8,107 research outputs found

    Discrete Routh Reduction

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    This paper develops the theory of abelian Routh reduction for discrete mechanical systems and applies it to the variational integration of mechanical systems with abelian symmetry. The reduction of variational Runge-Kutta discretizations is considered, as well as the extent to which symmetry reduction and discretization commute. These reduced methods allow the direct simulation of dynamical features such as relative equilibria and relative periodic orbits that can be obscured or difficult to identify in the unreduced dynamics. The methods are demonstrated for the dynamics of an Earth orbiting satellite with a non-spherical J2J_2 correction, as well as the double spherical pendulum. The J2J_2 problem is interesting because in the unreduced picture, geometric phases inherent in the model and those due to numerical discretization can be hard to distinguish, but this issue does not appear in the reduced algorithm, where one can directly observe interesting dynamical structures in the reduced phase space (the cotangent bundle of shape space), in which the geometric phases have been removed. The main feature of the double spherical pendulum example is that it has a nontrivial magnetic term in its reduced symplectic form. Our method is still efficient as it can directly handle the essential non-canonical nature of the symplectic structure. In contrast, a traditional symplectic method for canonical systems could require repeated coordinate changes if one is evoking Darboux' theorem to transform the symplectic structure into canonical form, thereby incurring additional computational cost. Our method allows one to design reduced symplectic integrators in a natural way, despite the noncanonical nature of the symplectic structure.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, numerous minor improvements, references added, fixed typo

    Routh reduction and the class of magnetic Lagrangian systems

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    In this paper, some new aspects related to Routh reduction of Lagrangian systems with symmetry are discussed. The main result of this paper is the introduction of a new concept of transformation that is applicable to systems obtained after Routh reduction of Lagrangian systems with symmetry, so-called magnetic Lagrangian systems. We use these transformations in order to show that, under suitable conditions, the reduction with respect to a (full) semi-direct product group is equivalent to the reduction with respect to an Abelian normal subgroup. The results in this paper are closely related to the more general theory of Routh reduction by stages.Comment: 23 page

    Topics in the Dynamics or General Relativity

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    Control and stabilization of systems with homoclinic orbits

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    In this paper we consider the control of two physical systems, the near wall region of a turbulent boundary layer and the rigid body, using techniques from the theory of nonlinear dynamical systems. Both these systems have saddle points linked by heteroclinic orbits. In the fluid system we show how the structure of the phase space can be used to keep the system near an (unstable) saddle. For the rigid body system we discuss passage along the orbit as a possible control manouver, and show how the Energy-Casimir method can be used to analyze stabilization of the system about the saddles

    Stability Analysis of a Rigid Body with Attached Geometrically Nonlinear Rod by the Energy-Momentum Method

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    This paper applies the energy-momentum method to the problem of nonlinear stability of relative equilibria of a rigid body with attached flexible appendage in a uniformly rotating state. The appendage is modeled as a geometrically exact rod which allows for finite bending, shearing and twist in three dimensions. Application of the energy-momentum method to this example depends crucially on a special choice of variables in terms of which the second variation block diagonalizes into blocks associated with rigid body modes and internal vibration modes respectively. The analysis yields a nonlinear stability result which states that relative equilibria are nonlinearly stable provided that; (i) the angular velocity is bounded above by the square root of the minimum eigenvalue of an associated linear operator and, (ii) the whole assemblage is rotating about the minimum axis of inertia

    Transport and Older People: Integrating Transport Planning Tools with User Needs

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    This study was funded through a pump-priming grant from the Strategic Promotion of Ageing Research Capacity (SPARC) programme. The purpose of the project was to bring together transport and public health research in order to demonstrate how the involvement of older people can help improve tools for transport planning. The study was unique in that it brought together public health and transport planning and engineering with older people to consider how services can be more responsive to older people’s transport needs. The project had five research objectives: 1. To investigate how accessibility problems impact on older people’s independence 2. To determine the extent to which currently available data sources and modelling tools reflect older people’s stated accessibility needs 3. To understand how the gap between expected and perceived accessibility problems varies across different categories of older people 4. To pilot techniques that could be applied to provide a more robust measure of accessibility for older people. 5. To build new research capacity across disciplines to develop a national focus on the interactions between ageing and transport planning. The methods were determined on the basis of ‘appropriate tools with maximum output’. Focus group interviews were selected as a useful tool for reaching a large number of older people within a limited time span, for providing an arena for discussion and debate about a topical subject and for generating ideas for improving transport planning. Following the interviews accompanied walks were undertaken with older people in a range of road environments and traffic situations. The purpose of these walks was to observe and explore the way older people interact with their environment. Data from the focus group interviews and the observations were compared with the outputs from an accessibility planning tool used by local authorities to plan accessible and acceptable transport routes (Accessionℱ). The purpose of this exercise was to investigate whether or not such tools are able to take into account the varying needs of older people. The study was undertaken over eight months. Eighty one older people living in the Leeds district took part in the focus groups. They covered a broad range of mobility levels and used a variety of transport types, as such a reasonably rounded perspective on the issues concerned was offered. In addition six walks were undertaken with older people in their community

    Singular solutions of a modified two-component Camassa-Holm equation

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    The Camassa-Holm equation (CH) is a well known integrable equation describing the velocity dynamics of shallow water waves. This equation exhibits spontaneous emergence of singular solutions (peakons) from smooth initial conditions. The CH equation has been recently extended to a two-component integrable system (CH2), which includes both velocity and density variables in the dynamics. Although possessing peakon solutions in the velocity, the CH2 equation does not admit singular solutions in the density profile. We modify the CH2 system to allow dependence on average density as well as pointwise density. The modified CH2 system (MCH2) does admit peakon solutions in velocity and average density. We analytically identify the steepening mechanism that allows the singular solutions to emerge from smooth spatially-confined initial data. Numerical results for MCH2 are given and compared with the pure CH2 case. These numerics show that the modification in MCH2 to introduce average density has little short-time effect on the emergent dynamical properties. However, an analytical and numerical study of pairwise peakon interactions for MCH2 shows a new asymptotic feature. Namely, besides the expected soliton scattering behavior seen in overtaking and head-on peakon collisions, MCH2 also allows the phase shift of the peakon collision to diverge in certain parameter regimes.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure

    Asynchronous Variational Integrators

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    We describe a new class of asynchronous variational integrators (AVI) for nonlinear elastodynamics. The AVIs are distinguished by the following attributes: (i) The algorithms permit the selection of independent time steps in each element, and the local time steps need not bear an integral relation to each other; (ii) the algorithms derive from a spacetime form of a discrete version of Hamilton’s variational principle. As a consequence of this variational structure, the algorithms conserve local momenta and a local discrete multisymplectic structure exactly. To guide the development of the discretizations, a spacetime multisymplectic formulation of elastodynamics is presented. The variational principle used incorporates both configuration and spacetime reference variations. This allows a unified treatment of all the conservation properties of the system.A discrete version of reference configuration is also considered, providing a natural definition of a discrete energy. The possibilities for discrete energy conservation are evaluated. Numerical tests reveal that, even when local energy balance is not enforced exactly, the global and local energy behavior of the AVIs is quite remarkable, a property which can probably be traced to the symplectic nature of the algorith

    Frictional Collisions Off Sharp Objects

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    This work develops robust contact algorithms capable of dealing with multibody nonsmooth contact geometries for which neither normals nor gap functions can be defined. Such situations arise in the early stage of fragmentation when a number of angular fragments undergo complex collision sequences before eventually scattering. Such situations precludes the application of most contact algorithms proposed to date

    Maximal Hypersurfaces and Positivity of Mass

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