17,141 research outputs found

    Finite-size scaling and the deconfinement transition in gauge theories

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    We introduce a new method for determining the critical indices of the deconfinement transition in gauge theories. The method is based on the finite size scaling behavior of the expectation value of simple lattice operators, such as the plaquette. We test the method for the case of SU(3) pure gauge theory in (2+1) dimensions and obtain a precise determination of the critical index Μ\nu, in agreement with the prediction of the Svetitsky-Yaffe conjecture.Comment: 6 pages. Several comments and one reference added, results unchange

    q-Deformed quaternions and su(2) instantons

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    We have recently introduced the notion of a q-quaternion bialgebra and shown its strict link with the SO_q(4)-covariant quantum Euclidean space R_q^4. Adopting the available differential geometric tools on the latter and the quaternion language we have formulated and found solutions of the (anti)selfduality equation [instantons and multi-instantons] of a would-be deformed su(2) Yang-Mills theory on this quantum space. The solutions depend on some noncommuting parameters, indicating that the moduli space of a complete theory should be a noncommutative manifold. We summarize these results and add an explicit comparison between the two SO_q(4)-covariant differential calculi on R_q^4 and the two 4-dimensional bicovariant differential calculi on the bi- (resp. Hopf) algebras M_q(2),GL_q(2),SU_q(2), showing that they essentially coincide.Comment: Latex file, 18 page

    The spectrum of massive excitations of 3d 3-state Potts model and universality

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    We consider the mass spectrum of the 3dd 3-state Potts model in the broken phase (a) near the second order Ising critical point in the temperature - magnetic field plane and (b) near the weakly first order transition point at zero magnetic field. In the case (a), we compare the mass spectrum with the prediction from universality of mass ratios in the 3dd Ising class; in the case (b), we determine a mass ratio to be compared with the corresponding one in the spectrum of screening masses of the (3+1)dd SU(3) pure gauge theory at finite temperature in the deconfined phase near the transition. The agreement in the comparison in the case (a) would represent a non-trivial test of validity of the conjecture of spectrum universality. A positive answer to the comparison in the case (b) would suggest the possibility to extend this conjecture to weakly first order phase transitions.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures; uses axodraw.st

    Triggering Active Galactic Nuclei in Hierarchical Galaxy Formation: Disk instability vs. Interactions

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    Using a semi analytic model for galaxy formation we investigate the effects of Black Hole accretion triggered by disk instabilities (DI) in isolated galaxies on the evolution of AGN. Specifically, we took on, developed and expanded the Hopkins & Quataert (2011) model for the mass inflow following disk perturbations, and compare the corresponding evolution of the AGN population with that arising in a scenario where galaxy interactions trigger AGN (IT mode). We extended and developed the DI model by including different disk surface density profiles, to study the maximal contribution of DI to the evolution of the AGN population. We obtained the following results: i) for luminosities corresponding to M1450≳−26M_{1450}\gtrsim -26 the DI mode can provide the BH accretion needed to match the observed AGN luminosity functions up to z≈4.5z \approx 4.5; in such a luminosity range and redshift, it can compete with the IT scenario as the main driver of cosmological evolution of AGN; ii) The DI scenario cannot provide the observed abundance of high-luminosity QSO with M1450â‰Č−26M_{1450}\lesssim -26 AGN, as well as the abundance of high-redhshift z≈4.5z \approx 4.5 QSOs with M1450â‰Č−24M_{1450}\lesssim -24, while the IT scenario provides an acceptable match up to z≈6z \approx 6, as found in our earliest works; iii) The dispersion of the distributions of Eddington ratio for low- and intermediate-luminosity AGN (bolometric LAGNL_{AGN} = 104310^{43} - 104510^{45} erg/s) is predicted to be much smaller in the DI scenario compared to the IT mode; iv) The above conclusions are robust with respect to the explored variants of the Hopkins & Quataert (2011) model. We discuss the physical origin of our findings, and how it is possible to pin down the dominant fueling mechanism in the low-intermediate luminosity range M1450≳−26M_{1450}\gtrsim -26 where both the DI and the IT modes are viable candidates as drivers for the AGN evolution.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 24 pages, 8 figures; updated reference

    q-Quaternions and q-deformed su(2) instantons

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    We construct (anti)instanton solutions of a would-be q-deformed su(2) Yang-Mills theory on the quantum Euclidean space R_q^4 [the SO_q(4)-covariant noncommutative space] by reinterpreting the function algebra on the latter as a q-quaternion bialgebra. Since the (anti)selfduality equations are covariant under the quantum group of deformed rotations, translations and scale change, by applying the latter we can generate new solutions from the one centered at the origin and with unit size. We also construct multi-instanton solutions. As they depend on noncommuting parameters playing the roles of `sizes' and `coordinates of the centers' of the instantons, this indicates that the moduli space of a complete theory will be a noncommutative manifold. Similarly, gauge transformations should be allowed to depend on additional noncommutative parameters.Comment: Latex file, 39 pages. Final version appeared in JM

    Influence of disordered porous media in the anomalous properties of a simple water model

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    The thermodynamic, dynamic and structural behavior of a water-like system confined in a matrix is analyzed for increasing confining geometries. The liquid is modeled by a two dimensional associating lattice gas model that exhibits density and diffusion anomalies, in similarity to the anomalies present in liquid water. The matrix is a triangular lattice in which fixed obstacles impose restrictions to the occupation of the particles. We show that obstacules shortens all lines, including the phase coexistence, the critical and the anomalous lines. The inclusion of a very dense matrix not only suppress the anomalies but also the liquid-liquid critical point

    The spectrum of screening masses near T_c: predictions from universality

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    We discuss the spectrum of screening masses in a pure gauge theory near the deconfinement temperature from the point of view of the dimensionally reduced model describing the spontaneous breaking of the center symmetry. Universality arguments can be used to predict the values of the mass ratios in the scaling region of the deconfined phase when the transition is of second order. One such prediction is that the scalar sector of the screening spectrum in SU(2) pure gauge theory contains a bound state of the fundamental excitation, corresponding through universality to the bound state found in the 3D Ising model and phi^4 theory in the broken symmetry phase. A Monte Carlo evaluation of the screening masses in the gauge theory confirms the validity of the prediction. We briefly discuss the possibility of using similar arguments for first order deconfinement transitions, and in particular for the physically relevant case of SU(3).Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. Some changes in the discussion, added references, results unchanged. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quark-antiquark contribution to the BFKL kernel

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    The quark-antiquark contribution to the BFKL kernel is calculated. Using the effective vertex for the qqˉq\bar q pair production in the Reggeon-Reggeon collision we find this contribution by integrating the square of this vertex over relative transverse momenta and fractions of longitudinal momenta of produced particles.Comment: 12 pages, Late

    Multiphase gas flows in the nearby Seyfert galaxy ESO428-G14

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    We present ALMA rest-frame 230 GHz continuum and CO(2-1) line observations of the nearby Compton-thick Seyfert galaxy ESO428-G14, with angular resolution 0.7 arcsec (78 pc). We detect CO(2-1) emission from spiral arms and a circum-nuclear ring with 200 pc radius, and from a transverse gas lane with size of ∌100\sim100 pc, which crosses the nucleus and connects the two portions the circumnuclear ring. The molecular gas in the host galaxy is distributed in a rotating disk with intrinsic circular velocity vrot=135v_{rot}=135 km/s, inclination i=57i=57 deg, and dynamical mass Mdyn=5×109 M⊙M_{dyn }=5\times 10^9~\rm M_{\odot} within a radius of ∌1\sim 1 kpc. In the inner 100 pc region CO is distributed in a equatorial bar, whose kinematics is highly perturbed and consistent with an inflow of gas towards the AGN. This inner CO bar overlaps with the most obscured, Compton-thick region seen in X-rays. We derive a column density of N(H2)≈2×1023 cm−2\rm N(H_2) \approx 2\times10^{23}~ cm^{-2} in this region, suggesting that molecular gas may contribute significantly to the AGN obscuration. We detect a molecular outflow with a total outflow rate M˙of≈0.8 M⊙/yr\rm \dot M_{of}\approx 0.8~M_{\odot}/yr, distributed along a bi-conical structure with size of 700700 pc on both sides of the AGN. The bi-conical outflow is also detected in the H2\rm H_2 emission line at 2.12 ÎŒ\mum, which traces a warmer nuclear outflow located within 170 pc from the AGN. This suggests that the outflow cools with increasing distance from the AGN. We find that the hard X-ray emitting nuclear region mapped with Chandra is CO-deprived, but filled with warm molecular gas traced by H2\rm H_2 - thus confirming that the hard (3-6 keV) continuum and Fe Kα\alpha emission are due to scattering from dense neutral clouds in the ISM.Comment: Submitted to Ap
