27 research outputs found

    Mechanisms for reducing low back pain: a mediation analysis of a multifaceted intervention in workers in elderly care

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    Purpose A multifaceted workplace intervention consisting of participatory ergonomics, physical training, and cognitive–behavioural training (CBT) has shown effectiveness for reducing low back pain (LBP). However, the mechanisms of action underlying these intervention components are not well understood. Methods This was a mediation analysis of a cluster-randomised controlled trial of a multifaceted intervention in 420 workers in elderly care. Mediation analysis was carried out via structural equation modelling. Potential mediators investigated were: fear-avoidance beliefs, perceived muscle strength, use of assistive devices at work and perceived physical exertion at work. LBP outcomes assessed were: days with LBP, LBP intensity and days with bothersome LBP. Results There were no significant indirect effects of the intervention on LBP outcomes. There were significant effects of the intervention on both fear-avoidance measures [β = − 0.63, 95% CI (1.23, 0.03); β = − 1.03, 95% CI (− 1.70, − 0.34)] and the use of assistive devices [β = − 0.55, 95% CI (− 1.04, − 0.05)], but not on perceived muscle strength [β = − 0.18, 95% CI (− 0.50, 0.13)] or physical exertion [β = − 0.05, 95% CI (− 0.40, 0.31)]. The only potential mediator with a significant effect on LBP outcomes was physical exertion, which had a significant effect on LBP intensity [β = 0.14, 95% CI (0.04, 0.23)]. Conclusions A multifaceted intervention consisting of participatory ergonomics, physical training, and CBT was able to decrease fear-avoidance beliefs and increase use of assistive devices in the workplace. However, these changes did not explain the effect of any of the intervention components on days with LBP, LBP intensity and days with bothersome LBP

    Rassembleur à harmonique 3 simulé

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    Nous proposons un rassembleur à haute efficacité utilisant le fondamental et l'harmonique 2 pour simuler l'harmonique 3. Le rendement théorique d'un tel système est n = 88 % au lieu de 65 % avec un rassembleur classique. Pratiquement, on peut espérer un facteur d'amélioration compris entre 4 et 5

    Rassembleur à harmonique 3 simulé

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    We propose a high efficiency buncher using the fundamental frequency and its second harmonie to simulate the third one. The theoretical efficiency of this system is 88 % instead of 65 % with the classical one. Practically, it is possible to obtain a gain between 4 and 5 instead of 3 with the classical buncher.Nous proposons un rassembleur à haute efficacité utilisant le fondamental et l'harmonique 2 pour simuler l'harmonique 3. Le rendement théorique d'un tel système est n = 88 % au lieu de 65 % avec un rassembleur classique. Pratiquement, on peut espérer un facteur d'amélioration compris entre 4 et 5

    PDNA as building blocks for membrane-guided self-assemblies

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    Solveur TLM multi-physique pour applications en dosimétrie

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    National audienceDans cette contribution, nous résumons le travail réalisé dans le Projet MEDUSES 2 en collaboration entre le Lab-STICC à IMT-Atlantique, le LEAT à l'Université Côte d'Azur et la DGA-TA à Toulouse. L'objectif principal de ce projet est de construire un solveur multi-physique robuste pour les phénomènes électromagnétiques et thermiques pour simuler des scénarios réalistes, tels que le calcul du DAS dans le corps humain et son élévation de température lorsqu'il est exposé à un rayonnement EM produit par une antenne. Les deux phénomènes physiques sont modélisésdans le domaine temporel avec un code de calcul basé sur la méthode TLM (Transmission-Line Matrix Method)