1,744 research outputs found

    Radiation-induced nucleic acid synthesis in L cells under energy deprivation

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    Radiation induced nucleic acid synthesis in energy deprived L cell

    Age of the Peach Springs Tuff, Southeastern California and Western Arizona

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    Sanidine separates from pumice of the early Miocene Peach Springs Tuff are concordantly dated at 18.5 ± 0.2 Ma by two isotopic techniques. The Peach Springs Tuff is the only known unit that can be correlated between isolated outcrops of Miocene strata from the central Mojave Desert of southeastern California to the western Colorado Plateau in Arizona, across five structural provinces, a distance of 350 km. Thus the age of the Peach Springs Tuff is important to structural and paleogeographic reconstructions of a large region. Biotite and sanidine separates from bulk samples of the Peach Springs Tuff from zones of welding and vapor-phase alteration have not produced consistent ages by the K-Ar method. Published ages of mineral separates from 17 localities ranged from 16.2 to 20.5 Ma. Discordant 40Ar/39Ar incremental release spectra were obtained for one biotite and two of the sanidine separates. Ages that correspond to the last gas increments are as old as 27 Ma. The 40Ar/39Ar incremental release determinations on sanidine separated from blocks of Peach Springs Tuff pumice yield ages of 18.3 ± 0.3 and 18.6 ± 0.4 Ma. Laser fusion measurements yield a mean age of 18.51 ± 0.10. The results suggest that sanidine and biotite K-Ar ages older than about 18.5 Ma are due to inherited Ar from pre-Tertiary contaminants, which likely were incorporated into the tuff during deposition. Sanidine K-Ar ages younger than 18 Ma probably indicate incomplete extraction of radiogenic 40Ar, whereas laser fusion dates of biotite and hornblende younger than 18 Ma likely are due to postdepositional alteration. Laser fusion ages as high as 19.01 Ma on biotite grains from pumice suggest that minerals from pre-Tertiary country rocks also were incorporated in the magma chamber

    Nontangential limits and Fatou-type theorems on post-critically finite self-similar sets

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    In this paper we study the boundary limit properties of harmonic functions on R+×K\mathbb R_+\times K, the solutions u(t,x)u(t,x) to the Poisson equation ∂2u∂t2+Δu=0, \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial t^2} + \Delta u = 0, where KK is a p.c.f. set and Δ\Delta its Laplacian given by a regular harmonic structure. In particular, we prove the existence of nontangential limits of the corresponding Poisson integrals, and the analogous results of the classical Fatou theorems for bounded and nontangentially bounded harmonic functions.Comment: 22 page

    Seismic Structure, Gravity Anomalies and Flexure Along the Emperor Seamount Chain

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    The Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain in the Pacific Ocean has provided fundamental insights into hotspot generated intraplate volcanism and the long-term strength of oceanic lithosphere. However, only a few seismic experiments to determine crustal and upper mantle structure have been carried out on the Hawaiian Ridge, and no deep imaging has ever been carried out along the Emperor seamounts. Here, we present the results of an active source seismic experiment using 29 Ocean-Bottom Seismometers (OBS) carried out along a strike profile of the seamounts in the region of Jimmu and Suiko guyots. Joint reflection and refraction tomographic inversion of the OBS data show the upper crust is highly heterogeneous with P wave velocities <4–5 km s−1, which are attributed to extrusive lavas and clastics. In contrast, the lower crust is remarkably homogeneous with velocities of 6.5–7.2 km s−1, which we attribute to oceanic crust and mafic intrusions. Moho is identified by a strong PmP arrival at offsets of 20–80 km, yielding depths of 13–16 km. The underlying mantle is generally homogeneous with velocities in the range 7.9–8.0 km s−1. The crust and mantle velocity structure has been verified by gravity modeling. While top of oceanic crust prior to volcano loading is not recognized as a seismic or gravity discontinuity, flexural modeling reveals a ∼5.0–5.5 km thick preexisting oceanic crust that is overlain by a ∼8 km thick volcanic edifice. Unlike at the Hawaiian Ridge, we find no evidence of magmatic underplating

    Outlook for the Proposed Union Station Entertainment Center

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    MCA, Inc. and The East Los Angeles Community Union (TELACU) jointly retained Harrison Price Company (HPC) to conduct a preliminary feasibility analysis of the Phase 1 redevelopment of historic Union Station in Los Angeles, California as an entertainment center. HPC’s report has six sections: Section 1, introduction; Section 2, an evaluation of the subject site and project concept; Section 3 an examination of the size and characteristics of available market support; Section 4, Attendance and visitor expenditure estimates along with physical planning recommendations; Section 5, preliminary financial analysis, including estimated operating revenues and expenses, site rehabilitation costs, and residual funds available for site acquisition; and Section 6, summary of major conclusions and recommendations

    Developing Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curves From Satellite-Based Precipitation: Methodology and Evaluation

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    Given the continuous advancement in the retrieval of precipitation from satellites, it is important to develop methods that incorporate satellite-based precipitation data sets in the design and planning of infrastructure. This is because in many regions around the world, in situ rainfall observations are sparse and have insufficient record length. A handful of studies examined the use of satellite-based precipitation to develop intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves; however, they have mostly focused on small spatial domains and relied on combining satellite-based with ground-based precipitation data sets. In this study, we explore this issue by providing a methodological framework with the potential to be applied in ungauged regions. This framework is based on accounting for the characteristics of satellite-based precipitation products, namely, adjustment of bias and transformation of areal to point rainfall. The latter method is based on previous studies on the reverse transformation (point to areal) commonly used to obtain catchment-scale IDF curves. The paper proceeds by applying this framework to develop IDF curves over the contiguous United States (CONUS); the data set used is Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information Using Artificial Neural Networks – Climate Data Record (PERSIANN-CDR). IDFs are then evaluated against National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas 14 to provide a quantitative estimate of their accuracy. Results show that median errors are in the range of (17–22%), (6–12%), and (3–8%) for one-day, two-day and three-day IDFs, respectively, and return periods in the range (2–100)&nbsp;years. Furthermore, a considerable percentage of satellite-based IDFs lie within the confidence interval of NOAA Atlas 14

    Optimising Evidence-Based Psychological Treatment for the Mental Health Needs of Children with Epilepsy: Principles and Methods

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    There are potent evidence-based psychological treatments for youth with mental health needs, yet they are rarely implemented in clinical practice, especially for youth with mental health disorders in the context of chronic physical illness such as epilepsy. Implementation science, the study of the translation of research into practice, can promote the uptake of existing effective interventions in routine clinical practice and aid the sustainable integration of psychological treatments with routine health care. The aim of this report was to use four implementation science methods to develop a version of an existing effective psychological treatment for mental health disorders [the Modular Approach to Treatment of Children with Anxiety, Depression or Conduct Problems (MATCH-ADTC)] for use within paediatric epilepsy services: (a) literature search; (b) iterative focus groups underpinned by normalisation process theory; (c) Plan-Do-Study-Act methods; and (d) qualitative patient interviews. Findings: Three modifications were deemed necessary to facilitate implementation in children with both mental health disorders and epilepsy. These were (a) a universal brief psychoeducational component addressing the relationship between epilepsy and mental health; (b) supplementary, conditionally activated interventions addressing stigma, parental mental health and the transition to adulthood; and (c) additional training and supervision. The intervention needed relatively little alteration for implementation in paediatric epilepsy services. The modified treatment reflected the scientific literature and the views of clinicians and service users. The multi-method approach used in this report can serve as a model for implementation of evidence-based psychological treatments for children with mental health needs in the context of other chronic illnesses

    Anatomy of a mixed bioclastic–siliciclastic regressive tidal sand ridge: Facies-based case study from the lower Pleistocene Siderno Strait, southern Italy

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    Sand ridges, a common feature of modern open shelves, reflect persistent currents and sediment availability under recent transgressive conditions. They represent the largest bedforms in the oceans and, as such, can yield information on long-term oceanographic processes. However, there is a limited number of tidal sand ridges documented from the rock record, examples of regressive tidal sand ridges are scarce and studies describing ridges in straits are even more rare. This study analyses a Gelasian succession within a structurally controlled, tide-dominated strait in the Siderno Basin, southern Italy. The strait connected two wider basins, and accumulated sediments reworked by amplified tidal (bi-directional) currents. A series of tidal sand ridges with superimposed dunes developed close to the south-eastern end of the strait, where bathymetry was deeper and flow expansion occurred. One of the best-exposed tidal sand ridges, 65&nbsp;m thick, crops out along a ca 2&nbsp;km long cliff. Large-scale, ESE-prograding, seaward-offlapping shingles contain sets of bioclastic–siliciclastic, coarse-grained, cross-stratified sandstones, erosionally overlying upper Pliocene shelf marls and fine-grained sandstones. Cross-strata show angular, tangential and sigmoidal foresets with compound architectures and a SSE migration, i.e. oblique to the main growth direction. Fossil content indicates open-marine conditions. The succession changes abruptly across an erosion surface to non-tidal, highly burrowed mixed siliciclastic–bioclastic fine-grained sandstones, less than 15&nbsp;m thick. Documented features reflect stages of nucleation, active accretion and abandonment of an individual sand ridge, during a complete cycle of relative sea-level change. The ridge formed during a phase of normal regression, with accretion occurring during an initial highstand and the ensuing falling stage. During the lowstand the ridge was split into several minor bodies by enhanced tidal currents. The ensuing transgression draped the moribund ridge with tabular strata, whereas final highstand shelf sedimentation reworked the top of the underlying sand body with weak currents
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