346 research outputs found

    Fast Analysis of Stop-Band FSS Integrated with Phased Array Antennas

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    This paper presents a method for the efficient analysis of multilayer frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) integrated with phased array of open-ended waveguides. The method is based on the assumption that all the periodic surfaces are arranged on the same spatial lattice (of arbitrary shape). The whole structure is represented as an equivalent multi-mode transmission line network, where each interface is characterized by an equivalent Generalized Scattering Matrix (GSM), computed through a fullwave analysis. To reduce the computational effort of the analysis a fast adaptive interpolation algorithm for the scattering matrix entries is included

    Fringe integral equation method for a truncated grounded dielectric slab

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    The problem of scattering by a semi-infinite grounded dielectric slab illuminated by an arbitrary incident TM z polarized electric field is studied by solving a new set of "fringe" integral equations (F-IEs), whose functional unknowns are physically associated to the wave diffraction processes occuring at the truncation. The F-IEs are obtained by subtracting from the surface/surface integral equations pertinent to the truncated slab, an auxiliary set of equations obtained for the canonical problem of an infinite grounded slab illuminated by the same source. The F-IEs are solved by the method of moments by using a set of subdomain basis functions close to the truncation and semi-infinite domain basis functions far from it. These latter functions are properly shaped to reproduce the asymptotic behaviour of the diffracted waves, which is obtained by physical inspection. The present solution is applied to the case of an electric line source located at the air-dielectric interface of the slab. Numerical results are compared with those calculated by a physical optics approach and by an alternative solution, in which the integral equation is constructed from the field continuity through an aperture orthogonal to the slab. The applications of the solution to an array of line currents are also presented and discussed

    Leaky-wave slot array antenna fed by a dual reflector system

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    This work proposes a leaky-wave slot array antenna fed by a dual offset Gregorian reflector system realized by pins in a parallel plate waveguide. The radiating part of the antenna is composed by parallel slots etched on one side of the same parallel plate waveguide. The dual offset Gregorian reflector system is fed by an arrangement constituted by two vias and a grid, also constituted by pins. A prototype of the antenna has been designed, manufactured and successfully tested. The low profile, low cost and high efficiency of the antenna render it suited for a variety of radar or telecom applications

    Dual-mode hyperbolicity, supercanalization, and leakage in self-complementary metasurfaces

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    Anisotropic Self-Complementary Metasurfaces (SC-MTSs) are structures constituted by an alternation of complementary inductive and capacitive strips, which are "self-dual" according to Babinet's duality principle. They support the propagation of two orthogonally polarized surface-wave modes with the same phase velocity along the principal directions (i.e., along the strips and normal to them). The isofrequency dispersion curves of these modes are hyperbolas, and therefore, these MTSs fall in the category of hyperbolic MTSs. It is shown here that the hyperbolic dispersion curves may degenerate in same cases into almost straight lines, which implies that the velocity of energy transport is constantly directed along the same direction for any possible phasing orthogonal to the strips. In this circumstance, the SC-MTS can be conveniently used to design dual-polarized leaky-wave antennas by modulating the impedances of the complementary strips

    El tiempo psíquico

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    El propósito de este trabajo es señalar de qué modo la orientación seguida por la investigación psicológica del tiempo dificultaba la comprensión del tiempo vivido, y qué modificación se requería para lograrla, abriendo así una nueva perspectiva a la investigación del tiempo tanto en psicología normal como en psicopatología.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración de la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Ingeniería (UNLP).Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Problem-matched basis functions for microstrip coupled slot antennas based on Transmission Line Green's Functions (TLGF)

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    Problem matched basis functions are proposed for the method of moments analysis of printed slot coupled microstrips. The appropriate equivalent currents of the integral equation kernel are represented in terms of two sets of entire domain basis functions. These functions synthesize on one hand the resonant behavior of slots, microstrips or dipoles and on the other hand the field in proximity of the feeding source and of the discontinuities. In order to define these basis functions, canonical geometries are identified, whose Green's functions have been found in semi-analytical form. The accuracy and the effectiveness of the method in terms of convergence rate and number of unknowns is demonstrated by comparison with a standard fine meshing full-wave analysis. The method is extremely convenient for large arrays, where the subwavelength details should be treated together with large global dimensions. Since the proposed solution is independent of the dimensions of these details, it provides dramatic reduction of the number of unknowns and improvement of condition number

    3-D Printed All-Dielectric GRIN Lens Antenna With an Integrated Feeder

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    In this paper we present the design, fabrication, and experimental verification of a new type of Graded-index (GRIN) lens antenna with an integrated feeder. The continuously varying refractive index distribution is chosen appropriately to offer the rays collimation at the lens aperture. It is practically implemented by varying the material density in a host medium, thus realizing a new type of all-dielectric high gain antenna, entirely using 3D printing. This solution can find application to high gain wireless communication and measurement systems. This GRIN lens antenna is printed in one monolithic process and does not require the feeder to be placed at a focal distance, thus complying with more strict space requirements. It accepts interchangeable feeds that can cover a wide frequency range. The directivity and gain are evaluated using near-field measurements in the Ku-band. A 40% measured aperture efficiency is achieved at 14GHz. The challenges and performance limitations that come with 3D printing, as compared to the design of idealized continuous distribution GRIN lenses are discussed

    characteristic wave velocities in spherical electromagnetic cloaks

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    We investigate the characteristic wave velocities in spherical electromagnetic cloaks, namely, phase, ray, group and energy-transport velocities. After deriving explicit expressions for the phase and ray velocities (the latter defined as the phase velocity along the direction of the Poynting vector), special attention is given to the determination of group and energy-transport velocities, because a cursory application of conventional formulae for local group and energy-transport velocities can lead to a discrepancy between these velocities if the permittivity and permeability dyadics are not equal over a frequency range about the center frequency. In contrast, a general theorem can be proven from Maxwell's equations that the local group and energy-transport velocities are equal in linear, lossless, frequency dispersive, source-free bianisotropic material. This apparent paradox is explained by showing that the local fields of the spherical cloak uncouple into an E wave and an H wave, each with its own group and energy-transport velocities, and that the group and energy-transport velocities of either the E wave or the H wave are equal and thus satisfy the general theorem