12 research outputs found

    Using online collaborative learning environment to promote reasoning skills

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    Reasoning well is important to human beings, since it promotes sound beliefs and also improves the development of the reasoner’s mind (Hitchcock, 2012). In learning, reasoning skills are also important to students in helping them to develop what they have been taught. According to Ates and Cataloglu (2007), students’ reasoning skills are positively correlated with course achievement. Students’ reasoning skills are also evident in their problem-solving (Lin et al, 2014). Additionally, reasoning skills help in the development of reasoning critical thinking and higher order thinking while the students are seeking additional knowledge. Thus, it is essential to investigate the reasoning skills students employ in their learning, particularly in the online collaborative learning environment. In this study, we briefly describe what is the importance of reasoning skills in student learning. Next, we will explain the challanges for students in developing reasoning skills. Finally, we will suggest a potential method for promoting reasoning skills in students

    Teachers’ perceptions and readiness toward the implementation of virtual learning environment

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    The current trend of education is towards the implementation of technology in teaching in order to attract the attention of 21st century learners whereby teachers need to adopt technology-enhanced environment such as the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in their teaching. This study aims to investigate the teachers’ perceptions and tendency to use VLE as a tool for teaching. The teachers’ perceptions were investigated based on the main constructs of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The respondents were 178 teachers in southern state of Malaysia. The data were collected using a questionnaire and it is validated through the use of Rasch model. The finding was found that the teachers were moderately ready to use VLE and they moderately accepted the implementation of the VLE (mean=3.67 and 3.65). Besides that, the teachers felt that the VLE was useful (mean=3.58) and was easy to use (mean=3.34). It was also found that 84.2% of the teachers’ acceptance was influenced by the teachers’ readiness, and the teachers’ perceptions of the usefulness and ease of using the VLE in teaching. Therefore, it can be concluded that Malaysian teachers has intention to use VLE in their teaching. The use of VLE can improve the innovative way of teaching that can increase students’ interest in constructing knowledge through their learning process

    Association of interest, attitude and learning habit in mathematics learning towards enhancing students’ achievement

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    Mathematics is fundamentally important for Science and Technology, as well as in engineering. Mathematics is compulsory for students since all engineering subjects were Mathematically oriented. However, the preliminary study found that students’ achievement in Mathematics courses have been associated with three main factors, namely interest, attitude and learning habit, as in the KASH Model (Knowledge, Attitude, Skills and Habits). This Model stipulated that poor performance is not just lacking in knowledge and skills but also including poor attitude and habits. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the students’ level and relationship between interest, attitude and learning habit based on KASH Model. A total of 58 students were selected as a sample of the study, who enrolled in the Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Solid Mechanics subjects. A set of questionnaires with 21 items was used to collect data; a descriptively analysis was used to find the mean and percentage, as well as correlation index using Pearson. The results; high level of factor of interest, attitude and learning habit, and high correlation between interest, attitude and habit. The implication is that teaching and learning process must equally fostering all these variables to achieve a high level of students’ achievement, especially in Mathematics subjects

    Study of the geosynthetic reinforced stone column supported (GRSCS) embankment constructed on UTHM soft soil

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    Critical thinking skills are one of the essential employability skills for graduates when entering the workforce. The lack of critical thinking skills among Malaysian graduates is a concern, as these skills are vital for success in the 21st century. Therefore, this paper aims to study the effects of online reciprocal peer tutoring (RPT) through Facebook discussion on students' critical thinking. In this study, the instructor used the online RPT approach on Facebook to nurture students to think critically. In RPT, the tutor role is switched between participants in each task, giving equal opportunities to all learners to benefit from the tutor and tutee role. This approach was integrated into their learning for four weeks to increase students' critical thinking. They need to be involved in 4 critical thinking tasks based on Bloom's taxonomy during the learning process. Twentynine undergraduate students from the School of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia completed the validated instrument, Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal test (inference, assumption, deduction, interpretation, evaluation arguments) before and after the treatment. The findings show that it is significantly different in making inference (Z=- 3.85, p=.000<*.05) and deduction (Z=-3.627, p=.000<*.05) criterion in post-test. These revealed that students who engaged in the online RPT environment showed positive improvements in those criteria in critical thinking after the treatment. In conclusion, students' critical thinking can be nurtured using Facebook with active learning strategies such as online RPT

    Teachers’ perception towards virtual learning environment

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    Nowadays, teachers are having difficulty in integrating technology into the curriculum and instructions besides needing extra time to integrate it. The introduction of Frog VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) application in schools has raised the necessity to investigate teachers' perception where the implementation of Frog VLE is highly influenced by teachers' tendency of using the tool. Thus, the objectives of this study are to identify the teacher's perceptions to use the application as one of the tools for teaching and learning based on level of readiness, also, based on the main construct of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) which include teachers' acceptance, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. This study also investigates the influence of the application towards teacher's perception. This study applied survey design using a questionnaire. The questionnaire was self-developed and is reliable with the reliability value of 0.98. Samples were selected using purposive sampling where 178 school teachers in Johor state who had used the application participated in this study. Questionnaires were distributed during face-to-face meeting and via online. Data were analysed to obtain mean, frequencies and correlation values using the SPSS software. Multiple regression was conducted to finally investigate the influence of VLE towards the teacher's perception. Teachers level of readiness is at the moderate level (mean = 3.67) and they also moderately accept the implementation of Frog VLE application (mean = 3.65). The teachers' also feel that Frog VLE application is useful (mean = 3.58) and it is quite easy to use (mean = 3.34) for teaching and learning. However, teachers' acceptance is not related to their readiness, their perception to use Frog VLE application based on its usefulness and ease of use at p < 0.05 confidence level. The findings also showed that teacher's years of teaching experience can influence teacher's readiness towards the application (r = 0.148), with teachers' acceptance (r = 0.158) and with teachers' ease of use (r = 0.161). Conclusively, there were teachers' who were ready to use the application but there were also teachers who did not easily accept the used of the application. Teacher's perception towards the application also depends on their years of teaching experience in schools. Nevertheless, implementation of the application should consider teachers' skill of using the application, teachers' time management and workload, ICT infrastructure in schools and usage of the application for teaching and learning

    Enhancing collaborative reasoning skills in online learning

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    Online collaborative learning is frequently discussed and the advantages for students’ learning are often reported. However, discussion on the information content processing on students’ ability for collaborative reasoning is relatively scarce. Collaborative reasoning, which is related to critical thinking and reasoning skills during collaboration, further complicates the learning process. Reasoning skills require students to go beyond the information given and most students are incapable of providing reasons and justification. Studies on collaborative reasoning have developed over the last few years. Early research had focused on the collaborative reasoning in face-to-face learning but the present interest is on online collaboration, which has now become increasingly common for learning. This article suggests possible ways of enhancing online collaborative reasoning skills by using scaffolding strategies. It also addresses the collaborative learning elements based on socio-cultural theory. The implementation and the effects of using scaffolding strategies for online collaborative reasoning are also discussed. The proposed model has the potential to influence pedagogical implementation and studies in computer-supported collaborative learning for both academician and researchers

    Students' perception on 3D anatomical model development approach in non-cadaver learning environment: a proposal

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    The use of preserved human cadaver has been practiced by many medical institutions for teaching. It is one of the most effective ways of learning anatomy due to its three-dimensional view of human body parts. However, the use of human cadaver can be challenging especially in institutions with limited financial capacity and availability issue. Thus, an alternative of teaching anatomy has been introduced such as the use of simulation, imaging, and model. In this paper, a methodology was proposed on the implementation of three-dimensional anatomical model learning using low-cost and recycled materials while assessing students' perception on this alternative learning method. Students' perception was assessed pre and post activity via questionnaires comprising five elements including knowledge, communication skills, creativity, motivation and acceptance. This proposed study is hoped to help in data collection process in the future, hence provide better insights on the need of this alternative learning method

    Hubungan antara personaliti dengan faktor pendorong pemilihan kerjaya dalam kalangan pekerja di sebuah syarikat janakuasa elektrik di Johor

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    Kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara personaliti dengan faktor pendorong pemilihan kerjaya dalam kalangan pekerja di sebuah syarikat janakuasa elektrik di Johor. Kajian ini juga dilakukan untuk mengetahui jenis personaliti yang dimiliki oleh pekerja di janakuasa elektrik tersebut dan faktor yang mendorong pekerja ketika mereka membuat pemilihan kerjaya. Instrumen yang digunakan bagi mengumpul data dalam kajian ini adalah berbentuk soal selidik. Soal selidik pertama Self-Directed Search-Form Easy (SDS-E) yang melibatkan enam jenis personaliti iaitu personaliti realistik, investigatif, artikstik, sosial, enterprising dan kovensional. Soal selidik faktor pemilihan kerjaya melibatkan empat faktor iaitu faktor ganjaran, minat, keluarga dan rakan sebaya juga digunakan dalam kajian ini. Sampel bagi kajian ini adalah seramai 97 pekerja yang telah dipilih menggunakan teknik persampelan rawak daripada sebuah syarikat janakuasa elektrik. Kaedah deskriptif secara peratusan dan min telah digunakan dalam kajian ini dan mendapati bahawa personaliti paling dominan yang dimiliki oleh pekerja janakuasa elektrik adalah personaliti sosial dan faktor pendorong pemilihan kerjaya yang paling tinggi adalah faktor keluarga. Analisis kolerasi pearson telah digunakan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara jenis personaliti dengan faktor pemilihan kerjaya. Dapatan kajian mendapati bahawa terdapat hubungan yang negatif (r= -0.048) antara jenis personaliti dengan faktor pemilihan kerjaya. Kajian ini telah memberi satu sudut pandang baru berkenaan hubungan jenis personaliti dengan faktor pemilihan kerjaya terutama dalam kalangan pekerja di syarikat janakuasa elektrik yang mungkin lebih memerlukan kemahiran berbanding personaliti

    Enhancing chemical engineering students' english communication skills through think-pair-share model

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    The onset of the Fourth Industrial Revolution has emphasized the importance of four 21st century skills: collaboration skills, creativity skills, critical thinking skills and communication skills. From the literature, communication skills are important for Chemical Engineering students. However, a number of studies showed that students faced problem in using English language to communicate effectively with others. Hence, this research aims to implement the Think-Pair-Share strategy in the class to enhance students’ English communication skills in order to prepare them to succeed in university and the workplace. This research has used quantitative research method, in which the questionnaires were distributed to Chemical Engineering students who enrolled in the English Communication Skills class. This research had examined the effects of Think-Pair-Share on Chemical Engineering students’ willingness and confidence to communicate in English class, their academic result in English Communication Skills Class as well as their perceptions on Think-Pair-Share. The findings showed that Think-Pair-Share strategy is effective as perceived by students and they responded that they had moderately high willingness and confidence to communicate in English language in the class. Thus, the use of Think-Pair-Share model would be a great potential for enhancing Chemical Engineering students’ English communication skills

    Employee’s perception towards manager’s big five personality in develop a coaching culture

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    The big five personality traits consist of five personalities which are agreeableness, neuroticism, openness to experience, extraversion and conscientiousness. This Big Five Personality is needed to develop a coaching culture at organisation in order to have a better workplace and to nurture employees’ talent. In this study, the researchers want to measure the significant of having these five personalities for line manager’s in creating the coaching culture. There are three dimensions in the creation of coaching culture which are coaching within the relationship, coaching within team and progress towards a coaching culture. This study will help the managers to know about the Big Five personalities, and also to identify the employee’s perception towards managers’ Big Five Personalities in creating coaching culture. By having a coaching culture, it means that employees can learn about new skills and they will become greater assets to the organisation. In addition, culture in an organisation also emphasises training, regular feedback, and opportunities for growth to create a more engaged and energised workforce. As such, the overall findings of this study show that all of the five personality variables have significant relationship towards the creation of coaching culture. Also, this study reveals that openness to experience is the most significant factor among those five personalities that contribute towards line nurse manager at one of the private healthcare sectors in Malaysia