565 research outputs found

    Micropropagação de cultivares de framboeseira.

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    Multiplicação in vitro de cultivares de amoreira-preta.

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    PROPAGAÇÃO IN VITRO DE CULTIVARES DE AMOREIRA-PRETA - A amora-preta é uma alternativa econômica interessante para os pequenos produtores das regiões de clima subtropical e temperatura, principalmente da região Sul do Brasil. Há 30 anos, a Embrapa Clima Temperado possui programa de melhoramento genético para a cultura, tendo recomendado várias cultivares. Seguindo recomendação das entidades certificadoras, as mudas devem ser produzidas via cultura de tecidos, para se ter maior garantia da qualidade genética, horticultural e fitossanitária. Um protocolo eficiente de micropropagação foi desenvolvido na Embrapa Clima Temperado, tendo sido avaliada sua eficiência na multiplicação in vitro de sete cultivares de amoreira-preta (Brazos, Cherokee, Comanche, Ébano, Guarani, Tupy e Xavante). A desinfestação dos explantes foi realizada em soluções a base de álcool e hipoclorito de sódio; a cultura dos meristemas em meio semi-sólido MS com 1 mg L-1 BAP, 0,01 mg L-1 ANA e 0,1 mg L-1 AG3; a multiplicação em MS com 0,8 mg L-1 BAP; e o enraizamento em ½MS com 0,5 mg L-1 ANA, sempre a 25?4oC, 20 ?E m-2 s-1 e fotoperíodo de 16 horas. Quanto à eficiência do processo, o número estimado de plantas obtidas por meristema é de 16.335 para 'Brazos', 24.211 para 'Cherokee', 19.778 para 'Comanche', 106.550 para 'Ébano', 14.275 para 'Guarani', 34.022 para 'Tupy' e 24.651 para 'Xavante'.bitstream/item/31251/1/comunicado-154.pd

    An integrated approach of AHP-DEMATEL methods applied for the selection of allied hospitals in outpatient service

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    Nowadays, the citizens are more aware of high-quality medical care than ever. They pay much attention to medical treatment safety, instructions from physicians, and the overall service quality performed by the hospital. To manage a hospital successfully, the important goals are to attract and then retain as many patients as possible by meeting potential demands of various kinds of the patients. In this context the decision making process is important in order to achieve a strategic decision and strategy. When the decision making problem occurs there is usually a limited number of possible alternatives but a large number of criteria according to which the optimal solution is selected. It is important to use an appropriate approach. This study presents a hybrid methodological approach based on the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method and Analytic Hierarchy process method to define the best allied hospital for an integrated network of outpatient service. The goal of this paper is to present a methodological approach and a practical application of hybrid method in a real case study

    Novel Regioselective Synthesis of 1,3,4,5-Tetrasubstituted Pyrazoles and Biochemical Valuation on F1FO-ATPase and Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore Formation

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    An efficient, eco-compatible, and very cheap method for the construction of fully substituted pyrazoles (Pzs) via eliminative nitrilimine-alkene 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition (ENAC) reaction was developed in excellent yield and high regioselectivity. Enaminones and nitrilimines generated in situ were selected as dipolarophiles and dipoles, respectively. A deep screening of the employed base, solvent, and temperature was carried out to optimize reaction conditions. Recycling tests of ionic liquid were performed, furnishing efficient performance until six cycles. Finally, a plausible mechanism of cycloaddition was proposed. Then, the effect of three different structures of Pzs was evaluated on the F1FO-ATPase activity and mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) opening. The Pz derivatives’ titration curves of 6a, 6h, and 6o on the F1FO-ATPase showed a reduced activity of 86%, 35%, and 31%, respectively. Enzyme inhibition analysis depicted an uncompetitive mechanism with the typical formation of the tertiary complex enzyme-substrate-inhibitor (ESI). The dissociation constant of the ESI complex (Ki’) in the presence of the 6a had a lower order of magnitude than other Pzs. The pyrazole core might set the specific mechanism of inhibition with the F1FO-ATPase, whereas specific functional groups of Pzs might modulate the binding affinity. The mPTP opening decreased in Pz-treated mitochondria and the Pzs’ inhibitory effect on the mPTP was concentration-dependent with 6a and 6o. Indeed, the mPTP was more efficiently blocked with 0.1 mM 6a than with 1 mM 6a. On the contrary, 1 mM 6o had stronger desensitization of mPTP formation than 0.1 mM 6o. The F1FO-ATPase is a target of Pzs blocking mPTP formation

    Protocolos de Micropropagação de Plantas. I-Batata.

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    Micropropagação de batata 'BRS Ana': produção de material básico com alta sanidade.

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    Star formation in 30 Doradus

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    Using observations obtained with the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), we have studied the properties of the stellar populations in the central regions of 30 Dor, in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The observations clearly reveal the presence of considerable differential extinction across the field. We characterise and quantify this effect using young massive main sequence stars to derive a statistical reddening correction for most objects in the field. We then search for pre-main sequence (PMS) stars by looking for objects with a strong (> 4 sigma) Halpha excess emission and find about 1150 of them over the entire field. Comparison of their location in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram with theoretical PMS evolutionary tracks for the appropriate metallicity reveals that about one third of these objects are younger than ~4Myr, compatible with the age of the massive stars in the central ionising cluster R136, whereas the rest have ages up to ~30Myr, with a median age of ~12Myr. This indicates that star formation has proceeded over an extended period of time, although we cannot discriminate between an extended episode and a series of short and frequent bursts that are not resolved in time. While the younger PMS population preferentially occupies the central regions of the cluster, older PMS objects are more uniformly distributed across the field and are remarkably few at the very centre of the cluster. We attribute this latter effect to photoevaporation of the older circumstellar discs caused by the massive ionising members of R136.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Pre--Main-Sequence stellar populations across Shapley Constellation III. I. Photometric Analysis and Identification

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    We present our investigation of pre--main-sequence (PMS) stellar populations in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) from imaging with Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 camera. Our targets of interest are four star-forming regions located at the periphery of the super-giant shell LMC 4 (Shapley Constellation III). The PMS stellar content of the regions is revealed through the differential Hess diagrams and the observed color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs). Further statistical analysis of stellar distributions along cross-sections of the faint part of the CMDs allowed the quantitative assessment of the PMS stars census, and the isolation of faint PMS stars as the true low-mass stellar members of the regions. These distributions are found to be well represented by a double Gaussian function, the first component of which represents the main-sequence field stars and the second the native PMS stars of each region. Based on this result, a cluster membership probability was assigned to each PMS star according to its CMD position. The higher extinction in the region LH 88 did not allow the unambiguous identification of its native stellar population. The CMD distributions of the PMS stars with the highest membership probability in the regions LH 60, LH 63 and LH 72 exhibit an extraordinary similarity among the regions, suggesting that these stars share common characteristics, as well as common recent star formation history. Considering that the regions are located at different areas of the edge of LMC 4, this finding suggests that star formation along the super-giant shell may have occurred almost simultaneously.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 19 pages, 19 figures (three omitted due to size limitations, without affecting the comprehension of the manuscript