344 research outputs found

    Ballistic-electron-emission spectroscopy of Al<SUB>x</SUB>Ga<SUB>1-x</SUB>As/GaAs heterostructures: conduction-band offsets, transport mechanisms, and band-structure effects

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    We report an extensive investigation of semiconductor band-structure effects in single-barrier AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructures using ballistic-electron-emission spectroscopy (BEES). The transport mechanisms in these single-barrier structures were studied systematically as a function of temperature and Al composition over the full compositional range (0&#8804;x&#8804;1). The initial (&#915;) BEES thresholds for AlxGa1-xAs single barriers with 0&#8804;x&#8804;0.42 were extracted using a model which includes the complete transmission probability of the metal-semiconductor interface and the semiconductor heterostructure. Band offsets measured by BEES are in good agreement with previous measurements by other techniques which demonstrates the accuracy of this technique. BEES measurements at 77 K give the same band-offset values as at room temperature. When a reverse bias is applied to the heterostructures, the BEES thresholds shift to lower voltages in good agreement with the expected bias-induced band-bending. In the indirect band-gap regime (x&gt;0.45), spectra show a weak ballistic-electron-emission microscopy current contribution due to intervalley scattering through AlxGa1-xAs X valley states. Low-temperature spectra show a marked reduction in this intervalley current component, indicating that intervalley phonon scattering at the GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs interface produces a significant fraction of this X valley current. A comparison of the BEES thresholds with the expected composition dependence of the AlxGa1-xAs &#915;, L, and X points yields good agreement over the entire composition range

    The observation and simulation of diurnal surface thermal contrast in an Alaskan alpine pass

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    A simple surface climate simulator was employed in the analysis of thermal regimes in rough alpine terrain at Chitistone Pass, Alaska. The simulator favorably abstracts observations of thermal regimes on flat and sloping surfaces with variable thermal and radiative properties. It is shown that slope and exposure control variations in surface thermal regimes. The simulator predicts these controls and it is suggested that simulation of surface thermal regimes can be performed before and after field investigations, thus increasing the effective information content of thermal maps acquired using aircraft and orbital platforms. It is concluded that the removal by spatial filtering of the low frequency effects of slope and exposure on thermal maps is necessary before site material effects can be discriminated and analyzed. Ein einfaches Rechenmodell des Bodenklimas wurde auf die Analyse des Temperaturregimes im unebenen Terrain des Chitistone-Passes in Alaska angewandt. Das Modell bildet die beobachteten Temperaturregime ebener und geneigter BodenflĂ€chen mit verĂ€nderlichen WĂ€rmeleit- und Strahlungscharakteristiken zufriedenstellend ab. Es wird gezeigt, daß Hangneigung und Hanglage im wesentlichen das Bodentemperaturregime bedingen. Das Modell sagt diese Bedingungsfaktoren richtig voraus. Es wird daher vorgeschlagen, daß Modellrechnungen vor und nach Feldmessungen angestellt werden sollten, um den effektiven Informationsgehalt der Temperaturverteilungskarten zu erhöhen, die von Flugzeugen oder Satelliten vermessen wurden. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, daß die UnterdrĂŒckung niederfrequenter Effekte von Hangneigung und Hanglage auf die kartographisch festgehaltene Temperaturverteilung notwendig ist, bevor Bodenbeschaffenheitseffekte diskriminiert und analysiert werden können. Diese UnterdrĂŒckung kann durch rĂ€umliche Filterung geschehen.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41669/1/704_2005_Article_BF02243725.pd

    Effects of Human Choices on Characteristics of Urban Ecosystems

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    Most urban ecology in cities remains an ecology in cities rather than an ecology of cities. Accomplishing the latter requires the inclusion of humans within the concept of ecosystem, both how humans alter the properties of urban ecosystems and how these alterations in turn influence human well-being. These influences are both direct (e.g., physiological and psychological influences on the human organism) and indirect, by influencing ecosystem sustainability. For the 2007 ESA meeting, Larry Baker, Loren Byrne, Jason Walker, and Alex Felson organized a symposium to address the relationships among human choices and urban ecosystems. In the introductory talk of this symposium, these authors discussed how the cumulative effect of individual household choices can have major effects on the properties of urban ecosystems

    Chemical Synergy between Ionophore PBT2 and Zinc Reverses Antibiotic Resistance.

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    The World Health Organization reports that antibiotic-resistant pathogens represent an imminent global health disaster for the 21st century. Gram-positive superbugs threaten to breach last-line antibiotic treatment, and the pharmaceutical industry antibiotic development pipeline is waning. Here we report the synergy between ionophore-induced physiological stress in Gram-positive bacteria and antibiotic treatment. PBT2 is a safe-for-human-use zinc ionophore that has progressed to phase 2 clinical trials for Alzheimer's and Huntington's disease treatment. In combination with zinc, PBT2 exhibits antibacterial activity and disrupts cellular homeostasis in erythromycin-resistant group A Streptococcus (GAS), methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE). We were unable to select for mutants resistant to PBT2-zinc treatment. While ineffective alone against resistant bacteria, several clinically relevant antibiotics act synergistically with PBT2-zinc to enhance killing of these Gram-positive pathogens. These data represent a new paradigm whereby disruption of bacterial metal homeostasis reverses antibiotic-resistant phenotypes in a number of priority human bacterial pathogens.IMPORTANCE The rise of bacterial antibiotic resistance coupled with a reduction in new antibiotic development has placed significant burdens on global health care. Resistant bacterial pathogens such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus are leading causes of community- and hospital-acquired infection and present a significant clinical challenge. These pathogens have acquired resistance to broad classes of antimicrobials. Furthermore, Streptococcus pyogenes, a significant disease agent among Indigenous Australians, has now acquired resistance to several antibiotic classes. With a rise in antibiotic resistance and reduction in new antibiotic discovery, it is imperative to investigate alternative therapeutic regimens that complement the use of current antibiotic treatment strategies. As stated by the WHO Director-General, "On current trends, common diseases may become untreatable. Doctors facing patients will have to say, Sorry, there is nothing I can do for you.

    Oligodendrocyte differentiation from adult multipotent stem cells is modulated by glutamate

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    We used multipotent stem cells (MSCs) derived from the young rat subventricular zone (SVZ) to study the effects of glutamate in oligodendrocyte maturation. Glutamate stimulated oligodendrocyte differentiation from SVZ-derived MSCs through the activation of specific N-methyl--aspartate (NMDA) receptor subunits. The effect of glutamate and NMDA on oligodendrocyte differentiation was evident in both the number of newly generated oligodendrocytes and their morphology. In addition, the levels of NMDAR1 and NMDAR2A protein increased during differentiation, whereas NMDAR2B and NMDAR3 protein levels decreased, suggesting differential expression of NMDA receptor subunits during maturation. Microfluorimetry showed that the activation of NMDA receptors during oligodendrocyte differentiation elevated cytosolic calcium levels and promoted myelination in cocultures with neurons. Moreover, we observed that stimulation of MSCs by NMDA receptors induced the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which were negatively modulated by the NADPH inhibitor apocynin, and that the levels of ROS correlated with the degree of differentiation. Taken together, these findings suggest that ROS generated by NADPH oxidase by the activation of NMDA receptors promotes the maturation of oligodendrocytes and favors myelination

    Association studies of up to 1.2 million individuals yield new insights into the genetic etiology of tobacco and alcohol use.

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    Tobacco and alcohol use are leading causes of mortality that influence risk for many complex diseases and disorders1. They are heritable2,3 and etiologically related4,5 behaviors that have been resistant to gene discovery efforts6-11. In sample sizes up to 1.2 million individuals, we discovered 566 genetic variants in 406 loci associated with multiple stages of tobacco use (initiation, cessation, and heaviness) as well as alcohol use, with 150 loci evidencing pleiotropic association. Smoking phenotypes were positively genetically correlated with many health conditions, whereas alcohol use was negatively correlated with these conditions, such that increased genetic risk for alcohol use is associated with lower disease risk. We report evidence for the involvement of many systems in tobacco and alcohol use, including genes involved in nicotinic, dopaminergic, and glutamatergic neurotransmission. The results provide a solid starting point to evaluate the effects of these loci in model organisms and more precise substance use measures

    Magnetorelaxometry Assisting Biomedical Applications of Magnetic Nanoparticles

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    Due to their biocompatibility and small size, iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) can be guided to virtually every biological environment. MNP are susceptible to external magnetic fields and can thus be used for transport of drugs and genes, for heat generation in magnetic hyperthermia or for contrast enhancement in magnetic resonance imaging of biological tissue. At the same time, their magnetic properties allow one to develop sensitive and specific measurement methods to non-invasively detect MNP, to quantify MNP distribution in tissue and to determine their binding state. In this article, we review the application of magnetorelaxometry (MRX) for MNP detection. The underlying physical properties of MNP responsible for the generation of the MRX signal with its characteristic parameters of relaxation amplitude and relaxation time are described. Existing single and multi-channel MRX devices are reviewed. Finally, we thoroughly describe some applications of MRX to cellular MNP quantification, MNP organ distribution and MNP-based binding assays. Providing specific MNP signals, a detection limit down to a few nanogram MNP, in-vivo capability in conscious animals and measurement times of a few seconds, MRX is a valuable tool to improve the application of MNP for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes

    Controlled Release of Doxorubicin Loaded within Magnetic Thermo-responsive Nanocarriers under Magnetic and Thermal Actuation in a Microfluidic Channel

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    We report a procedure to grow thermo-responsive polymer shells at the surface of magnetic nanocarriers made of multiple iron oxide superparamagnetic nanoparticles embedded in poly(maleic anhydride-alt-1-ocatadecene) polymer nanobeads. Depending on the comonomers and on their relative composition, tunable phase transition temperatures in the range between 26 and 47 °C under physiological conditions could be achieved. Using a suitable microfluidic platform combining magnetic nanostructures and channels mimicking capillaries of the circulatory system, we demonstrate that thermo-responsive nanobeads are suitable for localized drug delivery with combined thermal and magnetic activation. Below the critical temperature nanobeads are stable in suspension, retain their cargo, and cannot be easily trapped by magnetic fields. Increasing the temperature above the critical temperature causes the aggregation of nanobeads, forming clusters with a magnetic moment high enough to permit their capture by suitable magnetic g..
