6,007 research outputs found

    Synthetic aperture radar images of ocean waves, theories of imaging physics and experimental tests

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    The physical mechanism for the synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging of ocean waves is investigated through the use of analytical models. The models are tested by comparison with data sets from the SEASAT mission and airborne SAR's. Dominant ocean wavelengths from SAR estimates are biased towards longer wavelengths. The quasispecular scattering mechanism agrees with experimental data. The Doppler shift for ship wakes is that of the mean sea surface

    Evolution of central dark matter of early-type galaxies up to z ~ 0.8

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    We investigate the evolution of dark and luminous matter in the central regions of early-type galaxies (ETGs) up to z ~ 0.8. We use a spectroscopically selected sample of 154 cluster and field galaxies from the EDisCS survey, covering a wide range in redshifts (z ~ 0.4-0.8), stellar masses (logM/M\log M_{\star}/ M_{\odot} ~ 10.5-11.5 dex) and velocity dispersions (σ\sigma_{\star} ~ 100-300 \, km/s). We obtain central dark matter (DM) fractions by determining the dynamical masses from Jeans modelling of galaxy aperture velocity dispersions and the MM_{\star} from galaxy colours, and compare the results with local samples. We discuss how the correlations of central DM with galaxy size (i.e. the effective radius, ReR_{\rm e}), MM_{\star} and σ\sigma_{\star} evolve as a function of redshift, finding clear indications that local galaxies are, on average, more DM dominated than their counterparts at larger redshift. This DM fraction evolution with zz can be only partially interpreted as a consequence of the size-redshift evolution. We discuss our results within galaxy formation scenarios, and conclude that the growth in size and DM content which we measure within the last 7 Gyr is incompatible with passive evolution, while it is well reproduced in the multiple minor merger scenario. We also discuss the impact of the IMF on our DM inferences and argue that this can be non-universal with the lookback time. In particular, we find the Salpeter IMF can be better accommodated by low redshift systems, while producing stellar masses at high-zz which are unphysically larger than the estimated dynamical masses (particularly for lower-σ\sigma_{\star} systems).Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, MNRAS in pres

    Shapley Supercluster Survey (ShaSS): Galaxy Evolution from Filaments to Cluster Cores

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    We present an overview of a multi-wavelength survey of the Shapley supercluster (SSC; z~0.05) covering a contiguous area of 260 h^-2_70 Mpc^2 including the supercluster core. The project main aim is to quantify the influence of cluster-scale mass assembly on galaxy evolution in one of the most massive structures in the local Universe. The Shapley supercluster survey (ShaSS) includes nine Abell clusters (A3552, A3554, A3556, A3558, A3559, A3560, A3562, AS0724, AS0726) and two poor clusters (SC1327- 312, SC1329-313) showing evidence of cluster-cluster interactions. Optical (ugri) and near-infrared (K) imaging acquired with VST and VISTA allow us to study the galaxy population down to m*+6 at the supercluster redshift. A dedicated spectroscopic survey with AAOmega on the Anglo-Australian Telescope provides a magnitude-limited sample of supercluster members with 80% completeness at ~m*+3. We derive the galaxy density across the whole area, demonstrating that all structures within this area are embedded in a single network of clusters, groups and filaments. The stellar mass density in the core of the SSC is always higher than 9E09 M_sun Mpc^-3, which is ~40x the cosmic stellar mass density for galaxies in the local Universe. We find a new filamentary structure (~7 Mpc long in projection) connecting the SSC core to the cluster A3559, as well as previously unidentified density peaks. We perform a weak-lensing analysis of the central 1 sqdeg field of the survey obtaining for the central cluster A3558 a mass of M_500=7.63E14 M_sun, in agreement with X-ray based estimates.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication on MNRA

    Shapley Supercluster Survey: Construction of the photometric catalogues and i-band data release

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    The Shapley Supercluster Survey is a multi-wavelength survey covering an area of ∼23 deg² (∼260 Mpc² at z = 0.048) around the supercluster core, including nine Abell and two poor clusters, having redshifts in the range 0.045–0.050. The survey aims to investigate the role of the cluster-scale mass assembly on the evolution of galaxies, mapping the effects of the environment from the cores of the clusters to their outskirts and along the filaments. The optical (ugri) imaging acquired with OmegaCAM on the VLT Survey Telescope is essential to achieve the project goals providing accurate multi-band photometry for the galaxy population down to m∗ + 6. We describe the methodology adopted to construct the optical catalogues and to separate extended and point-like sources. The catalogues reach average 5σ limiting magnitudes within a 3 arcsec diameter aperture of ugri = [24.4,24.6,24.1,23.3] and are 93 per cent complete down to ugri = [23.8,23.8,23.5,22.0] mag, corresponding to ∼m∗ r + 8.5. The data are highly uniform in terms of observing conditions and all acquired with seeing less than 1.1 arcsec full width at half-maximum. The median seeing in r band is 0.6 arcsec, corresponding to 0.56 kpc h⁻¹ 70 at z = 0.048. While the observations in the u, g and r bands are still ongoing, the i-band observations have been completed, and we present the i-band catalogue over the whole survey area. The latter is released and it will be regularly updated, through the use of the Virtual Observatory tools. This includes 734 319 sources down to i = 22.0 mag and it is the first optical homogeneous catalogue at such a depth, covering the central region of the Shapley supercluster

    Using continuous measurement to protect a universal set of quantum gates within a perturbed decoherence-free subspace

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    We consider a universal set of quantum gates encoded within a perturbed decoherence-free subspace of four physical qubits. Using second-order perturbation theory and a measuring device modeled by an infinite set of harmonic oscillators, simply coupled to the system, we show that continuous observation of the coupling agent induces inhibition of the decoherence due to spurious perturbations. We thus advance the idea of protecting or even creating a decoherence-free subspace for processing quantum information.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. To be published in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Genera

    Numerical and Experimental Acoustic Performance Investigations of a High-Speed Train Composite Sandwich Panel

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    Present work focuses on the implementation of numerical and experimental analyses aimed to acoustic performances characterization of a composite sandwich panel used for a high-speed train. Firstly, an experimental and a numerical modal analyses are presented. Starting from both FE simulation and impact testing outcomes, it has been possible to carry out a correlation study through the computation of the Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC). Good agreement between numerical and experimental analyses has been found, therefore the definition of a reliable FE model has been obtained without the necessity of implementing a sensitivity and updating procedure. In this paper, to find a convenient and accurate mean for predicting the panel Transmission Loss parameter, the panel is modeled as a composite sandwich panel, and its TL is predicted with the hybrid FE&SEA (Statistical Energy Analysis) method. The TL result is then compared to the experimental one, carried out through the employment of an intensity sound probe. A very good accordance has been found allowing to use such numerical procedure for further acoustic performances improvements. Hence, future developments could regard the possibility to implement a Reverse Engineering procedure, in order to realize an optimization process by considering different materials and stratifications or different panel thicknesses, to improve the acoustic attenuation properties at those frequencies at which a worse acoustic behavior of the panel, is present

    Recent Advances in Theory and Methods for Nonstationary Signal Analysis

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.All physical processes are nonstationary. When analyzing time series, it should be remembered that nature can be amazingly complex and that many of the theoretical constructs used in stochastic process theory, for example, linearity, ergodicity, normality, and particularly stationarity, are mathematical fairy tales. There are no stationary time series in the strict mathematical sense; at the very least, everything has a beginning and an end. Thus, while it is necessary to know the theory of stationary processes, one should not adhere to it dogmatically when analyzing data from physical sources, particularly when the observations span an extended period. Nonstationary signals are appropriate models for signals arising in several fields of applications including communications, speech and audio, mechanics, geophysics, climatology, solar and space physics, optics, and biomedical engineering. Nonstationary models account for possible time variations of statistical functions and/or spectral characteristics of signals. Thus, they provide analysis tools more general than the classical Fourier transform for finite-energy signals or the power spectrum for finite-power stationary signals. Nonstationarity, being a “nonproperty” has been analyzed from several different points of view. Several approaches that generalize the traditional concepts of Fourier analysis have been considered, including time-frequency, time-scale, and wavelet analysis, and fractional Fourier and linear canonical transforms

    Recent Advances in Theory and Methods for Nonstationary Signal Analysis

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.All physical processes are nonstationary. When analyzing time series, it should be remembered that nature can be amazingly complex and that many of the theoretical constructs used in stochastic process theory, for example, linearity, ergodicity, normality, and particularly stationarity, are mathematical fairy tales. There are no stationary time series in the strict mathematical sense; at the very least, everything has a beginning and an end. Thus, while it is necessary to know the theory of stationary processes, one should not adhere to it dogmatically when analyzing data from physical sources, particularly when the observations span an extended period. Nonstationary signals are appropriate models for signals arising in several fields of applications including communications, speech and audio, mechanics, geophysics, climatology, solar and space physics, optics, and biomedical engineering. Nonstationary models account for possible time variations of statistical functions and/or spectral characteristics of signals. Thus, they provide analysis tools more general than the classical Fourier transform for finite-energy signals or the power spectrum for finite-power stationary signals. Nonstationarity, being a “nonproperty” has been analyzed from several different points of view. Several approaches that generalize the traditional concepts of Fourier analysis have been considered, including time-frequency, time-scale, and wavelet analysis, and fractional Fourier and linear canonical transforms

    Protection of entanglement from sudden death using continuous dynamical decoupling

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    We show that continuous dynamical decoupling can protect a two-qubit entangled state from sudden death at finite temperature due to uncorrelated dephasing, bit flipping, and dissipation. We consider a situation where an entangled state shared between two non-interacting qubits is initially prepared and left evolve under the environmental perturbations and the protection of external fields. To illustrate the protection of the entanglement, we solve numerically a master equation in the Born approximation, considering independent boson fields at the same temperature coupled to the different error agents of each qubit