29 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Tawas Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Gram Positif Dan Negatif

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    Bacteria growth with way of binner deviding, is one sel to part two. Time of generation is time by sel to require for to part, it kinds fate from species and condition of growth. The character of bacteries growth on food is heterotrof that need organic matters for it growth. The research was conducted in two phases, the first stage using the addition of Alum treatment 0,8%, 0,825%, 0,85%, 0,875%, 0,9%, 0,925%, 0,95% concentration and the second stage using 0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% concentration. The result of research bacteri first stage is not indicate preferences gram positive bacteria or gram negative bacteria. The Second stage, the growth of gram positive bacteria inhibited at concentrations of 1% alum, whereas gram negative bacteria inhibited at concentrations of 2% alum. Statictic analyze with ANAVA indicate Alum concentrasion effect the growth of gram positive bacteria and gram negative bacteria. Key words = alum, bacterial growt

    Kadar Protein, Tensile Strength, Dan Sifat Organoleptik Mie Basah Dengan Substitusi Tepung Mocaf

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    The main ingredient to make a noodle is wheat flour, it affects the wheat flour import number in Indonesia, making it significantly increased. To overcome that issue, the wheat flour has to be substitued by local flour, the mocaf flour. The general objective of this research is to determine protein content, tensile strength, and the organoleptic characteristics of noodles with mocaf substitution. The research method is experiments type using completely randomized design (CRD) monofaktorial with mocaf substitution variation factor of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 60%. The protein content, tensile strength, and organoleptic characteristic of products were analyzed. The statistical analysis result showed the mocaf substitution quantity had effect on protein content, tensile strength value and organoleptic characteristic in each treatment. The best result of this research is noodle with 20% mocaf substitution,3,766% protein content, 0,4875 N/mm2 tensile strength number, and 2,72 average value of organoleptic characteristic. The conclusion results of the research conducted on the mocaf substitution noodle showed the are real difference for each test performed, the correlation test showed the result of the protein content is directly proportionate to the tensile strength number

    Mengurai Kerangka Legislasi Sebagai Instrumen Perwujudan Hak Asasi Manusia

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    This study seeks to examine the performance of legislation (lawmaking function) as the realization of human rights instruments. Scrutiny on the program period 2010-2014 national legislation, to determine the validity of the assuredness and values, human rights principles in the Law that were born in that period. The study was conducted by banging the process of formation of the Law, institutionalization are born by the state\u27s responsibility for human rights. The methods and approaches used in the study are in the type of normative or doctrinal study which aims to provide a systematic explanation of the rules, then analyzed the relationship between legislation and the realization of human rights as a state responsibility. Several approaches are used, among others, the statutory approach, the conceptual approach and the approach of the case. The relation between the lawmaking function with the realization of human rights, are in the state\u27s responsibility to look out of the politics of law. To parse each stage process that impact on the formal level, further analysis of the Law to include legal issues, regulatory patterns, models of responsibility of the state and its institutionalization. Proceeding from it, reflect on the process of legislation discover improper application of the limitation of the right, the context of government intervention and the application of the law. Collapsed it required for rights-based approach within the framework of law making function

    Pengaruh Kepemilikan Manajerial, Kepemilikan Institusional, dan Kepemilikan Asing terhadap Praktik Pengungkapan Sustainability Report

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    This study aims to empirically analyze the effect of ownership in a company that consists of managerial ownership (MANJ), institutional ownership (INST), and foreign ownership (FOREIGN) the disclosure practices of corporate sustainability report. Sustainability Report (SR) is the dependent variable in this study were measured by a dummy variable that consists of companies that disclose and not disclose SR. The independent variables were studied including the percentage of managerial ownership, the percentage of institutional Ownership and Foreign Ownership percentages. This study also uses the control variables, the size of the company. Data from this study were obtained from the financial statements and annual report of manufacturing firms drawn from the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The population in this study are all companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI), with the exception of companies - companies that are included in the category of banking, credit agencies other than banks, securities and insurance during the period from 2007 to 2011 as many as 98 companies that do not express SR and 98 companies that expressed SR. Sampling method contol case. The type of data used are secondary data in the form of annual reports by the media companies. Data analysis tools used were Multivariate Analysis wait SPSS computer program. The results of this study indicate that institutional ownership (INST) and foreign ownership (FOREIGN) positive effect on disclosure of corporate sustainability report, but managerial ownership (MANJ) had no effect on the disclosure of corporate sustainability report

    Institusi Polri dan Perannya di Media Sosial

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    AbstrakMasalah yang diteliti adalah bagaimana representasi diri kepolisian di dunia maya. Tujuan penelitian memahami makna representasi diri kepolisian sebagai interaksi sosial antara kepolisian dan masyarakat melalui teks-teks percakapan yang tersebar di grup facebook ‘Polisi Indonesia’. Subjek penelitian adalah group facebook ‘Polisi Indonesia’. Teknik pengumpulan data observasi dan wawancara. Data dianalisis menggunakan teori resistensi dan semiotika. Hasil penelitian adalah representasi diri kepolisian di dunia maya pada group kelompok facebook ‘Polisi Indonesia’ (1) Dihadirkan melalui unggahan status tanpa disertai respon terhadap berbagai komentar dari netizen atau tanpa counter opini, (2) Mendorong antusiasme masyarakat media sosial (netizen) yang bergabung dalam grup Facebook ‘Polisi Indonesia’ sehingga membantu pihak kepolisian mengontrol aktivitas masyarakat dalam menggunakan media sosial dengan bijak, (3) Mempermudah pihak kepolisian menyampaikan informasi dan berita sesuai realita, (4) Membangun jembatan komunikasi sebagai pelayanan publik, (5) Memperbaiki citra negatif institusi kepolisian.Kata Kunci: Resistensi, Media Sosial, SemiotikaAbstractThe problem examined is how self-representation of police in cyberspace. The aim of the study was to understand the meaning of self-representation of the police as a social interaction between the police and the community through conversational texts spread across the Facebook group Indonesian Police. The research subjects were the Facebook group Indonesian Police. Techniques for collecting observation and interview data. Data were analyzed using the theory of resistance and semiotics. The results of the study are self-representation of cyberspace in the Indonesian Police facebook group group (1) Presented through status uploads without a response to various comments from netizens or without opinion counters, (2) Encouraging the enthusiasm of netizens who join in the Facebook group Indonesian Police to help the police control community activities in using social media wisely, (3) Facilitate the police to convey information and news according to reality, (4) Build bridges of communication as public services, (5) Improve negative images police institution.Keywords: Resistance, Social Media, Semiotic

    Perancangan dan Pembuatan Alat Uji Beban Generator Set Menggunakan Larutan Potassium Hydroxide dengan Mekanisme Rack And Pinion sebagai Penggerak

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    Alat uji beban Generator Set (Genset) merupakan suatu instrumen yang bertujuan untuk pemeriksaan dan penilaian performa genset pada saat diberi beban (ampere) sesuai dengan label yang tertera pada mesin. Alat uji ini mempunyai sistem kerja yang sama dengan sistem elektrolisis. Larutan potassium hydroxide (KOH) berfungsi sebagai larutan elektrolit dan tembaga persegi (Cu bar) berfungsi sebagai elektroda. Terdapat perbedaan penggunaan jumlah elektroda untuk genset 1 phasa dengan 3 phasa (genset 1 phasa menggunakan 2 buah elektroda yaitu phasa dan netral, sedangkan genset 3 phasa menggunakan 3 buah elektroda sebagai phasa yaitu R, S, T). Didapatkan beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi besarnya ampere yang dikeluarkan genset antara lain: banyaknya Cu yang masuk ke larutan, jarak elektroda yang satu dengan yang lainnya, dan kepekatan larutan. Indikator beban yang diterima oleh genset dapat dilihat di panel control alat uji ini, di panel manual single operation yang ada pada unit genset atau secara manual dengan menggunakan digital clamp ampere meter yang di clamp ke kabel phasa. Alat ini telah berhasil menguji genset dan mampu mengeluarkan daya maksimal 6600Watt. Adapun kapasitas genset yang bisa di uji adalah minimum 660Watt sampai 6600Watt dengan pengaturan yang ideal yaitu molaritas 0,01M sampai 0,02M dan jarak elektroda ke elektroda 250mm sampai 200mm

    Sosialisasi Konsumsi Hasil Laut sebagai Pangan Fungsional dalam Usaha Peningkatan Sistem Imunitas Tubuh selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat

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    Virus Covid-19 telah menyebar secara luas di seluruh dunia dan berdampak pada berbagai sektor.  Salah satu kebijakan pemerintah untuk menanggulangi penyebaran virus ini adalah dengan pembatasan aktivitas dan penerapan 3M (menjaga jarak, menggunakan masker dan mencuci tangan) dalam beraktivitas. Hal lainnya yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan meningkatkan imunitas tubuh dengan mengkonsumsi makanan yang bergizi, salah satunya adalah produk hasil laut. Informasi ini disosialisasikan kepada masyarakat, khususnya perwakilan guru dan siswa SMA se Kota Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat dengan jumlah peserta 256 orang. Sosialisasi ini dilakukan melalui program PKM PS Ilmu Kelautan , FMIPA Universitas Tanjungpura dalam bentuk webinar dan disertai dengan pre-test dan post-test sebagai bentuk evaluasi. Salah satu hasil laut yang mengadung nutrisi yang tinggi adalah ikan. Ikan merupakan bahan pangan fungsional yang mengandung protein, vitamin, minesal, asam lemak omega-3 (PUFA), EPA, DHA, asam amino taurin. Ikan dengan kandungan gizi yang tinggi dan mudah diperoleh oleh masyarakat diharapkan dapat meningkatkan ketahanan gizi dan imunitas tubuh. Pemahaman peserta terkait materi konsumsi hasil laut sebagai pangan peningkat imunitas tubuh dengan indikator hasil kuisioner pre-test  dan post-test meningkat dari 60-70% menjadi 90-100%. Respon dan antusiasme peserta tinggi yang ditunjukkan oleh peserta dalam bertanya dan menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh pemateri.            &nbsp

    The Development of Modular and Re-Usable Face Shields for COVID- 19 Prevention in Clinics

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    COVID-19 continues to cause a high fatality rate - especially in health workers. Safety protocols in nearly all aspects of our lives were announced to minimize the spread of the disease. A common personal protection equipment (PPE) that is used as a safety precaution is the face shield, a portable barrier to protect human to human transmission. Unfortunately, this simple, mass-produced device has not been made in a standardized way. This study aimed to create a standard modular and ergonomic face shield that can be dispatched, recleaning, sterilized, and partially renewed. Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) and Polylactide (PLA) filaments were selected as the materials to be used. PETs with 0.3 mm thickness were used for the visor. The headband was designed in AutoCAD 2019 then produced by a Flashforge 3D printer. Nurses’ anthropometric measurement was used as guidance in formulating the size of the head band. 60 head bands were produced in 2 months of 5 working days (80 minutes for each headband). This device was given to non-government clinics that have short PPE supplies and was evaluated according to their reliability and comfort. We concluded that this new PPE had minimum visual distortion, was easy to dismount, and easy to replace, except for the headband. Keywords: covid-19, face shield, preventio

    Penyuluhan PHBS Pada Anak Sekolah Dasar di SDN 1 Dukuhmencek Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Pengetahuan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat di Lingkungan Sekolah

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    Clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) is a step that must be taken to achieve optimal health status for everyone. Healthy conditions do not necessarily occur, but efforts must always be made to transition from an unhealthy to a healthy life and create a healthy environment. Providing counseling related to Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS) in schools is expected to be an effort to increase students' knowledge of the importance of carrying out Clean and Healthy Behavior efforts in daily life and in the school environment, as well as provide knowledge on how to make it happen so that caring student behavior can be realized