569 research outputs found

    Large, long range tensile forces drive convergence during

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    Indirect evidence suggests that blastopore closure during gastrulation of anamniotes, including amphibians such as Xenopus laevis, depends on circumblastoporal convergence forces generated by the marginal zone (MZ), but direct evidence is lacking. We show that explanted MZs generate tensile convergence forces up to 1.5 mN during gastrulation and over 4 mN thereafter. These forces are generated by convergent thickening (CT) until the midgastrula and increasingly by convergent extension (CE) thereafter. Explants from ventralized embryos, which lack tissues expressing CE but close their blastopores, produce up to 2 mN of tensile force, showing that CT alone generates forces sufficient to close the blastopore. Uniaxial tensile stress relaxation assays show stiffening of mesodermal and ectodermal tissues around the onset of neurulation, potentially enhancing long-range transmission of convergence forces. These results illuminate the mechanobiology of early vertebrate morphogenic mechanisms, aid interpretation of phenotypes, and give insight into the evolution of blastopore closure mechanisms. © Shook et al

    Vascular Function following a High Fat Meal with Resistance Exercise

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    Sex Differences in the Hemodynamic Response to Arm Elevation

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    Towards the Data Processing Boards for CBM experiment

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    16 Brachyterapia śródoperacyjna mięsaków przestrzeni zaotrzewnowej – ocena wczesnej tolerancji

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    Cel pracyCelem pracy jest ocena wczesnej tolerancji i skuteczności śródoperacyjnej brachyterapii HDR w leczeniu mięsaków tkanek miękkich.MetodaW 1992 r.w Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center w NY opracowano metodę napromieniania śródoperacyjnego HDR z użyciem aplikatora typu HAM. Metodę tę w 1999r. zaczęto stosować w Zakładzie Brachyterapii CO w Warszawie. Do leczenia kwalifikowani Są chorzy z histopatologicznie potwierdzonym mięsakiem zlokalizowanym w przestrzeni zaotrzewnowej (jako leczenie pierwotne lub leczenie wznowy miejscowej). Po wykonaniu badań obrazowych i wstępnym określeniu zakresu zabiegu przeprowadzana jest operacja usunięcia guza oraz oklipsowania loży. Aplikator typu HAM umieszczany jest w loży po usuniętym guzie, a zakres objętości do napromieniania określany jest w zależności od sytuacji klinicznej i radykalizmu operacyjnego. Po weryfikacji radiologicznej położenia aplikatora i przygotowaniu indywidualnego planu leczenia z użyciem SPL Abacus 1.6 przeprowadzane jest napromienianie w warunkach znieczulenia ogó1nego pod kontrolą podstawowych funkcji życiowych i na oddechu wspomaganym. Usunięcie aplikatora oraz opracowanie rany operacyjnej przeprowadzane jest w warunkach bloku operacyjnego. W dotychczas leczonej grupie chorych obserwowano dobrą tolerancję przedstawianej metody. Nie stwierdzono powikłań wynikających z jednoczasowego zastosowania leczenia operacyjnego oraz śródoperacyjnej brachyterapii HDR

    Synthetic SXR diagnostic using GEM detectors on WEST: development in the prospect of tungsten monitoring

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    International audienceWEST (Tungsten Environment in Steady-State Tokamak) will be operating by the end of 2016 as a test bed for the ITER divertor components in long pulse operation. In this context, radiative cooling of highly ionized impurities like tungsten (W) sputtered from Plasma Facing Components (PFC) into the plasma core is a critical issue since even small impurity concentrations below 10-4 degrade significantly plasma performances and can lead to radiative collapse. In the plasma core, tungsten emission is dominant in the Soft X-ray (SXR) range 0.1 keV – 15 keV with complex contributions from line transition, radiative recombination and Bremsstrahlung emission.This paper presents the recent development of a synthetic SXR diagnostic using GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) detectors. This diagnostic will be used on WEST for W transport studies and will be equipped with two new GEM based poloidal cameras allowing 2D tomographic reconstructions with spectral resolution in energy bands. Thus once GEM response to plasma emissivity is characterized thanks to synthetic diagnostic, it offers new possibilities to disentangle the different SXR contributions in harsh fusion environments like e.g. WEST or ITER with respect to conventional semiconductor diodes working in current mode. Emitted SXR spectrum from the plasma is modelled thanks to ADAS database from given WEST scenario. The synthetic diagnostic includes Lines of Sight (LoS) etendues of the two cameras as well as probability of photoabsorption through filters, photoionization in the detection gas mixture (Ar-CO2), and transport of electron avalanches in the gas through GEM foils as computed with Magboltz. Local SXR emissivity is then retrieved from tomographic inversion using a Minimum Fisher Information (MFI) algorithm

    Tomographic capabilities of the new GEM based SXR diagnostic of WEST

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    International audienceThe tokamak WEST (Tungsten Environment in Steady-State Tokamak) will start operating by the end of 2016 as a test bed for the ITER divertor components in long pulse operation. In this context, radiative cooling of heavy impurities like tungsten (W) in the Soft X-ray (SXR) range [0.1 keV; 20 keV] is a critical issue for the plasma core performances. Thus reliable tools are required to monitor the local impurity density and avoid W accumulation. The WEST SXR diagnostic will be equipped with two new GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) based poloidal cameras allowing to perform 2D tomographic reconstructions in tunable energy bands. In this paper tomographic capabilities of the Minimum Fisher Information (MFI) algorithm developed for Tore Supra and upgraded for WEST are investigated, in particular through a set of emissivity phantoms and the standard WEST scenario including reconstruction errors, influence of noise as well as computational time

    NS1 Specific CD8(+) T-Cells with Effector Function and TRBV11 Dominance in a Patient with Parvovirus B19 Associated Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy

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    Background: Parvovirus B19 (B19V) is the most commonly detected virus in endomyocardial biopsies (EMBs) from patients with inflammatory cardiomyopathy (DCMi). Despite the importance of T-cells in antiviral defense, little is known about the role of B19V specific T-cells in this entity. Methodology and Principal Findings: An exceptionally high B19V viral load in EMBs (115,091 viral copies/mg nucleic acids), peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and serum was measured in a DCMi patient at initial presentation, suggesting B19V viremia. The B19V viral load in EMBs had decreased substantially 6 and 12 months afterwards, and was not traceable in PBMCs and the serum at these times. Using pools of overlapping peptides spanning the whole B19V proteome, strong CD8(+) T-cell responses were elicited to the 10-amico-acid peptides SALKLAIYKA (19.7% of all CD8(+) cells) and QSALKLAIYK (10%) and additional weaker responses to GLCPHCINVG (0.71%) and LLHTDFEQVM (0.06%). Real-time RT-PCR of IFN gamma secretion-assay-enriched T-cells responding to the peptides, SALKLAIYKA and GLCPHCINVG, revealed a disproportionately high T-cell receptor Vbeta (TRBV) 11 expression in this population. Furthermore, dominant expression of type-1 (IFN gamma, IL2, IL27 and Tbet) and of cytotoxic T-cell markers (Perforin and Granzyme B) was found, whereas gene expression indicating type-2 (IL4, GATA3) and regulatory T-cells (FoxP3) was low. Conclusions: Our results indicate that B19V Ag-specific CD8(+) T-cells with effector function are involved in B19V associated DCMi. In particular, a dominant role of TRBV11 and type-1/CTL effector cells in the T-cell mediated antiviral immune response is suggested. The persistence of B19V in the endomyocardium is a likely antigen source for the maintenance of CD8(+) T-cell responses to the identified epitopes