114 research outputs found

    Teaching in the eyes of others: a review of teaching square group

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    The project's main objective is to learn through peer observation. The Teaching Squares program provides faculty an opportunity to gain new insight into their teaching through a non-evaluative process of reciprocal classroom observation and self-reflection. The four faculty in each "teaching square" agree to visit each other's classes over the course of a semester and then meet to discuss what they learned from their observations

    Teaching in the eyes of others: a review of teaching square group

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    The project's main objective is to learn through peer observation. The Teaching Squares program provides faculty an opportunity to gain new insight into their teaching through a non-evaluative process of reciprocal classroom observation and self-reflection. The four faculty in each "teaching square" agree to visit each other's classes over the course of a semester and then meet to discuss what they learned from their observations

    A New Induction Motor Adaptive Robust Vector Control based on Backstepping

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    In this paper, a novel approach to nonlinear control of induction machine, recursive on-line estimation of rotor time constant and load torque are developed. The proposed strategy combines Integrated Backstepping and Indirect Field Oriented Controls. The proposed approach is used to design controllers for the rotor flux and speed, estimate the values of rotor time constant and load torque and track their changes on-line. An open loop estimator is used to estimate the rotor flux. Simulation results are presented which demonstrate the effectiveness of the control technique and on-line estimation

    DĂ©veloppement d’une nouvelle mĂ©thode de rĂ©gionalisation basĂ©e sur le concept de « rĂ©gime des dĂ©bits naturels » : la mĂ©thode Ă©co-gĂ©ographique

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    Nous proposons une nouvelle mĂ©thode de rĂ©gionalisation des dĂ©bits fondĂ©e sur le concept de « rĂ©gime des dĂ©bits naturels » introduit en Ă©cologie aquatique : l’approche Ă©co-gĂ©ographique. Elle se distingue de deux approches de rĂ©gionalisation existantes (approches hydrologique et Ă©cologique) sur les trois points suivants : le choix des variables hydrologiques, l’échelle d’analyse et la finalitĂ© de la rĂ©gionalisation. En ce qui concerne le choix des variables hydrologiques, la nouvelle mĂ©thode est fondĂ©e sur le choix des caractĂ©ristiques des dĂ©bits et non sur les variables hydrologiques. Ces caractĂ©ristiques des dĂ©bits sont dĂ©finies au moyen de l’analyse en composantes principales appliquĂ©e sur les variables hydrologiques. Contrairement aux autres approches, l’approche Ă©co-gĂ©ographique tient compte de toutes les caractĂ©ristiques des dĂ©bits dans la rĂ©gionalisation conformĂ©ment au concept de « rĂ©gime des dĂ©bits naturels ». Quant Ă  l’échelle d’analyse, Ă  l’instar de l’approche Ă©cologique, la nouvelle mĂ©thode s’applique aussi Ă  toutes les Ă©chelles d’analyse (annuelle, mensuelle et journaliĂšre) mais en les considĂ©rant sĂ©parĂ©ment afin de tenir compte de toutes les caractĂ©ristiques de dĂ©bits dans la rĂ©gionalisation. Enfin, la finalitĂ© de la nouvelle mĂ©thode est de pouvoir dĂ©terminer les facteurs de variabilitĂ© spatiale des caractĂ©ristiques de dĂ©bits (et non des variables hydrologiques) au moyen de l’analyse canonique des corrĂ©lations, notamment afin d’assurer une gestion durable des ressources hydriques dans un contexte de changement de l’environnement. Nous avons appliquĂ© cette nouvelle mĂ©thode aux dĂ©bits moyens annuels au QuĂ©bec.Flow regionalization has been the subject of numerous hydrologic studies. However, despite the development of regionalization methods, there are still differences in the approaches used amongst hydrologists on the one hand, and between hydrologists and experts in other fields (aquatic ecology and physical geography) on the other hand. Those differences relate to five aspects of the regionalization process: the choice of hydrologic variables, station grouping methods to produce homogeneous hydrologic regions, the choice of appropriate statistical laws to estimate quantiles for non-gauged or partially-gauged sites, the scale of flow analysis, and the ultimate purpose of the regionalization exercise. Depending on the choice of hydrologic variables, the scale of analysis and their ultimate purpose, regionalization studies may thus be divided according to two distinct approaches: the hydrologic approach and the ecologic approach.The ultimate purpose of the hydrologic approach is to estimate flows at non-gauged or partially-gauged sites. For this reason, it has been primarily concerned with methods that allow the grouping of stations into homogeneous hydrologic regions and with the choice of statistical laws to estimate quantiles for non-gauged or partially-gauged sites. However, despite its undeniable interest from a practical point of view, this approach does not address the concerns of ecologists and geographers for three reasons: 1) the choice of hydrologic variables used for regionalization is not based on a scientific concept (this choice is arbitrary, and the variables selected do not constrain all the flow characteristics); 2) the ultimate purpose of the regionalization exercise is limited to estimating flows and is of limited interest to geographers and ecologists; 3) regionalization is performed at a daily scale, without taking into account other scales.To make up for these limitations, ecologists have recently proposed regionalization based on the “natural flow regime” concept (the ecologic approach), which allows all fundamental flow characteristics (magnitude, frequency, duration, timing of occurrence and variability) to be taken into account. The rationale for considering all flow characteristics is that each characteristic has an effect on the behaviour of river ecosystems. Hence, regionalization based on the ecologic approach relies on a large number of hydrologic variables that define the fundamental flow characteristics. Rather than being arbitrary, the choice of variable is based on this new paradigm. Regionalization using the ecologic approach considers all time scales, and its ultimate purpose is to account for differences in the structure and biological composition of aquatic ecosystems.However, one of the limitations of studies based on this approach is that, no matter how numerous they are, the variables used for regionalization do not constrain all flow characteristics, as required by the natural flow regime concept, so that application of this concept is incomplete. In addition, simultaneous analysis of all time scales does not allow consideration of all flow characteristics. To overcome these limitations, we propose a new regionalization approach based on the natural flow regime concept, an “ecogeographic” approach that differs from the ecologic approach in three ways. First, the proposed method is based on the use of flow characteristics rather than hydrologic variables. The reason for this is that there are an infinite number of hydrologic variables to define the five fundamental characteristics, making it impossible to account for all of them in the regionalization process. In contrast, since the number of fundamental flow characteristics is limited, they can all be taken into account, consistent with the “natural flow regime” requirements. Second, the ultimate purpose of the proposed regionalization method is to identify the physiographic and climatic factors that explain the spatial variability of these fundamental characteristics. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to analyze the different time scales (daily, monthly, annual) separately given the fact that it is impossible to constrain the effect of these various physiographic and climatic factors at all time scales. Indeed, some factors may show an effect at some time scales and not at others. This ultimate purpose addresses the concerns of geographers interested in explaining the spatial variability of such phenomena, among other things. Finally, separate analysis of the various time scales makes it possible to define all flow characteristics linked to a given time scale. As such, application of the “natural flow regime” concept to regionalization is complete.Application of the ecogeographical method involves four separate steps: 1) the definition of the flow characteristics for the hydrologic series of interest; 2) the determination of minor and major characteristics using principal component analysis, where a “major” flow characteristic is defined as one which meets the following criterion: TVE ≄ (100% / N), where N is the total number of characteristics that define the analyzed hydrologic series and TVE is the total variance explained; 3) the grouping of stations in homogeneous hydrologic regions based on factorial scores. Homogeneous hydrologic regions are divided in two types based on the presence or absence of stations: effective homogeneous regions contain stations whereas fictive homogenous regions do not; 4) the determination of the factors that affect the spatial variability of flow characteristics. This is achieved using canonical correlation analysis, an approach that we have applied to average annual flows in Quebec watersheds

    Mechanical characteristics for different composite materials based on commercial epoxy resins and different fillers

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    In this research, different compositions of composite materials based on epoxy resin and four different fillers were prepared and all mechanical characteristics were investigated to reach a composite material having high resistance to impact by high kinetics energy projectiles which is required in the production of bulletproof jackets and also in cassette shields of explosive reactive armors to protect tanks. This composite material is usually applied as layers with other polymeric fibers such as carbon fibers and Kevlar (polyamide) sheets. The used epoxy consists of Epon as linear epoxy and tertiary amine as hardener. The used fillers are carbon black, magnesium carbonate, wood flour and sand. The pure thermoset epoxy (without filler) which gives the highest different mechanical properties is based on 10:5 by weight (linear Epon/Hardener). The composition which gave the highest resistance to impact by high kinetics energy projectiles was epoxy resin containing 15% by weight wood floor where the resistance to impact was increased by 32% when compared with the pure epoxy

    Otites externes nĂ©crosantes: Apport de l’imagerie isotopique

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    Objective : the Necrotizing (malignant) External Otitis is a very serious, potentially lethal affection. It touches exclusively a debilitated population, where from the necessity of a premature and reliable diagnosis for a beam of cliniquo-biological, radiological and isotopic arguments. Its care as well as its treatment are heavy and require a better definition of themoment of cure. The purpose of our work is to specify the place of the isotopic explorations in the care of the NEO.Materials and methods : we report a retrospective study bringing together 29 patients hospitalized for suspicion of necrotizing external otitis of period going from 2003 till 2009.RĂ©sultats : the Middle Age of our population is 64.2 years, with a clear male prevalence. The majority of our patients are diabetics (90% of the cases) with a cardiac and hypertensive Co-morbidity among 19 patients. All our patients consulted, within 47 average days. An assessment of imagery was carried out, comprising a scanner for 16 of our patients. It wasnormal in 4 cases and had shown lesions of osteitis in 12 cases. The osseous scintigraphy marked in MDP-Tc99 was carried out among 24 patients, within 9.69 average day. It was positive for all our patients, objectifying an osseous hyperfixation. All our patients received an adapted treatment. After amendment of the clinico-biological signs, a scintigraphy in Ga67 was practiced for 16 patients within 74 average days. It confirmed the cure among 12 patients, at which one decided to stop the antibiotic therapy. In the other cases, it objectified an osseous hyperfixation translating the persistence of the active infectious process, from where prolongation of the treatment.Conclusion : it comes out from our work that the imagery is essential to confirm the diagnosis and to specify the extent of the osteitis. Indeed, the scanner and the MRI offer an excellent resolution and evaluate the extension of the infection perfectly. However, because of their poor sensitivity, they have little interest to the early phase of the diagnosis and for the therapeutic follow-up. The osseous scintigraphy has the advantage of an excellent sensitivity, approximately 100% in particular at the early stage, but is not specific. The tomographic techniques (SPECT) and the quantification improve however its specificity. The scintigraphy with gallium 67 seems quite as sensitive as and more specific than the osseousscintigraphy, especially if it is quantified, and appears essential with the therapeutic follow-up. Its standardization would have an excellent predictive value of cure, allowing the stop of the antibiotic therapyKeywords : Necrotizing External Otitis, scintigraphy with gallium, the osseous scintigraphy

    Les cellulites cervico-faciales d’origine dentaire: a propos de 150 cas

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    Les cellulites cervico-faciales d’origine dentaire sont des infections des tissus cellulo-adipeux, de la face et du cou, ayant des potentialitĂ©s extensives pouvant parfois ĂȘtre graves et engager le pronostic vital. Le but de ce travail est d’étudier le profil Ă©pidĂ©mioclinique et paraclinique de nos patients, d’évaluer leur prise en charge thĂ©rapeutique et leur Ă©volution. Notre Ă©tude est rĂ©trospective et a portĂ© sur 150 cas de cellulites cervico-faciales d’origine dentaire colligĂ©s sur 10 ans entre 1997 et 2006. La prise en charge thĂ©rapeutique Ă©tait mĂ©dico-hirurgicale. Les cellulites cervico-faciales d’origine dentaire sont une pathologie potentiellement grave dont la prise en charge est coĂ»teuse et les rĂ©percussions socio-professionnelles et Ă©conomiques sont lourdes d’oĂč l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’une politique de prĂ©vention efficace et ciblĂ©e visant Ă  rĂ©duire la morbiditĂ© liĂ©e Ă  ces infections.Mots clĂ©s : cellulites cervicale et faciale, infections dentaire, prĂ©vention

    Carcinomes nasopharynges localement avances

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    Les carcinomes nasopharyngĂ©s reprĂ©sentent une entitĂ© spĂ©cifique diffĂ©rente des cancers de la tĂȘte et du cou. L’incidence est plus élevĂ©e en Asie du Sud-Est et en Afrique du Nord. Le pronostic reste sombre pour les stades localement avancĂ©s (IIB—IVB), plus d’un tiers des cas prĂ©senteront une rĂ©cidive locale et/ou mĂ©tastatique, la survie globale Ă  cinq ans tous stades confondus est estimĂ©e à 50—70 %. L’objectif de ce travail est de prĂ©ciser les aspects cliniques, diagnostiques, thĂ©rapeutiques et pronostiques chez 100 malades porteur de carcinome nasopharyngĂ© localement avancĂ© traitĂ©s Ă  l’Institut Salah Azaiz (ISA) et de prĂ©ciser l’impact de la chimiothĂ©rapie neoadjuvante (CNA) ainsi que les sĂ©quelles thĂ©rapeutiques Ă  court et Ă  long terme.Mots clĂ©s : carcinome nasopharyngĂ© - chimiothĂ©rapie - radiothĂ©rapieNasopharyngeal carcinoma represents a specific entity different from cancers of head and neck. The incidence is highest in South- East Asia and North Africa. The prognosis remains poor for locally advanced stages (IIB -IVB), more than one third of cases presented locally recurrent and / or metastatic disease, the overall five-year survival for all stages is estimated at 50-70%. The objective of this study is to clarify the impact of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on long-term survival among 100 patients treated in Institut of Salah Azaiz by neo adjuvant chemotherapy followed by locoregional radiotherapy for locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and identify prognostic factors and clinical long term effect.Key words: nasopharyngeal carcinoma – chemotherapy - radiotherap

    Efficiency of wastewater treatment by a mixture of sludge and microalgae

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    A combined system using the microalgae from South Africa and the sewage sludge from Algeria has been tested, in order to study the efficiency of wastewater treatment by mixtures of microalgae / activated sludge, five bioreactors were installed with different inoculation rates (microalgae / activated sludge) B1: 100% algae, B2: 90.90%: 9.1%, B3: 83.33%: 16.67%, B4: 50%: 50% and B5: 16.67: 83.33. The best removal percentages were measured as: 76.36% for PO4-P, 94.90% for NO3-N, 90.42% for NH4-N and 65.73% for COD, in the combined system. Except in the case of COD, there were highly significant effects of different inoculations rates on yield. The best results are those of the bioreactor B5. These results suggest that the nutrients in the wastewater can be effectively eliminated by co-cultivation of micro-algae with bacteria (activated sludge)

    Continuous‐Flow Synthesis of High‐Quality Few‐Layer Antimonene Hexagons

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    2D materials show outstanding properties that can bring many applications in different technological fields. However, their uses are still limited by production methods. In this context, antimonene is recently suggested as a new 2D material to fabricate different (opto)electronic devices, among other potential applications. This work focuses on optimizing the synthetic parameters to produce high-quality antimonene hexagons and their implementation in a large-scale manufacturing procedure. By means of a continuous-flow synthesis, few-layer antimonene hexagons with ultra-large lateral dimensions (up to several microns) and a few nanometers thick are isolated. The suitable chemical post-treatment of these nanolayers with chloroform gives rise to antimonene surfaces showing low oxidation that can be easily contacted with microelectrodes. Therefore, the reported procedure offers a way to solve two critical problems for using antimonene in many applications: large-scale preparation of high-quality antimonene and the ability to set electrical contacts useful for device fabrication.PNICTOCHEM 804110 (G.A.)PID2019-111742-GA-I00CIDEGENT/2018/00
