104 research outputs found

    Ovos de lagarto tegu, Salvator merianae (Duméril e Bilbron, 1839) (Squamata; Teiidae) danificados por infecções fúngicas

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    O teiú (Salvator merianae) é o maior lagarto encontrado no Brasil e possui ampla distribuição, sendo encontrado em vários biomas. A presença de fungos em ovos de répteis ocorre inicialmente em ovos inférteis, o que leva à uma infecção posterior em ovos férteis, gerando danos e morte dos embriões. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de identificar os fungos geradores de lesões em ovos de teiú em cativeiro. Foram coletados suabes na casca de ovos infectados e sadios, além de um embrião que veio a óbito, e do substrato presente na caixa de incubação. As amostras foram submetidas ao cultivo em ágar Saboraund dextrose. Um total de 93,3% de amostras foram positivas para os fungos Fusarium (11/15), Trichoderma (1/15), Penicillium (1/15), Mucor (1/15) e leveduras do gênero Trichosporon (3/15). Logo, Fusarium foi o principal agente causador das lesões e morte de embriões nos ovos do lagarto teiú. Métodos de controle sanitário podem ser adotados para evitar infecção fúngicas nos ovos.The tegu (Salvator merianae) is the largest lizard found in Brazil and has a wide distribution, occurring in several biomes. The presence of fungi on reptilian eggs initially occurs on infertile eggs, which leads to a subsequent infection in fertile eggs, causing damage and death of embryos. The objective of this study was to identify the fungi that caused lesions in the eggs of tegu in captivity. Swabs were collected on infected and healthy eggshells, in an embryo that died and the substrate of the incubation box. Samples were submitted to saboraund dextrose agar. A total of 93.3% of positive samples were obtained for the fungi Fusarium (11/14), Trichoderma (1/15), Penicilium (1/15), Mucor (1/15), and yeasts of the genus Trichosporon. Therefore, Fusarium was the main agent that caused the lesion and death of embryos in the eggs of the tegu lizard. Sanitary control methods may be taken to avoid fungal infections in the eggs

    Biomechanical Morphing for Personalized Fitting of Scoliotic Torso Skeleton Models

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    The use of patient-specific biomechanical models offers many opportunities in the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, such as the design of personalized braces. The first step in the development of these patient-specific models is to fit the geometry of the torso skeleton to the patient’s anatomy. However, existing methods rely on high-quality imaging data. The exposure to radiation of these methods limits their applicability for regular monitoring of patients. We present a method to fit personalized models of the torso skeleton that takes as input biplanar low-dose radiographs. The method morphs a template to fit annotated points on visible portions of the spine, and it relies on a default biomechanical model of the torso for regularization and robust fitting of hardly visible parts of the torso skeleton, such as the rib cage. The proposed method provides an accurate and robust solution to obtain personalized models of the torso skeleton, which can be adopted as part of regular management of scoliosis patients. We have evaluated the method on ten young patients who participated in our study. We have analyzed and compared clinical metrics on the spine and the full torso skeleton, and we have found that the accuracy of the method is at least comparable to other methods that require more demanding imaging methods, while it offers superior robustness to artifacts such as interpenetration of ribs. Normal-dose X-rays were available for one of the patients, and for the other nine we acquired low-dose X-rays, allowing us to validate that the accuracy of the method persisted under less invasive imaging modalities

    Uma análise da volatilidade no mercado lácteo.

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    Índice de Custo de Produção de Leite e a evolução do grupo de insumos Concentrado em Minas Gerais entre Abril de 2006 a agosto de 2011.

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    Avaliação de um protocolo de extração de DNA genômico a partir de sangue total.

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    Relación de predicción entre la integración social y expectativas académicas en estudantes universitarios de primer año

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    Las expectativas académicas, la participación del estudiante en las actividades del campus y la facultad, las relaciones con los docentes, compañeros/as, amigos/as y el apoyo familiar tienen un papel fundamental en el ajuste y adaptación al contexto universitario. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar en qué medida la percepción que tienen los estudiantes universitarios de primer año sobre sus relaciones con los docentes, compañeros/as, amigos/as y apoyo familiar recibido predicen sus expectativas académicas transcurrido el primer semestre lectivo. La muestra estuvo formada por 152 estudiantes (50% mujeres) con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 40 años (Mdn=18.5) matriculados en el primer curso de distintas titulaciones del Campus de Ourense. Para medir las expectativas académicas de los estudiantes se utilizó el Cuestionario de Percepciones Académicas (CPA) y para evaluar su equilibrio emocional, la relación con docentes, compañeros/as, amigos/as y familia se usó la Escala de Integración Social en la Educación Superior (EISES-R). Se realizó un análisis de regresión jerárquico por pasos teniendo en cuenta la variable sexo. Los resultados mostraron modelos de predicción significativos diferentes para hombres y mujeres. De acuerdo a ello, los factores de integración social deben ser considerados como un indicador de acciones de intervención para mejorar el ajuste y adaptación de los estudiantes universitarios de primer año a la Educación Superior, siendo necesarias propuestas diferenciadas en función del sexo. Para hombres el foco de actuación debe situarse en la relación con los amigos y la familia, para las mujeres en la relación con los compañeros/as

    Small Corrections to the Tunneling Phase Time Formulation

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    After reexamining the above barrier diffusion problem where we notice that the wave packet collision implies the existence of {\em multiple} reflected and transmitted wave packets, we analyze the way of obtaining phase times for tunneling/reflecting particles in a particular colliding configuration where the idea of multiple peak decomposition is recovered. To partially overcome the analytical incongruities which frequently rise up when the stationary phase method is adopted for computing the (tunneling) phase time expressions, we present a theoretical exercise involving a symmetrical collision between two identical wave packets and a unidimensional squared potential barrier where the scattered wave packets can be recomposed by summing the amplitudes of simultaneously reflected and transmitted wave components so that the conditions for applying the stationary phase principle are totally recovered. Lessons concerning the use of the stationary phase method are drawn.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Desempenho de bovinos de corte no pasto suplementados com misturas múltiplas contendo uréia e amiréia.

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    O presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o real potencial da amiréia 1 50S comparada com mistura equivalente em uréia, milho moído e flor de enxofre, como ingredientes em misturas múltiplas para bovinos de corte no pasto; Foram utilizados 40 bezerros sem raça definida, com peso médio de 167 Kg, no período das águas, e 40 bezerros sem raça definida, com peso médio de 285 Kg, no período seco; Os tratamentos foram baseados na amiréia 1 50S e mistura equivalente em milho moído, uréia e flor de enxofre com núcleo mineral e sal, sendo esse em dois níveis para regular consumo