51 research outputs found

    An Artistic Vision of Using Polyurethane Foam in Drapping Fictional Costumes Designs to Achieve Sustainable Development

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    One of the aspects of the modern era is leaving more room for imagination and experimentation. Costumes design in general and fictional costumes design in particular are among the areas that need a lot of experimentation, especially with new, non-traditional materials. This is what encouraged the researchers to choose the polyurethane foam as a non-traditional material to design fictional costumes in order to achieve sustainable development goals. The research aims at clarifying the characteristics of the polyurethane foam and it’s Forming instead of plastic capabilities in the field of Costumes design, and providing proposals for fictional costumes designs with this material, in addition to achieving the sustainable development goals; such as, adopting sustainable production and consumption patterns, and stimulating innovation. The research findings state the possibility of achieving new visions of using the polyurethane foam to design and create fictional costumes in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development

    Analysis of protein carbonylation - pitfalls and promise in commonly used methods

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    Abstract Oxidation of proteins has received a lot of attention in the last decades due to the fact that they have been shown to accumulate and to be implicated in the progression and the patho-physiology of several diseases such as Alzheimer, coronary heart diseases, etc. This has also resulted in the fact that research scientist became more eager to be able to measure accurately the level of oxidized protein in biological materials, and to determine the precise site of the oxidative attack on the protein, in order to get insights into the molecular mechanisms involved in the progression of diseases. Several methods for measuring protein carbonylation have been implemented in different laboratories around the world. However, to date no methods prevail as the most accurate, reliable and robust. The present paper aims at giving an overview of the common methods used to determine protein carbonylation in biological material as well as to highlight the limitations and the potential. The ultimate goal is to give quick tips for a rapid decision making when a method has to be selected and taking into consideration the advantage and drawback of the methods

    Rationalising the role of Keratin 9 as a biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease

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    Keratin 9 was recently identified as an important component of a biomarker panel which demonstrated a high diagnostic accuracy (87%) for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Understanding how a protein which is predominantly expressed in palmoplantar epidermis is implicated in AD may shed new light on the mechanisms underlying the disease. Here we use immunoassays to examine blood plasma expression patterns of Keratin 9 and its relationship to other AD-associated proteins. We correlate this with the use of an in silico analysis tool VisANT to elucidate possible pathways through which the involvement of Keratin 9 may take place. We identify possible links with Dickkopf-1, a negative regulator of the wnt pathway, and propose that the abnormal expression of Keratin 9 in AD blood and cerebrospinal fluid may be a result of blood brain barrier dysregulation and disruption of the ubiquitin proteasome system. Our findings suggest that dysregulated Keratin 9 expression is a consequence of AD pathology but, as it interacts with a broad range of proteins, it may have other, as yet uncharacterized, downstream effects which could contribute to AD onset and progression

    Comparative study of the implementation of tin and titanium oxide nanoparticles as electrodes materials in Li-ion batteries

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    Transition metal oxides potentially present higher specific capacities than the current anodes based on carbon, providing an increasing energy density as compared to commercial Li-ion batteries. However, many parameters could influence the performance of the batteries, which depend on the processing of the electrode materials leading to different surface properties, sizes or crystalline phases. In this work a comparative study of tin and titanium oxide nanoparticles synthesized by different methods, undoped or Li doped, used as single components or in mixed ratio, or alternatively forming a composite with graphene oxide have been tested demonstrating an enhancement in capacity with Li doping and better cyclability for mixed phases and composite anodes

    The CHEMDNER corpus of chemicals and drugs and its annotation principles

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    The automatic extraction of chemical information from text requires the recognition of chemical entity mentions as one of its key steps. When developing supervised named entity recognition (NER) systems, the availability of a large, manually annotated text corpus is desirable. Furthermore, large corpora permit the robust evaluation and comparison of different approaches that detect chemicals in documents. We present the CHEMDNER corpus, a collection of 10,000 PubMed abstracts that contain a total of 84,355 chemical entity mentions labeled manually by expert chemistry literature curators, following annotation guidelines specifically defined for this task. The abstracts of the CHEMDNER corpus were selected to be representative for all major chemical disciplines. Each of the chemical entity mentions was manually labeled according to its structure-associated chemical entity mention (SACEM) class: abbreviation, family, formula, identifier, multiple, systematic and trivial. The difficulty and consistency of tagging chemicals in text was measured using an agreement study between annotators, obtaining a percentage agreement of 91. For a subset of the CHEMDNER corpus (the test set of 3,000 abstracts) we provide not only the Gold Standard manual annotations, but also mentions automatically detected by the 26 teams that participated in the BioCreative IV CHEMDNER chemical mention recognition task. In addition, we release the CHEMDNER silver standard corpus of automatically extracted mentions from 17,000 randomly selected PubMed abstracts. A version of the CHEMDNER corpus in the BioC format has been generated as well. We propose a standard for required minimum information about entity annotations for the construction of domain specific corpora on chemical and drug entities. The CHEMDNER corpus and annotation guidelines are available at: http://www.biocreative.org/resources/biocreative-iv/chemdner-corpus

    Comprehensive Profiling of N‑Linked Glycosylation Sites in HeLa Cells Using Hydrazide Enrichment

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    The adenocarcinoma cell line HeLa serves as a model system for cancer research in general and cervical cancer in particular. In this study, hydrazide enrichment in combination with state-of-the art nanoLC−MS/MS analysis was used to profile N-linked glycosites in HeLa cells. N-Linked glycoproteins were selectively enriched in HeLa cells by the hydrazide capture method, which isolates all glycoproteins independent of their glycans. Nonglycosylated proteins were removed by extensive washing. N-Linked glycoproteins were identified with the specific NXT/S motif and deamidated asparagine (N). Deglycosylation was carried out in both H_2 (^16)O and H_2 ^(18)O to confirm the deamidation. NanoLC−MS/MS analysis indicated that the method selectively enriched at least 100 fold N-linked glycosites in HeLa cells. When both the membrane and cytosolic fractions were used, a total of 268 unique N-glycosylation sites were identified corresponding to 106 glycoproteins. Bioinformatic analysis revealed that most of the glycoproteins identified are known to have an impact on cancer and have been proposed as biomarkers

    Generalized double-humped logistic map-based medical image encryption

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    This paper presents the design of the generalized Double Humped (DH) logistic map, used for pseudo-random number key generation (PRNG). The generalized parameter added to the map provides more control on the map chaotic range. A new special map with a zooming effect of the bifurcation diagram is obtained by manipulating the generalization parameter value. The dynamic behavior of the generalized map is analyzed, including the study of the fixed points and stability ranges, Lyapunov exponent, and the complete bifurcation diagram. The option of designing any specific map is made possible through changing the general parameter increasing the randomness and controllability of the map. An image encryption algorithm is introduced based on pseudo-random sequence generation using the proposed generalized DH map offering secure communication transfer of medical MRI and X-ray images. Security analyses are carried out to consolidate system efficiency including: key sensitivity and key-space analyses, histogram analysis, correlation coefficients, MAE, NPCR and UACI calculations. System robustness against noise attacks has been proved along with the NIST test ensuring the system efficiency. A comparison between the proposed system with respect to previous works is presented
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