505 research outputs found

    Estudio funcional del cortisol y ACTH plasmáticos en perros : respuesta ante el estímulo con hormona liberadora de corticotrofina (CRF) en situación de anestesia

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    La acción de los agentes anestésicos sobre la ACTH y el cortisol es variable. Nos interesó ver el comportamiento del eje hipotálarno-hipófisoadrenal en situación de anestesia. Igualmente se estudia la capacidad de respuesta de este eje cuando, estando bajo el efecto de la anestesia, se somete a un estímulo fisiológico. Se observa que el pentotal sódico produce descenso del nivel de cortisol y ACTH.Aún estando el animal anestesiado, las glándulas adrenales tienen capacidad de respuesta ante estímulos fisiológicosThe action of the anaesthetic agents on ACTH and cortisol is variable. In the present paper we were interested to see the behauiour of the hypothalamus bypophysis-adrenal axis in a state of anaesthesia. In the same way we study the response capacity of this axis when, being under the effect of anaesthesia, it is submitted to a physiological stimulus. We observe sodium pentothal produces a decrease in the level of cortisol and ACTH. Even when the animal is anaesthetized, the adrenal glands have the response capacity in the presence of physiological stimuli

    Harvest index, a parameter conditioning responsiveness of wheat plants to elevated CO2

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    The expansion of the world’s population requires the development of high production agriculture. For this purpose, it is essential to identify target points conditioning crop responsiveness to predicted [CO2]. The aim of this study was to determine the relevance of ear sink strength in leaf protein and metabolomic profiles and its implications in photosynthetic activity and yield of durum wheat plants exposed to elevated [CO2]. For this purpose, a genotype with high harvest index (HI) (Triticum durum var. Sula) and another with low HI (Triticum durum var. Blanqueta) were exposed to elevated [CO2] (700 µmol mol–1 versus 400 µmol mol–1 CO2) in CO2 greenhouses. The obtained data highlighted that elevated [CO2] only increased plant growth in the genotype with the largest HI; Sula. Gas exchange analyses revealed that although exposure to 700 µmol mol–1 depleted Rubisco content, Sula was capable of increasing the light-saturated rate of CO2 assimilation (Asat) whereas, in Blanqueta, the carbohydrate imbalance induced the down-regulation of Asat. The specific depletion of Rubisco in both genotypes under elevated [CO2], together with the enhancement of other proteins in the Calvin cycle, revealed that there was a redistribution of N from Rubisco towards RuBP regeneration. Moreover, the down-regulation of N, NO3 –, amino acid, and organic acid content, together with the depletion of proteins involved in amino acid synthesis that was detected in Blanqueta grown at 700 µmol mol–1 CO2, revealed that inhibition of N assimilation was involved in the carbohydrate imbalance and consequently with the down-regulation of photosynthesis and growth in these plants

    Detection of protection benefits for predatory fishes depends on census methodology

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    Marine protected areas (MPAs) are used as fisheries management and conservation tools. Well-enforced no-take zones allow the rebuilding of natural populations of exploited species; however, there is still controversy on the role of buffer zones. The effectiveness of MPAs could be underestimated, as fish population assessments depend largely on traditional methodologies that have difficulties in detecting predatory fish because of their low abundances, their patchy distribution, and their reaction to the presence of divers. The performance of different census methods was compared in assessing the protection benefits for large predatory fishes under different protection levels (i.e. no-take and buffer zones) in five Mediterranean MPAs. Specifically, conventional strip transects (CSTs, 50 × 5 m2) and tracked roaming transects combined with distance sampling (TRT + DS, variable lengths) were compared, including a series of TRT-derived estimators with variable transect lengths and fixed widths of 20, 10, and 6 m (TRT20, TRT10, and TRT6, respectively). Additionally, the effectiveness of the MPAs studied and protection levels for conserving large predatory species was evaluated. Transects covering larger areas (i.e. TRT + DS and TRT20) allowed the detection of a greater number of species and yielded more accurate estimates of density and biomass than transects of narrower fixed widths, particularly the CSTs, which were associated with the lowest richness detection capability, accuracy, and precision. On average, both no-take zones and buffer zones appeared effective for the conservation of predatory fishes, indicating that multiple protection areas were ecologically effective. Differences between MPAs were also observed, however, probably arising from both local environmental and management factors. We suggest the implementation of methodologies with larger transects for the study of large predatory fish, combined with CSTs for the rest of the fish community, in order to avoid biases in predatory population assessments, which are key indicators of MPA effectiveness

    Paralichthys isosceles

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    This demersal species occurs from southern Brazil to Argentina and is taken in multi-species commercial´s fisheries that target demersal fishes through much of its range. It is a relatively minor component of the catch of Paralichthys species as compared to catch of the sympatric P. patagonicus. For purposes of this assessment, half of the global population is considered to occur in Brazil and the other half in Uruguay and Argentina. According to landings and catch per unit effort data, the demersal fish stocks of Brazil are inferred to have declined by at least 30% and possibly to 50%. Due to the lack of specific data for this species, an estimate for population decline is not available or cannot be suspected at this time. According to stock assessment and fisheries data, there is no decline detected in the demersal stock in Argentina and Uruguay and abundance indices show an increase in recent years (since 2014). Fishing effort continues at an unsustainable level in Brazil, the fishery is not well-monitored and conservation measures are insufficient. Conservation measures in Argentina and Uruguay include a total allowable catch limit and regular monitoring of stock status. Based on the potential major threat from overfishing in at least half of its global population, but lack of quantified data, it is listed as Data Deficient with a recommendation to improve fisheries monitoring, including the collection of species-specific data, as" "well as implement conservation measures to reduce effort in Brazilian fisheries.Fil: Riestra, C.. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Pesquero; ArgentinaFil: Díaz de Astarloa, Juan Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: Vieira, J. P.. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Buratti, C.. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Pesquero; ArgentinaFil: Irigoyen, A.. No especifíca;Fil: Landaeta, M.. Universidad de Valparaíso; ChileFil: Hüne, M.. Universidad Austral de Chile; Chil

    Patagonotothen ramsayi

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    This species has a relatively small range on the continental shelf and slope of the southern part of the Patagonia Sea where it plays an important ecological role as a prey item for larger marine species. The majority of its global population is concentrated in southern Argentina, including the Malvinas Islands, where the main fishing ground is located. One generation length is estimated as 10 years. It is relatively slow-growing and late to maturity with relatively low fecundity, which may cause it to be susceptible to declines when facing heavy fishing pressure. Previous to 2006, it was mostly discarded as bycatch in large quantities beginning in the 1980s. A large-scale, commercial fishery began in 2007 in the Malvinas area. In areas outside the Malvinas closer to the Argentine mainland, it is taken in fisheries in relatively small amounts. According to stock assessment models based on catch per unit effort data and fishery independent trawl surveys, the estimated biomass for the period of 2005 to 2018 was highest in 2005 and then declined by 79% to a low in 2018. According to the 2019 and 2020 survey results, biomass has continued to decline. Biomass trends prior to 2005 are poorly understood, but based on these data, it is suspected that its population has declined by 40-50% on a global-level over the past one and a half generation lengths, or 15 years. In addition, declines in length at maturity and average length of individuals in the survey catch have also occurred. The cause of decline is poorly understood, but may be attributed in part to fishing activity or a shift in the spatial distribution of its abundance to areas adjacent to the Malvinas. Several fishery management measures are in place, catches have been at a relatively low level and it is not considered overfished. Due to the uncertainty associated with the cause of decline and lack of data prior to 2005, it is not possible to estimate the population trend to cover a three generation length period (either in the past or into the future) at this time. It is listed as Data Deficient with a strong recommendation to conduct studies to improve the understanding of this decline both within the Malvinas area and areas adjacent to it.Fil: Buratti, C.. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Pesquero; ArgentinaFil: Díaz de Astarloa, Juan Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: Hüne, M.. Universidad Austral de Chile; ChileFil: Irigoyen, A.. No especifíca;Fil: Landaeta, M.. Universidad de Valparaíso; ChileFil: Riestra, C.. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Pesquero; ArgentinaFil: Vieira, J. P.. Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande.; Brasi

    Asociación entre las características antropométricas y la condición física en jugadores de baloncesto en silla de ruedas

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    The three main objectives of this paper were, in first place, to describe the anthropometric characteristics and the physical conditions and in wheelchair basketball (WB) players, in second place, to analyze the relation between the anthropometric characteristics and the physical conditions, and in third place, to study the association between the different physical conditions.  Eleven players (33,82 ± 10,17 years, 74,50 ± 5,18 cm sitting size) from the First Division of the Spanish WB League took part in this study.  The anthropometric characteristics (body mass, skin folds and body perimeters and diameters), and physical condition (acceleration, change of direction, muscular strength and aerobic capacity) were measured. The obtained results shown an significant association between the summation of the folds and the time in the Pick-up test (r = -0,64±0,35 CL, p < 0,05), in the maximal pass test (Mpass) (r = 0,74;±0,28 CL, p < 0,01) and the test of the medicine ball throw (0,73;±0,29 CL, p < 0,05). The results obtained in the present study show that the anthropometric characteristics could be related to the change direction ability and muscle strength in WB players of national category (Spanish First division). Los objetivos de este estudio fueron, en primer lugar, describir las características antropométricas y de la condición física en jugadores de baloncesto en silla de ruedas (BSR), en segundo lugar, analizar la asociación entre las características antropométricas y la condición física y, en tercer lugar, estudiar la asociación existente entre las distintas capacidades físicas. Once jugadores (33,82 ± 10,17 años, 74,50 ± 5,18 cm talla sentados) de la Primera División de la Liga española de BSR participaron en este estudio. Las características antropométricas (masa corporal, pliegues cutáneos, perímetros y diámetros corporales), y la condición física (capacidad de aceleración, cambio de dirección, fuerza muscular y capacidad aeróbica) fueron medidas. Los resultados mostraron una asociación significativa entre el sumatorio de pliegues y el tiempo en el test Pick-up (r = -0,64±0,35 CL, p < 0,05), el test maximal pass (Mpass) (r = 0,74;±0,28 CL, p < 0,01) y el test de lanzamiento de balón medicinal (Bmed) (0,73;±0,29 CL, p < 0,05). Los resultados obtenidos en el presente estudio muestran que las características antropométricas podrían estar relacionadas con la capacidad de cambio de dirección y la fuerza muscular en jugadores de BSR de categoría nacional (primera división española)

    Cottoperca trigloides, Frogmouth

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    This widely distributed, demersal species is associated with rocky bottoms and kelp forests. It is discarded as bycatch in trawl fisheries, but this is not expected to be driving population declines approaching a Near Threatened or threatened level at this time; therefore, it is listed as Least Concern.Fil: Buratti, C.. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Pesquero; ArgentinaFil: Díaz de Astarloa, Juan Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: Hüne, M.. Universidad Austral de Chile; ChileFil: Irigoyen, A.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Landaeta, M.. Universidad de Valparaíso; ChileFil: Riestra, C.. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Pesquero; ArgentinaFil: Vieira, J. P.. Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande.; Brasi

    Paralichthys patagonicus

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    This demersal species occurs from southern Brazil to northern Argentina and is taken in multi-speciescommercial fisheries that target demersal fishes through much of its range. For purposes of thisassessment, half of the global population is considered to occur in Brazil and the other half in Uruguayand Argentina. According to landings and catch per unit effort data, the population in Brazil isoverexploited and declined by at least 30-60% over the past three generation lengths, or about a 30-year time period. According to stock assessment and fisheries data, there is no decline detected in thedemersal fish stock in Argentina and Uruguay and abundance indices show an increase in recent years(since 2014). Fishing effort continues at an unsustainable level in Brazil, the fishery is not well-monitoredand conservation measures are insufficient. Conservation measures in Argentina and Uruguay include atotal allowable catch limit and regular monitoring of stock status. In addition to fishing, this species isexposed to pollution in estuaries that may be impacting the survivability of some individuals. Based ondeclines in half of its global population (Brazil), at least a 30% global-level decline is suspected to haveoccurred over the past three generation lengths; therefore, it is listed as Vulnerable A2bcd. It isrecommended to improve fisheries monitoring, including the collection of species-specific data, as wellas implement conservation measures to reduce effort in Brazilian fisheries.Fil: Riestra, Cecilia Micaela. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Pesquero; ArgentinaFil: Díaz de Astarloa, Juan Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: Vieira, J. P.. Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande.; BrasilFil: Buratti, C.. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Pesquero; ArgentinaFil: Irigoyen, A.. No especifíca;Fil: Landaeta, M.. Universidad de Valparaíso; ChileFil: Hune, M.. Fundación Ictiológica de Chile; Chil

    A valuable QTL for Fusarium head blight resistance from Triticum turgidum L. ssp. dicoccoides has a stable expression in durum wheat cultivars

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    Langdon(Dic-3A)-10 line carrying the QTL Qfhs.ndsu-3AS from T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides that confers Type II resistance to Fusarium head blight (FHB) was crossed with Argentinean durum wheat cultivars. F4 progeny were screened with the microsatellite locus Xgwm2, tightly linked to the Qfhs.ndsu-3A region. Reaction of these plants and parents to FHB was evaluated at 7, 14 and 21 days post-inoculation (dpi) with F. graminearum; severity (% symptomatic spikelets/spike) and AUDPC (area under disease progress curve) were calculated. F4 progeny carrying the resistance allele in heterozygous or in homozygous condition showed significantly lower scab damage at 21 dpi and slower progress of disease than cultivated parents. Our results indicate that the resistance Qfhs.ndsu-3AS has a stable dominance expression in genetic backgrounds of durum cultivars and demonstrate that the linked microsatellite is an effective molecular tool for resistance screening. This work offers valuable information for Qfhs.ndsu-3AS utilization in wheat breeding programs

    Nebulized ivermectin for COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases, a proof of concept, dose-ranging study in rats

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    Ivermectin is a widely used antiparasitic drug with known efcacy against several single-strain RNA viruses. Recent data shows signifcant reduction of SARS-CoV-2 replication in vitro by ivermectin concentrations not achievable with safe doses orally. Inhaled therapy has been used with success for other antiparasitics. An ethanol-based ivermectin formulation was administered once to 14 rats using a nebulizer capable of delivering particles with alveolar deposition. Rats were randomly assigned into three target dosing groups, lower dose (80–90 mg/kg), higher dose (110–140 mg/kg) or ethanol vehicle only. A toxicology profle including behavioral and weight monitoring, full blood count, biochemistry, necropsy and histological examination of the lungs was conducted. The pharmacokinetic profle of ivermectin in plasma and lungs was determined in all animals. There were no relevant changes in behavior or body weight. There was a delayed elevation in muscle enzymes compatible with rhabdomyolysis, that was also seen in the control group and has been attributed to the ethanol dose which was up to 11 g/kg in some animals. There were no histological anomalies in the lungs of any rat. Male animals received a higher ivermectin dose adjusted by adipose weight and reached higher plasma concentrations than females in the same dosing group (mean Cmax 86.2 ng/ml vs. 26.2 ng/ ml in the lower dose group and 152 ng/ml vs. 51.8 ng/ml in the higher dose group). All subjects had detectable ivermectin concentrations in the lungs at seven days post intervention, up to 524.3 ng/g for high-dose male and 27.3 ng/g for low-dose females. nebulized ivermectin can reach pharmacodynamic concentrations in the lung tissue of rats, additional experiments are required to assess the safety of this formulation in larger animals