279 research outputs found

    The Value of Tuberculinization in Veterinary Practice

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    In a scientific study, the biological properties of PPD diagnostics, developed in the laboratory of the Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine by a senior researcher G.Kh. Mamadullaeva, are experimentally explained

    Melons of Uzbekistan

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    Trilingual publication: English, Russian and Uzbek In the year 2000, during the scientific expedition by the Uzbek Research Institute of Plant Industry (UzRIPI) under support of the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), melon-growing areas of Uzbekistan were surveyed, farmers' plots were studied, and the melon varieties grown were described and collected. This survey mission has been conducted within the framework of the project ”Enhancement of the use of melon genetic resources in Uzbekistan through the strengthening of on farm and ex-situ conservation” under the leadership of Dr. S. Padulosi and Ms. M.K. Turdieva from the IPGRI Regional office.The book of ”Melons of Uzbekistan”, is written on the basis of this mission's results. The book includes expanded data on varietal distribution in melon growing areas, detailed descriptions of old local melon varieties under cultivation, new forms, and breeding melon cultivars developed over the last forty years along with literature references. The publication is intended for scientists, agronomists, students, and the public at large

    Gibbs measures for HC-model with a countable set of spin values on a Cayley tree

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    In this paper, we study the HC-model with a countable set Z\mathbb Z of spin values on a Cayley tree of order k2k\geq 2. This model is defined by a countable set of parameters (that is, the activity function λi>0\lambda_i>0, iZi\in \mathbb Z). A functional equation is obtained that provides the consistency condition for finite-dimensional Gibbs distributions. Analyzing this equation, the following results are obtained: - Let Λ=iλi\Lambda=\sum_i\lambda_i. For Λ=+\Lambda=+\infty there are no translation-invariant Gibbs measures (TIGM) and no two-periodic Gibbs measures (TPGM); - For Λ<+\Lambda<+\infty, the uniqueness of TIGM is proved; - Let Λcr(k)=kk(k1)k+1\Lambda_{\rm cr}(k)=\frac{k^k}{(k-1)^{k+1}}. If 0<ΛΛcr0<\Lambda\leq\Lambda_{\rm cr}, then there is exactly one TPGM that is TIGM; - For Λ>Λcr\Lambda>\Lambda_{\rm cr}, there are exactly three TPGMs, one of which is TIGM.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    On projective motions of five-dimensional spaces of special form

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    © 2017, Allerton Press, Inc.The paper is devoted to the problem of determining of 5-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian manifolds (M, g) admitting projective motions (h-spaces). A similar problem for n-dimensional proper Riemannian and Lorentz spaces was solved by Levi-Civita, Solodovnikov, Petrov and Aminova. For pseudo-Riemannian manifolds of arbitrary signature and dimension the problem of their classification in Lie algebras and Lie groups of projective transformations, set more than a hundred years ago, is still open. In this paper five-dimensional h-spaces of the type {221} are determined using the method of skew-normal frame (Aminova) and necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of projective motions of the same type are established


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    The article discusses the current state of internetization industry and the role of digital technologies in the development of economies of European Union, the Asia-Pacific region and the United State. The experience of world leaders in the field of cyber-physical systems integration in industrial processes is analyzed. Programmers for the industrial development of various countries are analyzed on the example of intellectualization all processes. Real examples show that the use of digital technologies and communications creates the conditions for intensive development of the economy. The structure of the concept «Industry 4.0» as a platform to create «smart factories» is presented

    31P NMR studies of phospholipids

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    © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) can provide information on the composition of phospholipid (PL) membranes, lipid headgroup orientation relative to the bilayers normal, and the phase state of PL systems. Interaction of the membrane with ions, drugs, other small molecules and peptides may lead to lipid phase change and lamellar phase disturbances, which can also be revealed in 31P NMR spectra. Traditional 31P NMR spectroscopy has been used for years, mainly to study lipid phase state. In the last few years, however, its utility has been extended by a number of solid-state methods in field-cycling spectroscopy. Membrane mimicking systems have been complemented with bicelles, which are more convenient for studying peptide structure in lipid-peptide interactions. Another challenge is the study of ordered membrane domains (rafts) induced in the presence of cholesterol or certain proteins. As a result, recent work has refined the structure of PL headgroups and elucidated membrane responses to interactions with peptides and other molecules. Selected examples of such fascinating investigations are presented here

    Mass-Media as a Factor of Forming of Youth Value of Orientation

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    В данной статье пойдет речь о роли СМИ в формировании ценностных ориентаций молодежи в современном мире. Для каждого индивида ценностные ориентации имеют важное место в построении модели поведения, образа жизни, на их формирование огромное влияние оказывают современные средства массовой информации.In a prescription of article the point of issue is about mass-media and forming of value orientation young people in modern world. For each, individually the value of orientation there is importantly place for array his model of conduct, image of life that formation, which huge impact pay modern resources of mass information

    Water state and diffusion through lipid bilayers: Effect of hydration degree

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    The dependences of adsorbed water state (obtained from the variations in 1H NMR spectra with the angle between the bilayer normal and magnetic field direction) and water diffusion along the bilayer normal (measured using pulsed field gradient 1H NMR) on hydration degree have been studied in macroscopically oriented bilayers of dioleoylphosphatidylcholine. The angle dependences of the shape of NMR spectrum are qualitatively different only for water concentrations higher and lower than that achieved by hydration from saturated vapors (χeq, about 23%). At concentrations lower than χeq, all water in the sample either makes the hydration shells of the lipid polar heads or is in fast exchange with the shell water, so the spin-echo signal from water is detected only within a narrow range of angles close to the magic angle, 54.7°. At concentration exceeding χeq, the spin-echo signal from water is retained at all orientations, suggesting that a portion of water between bilayers (quasi-free water) slowly exchanges with water bound to the polar heads. There is an inverse dependence of the coefficient of water self-diffusion through the bilayer system on the hydration degree, which is described in the Tanner model with account of water self-diffusion in the hydrophobic part of the bilayer. Bilayer permeability, distribution coefficient of molecules between aqueous and lipid phases, and water self-diffusion coefficient in the hydrophobic region of the bilayer are estimated. © 2007 Pleiades Publishing, Inc