2,529 research outputs found

    The conduction pathway of potassium channels is water free under physiological conditions.

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    Ion conduction through potassium channels is a fundamental process of life. On the basis of crystallographic data, it was originally proposed that potassium ions and water molecules are transported through the selectivity filter in an alternating arrangement, suggesting a "water-mediated" knock-on mechanism. Later on, this view was challenged by results from molecular dynamics simulations that revealed a "direct" knock-on mechanism where ions are in direct contact. Using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance techniques tailored to characterize the interaction between water molecules and the ion channel, we show here that the selectivity filter of a potassium channel is free of water under physiological conditions. Our results are fully consistent with the direct knock-on mechanism of ion conduction but contradict the previously proposed water-mediated knock-on mechanism

    Perceptions of people with mild intellectual disability and their family members about family-based social capital in the Netherlands

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    Families play an important role in the lives of people with intellectual disability as they do for everyone. However, little research has addressed the views of people with intellectual disability about their families by using self-report. Individual family members may hold different views about their family relationships. Therefore, we used a social capital theoretical perspective to examine (a) how perceptions of people with mild intellectual disability (MID) about their family support networks compare to those of their family members and (b) what factors are associated with any diverging perceptions. Randomly selected participants with MID (n = 111) and their family members (n = 111) were interviewed individually at their homes using the Family Network Method-Intellectual Disability (FNM-ID). The FNM-ID examines how people define their family groups and how they perceive existing supportive relationships within this group. The findings showed that participants with MID perceived that they had somewhat denser family networks (i.e., bonding social capital) than family members perceived them to have and were more likely to report bridging social capital. They reported more relationships that involved them providing support to family members. This difference in estimation was greater when the participant with MID displayed higher levels of externalizing behaviour problems. They also perceived more reciprocity in their relationships with family. No differences were found in the estimated numbers of significant family members and relationships in which support was received. It is concluded that people with MID and their family members have different perceptions on several aspects of the family support network. Family professionals and services should seek the views of people with intellectual disability and their family members when carrying out assessments or organizing supports. [Abstract copyright: © 2021 The Authors. Health and Social Care in the Community published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

    Homotopy types of stabilizers and orbits of Morse functions on surfaces

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    Let MM be a smooth compact surface, orientable or not, with boundary or without it, PP either the real line R1R^1 or the circle S1S^1, and Diff(M)Diff(M) the group of diffeomorphisms of MM acting on C(M,P)C^{\infty}(M,P) by the rule hffh1h\cdot f\mapsto f \circ h^{-1}, where hDiff(M)h\in Diff(M) and fC(M,P)f \in C^{\infty}(M,P). Let f:MPf:M \to P be a Morse function and O(f)O(f) be the orbit of ff under this action. We prove that πkO(f)=πkM\pi_k O(f)=\pi_k M for k3k\geq 3, and π2O(f)=0\pi_2 O(f)=0 except for few cases. In particular, O(f)O(f) is aspherical, provided so is MM. Moreover, π1O(f)\pi_1 O(f) is an extension of a finitely generated free abelian group with a (finite) subgroup of the group of automorphisms of the Reeb graph of ff. We also give a complete proof of the fact that the orbit O(f)O(f) is tame Frechet submanifold of C(M,P)C^{\infty}(M,P) of finite codimension, and that the projection Diff(M)O(f)Diff(M) \to O(f) is a principal locally trivial S(f)S(f)-fibration.Comment: 49 pages, 8 figures. This version includes the proof of the fact that the orbits of a finite codimension of tame action of tame Lie group on tame Frechet manifold is a tame Frechet manifold itsel

    Cyclic Statistics In Three Dimensions

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    While 2-dimensional quantum systems are known to exhibit non-permutation, braid group statistics, it is widely expected that quantum statistics in 3-dimensions is solely determined by representations of the permutation group. This expectation is false for certain 3-dimensional systems, as was shown by the authors of ref. [1,2,3]. In this work we demonstrate the existence of ``cyclic'', or ZnZ_n, {\it non-permutation group} statistics for a system of n > 2 identical, unknotted rings embedded in R3R^3. We make crucial use of a theorem due to Goldsmith in conjunction with the so called Fuchs-Rabinovitch relations for the automorphisms of the free product group on n elements.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, LaTex, minor page reformattin

    General relativistic corrections to the Sagnac effect

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    The difference in travel time of corotating and counter-rotating light waves in the field of a central massive and spinning body is studied. The corrections to the special relativistic formula are worked out in a Kerr field. Estimation of numeric values for the Earth and satellites in orbit around it show that a direct measurement is in the order of concrete possibilities.Comment: REVTex, accepted for publication on Phys. Rev.

    Experimental investigation of an atmospheric photoconductively switched high-voltage spark gap

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    We report on the experimental investigation of the photoconductively switched gas-filled spark gap. When the laser intensity of a femtosecond laser is high enough (around 1018 Wm-2), a plasma can be created that spans the complete distance between the electrodes. The gas-filled spark gap is then closed on a femtosecond timescale, similar to photoconductive switching of a semiconductor switch. Stochastic breakdown processes, such as avalanche and streamer formation that cause the breakdown in laser triggered spark gaps, are passed over, which results in faster risetime and less jitter. Measurements of the switched pulses as a function of laser energy were performed in a 1 mm gap at an applied voltage of 4.5 kV. A clear transition from triggering to switching was measured with increased laser energy. Measurements of the output pulses with the gap filled with nitrogen at 1 atm showed results very similar to measurements in air in the same gap. In the switching regime, the amplitude of the switched pulse did not depend strongly on the laser energy. Measurements at lower applied voltages but with the same gap distance showed that it was possible to switch voltages as low as 10% of the self-breakdown voltage. At low applied voltages, a significant difference between the applied voltage and the output voltage is measured. A possible explanation is given based on the dynamic behavior of the laser created plasma. The measured rise time and jitter of the switched pulses were both below the resolution of the measurement equipment, i.e., better than 100 ps and 15 ps, respectively

    Model-based Aeroservoelastic Design and Load Alleviation of Large Wind Turbine Blades

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    This paper presents an aeroservoelastic modeling approach for dynamic load alleviation in large wind turbines with trailing-edge aerodynamic surfaces. The tower, potentially on a moving base, and the rotating blades are modeled using geometrically non-linear composite beams, which are linearized around reference conditions with arbitrarily-large structural displacements. Time-domain aerodynamics are given by a linearized 3-D unsteady vortexlattice method and the resulting dynamic aeroelastic model is written in a state-space formulation suitable for model reductions and control synthesis. A linear model of a single blade is used to design a Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian regulator on its root-bending moments, which is finally shown to provide load reductions of about 20% in closed-loop on the full wind turbine non-linear aeroelastic model

    Friese en Groninger Kwelderwerken : monitoring en beheer 1960-2014

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    Een belangrijk ecologisch doel voor de Waddenzee is een zo groot en natuurlijk mogelijk areaal kwelders. Mede daarom wordt in de half-natuurlijke kwelderwerken langs Friese en Groninger vastelandskust het beheer geleidelijk aangepast naar duurzamer en minder kunstmatig. Langetermijnmonitoring doorRijkswaterstaat van hoogte- en vegetatieontwikkeling begeleidt deze verandering. Het gemiddelde areaal kwelder en pionierzone voldoet ruimschoots aan de voor de kwelderwerken gestelde eisen. Echter door opslibbing worden kwelders hoger, waarbij de vegetatie door successie verandert en er uiteindelijk een soortenarme vegetatie van Zeekweek kan ontstaan. Een bijkomend effect in de kwelderwerken is dat er door successie, op termijn, weinig ruimte overblijft in de overgangszone van laaggelegen wad naar hooggelegen horizontaal uitbreidende kwelder voor pioniervegetatie met Zeekraal, terwijl de Waddenzee daar het belangrijkste gebied voor is. Beweiding vertraagt weliswaar de ontwikkeling naar climaxvegetatie, maar voor grotere algehele natuurlijkheid zou meer dynamiek, waarbij aangroei en afslag van kwelders in evenwicht zijn door cyclische successie, uitkomst kunnen bieden. Er gaat onderzocht worden of een aangepast beheer van de rijshoutdammen hierbij kan helpen.<br/

    Immunoliposome-mediated targeting of doxorubicin to human ovarian carcinoma in vitro and in vivo.

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    This paper deals with the utility of immunoliposomes for the delivery of doxorubicin (DXR) to human ovarian carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo. We aimed to investigate whether immunoliposome-mediated targeting of DXR to ovarian cancer cells translates in an enhanced anti-tumour effect compared with that of non-targeted DXR liposomes (lacking the specific antibody). Target cell binding and anti-tumour activity of DXR immunoliposomes were studied in vitro and in vivo (xenograft model of ovarian carcinoma). In vitro we observed that target cell binding and cell growth inhibition of DXR immunoliposomes is superior to that of non-targeted DXR-liposomes. However, in vivo, despite the efficient target cell binding and good anti-tumour response of DXR-immunoliposomes, no difference in anti-tumour effect, compared with non-targeted DXR-liposomes, could be determined. The results indicate that premature DXR leakage from immunoliposomes occurring before the actual target cell binding and subsequent DXR association with the tumour cells, explains why no significant differences in anti-tumour activity between DXR-immunoliposomes and non-targeted DXR-liposomes were observed in vivo