170 research outputs found

    Composition of Ices in Low-Mass Extrasolar Planets

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    We study the formation conditions of icy planetesimals in protoplanetary disks in order to determine the composition of ices in small and cold extrasolar planets. Assuming that ices are formed from hydrates, clathrates, and pure condensates, we calculate their mass fractions with respect to the total quantity of ices included in planetesimals, for a grid of disk models. We find that the composition of ices weakly depends on the adopted disk thermodynamic conditions, and is rather influenced by the initial composition of the gas phase. The use of a plausible range of molecular abundance ratios and the variation of the relative elemental carbon over oxygen ratio in the gas phase of protoplanetary disks, allow us to apply our model to a wide range of planetary systems. Our results can thus be used to constrain the icy/volatile phase composition of cold planets evidenced by microlensing surveys, hypothetical ocean-planets and carbon planets, which could be detected by Corot or Kepler.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Co-delivery of free vancomycin and transcription factor decoy-nanostructured lipid carriers can enhance inhibition of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

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    Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is widely regarded as a major public health concern with last resort MRSA treatments like vancomycin now encountering resistant strains. TFDs (Transcription Factor Decoys) are oligonucleotide copies of the DNA-binding sites for transcription factors. They bind to and sequester the targeted transcription factor, thus inhibiting transcription of many genes. By developing TFDs with sequences aimed at inhibiting transcription factors controlling the expression of highly conserved bacterial cell wall proteins, TFDs present as a potential method for inhibiting microbial growth without encountering typical resistance mechanisms. However, the efficient protection and delivery of the TFDs inside the bacterial cells is a critical step for the success of this technology. Therefore, in our study, specific TFDs against S. aureus were complexed with two different types of nanocarriers: cationic nanostructured lipid carriers (cNLCs) and chitosan-based nanoparticles (CS-NCs). These TFD-carrier nanocomplexes were characterized for size, zeta potential and TFD complexation or loading efficiency in a variety of buffers. In vitro activity of the nanocomplexes was examined alone and in combination with vancomycin, first in methicillin susceptible strains of S. aureus with the lead candidate advancing to tests against MRSA cultures. Results found that both cNLCs and chitosan-based carriers were adept at complexing and protecting TFDs in a range of physiological and microbiological buffers up to 72 hours. From initial testing, chitosan-TFD particles demonstrated no visible improvements in effect when co-administered with vancomycin. However, co-delivery of cNLC-TFD with vancomycin reduced the MIC of vancomycin by over 50% in MSSA and resulted in significant decreases in viability compared with vancomycin alone in MRSA cultures. Furthermore, these TFD-loaded particles demonstrated very low levels of cytotoxicity and haemolysis in vitro. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt at a combined antibiotic/oligonucleotide-TFD approach to combatting MRSA and, as such, highlights a new avenue of MRSA treatment combining traditional small molecules drugs and bacterial gene inhibition

    Early-stage development of novel cyclodextrin-siRNA nanocomplexes allows for successful postnebulization transfection of bronchial epithelial cells.

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    BACKGROUND: Successful delivery of small interfering RNA (siRNA) to the lungs remains hampered by poor intracellular delivery, vector-mediated cytotoxicity, and an inability to withstand nebulization. Recently, a novel cyclodextrin (CD), SC12CDClickpropylamine, consisting of distinct lipophilic and cationic subunits, has been shown to transfect a number of cell types. However, the suitability of this vector for pulmonary siRNA delivery has not been assessed to date. To address this, a series of high-content analysis (HCA) and postnebulization assays were devised to determine the potential for CD-siRNA delivery to the lungs. METHODS: SC12CDClickpropylamine-siRNA mass ratios (MRs) were examined for size and zeta potential. In-depth analysis of nanocomplex uptake and toxicity in Calu-3 bronchial epithelial cells was examined using IN Cell(®) HCA assays. Nebulized SC12CDClickpropylamine nanocomplexes were assessed for volumetric median diameter (VMD) and fine particle fraction (FPF) and compared with saline controls. Finally, postnebulization stability was determined by comparing luciferase knockdown elicited by SC12CDClickpropylamine nanocomplexes before and after nebulization. RESULTS: SC12CDClickpropylamine-siRNA complexation formed cationic nanocomplexes of ≤200 nm in size depending on the medium and led to significantly higher levels of siRNA associated with Calu-3 cells compared with RNAiFect-siRNA-treated cells at all MRs (p CONCLUSIONS: SC12CDClickpropylamine nanocomplexes can be effectively nebulized for pulmonary delivery of siRNA using Aeroneb technology to mediate knockdown in airway cells. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study examining the suitability of SC12CDClickpropylamine-siRNA nanocomplexes for pulmonary delivery. Furthermore, this work provides an integrated nanomedicine-device combination for future in vitro and in vivo preclinical and clinical studies of inhaled siRNA therapeutics

    Effects of Space Weathering on Reflectance Spectra of Ureilites: First Studies

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    Ureilites are differentiated meteorites (ultramafic rocks interpreted to be mantle residues) that contain as much carbon as the most carbon-rich carbonaceous chondrites (CCs). Reflectance spectra of ureilites are similar to those of some CCs. Hence, ureilitic asteroids may accidentally be categorized as primitive because their spectra could resemble those of C-complex asteroids, which are thought to be CC-like. We began spectral studies of progressively laser-weathered ureilites with the goals of predicting UV-VIS-IR spectra of ureilitic asteroids, and identifying features that could distinguish differentiated from primitive dark asteroids. Space weathering has not previously been studied for ureilites, and, based on space weathering studies of CCs and other C-rich materials, it could significantly alter their reflectance spectra

    Refinement of risk stratification for childhood rhabdomyosarcoma using FOXO1 fusion status in addition to established clinical outcome predictors: A report from the Children's Oncology Group

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    Background: Previous studies of the prognostic importance of FOXO1 fusion status in patients with rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) have had conflicting results. We re�examined risk stratification by adding FOXO1 status to traditional clinical prognostic factors in children with localized or metastatic RMS. Methods: Data from six COG clinical trials (D9602, D9802, D9803, ARST0331, ARTS0431, ARST0531; two studies each for low�, intermediate� and high�risk patients) accruing previously untreated patients with RMS from 1997 to 2013 yielded 1727 evaluable patients. Survival tree regression for event�free survival (EFS) was conducted to recursively select prognostic factors for branching and split. Factors included were age, FOXO1, clinical group, histology, nodal status, number of metastatic sites, primary site, sex, tumor size, and presence of metastases in bone/bone marrow, soft tissue, effusions, lung, distant lymph nodes, and other sites. Definition and outcome of the proposed risk groups were compared to existing systems and cross�validated results. Results: The 5�year EFS and overall survival (OS) for evaluable patients were 69% and 79%, respectively. Extent of disease (localized versus metastatic) was the first split (EFS 73% vs 30%; OS 84% vs. 42%). FOXO1 status (positive vs negative) was significant in the second split both for localized (EFS 52% vs 78%; OS 65% vs 88%) and metastatic disease (EFS 6% vs 46%; OS 19% vs 58%). Conclusions: After metastatic status, FOXO1 status is the most important prognostic factor in patients with RMS and improves risk stratification of patients with localized RMS. Our findings support incorporation of FOXO1 status in risk stratified clinical trials

    Human papillomavirus prevalence in women attending routine cervical screening in South Wales, UK: a cross-sectional study

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    In this cross-sectional population-based study we determine human papillomavirus (HPV) prevalence in South Wales to provide comprehensive baseline data for future assessment of the impact of prophylactic HPV vaccination and to help inform future screening strategies. Liquid-based cytology samples from women attending routine cervical screening were collected (n=10 000: mean age 38 years, 93% cytology negative, and 64.8% from the 50% least deprived LSOA according to social deprivation score (SDS)). High-Risk (HR) and Low-Risk HPV screening was performed using HPV PCR-EIA with genotyping of HR positives and data correlated with age, SDS and cytology. Overall HPV prevalence was 13.5% (9.3% age standardised) and the most frequent HR types were HPV 16, 31, 18 and 58. In HR HPV-positive cases 42.4% had a single HR type and they were predominant in women with severe cytological abnormalities. Here, 66% of all HR HPV cases were in women aged 30 years of age or less and SDS had no significant effect on HPV status. HPV prevalence increased significantly with degree of dyskarosis from 7% in cytology negative samples to 80% in samples with severe cytological abnormalities (P-value <0.0001). Overall, 46% of HR HPV cases were positive for the two HR types targeted by the prophylactic vaccines (HPV 16 and HPV 18). The data presented represents the largest type-specific investigation of HPV prevalence in an unselected UK population
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