470 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study is to explore the citation pattern in relation to tense choice for reporting pastliterature in the Introduction section of English research articles by non-native speakers. Since theresearch dealt with one type of papers, i.e. research articles, Genre Analysis was adopted. Theresults indicate that in terms of types, IPC (Information Prominent Citation) referring to generalareas of research is much more dominant than APC (Author Prominent Citation) referring tospecific areas whereas in the standard pattern the number of APC should be more dominant thanIPC since IPC only functions as an “opening move” for reporting past literature. As IPC is moredominant than APC, the present tense also outnumbers the past tense

    Efektivitas Manajemen Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Bagi Guru

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    The objectives of this study are: (1) to describe the planning of competence-based training for teachers, (2) to describe the implementation of competence-based training program for teachers, (3) to describe the evaluation of competence-based training for teachers, and (4) to analyze the effectiveness of management of competence-based training for teachers in Center of Development and Empowerment of Teacher and Educational Personnel of Machine and Industrial Engineering (CDETEP MIE), and (5) to develop an effective model of competence-based training management for teachers. The method used in this study is descriptive method with qualitative approach. Qualitative research approach used in this study is a case study where the process of data collection is carried out through observation, interviews and documentary studies. The conclusion of this study shows that the competence-based training management for teachers in CDETEP MIE has not been conducted effectively. This condition occurred as a result of the poor performance of managing the planning, implementation, and evaluation process of the training in integrated way


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    Memilih kamera CCTV merupakan hal yang agak sulit bagi orang awam untuk menentukannya , karena banyak hal yang harus di perhatikan untuk mendapatkan kamera yang sesuai dengan kondisi dan lokasi yang di inginkan, dan banyak orang awam yang tidak tahu menahu ingin memasang kamera cctv di tempat usahanya mendapat kesulitan dalam memilih yang sesuai dengan lokasi dan dana yang di anggarkan. Terkadang para teknisi support susah menjelaskan kepada end user dalam konsultasi memilih kamera yang sesuai dengan lokasi, yang di karenakan ketika teknisi support menjelaskan alur kinerja kamera, end user tidak dapat menangkap penjelasan yang hanya di bayang-bayangkan oleh end user. Sesuai permasalahan tersebut, maka di dapatkan solusi untuk membangun sistem infomasi sistem pendukung keputusan pemilihan kamera cctv berdasarkan kondisi dan lokasi dengan menggunakan metode Simple Addictive Weighting(SAW).Sistem ini di bangun dengan vb.net 2005 sebagai bahasa pemrogramannya dan MySql sebagai database servernya. SAW merupakan metode pengambilan keputusan yang di terapkan dalam pembuatan sistem informasi ini dengan pembobotan yang telah di tetapkan. Di mana dengan metode tersebut, data akan di olah dan akan menghasilkan sebuah nilai keputusan berupa report data kamera CCTV yang sesuai dengan yang di inputkan oleh konsumen. Namun sistem informasi ini tidak dapat menjadi acuan dan mutlak, di karenakan semua keputusan bergantung kepada konsumen. Dari hasil perhitungan tersebut di dapatkan kamera infra merah 1/3' CMOS Dome Security Camera Ceiling Mounteddengan skor harga 0.8477, resolusi 0.5406, ratio 0.3000, iluminasi 4.0000 , lokasi 0.4316 , led 3.0000 , range 0.3250 dan total skor 9.4449. Untuk hasil perhitungan kamera non infra merah di dapatkan kamera non infra merah HD EFFIO-E DSP focus Lens Indoor Dome Camera dengan skor harga 0.4470, resolusi 3.0000 , ratio 2.5000, iluminasi 0.1000 , lokasi 5.0000 dan total skor 11.047

    Study on Incentive Price of Fermented Cocoa to Overcome Reluctance of Farmer to Apply Fermentation : Case Study in Jembrana Regency

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    Improving cocoa quality through encouraging farmers to do fermentation is one of the ways to increase the added value of cocoa. However, majority ofIndonesian farmers are reluctance to do fermentation. This research aimed to study factors causing farmers reluctant to do fermentation, weight differencebetween fermented and unfermented cocoa, cocoa processing time difference between fermented and unfermented cocoa, quality difference between fermentedand unfermented coco refers to cocoa bean standard (SNI): 01-2323-2008/Amd-2010, and feasible added value incentive of fermented cocoa beans. The data collectionwere conducted through household farmers\u27 survey, focus group discussion and experimental research. The experimental research was conducted to understandthe weight and processing time differences; and to asess the quality, including moisture content, bean count, pH and fermentation index. Analysis of the datawere conducted by methods of Fishbone Ishikawa and logit multiplier linear analysis. The research results showed that the main factors causing farmers reluctant todo fermentation were insuitable of selling price of fermented cocoa, the existence of village collectors in buying unfermented cocoa, the lack of cooperation amongfarmers in farmer group (Subak Abian) and the lack of farmers\u27 skills on cocoa bean fermentation. This study also found that the weight depreciation differencebetween fermented and unfermented cocoa was 0.5-3.75%, and the processing time difference between fermented and unfermented cocoa was 12-24 hours. Qualityof fermented cocoa beans was higher than that of unfermented cocoa beans and it can fulfill the standard of SNI: 01-2323-2008/Amd-2010. It was found that thefeasible added value incentive of fermented cocoa benas was 2,126-3,426 IDR/kg

    Kajian Karakteristik, Persebaran dan Kebijakan Reog Ponorogo di Kabupaten Ponorogo Provinsi Jawa Timur

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    Indonesia kaya akan khasanah budaya, salah satunya kesenian Reog Ponorogo. Kekhasan dan perkembangan kesenian Reog di daerah asalnya, menarik untuk dipelajari. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dengan indepth interview terhadap narasumber terpilih, dan dikaji dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dapat dirumuskan, (1) Kesenian Reog memiliki karakteristik dalam bentuk sendratari jathil, warok, gemblakan, barongan, dan caplokan. Terjadi pergeseran makna dan fungsi Reog, dari ritual budaya menjadi industri pertunjukan, sehingga kelompok yang bertahan adalah yang sering mendapat kesempatan untuk pentas. (2) Persebaran kesenian Reog dalam perkembangannya dipengaruhi oleh akses menuju lokasi dari pusat pertumbuhan (kota). Hal ini berkaitan dengan intensitas pertunjukan yang lebih banyak di kota. Persebaran Reog di luar Ponorogo seperti di kota Deli Serdang, Salatiga, Yogyakarta, Bandung, dan bahkan luar negeri, Malaysia, Amerika, Rusia, Jerman dan Belanda. Terjadi akulturasi dengan kesenian setempat. (3) Kebijakan yang disarankan adalah dilakukan pembinaan yang lebih intensif, pembuatan museum Reog dan memasukkan kesenian Reog dalam kurikulum pendidikan sekolah

    Pengaruh Penyediaan Air Minum Terhadap Kejadian Karies Gigi Usia 12-65 Tahun Di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Dan Nusa Tenggara Barat (Analisis Lanjut Riskesdas 2007)

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    Drinking water availability is a matter of vital importance in human life. Drinking water is water that fulfill required certain standards, for example the presence of fluoride element. The drinking water contain fluoride (F) in low concentration is needed for preventing disease dental carries disease. But if its concentration in the drinking water >1, 5 mg/l can cause 'fluorosis' in tooth, it can result in brown stains that is not easy to remove from the tooth. This study is a 'Riskesdas' data advanced analysis 2007. The analysis aim is to detect the influence of drinking water availability towards the dental carries cases. Bivariate analysis showed that drinking water availability to be an influential factor towards dental carries cases. Connection between the case levels situated in Belitung's and Bangka doesn't have any meaning. Protected drinking water source, distance, total water use, residence, and economy level can be contributing factors for increasing dental carries cases. To control the dental carries cases, it is necessary to improve drinking water service especially that of its physical quality standards

    Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Peraturan Daerah Nomor 10 Tahun 2006 Tentang Sumber Daya Air dan Sumur

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    The development of the growing construction in Pekanbaru quite rapidly, it can be seen from the many buildings that stooded in Pekanbaru City. Tampan Sub-District is one of District in Pekanbaru City with the larges area and population in Pekanbaru City, and then Tampan Sub-District is one of district that have highest number of buildings compared to other Sub-Districts in Pekanbaru City. In case, that the buildings doesnt have absorbtion wells as required in Pekanbaru City Regional Regulation No. 10 year of 2006 about Water Resources and Infiltration Wells.The purpose of this research was to determine and analyze the implementation of Pekanbaru City Regional Regulation No. 10 year of 2006 about Water Resources and Infiltration Wells (Case Study in Tampan Sub-District). The theory in this research used organizational effectiveness by Richard M. Steers. The research method used qualitative research, with the technique of interviews by key informants of Dinas Tata Ruang dan Bangunan and people that having Ruko and Buildings in Tampan Sub-District.Based on the research conducted, the implementation of Pekanbaru City Regional Regulation No. 10 year of 2006 about Water Resources and Infiltration Wells (Case Study in Tampan Sub-District) hasnt been effectively implemented by the Dinas Tata Ruang dan Bangunan of Pekanbaru City. Because there are showed still many Ruko and Buildings in Tampan Sub-Disctrict doesnt make infiltration wells around the building.Keywords: Effectivity, Regulatory Areas, Infiltration Well