130 research outputs found

    Therapeutic gymnastics and pelotherapy in physical rehabilitation of patients after arthroscopic surgery on the shoulder joint

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    Objective: to improve the effectiveness of early postoperative rehabilitation of patients after arthroscopic surgery on the shoulder joint by the combined use of exercises with dynamic controlled muscle tension (DCMT) and thin-layer peloidotherapy. Materials and methods: 98 patients operated on for rotator cuff syndrome, were divided into 3 groups, comparable in age, sex and the main clinical manifestations. All patients received basic therapy, including orthopedic mode in the form of immobilization of the upper limb and curative gymnastics according to the standard method. Patients of the I and II group in addition to basic treatment were given an exercise course with dynamic controlled muscle tension during the immobilization and postimmobilization period. Patients of the II main group in the postimmobilization period received pelotherapy. Results: according to the results of goniometry in patients of I and II groups had the greater volume of movement in the shoulder joint after immobilization was stopped in comparison with patients of group III (control). Analysis of pain indicators while the shoulder joint moving on the scale of pain a month after immobilization revealed a significant advantage of the results of the II main group. Conclusions: it was shown that the inclusion of exercises with dynamic controlled muscle tension in the therapeutic complex had a more significant effect on the main clinical symptoms of the disease, the regeneration processes, and also contributed to an earlier restoration of impaired functions of the shoulder joint

    Smart Standard as a Digital Transformation Tool

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    Настоящая статья посвящена практическому применению умных (SMART) стандартов в профессиональном обучении. Рассмотрены проблемы, связанные с последующим их внедрением на предприятиях, а также перспективы решения подготовки специалистов в области цифровой стандартизации.This article is devoted to the practical application of SMART standards in vocational training. The problems associated with their subsequent implementation at enterprises are considered, as well as the prospects for solving the training of specialists in the field of digital standardization

    Технологическая адекватность продукции свеклосахарного производства, используемой в пищевой промышленности

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    Beet sugar production in Russia annually gives about 6 million tons of white sugar and 1.5 million tons of beet molasses, which must have technological adequacy, when used as raw materials. The purpose of the work was to substantiate the concept of technological adequacy of beet sugar production, its indicator markers and their threshold values, to assess the actual technological adequacy of white sugar and molasses, to verify the hypothesis about the relationship between individual indicators of white sugar and empirical knowledge about an increase in the content of micronutrients with a decrease in the category. The objects of the study were terminology related to the characteristics of food products and raw materials in terms of consumer expectations and indicators of their assessment. Technological adequacy was evaluated for 230 samples of white sugar and 134 samples of beet molasses. Indicator markers were determined according to standardized and known methods. Technological adequacy of white sugar and beet molasses is the compliance of their specific functional properties with the requirements of the production of a particular food product, in which they are raw ingredients. A measure of compliance is indicator markers in the form of physicochemical parameters of the composition. Indicators of white sugar for three food technologies and indicators of beet molasses for two technologies and storage were substantiated; their technological adequacy was assessed. Empirical knowledge about an increase in the content of micronutrients with a decrease in the category and the hypothesis about the relationship between individual indicators of white sugar were confirmed. It is shown that all white sugar of extra and TC1 categories has technological adequacy for the use in food production, while only 62% of TC2 sugar and some batches of beet molasses have the necessary technological suitability. The results obtained will be a tool for regulating the production of competitive products and developing a control scheme for the technological flow of sugar production.Свеклосахарное производство России ежегодно вырабатывает около 6 млн т белого сахара и 1,5 млн т свекловичной мелассы, которые при потреблении в качестве сырья должны обладать технологической адекватностью. Цель работы — обоснование понятия технологической адекватности продукции свеклосахарного производства, ее индикаторных показателей и их пороговых значений, оценка фактической технологической адекватности белого сахара и мелассы; проверка гипотезы о взаимосвязи отдельных показателей белого сахара и эмпирических знаний о повышении содержания микронутриентов при понижении категории. Объектами исследования являлась терминология, относящаяся к характеристикам пищевых продуктов и сырья с точки зрения ожидания потребителей и показатели их оценки. Технологическую адекватность оценивали для 230 образцов белого сахара и 134 образцов свекловичной мелассы, индикаторные показатели определяли по стандартизованным и известным методикам. Технологическая адекватность белого сахара и свекловичной мелассы — соответствие определенных их функциональных свойств требованиям производства конкретного пищевого продукта, в котором они являются сырьевым ингредиентом. Мерой соответствия служат индикаторные показатели в виде физико-химических параметров состава. Обоснованы индикаторные показатели белого сахара для 3 технологий пищевых продуктов; свекловичной мелассы — для 2 технологий и хранения; выполнена оценка их технологической адекватности. Подтверждены эмпирические знания о повышении содержания микронутриентов при понижении категории, а также гипотеза о взаимосвязи отдельных показателей белого сахара. Показано, что весь белый сахар категорий экстра и ТС1 обладает технологической адекватностью для использования в производстве пищевой продукции, в то время как только 62% сахара категории ТС2 и некоторые партии свекловичной мелассы обладают необходимой технологической пригодностью. Полученные результаты будут являться инструментом регулирования выпуска конкурентоспособной продукции и развития схемы контроля технологического потока производства сахара

    Ischemic Changes in the Mucous Membrane of the Transverse Colon as a Complication of Acute Pancreatitis

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    Aim: to present a clinical case of a patient with a complicated course of acute pancreatitis.Key points. A 31-year-old patient was admitted to the surgical department with a clinical picture of acute alcoholic pancreatitis. Signs of anemia were regarded as a consequence of gastrointestinal bleeding. Computed tomography with contrast enhancement, along with an increase in the size of the pancreas, the presence of foci of pancreatic necrosis with multiple fluid accumulations in the parapancreatic space, revealed smoothed gaustration and thickening of the walls of the predominantly transverse colon. During colonoscopy, ischemic changes of the colon mucosa were detected in a timely manner. Negative results of analysis for toxins A and B of Clostridioides difficile and pathogenic intestinal flora were obtained. By the means of intensive care, it was possible to achieve complete stabilization of the patient's condition, normalization of laboratory blood parameters and relief of ischemic processes in the colon wall.Conclusion. Ischemic changes of the colon can serve as a complication of acute pancreatitis. A thorough analysis of the results of computed tomography at the first signs of colon lesion and colonoscopy contributed to the rapid detection of complications and prevention of irreversible colon ischemia

    Comparative morphological characteristics of the uteroplacental area in abnormal placentation

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    The aim. To carry out a comparative morphological characteristic of the uteroplacental area with abnormal placentation – pl. accreta, pl. increta, pl. percreta. Materials and methods. The study included 47 patients with atypical placentation; the comparison group included 10 healthy pregnant women with uterine scar after a previous caesarean section. A histological study of uteroplacental area samples was performed with hematoxylin and eosin, methylene blue staining. An immunohistochemical study with primary antibodies to cytokeratin 7 (CK7), Hif2a, vascular endothelial growth factor, α-SMA was carried out. The differences between the compared values were considered to be statistically significant at p < 0.05. The results of the study. Pl. accreta was determined in 12 (25.5 %), pl. increta – in 30 (63.9 %), pl. percreta – in 5 (10.6 %) patients. In all patients of the main group, the decidua was completely or partially absent in the area of abnormal placentation or was replaced by an uneven layer of fetal fibrinoid. Cases when placental villi unevenly penetrated into the thickness of myometrium in the form of “tongues” or “coves” bordered by fetal fibrinoid and often located intermuscularly were defined as pl. increta (n = 26). Cases with the placental villi ingrowth to the serous membrane were considered as pl.  percreta (n  =  5). In cases with deep variants of  ingrowth (pl. increta and pl. percreta) (n = 31), the villi were visualized in the lumen of the vessels and the thinning of the lower uterine segment with the presence of stretched muscle bundles was revealed. Aseptic necrosis of  the myometrium was  found: in 2 (16.7 %) of 12 women with pl. accreta, in 26 (86.7 %) of 30 women with pl. increta and in 5 (100 %) women with pl. percreta. There were no areas of necrosis in the myometrium of the women of comparison group. Conclusion. The appearance and increase of myometrial necrosis zones in response to an increase in the depth of placental villus ingrowth were detected. Myometrial necrosis zones could be the cause of activation of angiogenic factors and an important stimulus for the development of abnormal vascularization in placenta accreta spectrum

    Клинико-морфологические особенности немышечноинвазивного рака мочевого пузыря: влияние на лечение, прогноз и рецидив заболевания (обзор литературы)

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    This review of bladder cancer describes modern clinical and pathologic features of the neoplasm, reports new data about treatment and prognosis of this disease.В настоящем обзоре описаны современные клинические и патоморфологические особенности рака мочевого пузыря, а также приведены данные о современных принципах лечения этого заболевания и критериях прогноза

    Endometrial receptive status in patients of reproductive age with diffuse and focal adenomyosis

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    Purpose of the study was to reveal morpho-functional state of receptivity and nidation ability of endometrium in patients of reproductive age with diffuse and nodal forms of adenomyosis.Цель – выявить морфо-функциональные нарушения рецептивности и нидационной состоятельности (имплантационной способности) эндометрия у пациенток репродуктивного возраста с диффузной и узловой формами аденомиоза

    Тяжелая форма гриппа A (H1N1) — патологическая анатомия легких

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    Twenty-five autopsy cases of influenza А (НШ1) in Moscow were analyzed. Primary pathological changes were found in the trachea and lung. The lung showed a pattern of the exudative and proliferative stages of diffuse alveolar damage. In addition, there were signs of infectious-toxic shock associated with viremia. Bacterial bronchopneumonia with confluent foci was detected in only 20% of the dead cases. Key words: influenza А (НШ1), diffuse alveolar damage.Проанализировано 25 аутопсийных наблюдений погибших от гриппа А (НШ1) в Москве. Было обнаружено, что основные патологические изменения имеют место в трахее и легких. В легких наблюдали картину экссудативной и про-лиферативной стадий острого диффузного альвеолярного повреждения. Кроме того, выявлены признаки инфекцион-но-токсического шока, связанного с виремией. Бактериальная очагово-сливная бронхопневмония обнаружена только у 20% умерших при тяжелом течении гриппа А/НШ1. Ключевые слова: грипп А (НШ1), диффузное альвеолярное повреждение

    Electrochemical Nanoprobes for Single-Cell Analysis

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    The measurement of key molecules in individual cells with minimal disruption to the biological milieu is the next frontier in single-cell analyses. Nanoscale devices are ideal analytical tools because of their small size and their potential for high spatial and temporal resolution recordings. Here, we report the fabrication of disk-shaped carbon nanoelectrodes whose radius can be precisely tuned within the range 5–200 nm. The functionalization of the nanoelectrode with platinum allowed the monitoring of oxygen consumption outside and inside a brain slice. Furthermore, we show that nanoelectrodes of this type can be used to impale individual cells to perform electrochemical measurements within the cell with minimal disruption to cell function. These nanoelectrodes can be fabricated combined with scanning ion conductance microscopy probes, which should allow high resolution electrochemical mapping of species on or in living cells