342 research outputs found

    Covariant quantization of N=1/2 SYM theories and supergauge invariance

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    So far, quantum properties of N=1/2 nonanticommutative (NAC) super Yang--Mills theories have been investigated in the WZ gauge. The gauge independence of the results requires assuming that at the quantum level supergauge invariance is not broken by nonanticommutative geometry. In this paper we use an alternative approach which allows studying these theories in a manifestly gauge independent superspace setup. This is accomplished by generalizing the background field method to the NAC case, by moving to a momentum superspace where star products are treated as exponential factors and by developing momentum supergraph techniques. We compute the one--loop gauge effective action for NAC U(N) gauge theories with matter in the adjoint representation. Despite the appearance of divergent contributions which break (super)gauge invariance, we prove that the effective action at this order is indeed invariant.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, some references adde

    Effect of farming system changes on life cycle assessment indicators for dairy farms in the Italian Alps.

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    In some Alpine areas dairy farming is going through a process of intensification with significant changes in farming systems. The aim of this study was to investigate environmental performance of a sample of 31 dairy farms in an Alpine area of Lombardy with different levels of intensification. A cradle to farm gate life cycle assessment was performed including the following impact categories: land use, non-renewable energy use, climate change, acidification and eutrophication. From a cluster analysis it resulted that the group of farms with lowest environmental impacts were characterized by low stocking density and production intensity; farms that combined good environmental performances with medium gross margins were characterized also by high feed self-sufficiency and lowland availability. Environmental impacts of dairy farms in the mountain areas could be mitigated by the improvement of forage production and quality and by the practice of summer highland grazing, that significantly reduced eutrophication per kg of milk of the less self-sufficient farms

    Exact results in planar N=1 superconformal Yang-Mills theory

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    In the \beta-deformed N=4 supersymmetric SU(N) Yang-Mills theory we study the class of operators O_J = Tr(\Phi_i^J \Phi_k), i\neq k and compute their exact anomalous dimensions for N,J\to\infty. This leads to a prediction for the masses of the corresponding states in the dual string theory sector. We test the exact formula perturbatively up to two loops. The consistency of the perturbative calculation with the exact result indicates that in the planar limit the one--loop condition g^2=h\bar{h} for superconformal invariance is indeed sufficient to insure the {\em exact} superconformal invariance of the theory. We present a direct proof of this point in perturbation theory. The O_J sector of this theory shares many similarities with the BMN sector of the N=4 theory in the large R--charge limit.Comment: LaTex, 14 pages, 3 figures; v2: minor corrections and one reference adde

    Four-point correlators of BPS operators in N=4 SYM at order g^4

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    We study the large N degeneracy in the structure of the four-point amplitudes of 1/2-BPS operators of arbitrary weight k in perturbative N=4 SYM theory. At one loop (order g^2) this degeneracy manifests itself in a smaller number of independent conformal invariant functions describing the amplitude, compared to AdS_5 supergravity results. To study this phenomenon at the two-loop level (order g^4) we consider a particular N=2 hypermultiplet projection of the general N=4 amplitude. Using the formalism of N=2 harmonic superspace we then explicitly compute this four-point correlator at two loops and identify the corresponding conformal invariant functions. In the cases of 1/2-BPS operators of weight k=3 and k=4 the one-loop large N degeneracy is lifted by the two-loop corrections. However, for weight k > 4 the degeneracy is still there at the two-loop level. This behavior suggests that for a given weight k the degeneracy will be removed if perturbative corrections of sufficiently high order are taken into account. These results are in accord with the AdS/CFT duality conjecture.Comment: 45 pages, latex, 14 figure

    Quantum boundary currents for nonsimply-laced Toda theories

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    We study the quantum integrability of nonsimply--laced affine Toda theories defined on the half--plane and explicitly construct the first nontrivial higher--spin charges in specific examples. We find that, in contradistinction to the classical case, addition of total derivative terms to the "bulk" current plays a relevant role for the quantum boundary conservation.Comment: 11 pages, latex, no figure

    Correlation functions of chiral primary operators in perturbative N = 4 SYM

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    We discuss recent results on two-point functions of chiral primary operatorsin {\cal N}=4 SU(N) supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. Our results give furthersupport to the belief that such correlators are not renormalized to all ordersin g and to all orders in N

    Supersymmetric Wilson loops via integral forms

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    We study supersymmetric Wilson loops from a geometrical perspective. To this end, we propose a new formulation of these operators in terms of an integral form associated to the immersion of the loop into a supermanifold. This approach provides a unifying description of Wilson loops preserving different sets of supercharges, and clarifies the flow between them. Moreover, it allows to exploit the powerful techniques of super- differential calculus for investigating their symmetries. As remarkable examples, we discuss supersymmetry and kappa-symmetry invariance

    Correlação do solo e fertilização de pastagens em sistemas intensivos de produção de leite.

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