7,812 research outputs found

    The SDSS-GALEX viewpoint of the truncated red sequence in field environments at z~0

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    We combine GALEX near-UV photometry with a volume-limited sample of local (0.005<z<0.037) SDSS DR4 galaxies to examine the composition and the environmental dependencies of the optical and UV-optical colour-magnitude (C-M) diagrams. We find that ~30% of red sequence galaxies in the optical C-M diagram show signs of ongoing star-formation from their spectra having EW(Halpha)>2A. This contamination is greatest at faint magnitudes (Mr>-19) and in field regions where as many as three-quarters of red sequence galaxies are star-forming, and as such has important consequences for following the build-up of the red sequence. We find that the NUV-r colour instead allows a much more robust separation of passively-evolving and star-forming galaxies, which allows the build-up of the UV-selected red sequence with redshift and environment to be directly interpreted in terms of the assembly of stellar mass in passively-evolving galaxies. We find that in isolated field regions the number density of UV-optical red sequence galaxies declines rapidly at magnitudes fainter than Mr~-19 and appears completely truncated at Mr~-18. This confirms the findings of Haines et al. (2007) that no passively-evolving dwarf galaxies are found more than two virial radii from a massive halo, whether that be a group, cluster or massive galaxy. These results support the downsizing paradigm whereby the red sequence is assembled from the top down, being already largely in place at the bright end by z~1, and the faint end filled in at later epochs in clusters and groups through environment-related processes such as ram-pressure stripping or galaxy harassment.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS submitte

    Case studies of clear air turbulence using the diagnostic Richardson Number Tendency formulation

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    The results of four case studies of clear air turbulence (CAT) using the diagnostic Richardson number tendency (DRT) formulation are highlighted. The performance of this technique in resolving regions of documented CAT encounters is encouraging. Its operational adaptability appears particularly attractive in that input data can be supplied by the currently operational rawinsonde system. Two CAT indices are calculated deterministically, sensing synoptic scale changes in static stability and vertical wind shear conductive for supporting mesoscale CAT layers. These two indices reveal volumes of the troposphere which act as source regions for patches of CAT. The first, the time to reach the critical Richardson number necessary for the initiation of turbulent conditions, was first used by Oard (1974). A second index is devised which is an adaptation of Roach's (1970) work relating synoptic scale and mesoscale energetical coupling and gives more information on the relative intensity of these source regions. The output from the DRT computer module highlights specific regions of the atmosphere which can be interpreted operationally in terms of a CAT encounter probability

    Aerodynamic penalties of heavy rain on a landing aircraft

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    The aerodynamic penalties of very heavy rain on landing aircraft were investigated. Based on severity and frequency of occurrence, the rainfall rates of 100 mm/hr, 500 mm/hr, and 2000 mm/hr were designated, respectively, as heavy, severe, and incredible. The overall and local collection efficiencies of an aircraft encountering these rains were calculated. The analysis was based on raindrop trajectories in potential flow about an aircraft. All raindrops impinging on the aircraft are assumed to take on its speed. The momentum loss from the rain impact was later used in a landing simulation program. The local collection efficiency was used in estimating the aerodynamic roughness of an aircraft in heavy rain. The drag increase from this roughness was calculated. A number of landing simulations under a fixed stick assumption were done. Serious landing shortfalls were found for either momentum or drag penalties and especially large shortfalls for the combination of both. The latter shortfalls are comparable to those found for severe wind shear conditions

    A concept for a fuel efficient flight planning aid for general aviation

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    A core equation for estimation of fuel burn from path profile data was developed. This equation was used as a necessary ingredient in a dynamic program to define a fuel efficient flight path. The resultant algorithm is oriented toward use by general aviation. The pilot provides a description of the desired ground track, standard aircraft parameters, and weather at selected waypoints. The algorithm then derives the fuel efficient altitudes and velocities at the waypoints

    The Different Environmental Dependencies of Star-formation for Giant and Dwarf Galaxies

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    We examine the origins of the bimodality observed in the global properties of galaxies around a stellar mass of 3x10^10 M_sun by comparing the environmental dependencies of star-formation for the giant and dwarf galaxy populations. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR4 spectroscopic dataset is used to produce a sample of galaxies in the vicinity of the supercluster centered on the cluster A2199 at z=0.03 that is ~90% complete to a magnitude limit of M*+3.3. From these we measure global trends with environment for both giant (M_r<-20 mag) and dwarf (-19<M_r<-17.8 mag) subsamples using the luminosity-weighted mean stellar age and H_alpha emission as independent measures of star-formation history. The fraction of giant galaxies classed as old (t>7 Gyr) or passive (EW[H_alpha]<4 A) falls gradually from ~80% in the cluster cores to ~40% in field regions beyond 3-4 R_virial, as found in previous studies. In contrast, we find that the dwarf galaxy population shows a sharp transition at ~1 R_virial, from being predominantly old/passive within the cluster, to outside where virtually all galaxies are forming stars and old/passive galaxies are only found as satellites to more massive galaxies. These results imply fundamental differences in the evolution of giant and dwarf galaxies: whereas the star-formation histories of giant galaxies are determined primarily by their merger history, star-formation in dwarf galaxies is much more resilient to the effects of major mergers. Instead dwarf galaxies become passive only once they become satellites within a more massive halo, by losing their halo gas reservoir to the host halo, or through other environment-related processes such as galaxy harassment and/or ram-pressure stripping.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Shapley Supercluster Survey: Ram-Pressure Stripping vs. Tidal Interactions in the Shapley Supercluster

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    We present two new examples of galaxies undergoing transformation in the Shapley supercluster core. These low-mass (stellar mass from 0.4E10 to 1E10 Msun) galaxies are members of the two clusters SC-1329-313 (z=0.045) and SC-1327-312 (z=0.049). Integral-field spectroscopy complemented by imaging in ugriK bands and in Halpha narrow-band are used to disentangle the effects of tidal interaction (TI) and ram-pressure stripping (RPS). In both galaxies, SOS-61086 and SOS-90630, we observe one-sided extraplanar ionized gas extending respectively 30kpc and 41kpc in projection from their disks. The galaxies' gaseous disks are truncated and the kinematics of the stellar and gas components are decoupled, supporting the RPS scenario. The emission of the ionized gas extends in the direction of a possible companion for both galaxies suggesting a TI. The overall gas velocity field of SOS-61086 is reproduced by ad hoc N-body/hydrodynamical simulations of RPS acting almost face-on and starting about 250Myr ago, consistent with the age of the young stellar populations. A link between the observed gas stripping and the cluster-cluster interaction experienced by SC-1329-313 and A3562 is suggested. Simulations of ram pressure acting almost edge-on are able to fully reproduce the gas velocity field of SOS-90630, but cannot at the same time reproduce the extended tail of outflowing gas. This suggests that an additional disturbance from a TI is required. This study adds a piece of evidence that RPS may take place in different environments with different impacts and witnesses the possible effect of cluster-cluster merger on RPS.Comment: 27 pages, 28 figures, MNRAS accepte

    ACCESS - V. Dissecting ram-pressure stripping through integral-field spectroscopy and multi-band imaging

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    We study the case of a bright (L>L*) barred spiral galaxy from the rich cluster A3558 in the Shapley supercluster core (z=0.05) undergoing ram-pressure stripping. Integral-field spectroscopy, complemented by multi-band imaging, allows us to reveal the impact of ram pressure on the interstellar medium. We study in detail the kinematics and the physical conditions of the ionized gas and the properties of the stellar populations. We observe one-sided extraplanar ionized gas along the full extent of the galaxy disc. Narrow-band Halpha imaging resolves this outflow into a complex of knots and filaments. The gas velocity field is complex with the extraplanar gas showing signature of rotation. In all parts of the galaxy, we find a significant contribution from shock excitation, as well as emission powered by star formation. Shock-ionized gas is associated with the turbulent gas outflow and highly attenuated by dust. All these findings cover the whole phenomenology of early-stage ram-pressure stripping. Intense, highly obscured star formation is taking place in the nucleus, probably related to the bar, and in a region 12 kpc South-West from the centre. In the SW region we identify a starburst characterized by a 5x increase in the star-formation rate over the last ~100 Myr, possibly related to the compression of the interstellar gas by the ram pressure. The scenario suggested by the observations is supported and refined by ad hoc N-body/hydrodynamical simulations which identify a rather narrow temporal range for the onset of ram-pressure stripping around t~60 Myr ago, and an angle between the galaxy rotation axis and the intra-cluster medium wind of ~45 deg. Taking into account that the galaxy is found ~1 Mpc from the cluster centre in a relatively low-density region, this study shows that ram-pressure stripping still acts efficiently on massive galaxies well outside the cluster cores.Comment: 46 pages, 21 figures, accepted for publication; MNRAS 201

    Thermistor spar monitor

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