191 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini berjudul "Analisis Semiotika Pesan-Pesan Optimisme Dalam Film Sang Pemimpi". Film Sang Pemimpi merupakan adaptasi dari novel karya Andrea Hirata yang menceritakan mimpi tiga orang sahabat Ikal, Arai, dan Jimbron.Mereka memiliki mimpi ingin kuliah keluar negeri di Sorbonne, Paris. Tetapi hanya Ikal dan Arai saja yang akhirnya pergi untuk mewujudkan mimpi mereka, sementara Jimbron lebih memilih tinggal di desa bersama kekasih hatinya. . Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pesan-pesan optimisme yang terdapat dalam film Sang Pemimpi. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori semiotika Charles Sanders Pierce. Prosespemaknaan dalam semiotika Pierce berpusat pada kerja sama tiga subjek, yaitu tanda, objek, dan interpretan. Jenis penelitiannya adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan teknik dokumentasi. Data primer yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini bersumber dari film Sang Pemimpi,. Berdasarkan konsep optimisme Daniel Goleman ditemukan 8 scene optimisme, diantaranya 3 scene memiliki pengharapan yang tinggi, 2 scene tidak mudah putus asa, 1 scene mampu memotivasi diri, 1 scene merasa cukup banyak akal untuk meraih tujuan, dan 1 scene memiliki kepercayaan diri yang tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa aspek tanda, objek dan interpretan yang dominan diperoleh pada film ini adalah tanda tipe legisign yaitu penggunaan dialog dan monolog serta mimik wajah tokoh, objek tipe index berupa sebab akibat dari penggunaan tanda yang mengacu pada pesan optimisme, dan interpretan tipe argument yaitu pemahaman peneliti terhadap tanda dan pesan optimisme para tokoh yang terlibat didasarkan oleh alasan tertentu. Berdasarkan hasil dari kaitan tanda, objek, dan interpretan ketiganya saling bekerja sama dalam merepresentasikan pesan optimisme baik verbal maupun non verbal yang berbentuk simbolis dan memiliki arti sehingga membantu penonton dalam memahami pesan yang terkandung pada film Sang Pemimpi. Kata kunci : Pesan, Optimisme, Semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce, Film Sang Pemimp

    Matrices of inversions for permutations: Recognition and Applications

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    This work provides a criterion for a binary strictly upper triangle matrices to be a matrix of inversions for a permutation. It admits an invariant matrices for permutations to being well recognizable. Then it provides a complete algorithmic classi…cation of elements in the symmetric group Sn. Also it gives an algorithm for generating and writing a permutation in a unique canonical form, as a word of transpositions

    Solving the recognition problem of Lorenz braids via matrices of inversions for permutations

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    In this work, we present some needed results about matrices of inversions for permutations. Then we apply it for solving the recognition problem of Lorenz braids. Each Lorenz braid is uniquely determined by a unique simple binary matrix. Then, we got a quick algorithm for counting the trip number (minimal braid index) hence, crossing number and minimal braid representative of the Lorenz knots

    Recursive Non-Local Means Filter for Video Denoising with Poisson-Gaussian Noise

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    In this paper, we describe a new recursive Non-Local means (RNLM) algorithm for video denoising that has been developed by the current authors. Furthermore, we extend this work by incorporating a Poisson-Gaussian noise model. Our new RNLM method provides a computationally efficient means for video denoising, and yields improved performance compared with the single frame NLM and BM3D benchmarks methods. Non-Local means (NLM) based methods of denoising have been applied successfully in various image and video sequence denoising applications. However, direct extension of this method from 2D to 3D for video processing can be computationally demanding. The RNLM approach takes advantage of recursion for computational savings, and spatio-temporal correlations for improved performance. In our approach, the first frame is processed with single frame NLM. Subsequent frames are estimated using a weighted combination of the current frame NLM, and the previous frame estimate. Block matching registration with the prior estimate is done for each current pixel estimate to maximize the temporal correlation. To address the Poisson-Gaussian noise model, we make use of the Anscombe transformation prior to filtering to stabilize the noise variance. Experimental results are presented that demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. We show that the new method outperforms single frame NLM and BM3D

    Use of Infrared Light to Improve Breast Sonographic images

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    It is well known that sonography is not the first choice in detecting early breast tumors. Improving the resolution of breast sonographic image is the goal of many workers to make sonography a first choice examination as it is safe and easy procedure as well as cost effective. In this study, infrared light exposure of breast prior to ultrasound examination was implemented to see its effect on resolution of sonographic image. Results showed that significant improvement was obtained in 60% of cases

    Recursive Non-Local Means Filter for Video Denoising

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    In this paper, we propose a computationally efficient algorithm for video denoising that exploits temporal and spatial redundancy. The proposed method is based on non-local means (NLM). NLM methods have been applied successfully in various image denoising applications. In the single-frame NLM method, each output pixel is formed as a weighted sum of the center pixels of neighboring patches, within a given search window. The weights are based on the patch intensity vector distances. The process requires computing vector distances for all of the patches in the search window. Direct extension of this method from 2D to 3D, for video processing, can be computationally demanding. Note that the size of a 3D search window is the size of the 2D search window multiplied by the number of frames being used to form the output. Exploiting a large number of frames in this manner can be prohibitive for real-time video processing. Here, we propose a novel recursive NLM (RNLM) algorithm for video processing. Our RNLM method takes advantage of recursion for computational savings, compared with the direct 3D NLM. However, like the 3D NLM, our method is still able to exploit both spatial and temporal redundancy for improved performance, compared with 2D NLM. In our approach, the first frame is processed with single-frame NLM. Subsequent frames are estimated using a weighted sum of pixels from the current frame and a pixel from the previous frame estimate. Only the single best matching patch from the previous estimate is incorporated into the current estimate. Several experimental results are presented here to demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed method in terms of quantitative and subjective image quality

    Media Pembelajar Jaringan Saraf Tiruan Materi Mesin Boltzman Berbasis Multimedia

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    Peningkatan mutu pendidikan merupakan salah satu unsur konkrit yang sangat penting dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia. Sejalan dengan itu, hal yang sangat penting untuk diperhatikan adalah masalah prestasi belajar. Berdasarkan data nilai kuis Jaringan Saraf Tiruan 2011, 49% mahasiswa yang mendapatkan nilai dibawah 60 dan dapat dilihat dari hasil kuisioner tentang materi Mesin Boltzman kepada 21 mahasiswa, bahwa mahasiswa kurang pemahaman materi dan kesulitan dalam langkah-langkah penyelesain Algotirma Mesin Boltzman dengan persentasi 62 %. Berdasarkan permasalahan diatas, maka diperlukannya pembuatan multimedia pembelajaran sebagai alat bantu untuk mempelajari materi Mesin Boltzman bagi mahasiswa diluar jam perkulihan.Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah aplikasi multimedia sebagai media pembelajaran Jaringan Saraf Tiruan untuk materi Mesin Boltzman. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi pustaka, metode wawancara, metode observasi dan metode kuesioner. Aplikasi disusun dengan prosedur yang mencakup mendefinisikan masalah, merancang konsep, merancang isi, merancang naskah, merancang grafis, memproduksi sistem, uji sistem dengan black box dan alpha test.Hasil penelitian ini adalah aplikasi bantu pembelajaran untuk matakuliah Jaringan Saraf Tiruan khusunya untuk materi Mesin Boltzman. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi bantu pembelajaran ini dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu yang dapat menunjang pembelajaran dalam memberikan variasi dan untuk penyampaian informasi dengan cara yang lebih baik

    Applying Quran Security and Hamming CodesFor Preventing of Text Modification

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    The widespread of internet allover the world, in addition to the increasing of the huge number of users that they exchanged important information over it highlights the need for a new methods to protect these important information from intruders' corruption or modification. This paper suggests a new method that ensures that the texts of a given document cannot be modified by the intruders. This method mainly consists of mixture of three steps. The first step which barrows some concepts of "Quran" security system to detect some type of change(s) occur in a given text. Where a key of each paragraph in the text is extracted from a group of letters in that paragraph which occur as multiply of a given prime number. This step cannot detect the changes in the reordering letters or words of the paragraph and text without changing the letters themselves. So, the next step uses one of the error detection methods which is named Hamming Codes to find out the locations of the change in the received text. After that; at the third step, RSA as a primary encryption method has been used to encrypt the keys extracted to the first step and second step in order to prevent the intruders to break down the security of the method

    Evaluasi Jiwa Kepemimpinan Santri Ditinjau dari Kepemimpinan Kenabian

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    This study aimed to describe the evaluation of leadership skills of students in terms of the prophetic leadership. in addition, this study aimed to analyzethe problem in evaluating leadership qualities of students.Subjects in this study were active students at boarding school Raudhatul Muttaqien (PPRM) St. Cangkringan KM 14 Babadan Purwomartani Kalasan, Sleman, Yogyakarta academic year 2014/2015. These students attending Madrasah Tsyanawiah and Madrasah Aliyah Raudhatul Muttaqien, aged 12-18 years and active in the organization. This study uses data collection techniques using interviews and observations.Results ofstudies have provided an understanding that the process of learning the prophetic leadership students do not stop at the time at PPRM course, but the processs will continue until the end of life. In general, it is known that the learning process prophetic leadership has been going well, althoughthere areconstraints thatare found but it is not a significant problem.Keynote: Leadership Skills, Students , Prophetic Leadershi

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      The study was carry out for detection the microbial contamination in waters and sediments of Abu-Zariq Marsh at Al-Nassiriyah city southeren of Iraq. From March 2009 to Auguest 2010 three stations have been were taken bacterial account such as: Total coliform (Tc), Fecal colifirm (Fc), Fecal enterococci (Fe), and their relationship with the presence of pathogenic bacteria (Salmonella). Also in order determe the total organic carbon in sediments (TOC%) and its relationship with microbial indicators. The resultes appeared high of level of contamination in second station during Winter and Autum and lowest level in thired station. Total coliform ranged between 1700 and 5400 cell/100ml, Fecal coliform ranged between 1500 and 4500 cell/100ml , Fecal enterococci ranged between 4000 and 15000cell/100 ml. and Salmonella spp. were isolated from 7 (58.3%) out of 12 water samples and 100% from sediments ,Total organic carbon in sediment was 1.9% in the second station during Spring,whereas the lowest range was 0.72% in the first station during Autum, whith presence of positive correlation with numbers of bacteria.