191 research outputs found

    Pauli-principle driven correlations in four-neutron nuclear decays

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    Mechanism of simultaneous non-sequential four-neutron (4n4n) emission (or `true' 4n4n-decay) has been considered in phenomenological five-body approach. This approach is analogous to the model of the direct decay to the continuum often applied to 2n2n- and 2p2p-decays. It is demonstrated that 4n4n-decay fragments should have specific energy and angular correlations reflecting strong spatial correlations of `valence' nucleons orbiting in their 4n4n-precursors. Due to the Pauli exclusion principle, the valence neutrons are pushed to the symmetry-allowed configurations in the 4n4n-precursor structure, which causes a `Pauli focusing' effect. Prospects of the observation of the Pauli focusing have been considered for the 4n4n-precursors 7^7H and 28^{28}O. Fingerprints of their nuclear structure or/and decay dynamics are predicted

    Comparative Study of the Specific Activity of Carbon and Lignin Enterosorbents

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    The technology of obtaining was designed and comparative tests of the medical enterosorbents, activated coal (AU-K) and lignin enterosorbents (LE) were carried out. AU-K possesses by mainly developed micro- and media-porous structure, lignin enterosorbent – by macro-porous structure. However, significant set of the oxygen-containing functional groups on LE surfaces conditions its high activity at the treatment of the lacto-dependent diarrhoea.Розроблено технологію одержання та проведено порівняльні випробування медичних ентеросорбентів – активованого вугілля (АУ-К) і лігнінового ентеросорбента (ЛЕ). АУ-К має переважно розвинену мікро- та мезопористу структуру, ЛЕ – макропористу структуру. Проте значна кількість кисеньвмісних функціональних груп на поверхні ЛЕ обумовлює його високу активність при лікуванні лактозалежної діареї.Разработана технология получения и проведены сравнительные испытания медицинских энтеросорбентов – активированного угля (АУ-К) и лигнинового энтеросорбента (ЛЭ). АУ-К обладает преимущественно развитой микро- и мезопористой структурой, ЛЭ - макропористой структурой. Однако значительный набор кислородсодержащих функциональных групп на поверхности ЛЭ обусловливает его высокую активность при лечении лактозависимой диареи


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    Abstract. The article highlights quality of economical education in developed countries determined by the level of initiative of the staff, the level of development of its innovative and creative activity, the practice of developing entrepreneurial abilities of students based on socio-psychological trainings, business games, television shows, debates including reforms in the education system. Research is focused on issues of developing entrepreneurship in the future, improving mechanisms for their development creativity. Along with the foregoing, the article focuses on the sociological and anthropological components and ethno-regional factors of entrepreneurship development, the national mentality and principles of social partnership as a result of global research on entrepreneurship development


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    The pace at which scientific data is produced and disseminated has never been as high as it is currently. Modern sequencing technologies make it possible to obtain the genome of a specific organism in a few days, and the genome of a bacterial organism in less than a day, and therefore researchers from the field of life science are faced with a huge amount of data that needs to be analyzed. In this connection, various fields of science are converging with each other, giving rise to new disciplines. So, bioinformatics is one of these fields, it is a scientific discipline that has been actively developing over the past decades and uses IT tools and methods to solve problems related to the study of biological processes. In particular, a crucial role in the field of bioinformatics is played by the development of new algorithms, tools and the creation of new databases, as well as the integration of extremely large amounts of data. The rapid development of bioinformatics has made it possible to conduct modern biological research. Bioinformatics can help a biologist to extract valuable information from biological data by using tools to process them. Despite the fact that bioinformatics is a relatively new discipline, various web and computer tools already exist, most of which are freely available. This is a review article that provides an exhaustive overview of some of the tools for biological analysis available to a biologist, as well as describes the key role of information systems in this interdisciplinary field

    Integration methods of a vehicles emergency response system based on navigational units

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    Studying the state of the art of current integration methods of a car engine with the automobile mechatronic system by using neural networks to orchestrate the methods of integration of a car engine with the automobile mechatronic system by using algorithmic electronic control based on new neural networks; to formulate the methodology of electronic model control of an engine with a mechatronic adapter; to design a model enabling calculation of input-output data; to analyze results of cold and hot tests of an engine, develop methods improving tests with the help of mechatronic adapter; to reason power and torque of an engine integrated with the mechatronic adapter; conceptualize the method of assessing fuel economy and environmental performances of an engine; put forward a guidance on research application and estimate economic efficiency. The article discusses the topic of improving the safety of transportation by introducing the latest capabilities of advanced technologies. The proposed solution uses the composition of engineering networks to expand such networks as ERA-GLONASS and e Call, which allows not only to transmit additional information, but also to combine information to determine the necessary means of emergency assistance and coordinate the entire emergency response operation. The key concept of the approach is to model the cyber-physical components of the human device using collections of resources that reflect them. Services have the ability to self-regulate, which allows them to independently adapt their behavior to the context of the vehicle driver's environment


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    Road transport plays a significant role in the economic prosperity of each country. Every year the demand for transportation of goods increases, thus there is a need to improve the quality of transport logistics. The high rate of equipping logistics companies with cars, in recent years, is gaining a large turnover, if compared with other types of logistics in our country, thereby increasing the efficiency and quality of transport logistics, which becomes independent of other types of transport, becoming a universal, mobile transportation of goods. As a result, the need to expand roads and improve their quality increases. If you ignore the factors of improving roads, it will lead to an increase in traffic on the roads, as well as slow down the delivery time of the goods.Road transport plays a significant role in the economic prosperity of each country. Every year the demand for transportation of goods increases, thus there is a need to improve the quality of transport logistics. The high rate of equipping logistics companies with cars, in recent years, is gaining a large turnover, if compared with other types of logistics in our country, thereby increasing the efficiency and quality of transport logistics, which becomes independent of other types of transport, becoming a universal, mobile transportation of goods. As a result, the need to expand roads and improve their quality increases. If you ignore the factors of improving roads, it will lead to an increase in traffic on the roads, as well as slow down the delivery time of the goods

    Psychological Ways of Coping with Difficult Life Situations of Men of All Ages

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    The article deals with overcoming difficult life situations of different aged men suffering from a loss of health. The term "a difficult life situation" is regarded from the position of search of adaptation criteria for such kind of a situation. The theoretical analysis of literature exposes that a difficult life situation embraces a broad sphere of situations which are considered to be difficult and a methodic complex of instruments is scientifically working out. Great attention is paid to the loss of health, which brings the threat for life and requires the reinforcement of adaptation possibilities and internal extra recourses. The analysis of literature showed that there are different ways of human adaptation to the adverse events requiring not only man's courage, inner strength and understanding but also the avoidance of unpleasant situations, removal from them. These ways include psycological defence mechanisms, coping strategies, pseudocompensations. According to the emperical research the authors have found that men's indicators referring to the increase of meaningfulness of life and adaptation to it are psycological defence mechanisms, coping strategies. It was also detected destructive indicators coupled with decrease of meaningfulness of life. They were pseudocompensations which are a false way of adapting to difficult situations.©IDOSI Publications, 2013