132 research outputs found

    Production and Characterization of Pectic Enzymes of Xanthomonas campestris pv. sesami

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    إنتاج ودراسة خصائص الإنزيمات البكتينية للبكتيريا Xanthomonas campestris pv. sesami   ملخص الدراسة            البكتيريا  Xanthomonas campestris pv. sesami ، هي المسبب لمرض تبقع أوراق نبات السمسم. الأنزيمات البكتينية التي تنتج بواسطة العديد من البكتيريا الممــرضة للنبات اتضـح أنها تلعب دوراً هاماً في عمــلية الأمراض. هنالك ثلاث أنواع رئيـسـية من الإنزيمات البكــتينية (بوليجلاكتيورونيز، PG وبوليجلاكتيورونيت ترانس - امنيز، PTE و بكتين ميثايل - اٍستريز، PME). هـدف هذا البحث على دراسة قدرة البكتيريا، X.  campestris pv. sesami  على إنتاج الإنزيمات البكتينية المختلفة. استخدم في هذه الدراسة وسط غذائي من الأملاح مضافاً إليه مواد بكتينية مختلفة كمصدر للكربون. الإنزيمات المنتجة تمت دراسة خصائصها باستخدام اختبارات محددة. أوضحت النتائج أن البكتيريا كانت قادرة إنتاج الإنزيم بوليجلاكتيورونيت ترانس - اٍمنيز ((PTE فقط ولم تنتج الانزيم بكتين ميثايل - اٍستريز، PME)). أشارت النتائج الى أن ملح بولي بكتات الصوديوم وحمض البولي جلاكتيورونيك  هي الأفضل لإنتاج هذا الإنزيم حيث أعطت  9 .26 و 19.8 وحدات لزوجة إنزيمية، على التوالي. . كان أعلى إنتاج للإنزيم في اليوم السادس (9.3 وحدات لزوجة)  ثم انخفض الإنتاج مع زيادة فترة التحضين. اختبار تأثير درجة الأس الهيدروجيني أوضح أن الدرجة المثلى لنشاط  الإنزيم كانت 9.0. أظهرت دراسة اختبار تاثيز ايونات لمعادن مختلفة على نشاط الانزيم أن أيونات الكالسيوم هي التي أعطت اكبر نشاط 12.2  وحدة لزوجة. وعند اختبار تراكيز مختلفة من  ايونات الكالسيوم ووجد ان اعلى نشاط كان على التركيز  50 ملج / مل حيث أعطى 18.0 وحدة لزوجة. توصي الدراسة على اختبار قدرة البكتيريا على انتاج إنزيمات السليولوز وشبه السليولوز والتي لها دور ايضاً في عملية الاٍمراض.       The bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. sesami, is the causal organism of the leaf spot disease (Marad eldum) in sesame plants. Pectic enzymes which were reported to be produced by many plant pathogenic bacteria,  were found to play an important role in pathogenesis. There are three main types of pectic enzymes (Polygalacturonase, PG, Polygalacturonate trans-eliminase PTE and Pectin methylesterase PME). The present study was conducted to investigate the capacity of the bacterium X. campestris pv. sesami,  to produce the different types of pectic enzymes. A salt medium supplemented with different pectic materials as carbon sources were tested for the production of the enzymes. The produced enzymes were characterized using different selective tests, both the viscosity and reducing group methods were used to measure the enzyme activity. The results showed that no pectin methylestrease (PME) was produced and only the Polygalacturonase trans-eliminase (PTE) was produced by the bacterium. Sodium polypectate and polygalacturonic acid were found as the best substrates giving 26.9 and 19.8 viscosity enzyme units, respectively. The enzyme activity was maximum at the 6th day (9.3 viscosity units), then the activity was decreasing with further incubation time. The test of the effect of the pH indicated that the  pH optimum of the enzyme activity was at pH 9.0. The effects of different metallic ions to the enzyme activity showed that,= a higher activity was found with Ca++ which gave 12.2 viscosity    units. When different concentrations of Ca++ were tested, the maximum activity of the enzyme was found at 50 mg/ ml concentration, which gave 18.0 viscosity units. It could be recommended that the tested bacterium should be investigated for the production of the cellulases and hemi-cellulases which also have a role in the pathogenesis process

    Design of a Multisensing Control System

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             The  goal   of   this  paper  is  to design  a reconfigurable multisensing  control system. The implemented design tools are based on static random access memory field programmable grid array  (SRAM FPGA)  circuit  board  and  a  very  high speed integrated circuit hardware description language (VHDL). The design steps  start with software development which consists of HDL  processes   where V HDL  program  that  describes  the architectural  behavior  of  the  multisensing  control system. An HDL synthesis is the second step, which converts the design in behavioral description file into gates. These steps are followed by implementation techniques and downloading the design from PC onto FPGA via a joint test action group (J TAG) cable. Different type   of   sensors; namely two ultrasonic, smoke detector, water level switch, thermostat, and light detector are connected to the inputs of the programmed FPGA and activated to test the design. The  results show that  the overall average delay timing between inputs to outputs is equal to 6.437 ns which is relatively small as compared with delay time at sensors and 1/0 modules. Therefore, it can be  clearly  stated  that the speed of  control  is limited by sensors  and 1/0  modules  rather  than  the processing performance of  the proposed design. This  is a  stark  contrast  to  traditional control  system  where  the  processing performance is typically the limiting factor. Thus  the use of  FPGA and V HDL to deploy multi sensing   control   system   efficiently  improves   its  reliability, flexibility, and  real  time  data  processing.  Finally,  it  can  be concluded  that the proposed multisensing control system can be effectively implemented in so many application areas including building security, home automation, robot activities, airports and industry control systems

    Thermocouples Technology and Applications A review

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    This paper gives an intensive survey of thermocouples. In particular, it describes the principles of operation and compares between different types of junctions. It provides the major advances in thermocouples in conjunction with hardware and software for PC interfacing. Also it summarizes the main advantages and disadvantages of thermocouples. Finally the paper highlights the important areas of industrial applications. &nbsp

    Effect of cytokinins and auxins on micropropagation of shoot tip and nodal explants of two cultivars of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L) Lam)

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         In vitro propagation of two selected cultivars of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L) Larn), Baladi White (BW) and Nigerian (N) were investigated using shoot tips and nodal explants during the period March, 1997 to July, 1998. Shoot regeneration from both cultivars was best on Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium without plant growth regulators. Morphogenetic response varied with the different types of explants and genotypes of sweet potato. Shoot morphogenesis from the sweet potato cv. BW was better than that from cv. N. Shoot tip explant was better for in vitro propagation of sweet potato cv. N. , while nodal cuttings were. better for cv. BW. The shoot regeneration rate induced on benzylaminopurine (BAP) was higher than that on kinetin. BAP in combination with naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) resulted in shoot and root morphogenesis from nodal explants of the sweet potato cv. N. The best shoot length was found on Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) supplemented with NAA at both 0.25 and 1.0 mg/l combined with 0.5 mg/l BAP

    Demographical and population dynamics impact on public health of cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Al-Madinah Almonawra, Saudi Arabia

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    Background: A cross-sectional study conducted in Al-Madinah Almonawra in KSA held during the period from March 2014-March 2015.Aim of the study: This study aimed at analyzing the effect of population dynamics on the current situation of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Al-Madinah Almonawarah area, a holy city that attracts millions of muslims annually.Methodology: Epidemiological and clinical data were collected by especial questionnaire and laboratory specimens were collected using skin scraping and needle aspiration. Staining and direct microscopy were done. LST was conducted. Analysis was done using SPSS program.Results: The study included 164 patients, all of them were men. Saudi nationality comprised around 20% of the study group, the majority were Egyptians, 26.2%, followed by Pakistani, 21.3%.Conclusion: The presence of non-Saudi nationality as foreign workers, immigrants and refugees has worsened the current situation of the disease.Keywords: Cutaneous leishmaniasis, refugees, immigration, L. tropica, L. major. Sandfly

    Demographical and population dynamics impact on public health of cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Al-Madinah Almonawra, Saudi Arabia

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    Background: A cross-sectional study conducted in Al-Madinah Almonawra in KSA held during the period from March 2014-March 2015. Aim of the study: This study aimed at analyzing the effect of population dynamics on the current situation of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Al-Madinah Almonawarah area, a holy city that attracts millions of muslims annually. Methodology: Epidemiological and clinical data were collected by especial questionnaire and laboratory specimens were collected using skin scraping and needle aspiration. Staining and direct microscopy were done. LST was conducted. Analysis was done using SPSS program. Results: The study included 164 patients, all of them were men. Saudi nationality comprised around 20% of the study group, the majority were Egyptians, 26.2%, followed by Pakistani, 21.3%. Conclusion: The presence of non-Saudi nationality as foreign workers, immigrants and refugees has worsened the current situation of the disease

    Variations of Arterial Supply of the Liver: C.T. Angiographic Study Among Sudanese Adults

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    Hepatobiliary surgery through laparoscopic approach is becoming a routine. Knowledge of extrahepatic arterial tree is essential for surgical and imaging procedures. Anatomical complexity is expected since the liver is developed by mergingof lobules with its separate blood supply. This makes a wide range of variations in the pattern of vascular arrangement and so reinforces the need for an accurate understanding of full spectrum of variations. This study aimed to investigate the variations in origin and distribution of extrahepatic arterial supply. Fifty volunteers (32 males and 18 females) aged 20–70 years were randomly recruited from the department of CT scan in Al Amal Hospital, Khartoum North, Sudan. The patients were already candidates for CT angiography with contrast for conditions other than hepatobiliary diseases. The reported data is related to those who accepted to participate in the study. Patients with history of hepatobiliary disease were excluded. 3D views of the scans were treated and the extrahepatic arterial tree was traced in a computer-based software. Key findings suggest that Michel’s classification was considered the standard template for description – 76% of them showed Michel’s type I classification. Types III and V constituted about 2%. About 4% of the cases were represented by types VI and IX. Other types of variations constituted about 12%. To conclude, although type I classification which describes the textbook pattern of hepatic artery distribution was significantly detected among the Sudanese population, other variants were to be considered since they are related to major arteries like aorta and superior mesenteric

    Global economic burden of unmet surgical need for appendicitis

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    Background There is a substantial gap in provision of adequate surgical care in many low- and middle-income countries. This study aimed to identify the economic burden of unmet surgical need for the common condition of appendicitis. Methods Data on the incidence of appendicitis from 170 countries and two different approaches were used to estimate numbers of patients who do not receive surgery: as a fixed proportion of the total unmet surgical need per country (approach 1); and based on country income status (approach 2). Indirect costs with current levels of access and local quality, and those if quality were at the standards of high-income countries, were estimated. A human capital approach was applied, focusing on the economic burden resulting from premature death and absenteeism. Results Excess mortality was 4185 per 100 000 cases of appendicitis using approach 1 and 3448 per 100 000 using approach 2. The economic burden of continuing current levels of access and local quality was USD 92 492 million using approach 1 and USD 73 141 million using approach 2. The economic burden of not providing surgical care to the standards of high-income countries was USD 95 004 million using approach 1 and USD 75 666 million using approach 2. The largest share of these costs resulted from premature death (97.7 per cent) and lack of access (97.0 per cent) in contrast to lack of quality. Conclusion For a comparatively non-complex emergency condition such as appendicitis, increasing access to care should be prioritized. Although improving quality of care should not be neglected, increasing provision of care at current standards could reduce societal costs substantially.publishedVersio