recognize recall antigens from influenza and vaccinia virus was compared in patients and healthy individuals. Since all patients and most of the healthy individuals had been vaccinated against vaccinia years ago, comparison of the two groups was expected to be especially informative with respect to distinct effector T-cell reactivity. Materials and Methods: : Our test population included 16 healthy individuals and 12 patients with advanced solid cancers who were currently not receiving chemotherapy. We stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) ex vivo with the well-characterized influenza A matrix 58-66 peptide and the immunogenic and HLA-A*0201 restricted peptide epitope SLSAYIIRV derived from the modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA). A specific CD8+ T-cell reactivity was determined by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) measuring changes in interferon gamma (IFN-γ) mRNA expression levels. Results: : We found that significantly fewer cancer patients than healthy individuals exhibited specific T-cell recognition of the vaccinia epitope (25% and 69%, respectively). In addition, strength of the T-cell responses against both viral peptides was significantly reduced in cancer patients. Conclusion: : Patients with advanced tumors are less likely to mount a T-cell response against viral epitopes. These findings may have implications for the design of immunotherapeutic interventions against virus-induced diseases, including tumor

    Satellite geological and geophysical remote sensing of Iceland: Preliminary results from analysis of MSS imagery

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    A binational, multidisciplinary research effort in Iceland is directed at an analysis of MSS imagery from ERTS-1 to study a variety of geologic, hydrologic, oceanographic, and agricultural phenomena. A preliminary evaluation of available MSS imagery of Iceland has yielded several significant results - some of which may have direct importance to the Icelandic economy. Initial findings can be summarized as follows: (1) recent lava flows can be delineated from older flows at Askja and Hekla; (2) MSS imagery from ERTS-1 and VHRR visible and infrared imagery from NOAA-2 recorded the vocanic eruption on Heimaey, Vestmann Islands; (3) coastline changes, particularly changes in the position of bars and beaches along the south coast are mappable; and (4) areas covered with new and residual snow can be mapped, and the appearance of newly fallen snow on ERTS-1, MSS band 7 appears dark where it is melting. ERTS-1 imagery provides a means of updating various types of maps of Iceland and will permit the compilation of special maps specifically aimed at those dynamic environmental phenomena which impact on the Icelandic economy

    Green urine from propofol

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    "A 65-year-old female, with past medical history of hypertension and chronic hypoxemic respiratory failure due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), was admitted after endoscopic resection of colonic polyps and a large rectal mass. For this procedure, general anesthesia with intravenous Propofol was utilized. Due to technical difficulty of the procedure, the total anesthesia time was 7 hours and 48 minutes with a total use of 2,951.06 mg of Propofol. On post-procedure day #1, the patient's urine was noted to be green (Figure 1). The patient denied dysuria, frequency, urgency, and foul smell. Additionally, liver function tests, renal function tests, complete blood count, and urinalysis were all within normal limits."Cole T. Bredehoeft (1), Rebecca T. Rist (2), Christian A. Rojas-Moreno (2,3); 1. School of Medicine, University of Missouri. 2. Department of Medicine, University of Missouri. 3. Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, University of Missouri.Includes bibliographical reference

    Satellite geological and geophysical remote sensing of Iceland: Preliminary results of geologic, hydrologic, oceanographic, and agricultural studies with ERTS-1 imagery

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The wide variety of geological and geophysical phenomena which can be observed in Iceland, and particularly their very direct relation to the management of the country's natural resources, has provided great impetus to the use of ERTS-1 imagery to measure and map the dynamic natural phenomena in Iceland. MSS imagery is being used to study a large variety of geological and geophysical eruptive products, geologic structure, volcanic geomorphology, hydrologic, oceanographic, and agricultural phenomena of Iceland. Some of the preliminary results from this research projects are: (1) a large number of geological and volcanic features can be studied from ERTS-1 imagery, particularly imagery acquired at low sun angle, which had not previously been recognized; (2) under optimum conditions the ERTS-1 satellite can discern geothermal areas by their snow melt pattern or warm spring discharge into frozen lakes; (3) various maps at scales of 1:1 million and 1:500,000 can be updated and made more accurate with ERTS-1 imagery; (4) the correlation of water reserves with snowcover can improve the basis for planning electrical production in the management of water resources; (5) false-color composites (MSS) permitted the mapping of four types of vegetation: forested; grasslands, reclaimed, and cultivated areas, and the seasonal change of the vegetation, all of high value to rangeland management

    T cell epitope clustering in the highly immunogenic BZLF1 antigen of Epstein-Barr virus

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    Polymorphism in the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) loci ensures that the CD8 T cell response to viruses is directed against a diverse range of antigenic epitopes, thereby minimizing the impact of virus escape mutation across the population. The BZLF1 antigen of Epstein-Barr virus is an immunodominant target for CD8 T cells, but the response has been characterized only in the context of a limited number of HLA molecules due to incomplete epitope mapping. We have now greatly expanded the number of defined CD8 T cell epitopes from BZLF1, allowing the response to be evaluated in a much larger proportion of the population. Some regions of the antigen fail to be recognized by CD8 T cells, while others include clusters of overlapping epitopes presented by different HLA molecules. These highly immunogenic regions of BZLF1 include polymorphic sequences, such that up to four overlapping epitopes are impacted by a single amino acid variation common in different regions of the world. This focusing of the immune response to limited regions of the viral protein could be due to sequence similarity to human proteins creating "immune blind spots" through self-tolerance. This study significantly enhances the understanding of the immune response to BZLF1, and the precisely mapped T cell epitopes may be directly exploited in vaccine development and adoptive immunotherapy