205 research outputs found

    Land Resources of Alagirskii District As a Factor of Sustainable Development of the Agro-industrial Complex

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    The most important condition for the rational organization of the territory is the formation of a morphological appearance, which is distinguished by high productivity, ecological diversity, aesthetic appeal, and will satisfy sanitary and hygienic requirements. The use of land resources in the Alagirskii District of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania and the development of measures for rational organization of the territory, with the creation of an effective system of land use, evaluation criteria of environmental reliability, social acceptability, economic efficiency and compliance with the legal regime of land use, are a necessary condition for the rational use of land. In this work, materials of land inventory for 2016–2018, data of the committee of land and property relations of the district, statistical data on the effectiveness of agricultural land were used. The developed data allows to establish the optimal ratio of natural ecosystems and agro-ecosystems for this natural-agricultural zone, to establish optimal areas of arable and forage lands that need improvement based on the landscape features of the territory for stability and development of agricultural production

    Nomenclatural standards and genetic passports of potato cultivars bred at the Leningrad Research Institute for Agriculture “Belogorka”

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    In the present paper, the potato cultivars bred at the Leningrad Research Institute for Agriculture “Belogorka”, were taken as an example for demonstrating the results of elaboration of methodological approaches that are currently developed at the N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR) for the preparing of nomenclatural standards and their genotyping. In 2018, joint research of VIR scientists and breeders from the Leningrad Research Institute for Agriculture “Belogorka” began in the field of preparing nomenclatural standards for potato cultivars bred at this institute. Nomenclatural standards were prepared according to the ‘International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants’. Plant material for herbarium specimens was collected in the experimental field of the “Belogorka” Institute in 2018 by cultivar authors and handed over to the VIR Herbarium of cultivated plants, their wild relatives and weeds (WIR). The plant material included stems with inflorescences and later - tubers of 21 cultivars which were bred at the “Belogorka” Institute. Two precultivars undergoing State variety testing and three breeding clones were also included in this study. Just before herbarium preparation, the obtained plant material was photographed, plant morphological characters described, and the results compared with the description given in such official documents as the “Cultivar Questionnaireˮ and “Description of selection achievementˮ. The nomenclatural standards of 21 cultivars registered in the VIR Herbarium Database and transferred for conservation to the VIR herbarium, are published in this paper. Before herbarium preparation, the plant material was sampled for DNA extraction and subsequent genotyping and molecular screening. The genetic passports include information about the polymorphism of 10 chromosome-specific microsatellite loci, as well as the data on the presence/absence of diagnostic fragments of 12 markers of the 11 R-genes conferring resistance to diseases and pests, and for some cultivars – the information about their cytoplasm type. These genetic passports are valuable not only because different types of DNA markers were used in their preparing (SSR, SCAR and CAPS markers of the R genes; markers specific to different loci of the nuclear and organelle genomes), but first of all because of the material itself, as the DNA samples were isolated from the plants with the assigned status of nomenclatural standard for each particular cultivar. Based on the genetic passports data, trueness to type of the “Belogorka” cultivar samples obtained from various sources was verified

    Dynamics of Competitiveness of the Northern Regions in 2008–2020: Development of an Assessment Methodology

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    Концептуальная неясность определения конкурентоспособности региона мешает разработке мер социально-экономической политики, нацеленных на рост привлекательности региона для населения и капитала. Предлагаемая в работе методика оценки конкурентоспособности оценивает привлекательность региона для бизнеса, учитывает благополучие населения, состояние экологической сферы, эффективность использования экономического потенциала и развитость инновационного и информационного секторов. С технической точки зрения она опирается на метод линейного масштабирования и применяет различные подходы к учету межрегиональной дифференциации в уровне цен. Анализ результатов применения предлагаемой методики на данных северных регионов России подтвердил концептуальную связь конкурентоспособности с производительностью и факторами производства. Установлено, что основными индикаторами конкурентоспособности регионов являются размер денежных доходов населения и эффективность использования факторов производства - фондоемкости и зарплатоемкости. По результатам апробации методики установлена малая конкурентоспособность большинства северных регионов. Это объясняется недостаточной развитостью информационного сектора, малой привлекательностью территорий для бизнеса и населения, недостаточной эффективностью использования экономического потенциала и низкой инновационностью. Выявлено, что для поддержания высокой конкурентоспособности органам власти наиболее успешных регионов - Ямало-Ненецкого АО, Ханты-Мансийского АО и Сахалинской области - следует уделить больше внимания экологии и инновациям. Органам власти отстающих регионов важно принять меры по привлечению инвестиций, увеличить расходы на транспортную инфраструктуру, снизить бедность и безработицу. Регионам с наименьшей конкурентоспособностью - Ненецкий АО, Камчатский край, Архангельская область и Республика Саха (Якутия) - рекомендуется уделить особое внимание информационной инфраструктуре и росту привлекательности региона для бизнеса. Найдено, что применение индекса бюджетных расходов вместо корректировки стоимости фиксированного набора товаров и услуг в рамках межрегионального анализа дает более надежные результаты, так как лучше учитывает высокие издержки жизнеобеспечения северных регионов. Результаты могут быть использованы для разработки социально-экономической политики северных регионов России.The conceptual ambiguity of the definition of regional competitiveness hinders the development of socio-economic policy measures to increase a region’s attractiveness to people and capital. The methodology for assessing competitiveness presented in this study evaluates the attractiveness of a region for business, considering the well-being of the population, environmental conditions, economic efficiency and development of innovation and information systems. Technically, the proposed methodology relies on the linear scaling method and various approaches to accounting for interregional price discrimination. Analysis of data obtained from the northern regions of Russia confirmed the conceptual link between competitiveness and productivity and production factors. The key regional competitiveness indicators are personal income and efficiency of production factors - capital intensity and wage intensity. The study revealed low competitiveness of the majority of the northern regions due to the insufficient development of the information system, low attractiveness for business and population, poor economic efficiency and little innovation. In order to maintain high competitiveness of the most successful regions - Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Sakhalin Oblast - authorities should pay more attention to environment and innovation. The lagging regions need to implement measures to attract investment, increase spending on transport infrastructure, and reduce poverty and unemployment. Additionally, the least competitive regions - Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Kamchatka Krai, Arkhangelsk Oblast and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - are recommended to focus on improving the regions’ information infrastructure and attractiveness for business. The article demonstrated that more reliable results can be obtained by using the index of budget expenditures instead of the cost of a fixed basket of goods and services adjusted for a specific region, since it better reflects the high cost of life in the northern regions. The findings can be used to develop socio-economic policy of the northern regions of Russia.Работа подготовлена в рамках исследования по теме «Повышение конкурентоспособности экономики северных регионов России» (№ гос. рег. АААА-А19-119021190159-9, науч. рук. - к. э. н. Ю. А. Гаджиев).The article has been prepared as part of the research “Improving the competitiveness of the economy of the northern regions of Russia” (No. АААА-А19-119021190159-9, research advisor — Cand. Sci. (Econ.) Yu. A. Gadzhiev)

    Political Principles in the Consciousness of Students of the South of Russia

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    For the majority of the population of the Russian Federation, any political position is primarily associated with those political slogans that sound in the election companies of various parties and political forces of the state. The principles declared in the slogans hide broad philosophical, social and political views that find unity in brief formulations. "Liberalism", "Justice", "Collectivism" are the basic political terms that sound in slogans and embody certain positions in the Russian political field. Not all people can interpret these terms correctly (they can be distorted in the information space, especially in the media). However, in a situation where we consider political principles as images in the public consciousness, and not as elements of political theory, it does not play a big role. Based on the analysis of the results of the initiative sociological research of the Russian society of sociologists was made the rating of support of the political principles of the students of the Astrakhan, Volgograd, Stavropol, and in General in Russia. The authors revealed the regional specificity of students ' positions on a number of political principles in the above-mentioned cities, which is different from the all-Russian indicators.Для большинства населения Российской Федерации любая политическая позиция ассоциируется в первую очередь с теми политическими лозунгами, которые звучат в избирательных компаниях различных партий и политических сил государства. Декларируемые в лозунгах принципы скрывают за собой широкие философские, социальные и политические взгляды, которые обретают единство в кратких формулировках. «Либерализм», «Справедливость», «Коллективизм» – это базовые политические термины, звучащие в лозунгах, и воплощающие определенные позиции в российском политическом поле. Не все население может трактовать данные термины правильно (их могут искажать в информационном пространстве, особенно – в СМИ). Однако в ситуации, когда мы рассматриваем политические принципы как образы в общественном сознании, а не как элементы политической теории, это не играет большой роли. На основе анализа результатов инициативного социологического исследования Российского общества социологов был составлен рейтинг поддержки политических принципов студентами Астрахани, Волгограда, Ставрополя и в общем по России. Была выявлена региональная специфика позиций студентов относительно ряда политических принципов в вышеперечисленных городах, отличная от общероссийских показателей

    Расчет шага почвообрабатывающей фрезы с зубцеобразной формой

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    The high energy intensity associated with rotary tillage of soil serves as a deterrent for its widespread use. Rotary tillers are used in cases when there are no alternatives as to the soil quality, especially when machining hard and sod-covered soils. The authors have described new modernized rotary tillers of a serrated type and considered the optimal location of knives relative to the drum. (Research purpose) To determine the relationships for calculating the pitch of a serrated-type rotary tiller for soil preparation before potato planting. (Materials and methods) The authors have noted that currently, there are no methods for selecting the main parameters and operation modes of serrated-type rotary tillers. The research has proved that a new approach is required for selecting the working surface profile of the rotary tiller knife in order to reduce the energy consumption of tillage and improve its quality. The authors have used mathematical and graphical calculations to determine the optimal pitch of the tiller foot. (Results and discussion) The paper presents an expression for determining the amount of soil loosening during the operation of rotary tillers. It has been calculated that an increase in the tillage depth from 0.10 to 0.15 meters results in an increase in the pitch of a tiller foot from 0.04 to 0.06 meters and the optimal value is 0.05 meters. For approximate engineering calculations, it has been assumed that the optimal parameter of a foot pitch is 0.25-0.45 of the knife loading value. (Conclusions) It has been found that the number of knives in one section and the operating width of a knife do not affect the optimal tooth pitch. It has been determined that this indicator linearly depends on the depth of tillage: as it increases by 0.05 meters, the optimal foot step increases by 0.025 meters. It has been shown that as the working speed of the rotary tiller increases, specific energy consumption required for the treatment of a furrow slice decreases, and the efficiency of soil tillage improves.Высокая энергоемкость фрезерования почв служит сдерживающим фактором их широкого применения. Фрезы применяют в тех случаях, когда нет альтернативы по качеству обработки, особенно тяжелых и задернелых почв. Показали, что модернизированные почвообрабатывающие фрезы имеют зубцеобразную форму. Рассмотрели вопросы оптимального расположения ножей относительно барабана. (Цель исследований) Получить зависимости для расчета шага зубцеобразной фрезы почвообрабатывающей машины для предпосадочной обработки почвы перед посадкой картофеля. (Материалы и методы) Отметили отсутствие методик при выборе основных параметров и режимов работы почвообрабатывающих фрез с зубцеобразной формой. Подтвердили необходимость нового подхода в выборе профиля рабочей поверхности ножа фрезы с целью уменьшения энергоемкости фрезерования и улучшения качества обработки. Использовали математические и графические расчеты для определения оптимального шага ступни. (Результаты и обсуждение) Представили выражение для определения объема рыхления почвы при работе почвообрабатывающих фрез. Рассчитали, что с увеличением глубины обработки почвы от 0,10 до 0,15 метра шаг ступни повышается с 0,04 до 0,06 метра и оптимально составляет 0,05 метра. Для ориентировочных инженерных расчетов приняли, что оптимальный  параметр шага ступни равен 0,25-0,45 от значения подачи на нож. (Выводы) Установили, что количество ножей в одной секции и ширина захвата ножа не влияют на величину оптимального шага зубьев. Определили, что этот показатель линейно зависит от глубины обработки почвы: с ее увеличением на 0,05 метра оптимальный шаг ступни возрастает на 0,025 метра. Показали, что с увеличением рабочей скорости фрезы уменьшаются удельные затраты энергии на обработку пласта, а эффективность обработки почвы улучшается

    Burst wave lithotripsy – the new evolution stage of extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy

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    Urolithiasis is currently one of the most urgent problems in the world. Every eleventh worldwide inhabitant suffers from this disease. Previously, the only way to get rid of kidney stones and the urinary tract was open surgery, which was characterized by high trauma. Over the past decades, the development of technologies has made a significant contribution to the development of new methods of urolithiasis treatment. One of these methods is extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). The first lithotripter Dornier HM-1 was produced in 1980. Subsequent models have got many changes, both in terms of ergonomics and power. The researchers noticed that the efficiency of stone crushing in the Dornier HM-1 lithotripter was higher than in newer models since the lower power provided the less intensive formation of cavitation bubbles that prevent the effective transit of subsequent waves through the stone. Nowadays, a new method of remote stone crushing is being developed based on low-amplitude high-frequency technology combined with ultrasonic propulsion, which is the main difference from traditional shock-wave lithotripters. The new technology of stone crushing is called «burst wave lithotripsy» (BWL). Currently, the data have been obtained that this method is more effective in terms of crushing quality and less traumatic

    Electronic properties and phase transitions in low-dimensional semiconductors

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    We present the first review of the current state of the literature on electronic properties and phase transitions in TlX and TlMX2 (M = Ga, In; X = Se, S, Te) compounds. These chalcogenides belong to a family of the low-dimensional semiconductors possessing chain or layered structure. They are of significant interest because of their highly anisotropic properties, semi- and photoconductivity, non-linear effects in their I-V characteristics (including a region of negative differential resistance), switching and memory effects, second harmonic optical generation, relaxor behavior and potential applications for optoelectronic devices. We review the crystal structure of TlX and TlMX2 compounds, their transport properties under ambient conditions, experimental and theoretical studies of the electronic structure, transport properties and semiconductor-metal phase transitions under high pressure, and sequences of temperature-induced structural phase transitions with intermediate incommensurate states. Electronic nature of the ferroelectric phase transitions in the above-mentioned compounds, as well as relaxor behavior, nanodomains and possible occurrence of quantum dots in doped and irradiated crystals is discussed.Comment: 70 pages, 38 figure

    Oscillations and waves in solar spicules

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    Since their discovery, spicules have attracted increased attention as energy/mass bridges between the dense and dynamic photosphere and the tenuous hot solar corona. Mechanical energy of photospheric random and coherent motions can be guided by magnetic field lines, spanning from the interior to the upper parts of the solar atmosphere, in the form of waves and oscillations. Since spicules are one of the most pronounced features of the chromosphere, the energy transport they participate in can be traced by the observations of their oscillatory motions. Oscillations in spicules have been observed for a long time. However the recent high-resolutions and high-cadence space and ground based facilities with superb spatial, temporal and spectral capacities brought new aspects in the research of spicule dynamics. Here we review the progress made in imaging and spectroscopic observations of waves and oscillations in spicules. The observations are accompanied by a discussion on theoretical modelling and interpretations of these oscillations. Finally, we embark on the recent developments made on the presence and role of Alfven and kink waves in spicules. We also address the extensive debate made on the Alfven versus kink waves in the context of the explanation of the observed transverse oscillations of spicule axes

    International alliance of Urolithiasis (IAU) guideline on percutaneous nephrolithotomy

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    The International Alliance of Urolithiasis (IAU) would like to release the latest guideline on percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) and to provide a clinical framework for surgeons performing PCNL. These recommendations were collected and appraised from a systematic review and assessment of the literature covering all aspects of PCNLs from the PubMed database between January 1, 1976, and July 31, 2021. Each generated recommendation was graded using a modified GRADE methodology. The quality of the evidence was graded using a classification system modified from the Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine Levels of Evidence. Forty-seven recommendations were summarized and graded, which covered the following issues, indications and contraindications, stone complexity evaluation, preoperative imaging, antibiotic strategy, management of antithrombotic therapy, anesthesia, position, puncture, tracts, dilation, lithotripsy, intraoperative evaluation of residual stones, exit strategy, postoperative imaging and stone-free status evaluation, complications. The present guideline on PCNL was the first in the IAU series of urolithiasis management guidelines. The recommendations, tips and tricks across the PCNL procedures would provide adequate guidance for urologists performing PCNLs to ensure safety and efficiency in PCNLs