178 research outputs found

    Mitigation of Terrestrial Radar Interference in L-Band Spaceborne Microwave Radiometers

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    Terrestrial radars operating in the 1215-1400 MHz radio-location and navigation spectrum allocation are important for air traffic safety, homeland security, and national defense. For low-frequency observations of soil moisture and ocean salinity, Earth-observing microwave radiometers are allocated Earth- Exploration Satellite Service (EESS) spectrum for operating at 1400-1427 MHz. The proximity of powerful long-range radars to the passive allocation makes observing a challenge. Three aspects of mitigation to RFI are discussed in this paper: survivability, operability, and excisability (SOE). Modeling and simulations of NASA's Hydros and Aquarius radiometers were performed to examine the impacts of radar interference. The results are applied to the three aspects of mitigation SOE and the affects on the radiometer requirements are discussed

    Industrialização e alimentação: Impactos da Revolução Industrial moderna em produção, distribuição, preparo e consumo de alimentos

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    A proposta desse trabalho é percorrer a trajetória do impacto da Revolução Industrial na cadeia produtiva alimentar, abordando brevemente as novas faces de produção, distribuição, preparo e consumo a partir da Revolução Industrial, que começa no final do século XVIII. Para tanto, contribuem para a reflexão autores que se dedicaram ao estudo da industrialização moderna – como Eric Hobsbawn, Harry Braverman, Karl Marx, Marshall Berman e Richard Sennet – e da alimentação – como Claude Fischler e Frances Short. A Revolução Industrial criou a possibilidade de se comer mais e melhor trazendo novas formas de se produzir, transportar, cozinhar e consumir. Isso muda radicalmente nossa relação com o cozinhar e o comer: além de ver o aumento do consumo de alimentos processados em detrimento dos preparos caseiros, o crescimento da indústria pode até mesmo mudar a concepção do que é cozinhar. Com o tempo, a indústria alimentícia toma para si, ao mesmo tempo em que recebe dos consumidores, a responsabilidade sobre o alimento, do beneficiamento do ingrediente ao prato pronto

    Aquarius L-Band Microwave Radiometer: Three Years of Radiometric Performance and Systematic Effects

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    The Aquarius L-band microwave radiometer is a three-beam pushbroom instrument designed to measure sea surface salinity. Results are analyzed for performance and systematic effects over three years of operation. The thermal control system maintains tight temperature stability promoting good gain stability. The gain spectrum exhibits expected orbital variations with 1f noise appearing at longer time periods. The on-board detection and integration scheme coupled with the calibration algorithm produce antenna temperatures with NEDT 0.16 K for 1.44-s samples. Nonlinearity is characterized before launch and the derived correction is verified with cold-sky calibration data. Finally, long-term drift is discovered in all channels with 1-K amplitude and 100-day time constant. Nonetheless, it is adeptly corrected using an exponential model

    An in-depth analysis and modelling of the Shuttle to MILA S-band telemetry link

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    The S-Band radio frequency (RF) link between the Merritt Island (MILA) Tracking Station and the Space Shuttle launch pads is a critical communication path for prelaunch and launch operations. The proposed siting of the Center for Space Education (CSE) at the Visitor Center required a study to avoid RF line-of-sight blockage and reflection paths. The study revealed the trees near MILA's 9-meter (9-M) antennas are obstructing the optical line-of-sight. The studies found diffraction is the main propagation mechanism. This paper describes a link model based on the Geometric Theory of Diffraction

    A High Power Density Power System Electronics for NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter

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    A high power density, modular and state-of-the-art Power System Electronics (PSE) has been developed for the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) mission. This paper addresses the hardware architecture and performance, the power handling capabilities, and the fabrication technology. The PSE was developed by NASA s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and is the central location for power handling and distribution of the LRO spacecraft. The PSE packaging design manages and distributes 2200W of solar array input power in a volume less than a cubic foot. The PSE architecture incorporates reliable standard internal and external communication buses, solid state circuit breakers and LiIon battery charge management. Although a single string design, the PSE achieves high reliability by elegantly implementing functional redundancy and internal fault detection and correction. The PSE has been environmentally tested and delivered to the LRO spacecraft for the flight Integration and Test. This modular design is scheduled to flight in early 2009 on board the LRO and Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) spacecrafts and is the baseline architecture for future NASA missions such as Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) and Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS)

    Composición multielemental y valor nutricional de "dumosa" (Ilex dumosa), "yerba mate" (I. paraguariensis) y su mezcla comercial en diferentes formas de uso

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    The multielement composition and nutritional value of "dumosa" (Ilex dumosa) (ID), "yerba mate" (I. paraguariensis) (IP) and their commercial 70:30 mixture (ID:IP, w/w) in crude drug, brewed mate and tea-bag-like infusion were studied by ICP-OES. This method allowed the detection of an unprecedented number of elements for these species. The order was K>Ca>Mg>P>Mn>Al>Na>Si>Fe in crude drug. IP showed higher concentration of minerals than ID, but most extractability in the latter largely offset its shortcomings. Brewed mate had higher nutritional value than mate tea because their higher solute/solvent ratio. A portion of brewed mate of both species exceeded the daily recommended intake (DRI) of Mn, and providing Mg, Cu, Fe, Zn and K, too. The portions of mate tea not contribute significantly to the DRI. Some essential trace elements and many ultra-traces ones that exist in crude drug were not detected in aqueous extracts. Most of the heavy metals were not leached into extracts, and in any case never exceeded international safety limits. Therefore, the aqueous extracts of ID and IP and its mixture are interesting from the nutritional point of view in minerales, and safe in terms of health.La composición multielemental y el valor nutricional de "dumosa" (Ilex dumosa) (ID), "yerba mate" (I. paraguariensis) (IP) y su mezcla comercial 70:30 (ID:IP, p/p) fue estudiada por ICP-OES en droga cruda y dos formas de consumo: "cebadura" y "mate cocido". Este método permitió detectar un número sin precedentes de elementos en estas especies. En droga cruda, el orden resultó K>Ca>Mg>P>Mn>Al>Na>Si>Fe. IP mostró mayor concentración de minerales que ID, pero la mayor extractabilidad en esta última compensó en gran medida sus deficiencias. La cebadura mostró mayor valor nutricional que la infusión, a causa de su mayor relación soluto/disolvente. La porción de cebadura de ambas especies superó la ingesta diaria recomendada (IDR) de Mn, aportando también Mg, Cu, Fe, Zn y K. La porción de mate cocido no contribuyó significativamente a la IDR. Algunos elementos traza esenciales y muchos ultra-trazas presentes en droga cruda no fueron detectados en los extractos acuosos. La mayoría de los metales pesados no fueron lixiviados hacia los extractos, y en todo caso nunca excedieron los límites de seguridad internacionales. Por ello, los extractos acuosos de ID e IP y sus mezclas son interesantes desde el punto de vista nutricional y son seguros en cuanto a la salud.Fil: Maiocchi, Marcos G.. Universidad Nacional del NordesteFil: Del Vitto, Luis A.. Universidad Nacional de San LuisFil: Petenatti, Marta E.. Universidad Nacional de San LuisFil: Avanza, María V.. Universidad Nacional del NordesteFil: Pellerano, Roberto G.. Universidad Nacional del NordesteFil: Petenatti, Elisa M.. Universidad Nacional de San LuisFil: Marchevsky, Eduardo J.

    Evaluation of macro and microminerals in crude drugs and infusions of five herbs widely used as sedatives

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    It has been determined the concentration of fourteen micro and macrominerals (Al, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Se, and Zn) in both crude drugs and infusions of Melissa officinalis L., Lamiaceae, Nepeta cataria L., Lamiaceae, Passiflora caerulea L., Passifloraceae, Tilia x moltkei Späth ex C.K. Schneid., Tiliaceae, and Valeriana officinalis L., Caprifoliaceae. These herbs are widely consumed by its sedative properties, either alone or in herb mixtures. All measurements were performed using an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES). The products were obtained from regional markets, mainly in San Luis province (Argentina). The estimated daily intake was compared with current recommendations. All products and its infusions were included within the upper tolerable limits for minerals, in trace elements such as toxic elements present at low levels

    Multielemental composition and nutritional value of "dumosa" (Ilex dumosa), "yerba mate" (I. paraguariensis) and their commercial mixture in different forms of use

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    La composición multielemental y el valor nutricional de "dumosa" (Ilex dumosa) (ID),"yerba mate" (I. paraguariensis) (IP) y su mezcla comercial 70:30 (ID:IP, p/p) fue estudiadapor ICP-OES en droga cruda y dos formas de consumo: "cebadura" y "mate cocido". Estemétodo permitió detectar un número sin precedentes de elementos en estas especies. Endroga cruda, el orden resultó K;Ca;Mg;P;Mn;Al;Na;Si;Fe. IP mostró mayor concentraciónde minerales que ID, pero la mayor extractabilidad en esta última compensóen gran medida sus deficiencias. La cebadura mostró mayor valor nutricional que lainfusión, a causa de su mayor relación soluto/disolvente. La porción de cebadura deambas especies superó la ingesta diaria recomendada (IDR) de Mn, aportando tambiénMg, Cu, Fe, Zn y K. La porción de mate cocido no contribuyó significativamente a la IDR. Algunos elementos traza esenciales y muchos ultra-trazas presentes en droga cruda nofueron detectados en los extractos acuosos. La mayoría de los metales pesados no fueronlixiviados hacia los extractos, y en todo caso nunca excedieron los límites de seguridadinternacionales. Por ello, los extractos acuosos de ID e IP y sus mezclas son interesantesdesde el punto de vista nutricional y son seguros en cuanto a la saludThe multielement composition and nutritional value of "dumosa" (Ilex dumosa) (ID),"yerba mate" (I. paraguariensis) (IP) and their commercial 70:30 mixture (ID:IP, w/w) in crude drug, brewed mate and tea-bag-like infusion were studied by ICP-OES. Thismethod allowed the detection of an unprecedented number of elements for thesespecies. The order was K;Ca;Mg;P;Mn;Al;Na;Si;Fe in crude drug. IP showed higherconcentration of minerals than ID, but most extractability in the latter largely offset itsshortcomings. Brewed mate had higher nutritional value than mate tea because theirhigher solute/solvent ratio. A portion of brewed mate of both species exceeded the dailyrecommended intake (DRI) of Mn, and providing Mg, Cu, Fe, Zn and K, too. The portions ofmate tea not contribute significantly to the DRI. Some essential trace elements and manyultra-traces ones that exist in crude drug were not detected in aqueous extracts. Most ofthe heavy metals were not leached into extracts, and in any case never exceeded internationalsafety limits. Therefore, the aqueous extracts of ID and IP and its mixture areinteresting from the nutritional point of view in minerales, and safe in terms of health

    Estrategias de producción de un pequeño productor del cinturón verde de Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo evaluar económicamente la estrategia de un productor familiar del cinturón verde del área metropolitana del Chaco, Argentina para generar un ingreso continuo a lo largo de un año agrícola. Se empleó la metodología de estudio de caso de un productor ubicado a 15 km de la capital provincial, mayor centro de demanda y consumo. A partir del análisis de los datos relevados, se obtuvo que mediante el escalonamiento de la producción y venta de lechuga (Lactuca sativa cv. Brisa) y zapallo Tetsukabuto (Cucurbita máxima x Cucurbita moschata), logra obtener ingresos durante todos los meses del año, en un ciclo productivo anual que va de marzo a febrero. Las primeras ventas de lechuga se dan en mayo y se extienden hasta fines de diciembre obteniendo US690/mesdemargenbruto(MB).Elzapallotemprano,sembradoamediadosdeseptiembre,secosechaafinalesdelmesdediciembre,seacondicionayestibademaneraquepermitaconservarloencondicionesoˊptimasparavenderloenfraccionesentrelosmesesdeeneroyabril(cuandonotieneingresosporventadelechuga);elzapallotardıˊo,sembradoenfebrero,secosechaenjuniodelciclosiguientecomercializaˊndosedesdejunioaseptiembrejuntoconlalechugaElMBdelzapalloesdeUS 690/mes de margen bruto (MB). El zapallo temprano, sembrado a mediados de septiembre, se cosecha a finales del mes de diciembre, se acondiciona y estiba de manera que permita conservarlo en condiciones óptimas para venderlo en fracciones entre los meses de enero y abril (cuando no tiene ingresos por venta de lechuga); el zapallo tardío, sembrado en febrero, se cosecha en junio del ciclo siguiente comercializándose desde junio a septiembre junto con la lechuga El MB del zapallo es de US240/mes.The objective of this work is to economically evaluate the strategy of a family producer from the green belt of the metropolitan area of Chaco, Argentina to generate a continuous income throughout an agricultural year. The case study methodology used was a producer located 15 km from the provincial capital, the largest center of demand and consumption. From the analysis of the data collected, it was obtained that by staggering the production and sale of lettuce (Lactuca sativa cv. Brisa) and Tetsukabuto squash (Cucurbita maximum x Cucurbita moschata), it manages to obtain income during every month of the year, in an annual productive cycle that runs from March to February. The first lettuce sales occur in May and last until the end of December, obtaining US690/monthofgrossmargin(MB).Earlysquash,sowninmid−September,isharvestedattheendofDecember,itpreparesandstowsitinawaythatallowsittobekeptinoptimalconditionstobesoldinfractionsbetweenthemonthsofJanuaryandApril(whenthereisnoincomefromthesaleoflettuce);thelatesquash,sowninFebruary,isharvestedinJuneofthefollowingcycle,marketedfromJunetoSeptembertogetherwiththelettuce.TheMBofsquashisUS 690/month of gross margin (MB). Early squash, sown in mid-September, is harvested at the end of December, it prepares and stows it in a way that allows it to be kept in optimal conditions to be sold in fractions between the months of January and April (when there is no income from the sale of lettuce); the late squash, sown in February, is harvested in June of the following cycle, marketed from June to September together with the lettuce. The MB of squash is US 240/ month.EEA Colonia BenitezFil: Dellamea, Gustavo A. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Cátedra de Manejo y Conservación de Suelos; ArgentinaFil: Tortarolo, Gabriel Adolfo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Colonia Benítez; ArgentinaFil: Pellerano, Liliana Laura. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Colonia Benítez; ArgentinaFil: Lestani Sablich, Mariano. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Colonia Benítez. Agencia De Extensión Rural Makallé; Argentin

    Nutrición saludable: suplementos dietarios en Argentina

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    Los suplementos dietarios son alimentos destinados a suplementar la incorporación de nutrientes en personas sanas que no se encuentran en estado patológico, siendo la administración de los mismos por vía oral y bajo la supervisión de un profesional de la salud. Este proyecto busca generar la reflexión junto con alumnos del nivel medio, sobre la legislación vigente de dichos productos. Abordando la problemática del consumo indiscriminado y sin supervisión de estos productos, que usados inadecuadamente pueden provocar daños a la salud. Además, se busca difundir los beneficios de una adecuada alimentación, equilibrada y variada acorde a las necesidades de cada persona, para de esa manera evitar la suple- mentación de la dieta mediante el uso estos productos alimenticios
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