1,751 research outputs found

    Lipid storage and autophagy in melanoma cancer cells

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    Cancer stem cells (CSC) represent a key cellular subpopulation controlling biological features such as cancer progression in all cancer types. By using melanospheres established from human melanoma patients, we compared less differentiated melanosphere-derived CSC to differentiating melanosphere-derived cells. Increased lipid uptake was found in melanosphere-derived CSC vs. differentiating melanosphere-derived cells, paralleled by strong expression of lipogenic factors Sterol Regulatory Element-Binding Protein-1 (SREBP-1) and Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-γ (PPAR-γ). An inverse relation between lipid-storing phenotype and autophagy was also found, since microtubule-associated protein 1A/1B-Light Chain 3 (LC3) lipidation is reduced in melanosphere-derived CSC. To investigate upstream autophagy regulators, Phospho-AMP activated Protein Kinase (P-AMPK) and Phospho-mammalian Target of Rapamycin (P-mTOR) were analyzed; lower P-AMPK and higher P-mTOR expression in melanosphere-derived CSC were found, thus explaining, at least in part, their lower autophagic activity. In addition, co-localization of LC3-stained autophagosome spots and perilipin-stained lipid droplets was demonstrated mainly in differentiating melanosphere-derived cells, further supporting the role of autophagy in lipid droplets clearance. The present manuscript demonstrates an inverse relationship between lipid-storing phenotype and melanoma stem cells differentiation, providing novel indications involving autophagy in melanoma stem cells biology

    Where do I come from? Using student’s mitochondrial DNA to teach about phylogeny, molecular clocks, and population genetics

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    Phylogenetic reconstruction, divergence times, and population genetics are critical concepts for a complete understanding of evolution. Unfortunately, students generally lack “tree-thinking” skills and are often unmotivated to explore these concepts using typical classroom exercises that feature taxa unknown to students or simulated datasets. To generate greater student interest, we have developed an affordable practical lab ($16 dollars per student) where students extract and sequence their own mtDNA and use it for exercises involving phylogenetic reconstruction (placement of own DNA into the world tree), divergence (speciation) time (comparing current student population with chimps, gorillas, and Neanderthal), and population genetics (demographic change calculation based on student’s sample). In contrast to traditional labs, we found that students were highly motivated and enthusiastic throughout the four-week activity. Students had a 100% rate of success in obtaining DNA sequences and their evaluations report high satisfaction with the learning outcome. Here we provide all details and datasets needed to run the lab and discuss a series of assessments and possible exercises

    A bottom-up method for evaluating the whole energy demand of large residential building stocks: an application to a regional scale

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    In this paper a method is described, originally conceived during the compilation of the Energy and Environmental Regional Plan of Sicily, aimed to: a) set up a lay-out model of an overall regional residential estate into a certain number of different building and heating system types; b) calculate the energy needs of every single type according to the procedures established by the national and European regulations; The method is particularly designed to evaluate the possible energy savings from the implementation of different interventions concerning the envelope and the HVAC systems to the various building types. The method, although based on several assumptions, shows to be reliable enough and is also characterized by a simple structure easily adoptable by planners and technicians in their attempt to lead regional energy policies toward more sustainable paths. The method has been validated against the aggregate value of the real energy demand deriving from the regional energy balance

    The Nutraceutical Properties of “Pizza Napoletana Marinara TSG” a Traditional Food Rich in Bioaccessible Antioxidants

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    : Italian gastronomy experiences have ever-enhancing fame around the world. It is due to the linkage between taste and salubriousness commonly related to Mediterranean foods. The market proposes many types of pizza to suit all palates. The antioxidant potential of the “Pizza Napoletana marinara” included in the register of traditional specialties guaranteed (TSG) was determined in this work. ABTS (2,2’-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) method evaluated the antioxidant activity of the pizza homogenized. In vitro digestion models estimated the intestinal and gastric bioaccessibility of the main antioxidant compounds (lycopene and phenolics). To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide the content, antioxidant potential, and bioaccessibility of the antioxidants (polyphenols and lycopene) contained in the traditional pizza “marinara TSG”. Our results showed that the “Pizza Napoletana marinara” had polyphenols concentration, lycopene level, antioxidant activity, and bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds and lycopene better than other similar pizzas. They confirmed the nutritional importance of traditional preparations and established the nutraceutical potential of “pizza marinara TSG” as a food rich in bio-accessible antioxidants

    Evolução da assistência à gestação e ao parto no extremo sul do Brasil

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    OBJETIVO Descrever a evolução da assistência à gestação e ao parto entre puérperas residentes no município de Rio Grande (RS) utilizando dados de inquéritos realizados a cada três anos, entre 2007 e 2019. MÉTODOS Em até 48 horas após o parto foi aplicado questionário único, padronizado, a todas as mães que tiveram filhos nos hospitais locais e cumpriram os critérios de inclusão. Foram investigadas características demográficas e reprodutivas, hábitos de vida, nível socioeconômico da família e cuidados recebidos durante a gestação e o parto. Na análise, utilizou-se o teste qui-quadrado de tendência linear para avaliar a distribuição dos indicadores por inquérito. RESULTADOS Ao todo, 12.645 parturientes foram entrevistadas (98% do total de mulheres aptas a participar da pesquisa). No período avaliado, a proporção de partos caiu 35% entre adolescentes e aumentou 25% entre mulheres com 35 anos ou mais. As mães ganharam, em média, dois anos de escolaridade, e suas famílias tiveram importante melhora econômica, seguida, porém, de perda de renda no último inquérito. O tabagismo materno, antes e durante a gravidez, caiu à metade. Houve aumento na taxa de mães que iniciaram o pré-natal no primeiro trimestre, e aumentou também o número de consultas e de testes laboratoriais. Quase 60% das consultas de pré-natal e 80% dos partos ocorreram no Sistema Único de Saúde. Em 2019, o parto vaginal voltou a ser o mais comum. As taxas de baixo peso ao nascer (9%) e prematuridade (17%) praticamente não se modificaram. CONCLUSÕES Houve mudança importante no perfil reprodutivo e aumento da cobertura de diversos serviços de assistência pré-natal e parto. As crianças seguem nascendo bem, mas o baixo peso ao nascer e a prematuridade continuam endêmicos.OBJECTIVES To describe the evolution of care during pregnancy and childbirth among postpartum women living in the municipality of Rio Grande, Southern Brazil, using data from surveys carried out every three years between 2007 and 2019. METHODS Within 48 hours after delivery, a single, standardized questionnaire was applied to all mothers who had children in local hospitals and met the inclusion criteria. Demographic and reproductive characteristics, lifestyle habits, socioeconomic level of the family, and care received during pregnancy and childbirth were investigated. In the analysis, the chi-square test for linear trend was used to assess the distribution of indicators per survey. RESULTS A total of 12,645 parturients were interviewed (98% of the women eligible to participate in the surveys). In the period evaluated, the proportion of births fell 35% among adolescents and increased 25% among women aged 35 years and over. Mothers gained, on average, two years of schooling, and their families experienced an important economic improvement, followed by loss of income in the last survey. Maternal smoking, before and during pregnancy, fell by half. The rate of mothers who started prenatal care in the first trimester and the number of consultations and laboratory tests increased. Almost 60% of prenatal consultations and 80% of births took place in the Brazilian Unified Health System. In 2019, vaginal delivery was once again the most common. The rates of low birth weight (9%) and prematurity (17%) virtually remained unchanged. CONCLUSIONS We found an important change in the reproductive profile and increased coverage of various prenatal care and delivery services. Children continue to be born well, but low birth weight and prematurity remain endemic

    Episiotomy in Southern Brazil: prevalence, trend, and associated factors

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    OBJECTIVE To identify and analyze the prevalence, trend, and factors associated with episiotomy in Rio Grande, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil. METHODS A single, standardized questionnaire was applied to all pregnant women, residents in the municipality of Rio Grande, who had children in local hospitals between January 1 and December 12 of the years 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 e 2019. Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics were investigated, as well as the assistance received during pregnancy and delivery. Chi-square test was used to compare proportions and Poisson regression with robust variance adjustment was used for multivariable analysis. Prevalence ratio (PR) was used as effect measure. RESULTS Among the 12,645 births that occurred in the five years, 5,714 (45.2%) were vaginal delivery. Of these mothers, 2,930 (51.3%; 95%CI: 50.0%–52.6%) underwent episiotomy. Over this period, the episiotomy rate decreased from 70.9% (68.4–73.5) in 2007 to 19.4% (17.1–21.7) in 2019. Adjusted analysis showed a high PR of episiotomy occurrence among women who were young (PR = 2.23; 95%CI: 1.89–2.63), had higher education (PR = 1.21; 95%Cl: 1.03–1.42), had a higher family income (PR = 1.25; 95%CI: 1.10–1.41), were primiparous (PR = 3.41; 95%CI: 2.95–3.95), had prenatal care in the private sector (PR = 1.25; 95%CI: 1.07–1.46), had oxytocin-induced labor (PR = 1.18; 95%CI:1.09–1.27), underwent forceps (PR = 1.32; 95%CI: 1.16–1.50), and whose newborn weighed 4,000 g or more (PR = 1.43; 95%CI: 1.14–1.80). CONCLUSION Although the prevalence of episiotomy fell sharply within the studied period, its occurrence is more likely among women at lower risk of birth complications

    Noções sobre a teoria de vigotsky e observações sobre o professor como mediador: uma experiência vivenciada no PIBID

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014Este texto tem por finalidade discutir sobre algumas ideias da teoria de Vigotsky acerca da formação de conceitos, bem como relatar uma experiência vivenciada em uma escola da rede municipal pública do município de Guarapuava Paraná, a partir da participação no Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação a Docência PIBID/CAPES/DEB, no Curso de Pedagogia, cujo subprojeto é focado na Alfabetizaçã

    Are Cellulose nanocrystals ‘alien particles’ to human experience?

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    A wide family of cellulose-based additives are authorized worldwide as fillers and thickening agents in foods, pills and tablets, and microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) is, among these, the most important one. Since MCC manufacturing is similar to the main production route of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs), it is reasonable to wonder whether the MCC would contain CNCs as minor components. In this Short Communications we provide first results about the occurrence of CNCs in MCC, observed by dynamic light scattering and transmission electron microscopy after serial filtrations of MCC suspensions. The incidence of cellulose nanoparticles has been proved in several different trials in our ongoing works on diverse MCC samples and the nanoparticles isolated showed shape and dimensions similar to those commonly produced by acidic hydrolysis at laboratory level. Therefore, the presence of CNCs in many products is considered as a certainty. The foods and the pharmaceuticals we have been consuming so far, do indeed contain traces of CNCs to such an extent that this wide presence in consumed products should be taken into account when considering possible limitations of the use of these nanoparticles in food contact materials manufacture

    Establishment of \u3ci\u3eSinoxylon anale\u3c/i\u3e Lesne (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in Brazil and its potential implications

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    Bostrichidae (Coleoptera) are a family of beetles with specialized xylophagous feeding habits that allow consumption of dry woody plant tissues. Bostrichids are often polyphagous and therefore pose a sig­nificant threat to many agricultural and forestry products, particularly in tropical regions. Bostrichids are commonly detected in solid wood packaging material at international ports of entry. Notably, Sinoxylon anale Lesne has been intercepted in wood crates and pallets worldwide and has now become established in Brazil. This paper reports the first documented establishment of S. anale in Brazil, being found both in domestic wood pallets and within native forest and monoculture. The origin of these populations remains uncertain, but introductions through infested wood packaging at ports of entry is a likely scenario. Similarly, the exact time of establishment is unknown. Given that S. anale adults are attracted to light and ethanol, trapping using light or ethanol could be used in monitoring surveys. This species typically infests dead or decaying woody material, and therefore does not pose a direct threat to healthy, live trees. Although more common in tropical regions, S. anale has exhibited some adaptability to temperate climates, which may allow it to spread across the tropical and subtropical regions of Brazil and potentially to other parts of South America