126 research outputs found

    Komunikasi Data Antara Modul MMI (Man Machine Interface) Dan Modul Scrambler/Descrambler Pada Telepon Scrambler

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    This paper proposes a data communication system between MMI module with scrambler/descrambler module. The system is designed and implemented on a scrambler phone. The trasmitted data is needed to determine the speed of randomization sound signal processes and patterns. The data is transmitted through microcontroller based serial communication. A data communication protocol is designed to perform data communication between two modules. The experiment shows serial data communication between the MMI module and the scrambler/ descrambler module with 1200 bps data transmission speed is working properly without errors by a proof that the scrambler/descrambler module sends a "OK" after the MMI module sends data of the speed and pattern of the sound signal randomization that ends with a "AA"

    Lampu Pintar Berbasis LED Dengan Multi Sensor

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    In this paper, we propose a LED-based smart lamp prototype that integrated with sensor. The smart lamp use information of people and lighting confirmation, to turn on or turn off the lamp automatically. In addition, the sensor calculates and balances flash and ambient light exposure to decrease the light, so that can make energy efficiently in use. PIR (Passive Infrared Receiver) and Ultrasonic sensor is preferred to detect people condition in one place and LDR (Light Dependent Resistant) is preferred to detect intensity of light. In experimental system of smart lamp obtain good condition where the average of illuminance 257,6 lux. The smart lamp can detect large and small movements caused by human beings and can provide a constant room lighting.keywords: Smart lamp, Presence detection, Ultrasonic Pada tulisan ini, sebuah lampu pintar berbasis LED berbasis integrasi sensor deteksi keberadaan dan sensor deteksi cahaya diusulkan. Sensor digunakan untuk menyalakan atau memadamkan lampu secara otomatis berdasarkan keberadaan orang disekitarnya. Selain itu, lampu pintar juga dapat mengatur tingkat pencahayaan yang dibutuhkan dengan memperhatikan cahaya ambien untuk mencegah terjadinya pencahayaan yang berlebih guna menghindari energi yang terbuang sia-sia. Deteksi keberadaan menggunakan penggabungan dua buah sensor yaitu PIR (Passive Infrared Receiver) dan Ultrasonik, sedangkan deteksi cahaya menggunakan sensor LDR (Light Dependent Resistant). Hasil pengujian mendapatkan sistem lampu penerangan bekerja dengan baik dan dapat memberikan pencahayaan sebesar 257,6 lux. Lampu Pintar tersebut sudah dapat mendeteksi gerakan besar dan kecil yang ditimbulkan oleh manusia dan dapat memberikan pencahayaan ruangan yang konstan

    Metabolit dan Profil Darah Ayam Akhir Periode Bertelur yang Disuplementasi Enzim Bromelin dalam Ransumnya: Metabolite and Blood Profile of Late Laying Period Supplemented with Bromelain Enzyme in The Ration

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    This experiment aimed to evaluate the effect of bromelain enzyme supplementation in a late-laying period diet on blood metabolite and blood profile parameters. A total of 200 Isa Brown at late laying period hens, 85 weeks of age, were randomly distributed into four dietary treatments and fed for eight weeks.  The bromelain enzyme was used at the level of 0% (control diet), 0.025%, 0.050%, and 0.075%. Each treatment was replicated five times.  Experimental design data were analyzed using ANOVA and Duncan multiple range test.  Bromelain supplementation had a significant effect on the concentration of blood protein (p<0.01), reduced blood cholesterol (p<0.05), and increased concentration of immunoglobulin Y (IgY) (p<0.05).  It is concluded that supplementation at dosages 0.05% and 0.075% of bromelain can improve the birds' immunity by increasing the IgY content in blood serum.  supplementation at 0.05% reduces blood cholesterol and increases blood protein. Key words:        blood metabolite, blood profile, bromelain, IgY, late laying perio

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Adobe Flash Dan Mdlc Untuk Animasi Pengenalan Pakaian Tradisional Indonesia

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    Negara Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan dengan kondisi geogerafis yang luas dan beragam. Hal tersebut yang menjadikan Indonesia banyak sekali kebudayaan. Pada era teknologi jaman sekarang, teknologi digital terus berkembang dengan berbagai media informasi yang dapat di akses dengan mudah. Salah satu contoh pembelajaran media animasi interaktif yang dapat mempermudah dalm proses belajar mengajar, dimana pengguna tidak hanya di berikan materi saja, tetapi bisa berinteraksi dengan fitur pembelajaran tersebut. Pengenalan pakaian adat tradisional masih kurang diminati oleh sebagian masyarakat. Terutama bagi anak-anak dan perlu adanya pengenalan mengenai pelajaran budaya tersebut. Dengan adanya media animasi interaktif pengenalan pakaian tradisional ini dapat dapat membantu mengenalkan pakaian tradisional. Animasi ini berbasis desktop dengan metode Multimeida Development Life Cycle (MDLC) sebagai proses pengembangan perangakat lunak yang secara berurutan dimulai dari konsep, desain, mendapatkan materi konten, Pemasangan, pengujian, dan dokumentasi. Aniamasi ini dapat menunjang proses pengenalan pakaian tradisional Indonesia dengan cara bermain sambil belajar.Katakunci: Animasi Interaktif, Pakaian Adat Tradisional Indonesia, Multimeida Development Life Cycle (MDLC)

    Processing Of Uranium Waste Using Alumina Silica Phosphate

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    Uranium waste generated from the utilization of nuclear technology on radioisotope production, nuclear fuel production, calibration of fuel post-irradiation, and the purification of uranium from yellow cake. Uranium is a long-lived radionuclides and hazardous if it was entered in human body, thus requiring appropriate treatment with high safety. The processing conducted by separated the uranium which was contained on waste with ions exchange process. Uranium has been separated, later then immobilized with the polymer. The study of simulation uranium waste processing using an Alumina Silica Phosphate (ASP) has been conducted. Simulation uranium waste with the concentration of 0,05 g/l was contacted to ASP with contact timer and pH as a parameters. The Alumina Silica Phosphate which saturated with uranium, later then immobilized with epoxy resin polymer by total of waste contents as a parameter. The immobilization was conducted by mixing ASP which saturated with uranium and epoxy resin. The study showed that the best composition of ASP was obtained at the ratio of 1:1, contact time of 15 minute, and pH of 7 with absorption of uranium about 93,5%. The characteristic of polymer and the immobilization waste showed that optimum of waste content is 20% of weight with the density of 1,0538 g/cm3; compressive strength of 19,96 kN/cm2 and there was not detected the leaching of uranium which out from the polymer-waste. Therefore, ASP can be used on processing of uranium waste and could be suggested to be applied on Radioactive Waste Management Installation

    Resin Poliester Tak Jenuh Untuk Imobilisasi Resin Bekas Pengolahan Simulasi Limbah Radioaktif Cair

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang imobilisasi resin bekas pengolah limbah trans-uranium denganresin poliester tak jenuh untuk mengetahui kualitas blok polimer-limbah sebagai fungsi kandunganlimbah. Polimerisasi dilakukan dengan mencampurkan resin poliester tak jenuh dengan katalisdengan perbandingan katalis 1% dari jumlah resin poliester tak jenuh yang digunakan, kemudianditambahkan limbah cair transuranium simulasi. blok polimer-limbah yang terjadi diukur densitas,kuat tekan dengan alat Paul Weber, dan laju pelindihan dengan alat soxhlet pada 100 0C dan 1 atmselama 6 jam. Blok polimer dibuat dengan kandungan limbah 10, 20, 30, 40, dan 50 % berat. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar kandungan limbah maka kuat tekan blok polimerlimbahsemakin kecil, sedangkan laju pelindihannya semakin besar. Berdasarkan kuat tekan dan lajupelindihan, maka hasil terbaik diperoleh untuk blok-polimer dengan kandungan limbah 20 % dan 30%

    Potent antiviral activity against HSV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 by antimicrobial peptoids

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    Viral infections, such as those caused by Herpes Simplex Virus-1 (HSV-1) and SARS-CoV-2, affect millions of people each year. However, there are few antiviral drugs that can effectively treat these infections. The standard approach in the development of antiviral drugs involves the identification of a unique viral target, followed by the design of an agent that addresses that target. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) represent a novel source of potential antiviral drugs. AMPs have been shown to inactivate numerous different enveloped viruses through the disruption of their viral envelopes. However, the clinical development of AMPs as antimicrobial therapeutics has been hampered by a number of factors, especially their enzymatically labile structure as peptides. We have examined the antiviral potential of peptoid mimics of AMPs (sequence-specific N-substituted glycine oligomers). These peptoids have the distinct advantage of being insensitive to proteases, and also exhibit increased bioavailability and stability. Our results demonstrate that several peptoids exhibit potent in vitro antiviral activity against both HSV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 when incubated prior to infection. In other words, they have a direct effect on the viral structure, which appears to render the viral particles non-infective. Visualization by cryo-EM shows viral envelope disruption similar to what has been observed with AMP activity against other viruses. Furthermore, we observed no cytotoxicity against primary cultures of oral epithelial cells. These results suggest a common or biomimetic mechanism, possibly due to the differences between the phospholipid head group makeup of viral envelopes and host cell membranes, thus underscoring the potential of this class of molecules as safe and effective broad-spectrum antiviral agents. We discuss how and why differing molecular features between 10 peptoid candidates may affect both antiviral activity and selectivity
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