10,756 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Inter-repair Operation Period of Electric Submersible Pump Units

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    In recent years, in the oil and gas industry of Azerbaijan, the use of electric submersible pumps (SEP) as one of the effective way to increase the level of production of well products. Currently, electric centrifugal pumping units (ECPU) are widely used both on land and in offshore fields. Currently, a total of about 15 % of SOCAR\u27s oil wells are produced using electric submersible pumping units.ECPU effectiveness is largely determined by both the period of their operation and the frequency of repair and restoration work.It is established that the use of ECPUs contributes to an increase in the service life of equipment and the effectiveness of a mechanized method of oil production. To assess the benefits of the latter, the most important factor is the inter-repair period (Tir) of the equipment.Existing methods for determining the inter-repair period of oilfield equipment are accompanied by large errors, which significantly reduce their reliability.In this regard, the article is tasked with developing a more practical and reliable method for determining the inter-repair period, where the point of change in the nature of the failure rate is adopted as the determining paramete

    Pengaruh Perubahan Ukuran Maksimum Agregat Kasar Terhadap Jumlah Semen Untuk Pembuatan Beton Scc Dengan Bahan Tambah Sp430 Dan Rp260

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    Perkembangan teknologi beton saat ini menuju ke beton yang memiliki mutu yang tinggi dan juga memiliki kinerja tinggi (workability rendah). Beton jenis ini dikenal sebagai beton yang dapat memadat sendiri (SCC: Self Compacting Concrete) yang saat ini telah dikenal luas di Jepang, Eropa dan Amerika.Untuk menunjang kinerja beton menjadi tinggi, maka digunakan ukuran agregat kasar yang lebih kecil (maksimum 10 mm) dan untuk mendapatkan workability dan viscositas yang baik dibutuhkan penambahan aditif.Pada penelitian ini dihasilkan diantaranya pada Perubahan ukuran agregat menjadi maksimum 10 mm maka dibutuhkan penambahan semen sebanyak 15%. Untuk penyesuaian komposisi sesuai syarat komposisi beton SCC maka dibutuhkan penambahan semen menjadi total 22%, serta untuk memenuhi workability yang rendah dibutuhkan penambahan aditif jenis RP260 dan SP430 yang masing – masing 1,5 lt/m3 beton

    Status Kecacingan Soil Transmitted Helminth (Sth) dalam Pemantauan Kejadian Anemia pada Murid SD Inpres Bakung Samata Kabupaten Gowa Tahun 2013

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    Kecacingan merupakan masalah yang sangat beresiko dan rentan dihadapi anak usia 5-14 tahun karena anak di usia tersebut belum bisa menjaga kebersihan dirinya sendiri.penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan metode pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui status kecacingan Soil Transmitted Helminth (STH) dalam pemantauan kejadian anemia pada murid SD Inpres Bakung Samata Kabupat-en Gowa Tahun 2013.Hasil penelitian dalam pemantauan kejadian anemia menunjukkan tidak ada hub-ungan antara status Soil Transmitted Helminth dengan kejadian anemia pada murid SD Inpres Bakung Samata Gowa, yang berarti bahwa bukan hanya satu factor yang menyebab-kan terjadinya anemia namun banyak faktor yang menjadi penyebab terjadinya anemia. Yai-tu bukan hanya infeksi kecacingan yang menjadi satu-satunya penyebab anemia, namun ju-ga dapat disebabkan karena kurangnya asupan zat besi dalam tubuh, perdarahan karena penyakit tertentu, ataupun karena diare. Selain itu faktor sosial ekonomi keluarga juga mempunyai kontribusi besar menyebabkan anemia

    Desas Desus Informasi Haji dalam Hubungannya dengan Daftar Tunggu Bagi Calon Jemaah Haji di Kabupaten Gowa

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    Rumors information Hajj often bring news is not true, circulated from mouth to mouth very quickly and circulated like a snowball throws prospective pilgrims. This research aims to: Knowing the form of rumors circulating among Hajj information prospective hajj congregation waiting list, Knowing acceptance of rumor information of hajj for potential congregation waiting list, find out how patterns of rumor information of hajj for hajj congregation waiting list candidates in Gowa region. This research used a descriptive approach with case studies as a focus of analysis. The technique of collecting data through in-depth interviews, the study of librarianship, observation and physical devices. As for the data analysis done qualitatively-verifikatif with data validation using the technique of triangulation of sources. The research showed the form of the rumor for hajj information related to the waiting list for candidates in Gowa region is a "add cost" If you want to quickly set off without having to wait for the queue number portion. These rumors circulating through the interaction of the mouth to the mouth, no clear source originally, spread information quickly and spread like a snowball. The reception of rumor information of Hajj "add cost" taken by the informant because the rumor information derived from competent and credible Communicator, the proximity to the recipient, as well as have motivation and self-actualization, already impatient want to leave for the Hajj so there is involvement of stimulus ego (ego-involvement) in the reception of the rumor information. Hajj congregation candidate ultimately tend to chase down rumors of information that can be sent out quickly without having to wait for the queue number portion of the Hajj. As for the pattern of the rumors spread of tissue imaged Hajj information cluster model (cluster), where the source of the dominant role to take in the dissemination of information because there are rumors of homophily, that is in common interests and goals

    The Life-cycle of biosteres persulcatus with reference to adults' reproductive capacity on eggs of Carambola fruit-fly

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    A study of the life-cycle of Biosteres persulcatus Silvestri, a larval parasitoid of (Bactrocera (B) sp. near Bactrocera dorsalis A), was conducted in the laboratory (26.50C± 1.50 C). There are 4 larval stages as indicated by the sizes of the mouthhooks. The first larval moult occurred in the newly{ormed puparium of the host. The entire developmental period from egg to adult emergence for male and female was 16.3± 0.80 days and 1 7.1 ± 0.80 days respectively. The average reproductive capacity during the life span was 67 ± 3.5 eggs

    Hubungan Explosive Power Otot Lengan Bahu dengan Kemampuan Shooting Under Ring pada Tim Bolabasket Putra Sman 6 Peknbaru

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    ABSTRACK : This Researchis a correlation study. This research was conducted at the SMAN 6 Pekanbaru men basketball team. Data were obtained and collected by the independent variable tests (explosive power arm shoulder muscles) and test the dependent variable (shooting under ring capability). The data obtained were analyzed using product moment correlation analysis.Explosive relationship Sleeve Shoulder Muscle Power Shooting Capability under Ring with the SMAN 6 Men's Basketball Team Pekanbaru. Problem identification results showed that men's basketball player SMAN 6 Pekanbaru yet under the ring shooting ability not Maximum. It initials due to the lack of the factors associated with the development of these techniques. By therefore then with lifted Research carried problem "Does the Relations explosive power arm shoulder muscles with shooting capability under the ring at SMAN 6 men's basketball team Pekanbaru?" The proposed research hypotheses on Research husband is "There are Relationship explosive power arm shoulder muscles with shooting capabilities under men's rings on basketball team SMAN 6 Pekanbaru." This study aims to determine the relationship label explosive power arm shoulder muscles with shooting capability under the ring on men's basketball team SMAN 6 Pekanbaru.Results of the analysis showed that there is a relationship explosive power arm shoulder muscles with shooting under ring capabilities at the SMAN 6 Pekanbaru men basketball team. Based on product moment correlation analysis produced a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.5686, which means there is a correlation between the independent variable and dependent variables and the t test result of tcount 2.4883 and ttable 1,771. Means tcount > ttable so it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted and shows that a significant relationship between the two variables