247 research outputs found

    Adaptive Mixture Methods Based on Bregman Divergences

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    We investigate adaptive mixture methods that linearly combine outputs of mm constituent filters running in parallel to model a desired signal. We use "Bregman divergences" and obtain certain multiplicative updates to train the linear combination weights under an affine constraint or without any constraints. We use unnormalized relative entropy and relative entropy to define two different Bregman divergences that produce an unnormalized exponentiated gradient update and a normalized exponentiated gradient update on the mixture weights, respectively. We then carry out the mean and the mean-square transient analysis of these adaptive algorithms when they are used to combine outputs of mm constituent filters. We illustrate the accuracy of our results and demonstrate the effectiveness of these updates for sparse mixture systems.Comment: Submitted to Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier; IEEE.or

    Improving the Accuracy of Petri Net-based Analysis of Concurrent Programs

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    Spurious results are an inherent problem of most static analysis methods. These methods, in an effort to produce conservative results, overestimate the executable behavior of a program. Infeasible paths and imprecise alias resolution are the two causes of such inaccuracies. In this paper we present an approach for improving the accuracy of Petri net-based analysis of concurrent programs by including additional program state information in the Petri net. We present empirical results that demonstrate the improvements in accuracy and, in some cases, the reduction in the search space that result from applying this approach to concurrent Ada programs

    Acute tryptophan depletion in accordance with body weight: influx of amino acids across the blood–brain barrier

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    Acute tryptophan depletion (ATD) is a method of reducing central nervous serotonin (5-HT) synthesis in humans by administering an amino acid (AA) beverage lacking in tryptophan (TRP), the physiological precursor of 5-HT. However, to date, the use of conventional ATD protocols in children and adolescents was limited due to frequently observed side effects (e.g., vomiting and nausea). This study investigated the effects of diminished central nervous system 5-HT synthesis on plasma concentrations of relevant AAs and TRP influx into the brain in 24 healthy young adults using the ATD procedure Moja-De, a test protocol that has been used in preliminary research in youths. Twenty-four healthy participants received ATD and a TRP-balanced amino acid load (BAL) using a randomized double-blind within-subject crossover design. Plasma concentrations of the relevant AAs that compete with TRP on the same transport system were assessed at baseline and 90, 180, and 240 min after ATD/BAL intake. TRP influx across the blood–brain barrier was calculated using Michaelis–Menten kinetics with a correction for multiple substrate competition, indicating a significant decrease in TRP influx into the central nervous system under Moja-De. ATD Moja-De decreased TRP influx into the brain and central nervous system 5-HT synthesis safely and effectively and was well tolerated, allowing it to be used in children and adolescents. Future research into other secondary, compensatory effects induced by ATD in patients with neuropsychiatric disorders and healthy populations is needed. ATD Moja-De allows this type of research with a focus on a developmental viewpoint. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00702-012-0793-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Metabolic Signature of Atypical Fibroxanthoma and Pleomorphic Dermal Sarcoma: Expression of Hypoxia-inducible Factor-1α and Several of Its Downstream Targets

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    Metabolic reprogramming mediated by hypoxia-inducible factors play a crucial role in many human cancers. HIF-1α is activated under hypoxic conditions and is considered a key regulator of oxygen homoeostasis during tumor proliferation under hypoxia. Aim of this research was to analyze the immunohistochemical expression of HIF-1α, VEGF-A, Glut-1, MCT4, and CAIX in atypical fibroxanthoma (AFX) and pleomorphic dermal sarcoma (PDS). 21 paraffin-embedded AFX and 22 PDS were analysed by immunohistochemis-try, namely HIF-1α, VEGF-A (referred to as VEGF throughout the manuscript), Glut-1, MCT4, and CAIX. To quantify the protein expression, we considered the percentage of positive tumor cells (0: 0%, 1: up to 1%, 2: 2-10%, 3: 11-50%, 4: >50%) in relation to the staining intensity (0: negative, 1: low, 2: medium, 3: strong). HIF-1α expression (mean ± SD) in AFX (9.33±2.92) was significantly stronger than that in PDS (5.90±4.38; P= 0.007), whereas the expression of VEGF, Glut-1, MCT4, and CAIX did not show differences between AFX and PDS. When comparing all tumors without subgroup stratification, the expression of HIF-1α (P= 0.044) and MCT4 (P= 0.036) was significantly stronger in ulcerated tumors than in tumors without ulceration. Our findings provide the first evidence that HIF-1α-induced metabolic reprogramming may contribute to the pathogenesis of AFX and PDS. HIF-1α expression seems to be higher in AFX than in PDS, and ulcerated tumors show higher expression levels of HIF-1α and MCT4 irrespective of the diagnosis

    Optimal dynamic portfolio selection with earnings-at-risk

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    In this paper we investigate a continuous-time portfolio selection problem. Instead of using the classical variance as usual, we use earnings-at-risk (EaR) of terminal wealth as a measure of risk. In the settings of Black-Scholes type financial markets and constantly-rebalanced portfolio (CRP) investment strategies, we obtain closed-form expressions for the best CRP investment strategy and the efficient frontier of the mean-EaR problem, and compare our mean-EaR analysis to the classical mean-variance analysis and to the mean-CaR (capital-at-risk) analysis. We also examine some economic implications arising from using the mean-EaR model. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.postprin

    The development, educational stratification and decomposition of mothers' and fathers' childcare time in Germany: an update for 2001-2013

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    "This study updates empirical knowledge about the development,(the educational stratification, and the decomposition of mothers' and fathers' childcare time in Germany with the most recent time use data. Using time series data from the German Time Use Study 2001/2002 and 2012/ 2013, we analyze time budgets for total childcare and six specific childcare activities on weekdays and weekends and estimate OLS regressions and Oaxaca decompositions. The study found that total childcare time has increased for mothers and fathers between 2001 and 2013 and that this change is predominantly due to increased time for basic childcare. It also found consistent evidence of an education gradient only for reading time with children. If there is significant change of time budgets between 2001 and 2013, this change seems to be driven by behavioral change rather than changing demographics. Our empirical findings on childcare time in Germany do not provide evidence of dynamics and stratification but rather of stability and similarity across parents’ educational levels. Besides the updates on German parents' development, stratification and decomposition of time use for childcare, these analyses show that change in total childcare is not due to a proportional change over all single activities but due to changes in a few activities only." (author's abstract)"Diese Studie aktualisiert das empirische Wissen ĂŒber die Entwicklung, die Bildungsstratifizierung und die Dekomposition der Zeitverwendung von MĂŒttern und VĂ€tern fĂŒr Kinderbetreuung mit den aktuellen Zeitbudgetdaten fĂŒr Deutschland. Auf Basis der der letzten beiden Erhebungen der Deutschen Zeitverwendungsstudie 2001/2002 und 2012/2013 werden die Zeitbudgets fĂŒr die Gesamtzeit fĂŒr Kinderbetreuung sowie sechs EinzeltĂ€tigkeiten mit OLS-Regressionen und Oaxaca- Dekompositionen untersucht. Die Studie zeigt, dass die Zeit fĂŒr Kinderbetreuung von MĂŒttern und VĂ€tern zwischen 2001 und 2013 angestiegen ist, es einen Bildungsgradienten fĂŒr Vorlesen gibt und signifikante VerĂ€nderungen in den Zeitbudgets nicht auf KompositionsverĂ€nderung der Bevölkerung zurĂŒckgefĂŒhrt werden können. Insgesamt belegt die Studie weniger die Dynamik als vielmehr die StabilitĂ€t und die geringe Bildungsdifferenzierung der Zeitverwendung fĂŒr Kinderbetreuung. DarĂŒber hinaus wird gezeigt, dass die VerĂ€nderungen in der Gesamtzeit fĂŒr Kinderbetreuung nicht auf proportionale VerĂ€nderungen in allen, sondern nur auf VerĂ€nderungen in wenigen EinzeltĂ€tigkeiten zurĂŒckgefĂŒhrt werden können." (Autorenreferat
