541 research outputs found

    Differential diagnosis and effective therapy for sore throat

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    Sore throat is a common complaint, which can be caused by a typical viral pharyngitis, or it can be rooted in a life-threatening disease such as epiglottitis or inflammation of the cellular spaces in the throat and neck. The doctor should take a closer look at a patient with a sore throat, immediately make a differential diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment, including surgical intervention, if necessary.The article discusses the most common causes of a sore throat, including various types of pharyngitis, paratonsillar abscess, parapharyngeal abscess, retropharyngeal abscess, epiglottitis.Viral pharyngitis has a favourable prognosis, resolves without intervention and complications, but bacterial and fungal pharyngitis have a more severe course. Streptococcal pharyngitis caused by group A в-hemolytic streptococcus holds a dominant position in bacterial etiology and requires the use of antibiotic therapy. The differential diagnosis of streptococcal pharyngitis is based on the modified Centor scores in the routine clinical practice. Antibiotic therapy for streptococcal pharyngitis includes a 10-day course of unprotected penicillins. If a patient has an allergic reaction to penicillins, it is recommended to use clindamycin or clarithromycin. The surgical intervention combined with intramuscular or intravenous antibiotic therapy is recommended for the treatment of purulent processes in the cellular spaces of the neck. These diseases can have life-threatening complications, which include neurological damage, the spread of purulent process in the mediastinum with the development of mediastinitis, laryn-geal stenosis, sepsis, necrotizing fasciitis, jugular vein thrombosis and erosion of the carotid artery. The third generation cephalosporins and protected penicillins are recommended for the treatment of epiglottitis, and respiratory fluoroquinolones are used, if a patient has a history of allergic reactions to penicillins. In severe cases with symptoms of stenosis, intubation can be performed in addition to the use of antibiotics

    Transport properties of the azimuthal magnetorotational instability

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    The magnetorotational instability (MRI) is thought to be a powerful source of turbulence in Keplerian accretion disks. Motivated by recent laboratory experiments, we study the MRI driven by an azimuthal magnetic field in an electrically conducting fluid sheared between two concentric rotating cylinders. By adjusting the rotation rates of the cylinders, we approximate angular velocity profiles ω ∝ r q . We perform direct numerical simulations of a steep profile close to the Rayleigh line q & −2 and a quasiKeplerian profile q ≈ −3/2 and cover wide ranges of Reynolds (Re ≤ 4 · 104 ) and magnetic Prandtl numbers (0 ≤ Pm ≤ 1). In the quasi-Keplerian case, the onset of instability depends on the magnetic Reynolds number, with Rmc ≈ 50, and angular momentum transport scales as √ PmRe2 in the turbulent regime. The ratio of Maxwell to Reynolds stresses is set by Rm. At the onset of instability both stresses have similar magnitude, whereas the Reynolds stress vanishes or becomes even negative as Rm increases. For the profile close to the Rayleigh line, the instability shares these properties as long as Pm & 0.1, but exhibits a markedly different character if Pm → 0, where the onset of instability is governed by the Reynolds number, with Rec ≈ 1250, transport is via Reynolds stresses and scales as Re2 . At intermediate Pm = 0.01 we observe a continuous transition from one regime to the other, with a crossover at Rm = O(100). Our results give a comprehensive picture of angular momentum transport of the MRI with an imposed azimuthal field

    Helium Porosity Formation in Vanadium Alloys of V-Ti-Cr, V-W-Zr and V-W-Ta Systems in Comparison with Binary Alloys

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    Vanadium alloys are considered candidates for use as structural materials of fusion reactors. A large amount of helium will be accumulated in such materials. The presence of helium in the materials may result in gas swelling. This paper presents the results on helium porosity formation researches in V–Ti–Cr, V–W–Zr and V–W–Ta alloys obtained by means of TEM. Samples were irradiated by 40 keV Не+ ions up to dose of 5 ⋅ 1020m−2 at 923 K. Alloy V–4%Ti–4%Cr has a smallest helium swelling among the ternary alloys and its swelling is significantly lower than swelling of dual V–Ti and V–Cr alloys. The swelling of the ternary V–2%W–1%Zr alloy is more than 3 times less than the swelling of vanadium, several times less than that of V–W alloys and slightly lower than the swelling of V– Zr alloys. Swelling increases by a factor of 1.5 with increasing of Zr content to 2% in the ternary V–2%W–1%Zr alloy. Similarly, gas swelling of ternary V–2%W–1%Ta alloy is significantly lower than that for binary V–W and V–Ta alloys. Assumptions are made about the possible mechanisms of the effect of alloying elements in vanadium on helium porosity formation. Keywords: vanadium alloys, swelling, helium, radiation resistance

    Study of psychological status of tsu students from exercise therapy group

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    The present article contains the results of ascertaining study, aimed at identification of the psychological characteristics of students engaged in groups of exercise therapy. It has been established that students with poor health differ greatly in psychometric characteristics from the group of students who do not have any problems with their health. These differences are most pronounced in the findings obtained by means of questionnaires of constructive thinking and level of subjective control. Students who train in the groups of exercise therapy, need special forms of organization of the educational process involving psychological methods

    Coriolis darkening in late-type stars II. Effect of self-sustained magnetic fields in stratified convective envelope

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    Modeling the surface brightness distribution of stars is of prime importance to interpret observations. Nevertheless, this remains quite challenging for cool stars as it requires one to model the MHD turbulence that develops in their convective envelope. In Paper I, the effect of the Coriolis acceleration on the surface heat flux has been studied by means of hydrodynamic simulations. In this paper, we aim to investigate the additional effect of dynamo magnetic fields. We focus on an envelope thickness that is representative of either a 0.35 M\sim0.35~M_\odot M dwarf, a young red giant star or a pre-main sequence star. We performed a parametric study using numerical MHD simulations of anelastic convection in thick rotating spherical shells. For each model, we computed the mean surface distribution of the heat flux, and examined the leading-order effect of the magnetic field on the obtained latitudinal luminosity profile. We identify three different regimes. Close to the onset of convection, while the first unstable modes tend to convey heat more efficiently near the equator, magnetic fields are shown to generally enhance the mean heat flux close to the polar regions (and the tangent cylinder). By progressively increasing the Rayleigh number, the development of a prograde equatorial jet was previously shown to make the equator darker when no magnetic field is taken into account. For moderate Rayleigh numbers, magnetic fields can instead inverse the mean pole-equator brightness contrast (which means going from a darker to a brighter equator when a dynamo sets in) and finally induce a similar regime to that found close to the onset of convection. For more turbulent models with larger Rayleigh numbers, magnetic fields alternatively tend to smooth out the brightness contrast. This general behavior is shown to be related to the quenching of the surface differential rotation by magnetic fields.Comment: Accepted in A&A - Acceptance date: 04/03/202

    Oxygen-conducting Composites Based on Me2(WO4)3 (Me = Sm, Al)

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    Composites Sm2(WO4)3-WO3 and Al2(WO4)3-WO3 were prepared by the solid-state method and a systematic study of their electrotransport properties has been carried out. A sharp increase in the oxygen-ion conductivity is observed in composites Sm2(WO4)3–WO3 at small WO3 values (about 10 mol.%). This effect is probably caused by formation of the non-autonomous interface phase covering grain boundaries of Sm2(WO4)3. These composite O2− – electrolytes are perspective materials for high temperature fuel cells. Тhe composite effect is absent in the Al2(WO4)3–WO3 system. This is probably due to the negative thermal expansion coefficient of Al2(WO4)3, which prevents the formation of a continuous high-conducting microphase film. Keywords: composites, ionic conductivity, heterogeneous doping, microphas

    An Exploratory Assessment of Applying Risk Management Practices to Engineered Nanomaterials

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    The widespread industrial application of nanotechnology has increased the number of workers exposed to engineered nanomaterials (ENMs), but it is not clear to what extent prevention guidance is practiced. Our aim was to explore the extent that companies manufacturing and/or using ENMs apply risk assessment and management measures. Thirty-four companies were surveyed with an international 35-item questionnaire investigating company and workforce features, types of ENM handled, and risk evaluation and preventive measures adopted. Among participating companies, 62% had a maximum of 10 employees. Metal-based nanomaterials were most frequently identified (73%). Environmental monitoring was performed by 41% of the companies, while engineering exposure controls were approximately reported by 50%. Information and training programs were indicated by 85% of the sample, only 9% performed specific health surveillance for ENM workers. Personal protective equipment primarily included gloves (100%) and eye/face protection (94%). This small-scale assessment can contribute to the limited amount of published literature on the topic. Future investigations should include a greater number of companies to better represent ENM workplaces and a direct access to industrial settings to collect information on site. Finally, deeper attention should be paid to define standardized frameworks for ENM risk assessment that may guide nano-specific preventive actions

    The formation and development of the managerial personnel reserve on the example of the Tatarstan republic

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    The article describes the practice of formation the personnel reserve in government and administration of the Tatarstan Republic. Also presents an analysis of candidates for inclusion on the roster consisting of three interconnected successive stages- preparatory, competitive and evolving. The authors emphasize the usage of working with a reserve by the structural subdivisions of the human control and power, as well as individual activity types of reservists

    Broad Line Emission in Low-Metallicity Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies: Evidence for Stellar Wind, Supernova and Possible AGN Activity

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    We present spectra of a large sample of low-metallicity blue compact dwarf galaxies which exhibit broad components in their strong emission lines, mainly in Hbeta, [O III]4959, 5007 and Halpha. Twenty-three spectra have been obtained with the MMT, 14 of which show broad emission. The remaining 21 spectra with broad emission have been selected from the Data Release 5 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The most plausible origin of broad line emission is the evolution of massive stars and their interaction with the circumstellar and interstellar medium. The broad emission with the lowest Hα\alpha luminosities (10^36 - 10^39 erg/s) is likely produced in circumstellar envelopes around hot Ofp/WN9 and/or LBV stars. The broad emission with the highest Halpha luminosities (10^40 - 10^42 erg/s) probably arises from type IIp or type IIn supernovae (SNe). It can also come from active galactic nuclei (AGN) containing intermediate-mass black holes, although we find no strong evidence for hard non-thermal radiation in our sample galaxies. The oxygen abundance in the host galaxies with SN candidates is low and varies in the range 12 + log O/H = 7.36 - 8.31. However, type IIn SN / AGN candidates are found only in galaxies with 12 + log O/H < 7.99. Spectroscopic monitoring of these type IIn SN / AGN candidates over a time scale of several years is necessary to distinguish between the two possibilities.Comment: 50 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa