602 research outputs found

    The role of Znic in alleviating B-toxicity in plants differing in their sensitivity to boron in terms of rooting response of cuttings.

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    The role of Znic in alleviating B-toxicity in terms of adventitious root formation (ART) in cutting of plants differing in their sensitivity to boron such as Mung bean (sensitive ) ,Cucumber (Moderately tolerant ) and Tomato (tolerant ) has been carried out . The toxic level of B  in addition ,to the promontory  conc. Of Zn-salt was determined for each of the  above spp. Three of Zn-salts were tested ( sulphate ,nitrate and chloride ) and the best promontory salt is Znic sulfate in developing the higher number. of roots in addition to the best conc. of the same salt was 15,10,15 pmm for Mung bean , Cucumber and Tomato respectively ,comparing to other Zn-salt & their concentration . The toxic levels of boron was 200,300 and 400 µg/ml for Mung bean , Cucumber and Tomato respectively . These levels reduced growth parameters in terms of  rooting response to 50% or beyond (55.16% ,50.83% and 53.49% )for Mung bean , Cucumber and Tomato compared to control in addition ,to the localized toxic symptoms like necrotic spots at leaves edges of the a above 3- spp. respectively . Boron detoxification was occurred completely by supplying Znic  sulphate prior to toxic–B treatment (pre-treatment )in all spp. compared to its supply as post- treatment or simultaneously with    toxic –B . The protective role of Znic – sulphate was significantly enhances the average of root number /cutting to its levels in control treatment  ( in absence of toxic – B)in all spp. under study . Toxic levels of B for the above spp. were caused  significant damage for plasma- membrane of leaf tissues via permeability perturbation in terms of EC% with increasing 111.05%, 50.015%  and30.65 in cutting  of Mung bean , Cucumber and Tomato respectively . Whereas ,in seedling (in presence of root system ) the % of damage was declined to 83.74%,42.59% and 9.91% when exposed to B-toxicity .These results confirms the sequostration mechanism of boron in roots exclusively ,rather than its transport to leaves . Key woreds: Boron-toxicity, Boron-detoxification,Cucumber,Mung bean,rooting response ,Tomato and Znic

    Comparative Study of Mechanical Properties of MWCNTS/ Epoxy and SWCNTS/ Epoxy Composites

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    تم دمج انابيب كاربونية نانوية احادية الطبقة وانابيب كاربونية نانوية متعددة الطبقات مع الايبوكسي وبتراكيز وزنية مختلفة تتراوح بحدود (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1 wt. %) وقد تم تصنيع هذه المادة النانوية بطريقة السباكة. من اهم التطبيقات لهذه المادة النانوية المركبة هي في المتحسسات, المشغلات والرادار  ولهذه الدراسة اجريت العديد من الاختبارات الميكانيكية مثل: اختبار الشد ، اختبار الانحناء والصلادة. كذلك تم استخدام العديد من الفحوصات لتحسين البنية المجهرية مثل الفحص بالمجهر الالكتروني الماسح ،  الفحص بحيود الاشعة السينية والفحص بمطياف رامان. وقد اظهرت نتائج هذا العمل ان هناك تحسن واضح في الخواص الميكانيكية للمادة النانوية المركبة مثل معامل يونك ، مقاومة الشد القصوى ، مقاومة الانحناء وصلادة شور. وقد اظهرت الصور المجهرية المؤخوذة بالمجهر الالكتروني الماسح ان الانابيب الكاربونية احادية الطبقة والمتعددة الطبقات قد تم تشتيتها بشكل متجانس في الاليبوكسي. من ناحية اخرى اظهرت نتائج الفحص بمطياف رامان وحيود الاشعة السينية نفس النتائج المجهر الالكتروني الماسح. اخيرا قد اظهرت جميع نتائج الخواص الميكانيكية والبنية المجهرية بأن الانابيب الكاربونية احادية الطبقة تعطي نتائج افضل من نظيرتها ذات الانابيب الكاربونية المتعددة الطبقات. The single – walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and multi – walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) embedded into resin matrix with different weight concentrations ranging about (0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 1 wt. %), the nanocomposites are synthesized by casting method. The main applications of this nanocomposites are in the sensors, actuators, radar. Mechanical tests were done for this study such as: tensile test, bending test and hardness test. Also many examinations were utilized to define the microstructure like scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. The results of this work showed that obviously an improvement in mechanical properties of the processed nanocomposites such as young’s modulus, ultimate tensile strength, bending strength and Shore hardness. Also the micrographs of SEM demonstrated that SWCNTs and MWCNTs homogeneously dispersed into epoxy. On the other hand Raman spectra and XRD revealed that same results for SEM. Finally all the results for mechanical properties and microstructure evaluation show that SWCNTs give extremely higher values and properties than MWCNTs

    Iraqi Women’s Leadership and State-Building

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    After 2003, Iraq witnessed radical changes in its political system. These changes occurred after many wars, multiple sanctions, and an external occupation during which its infrastructure and institutions were destroyed until it became one of the failed states from which the most serious problems that affect international security and stability emanate. It has also become an environment of conflict and multiple renewed crises, the most important of which is a crisis of leadership and state-building, which has become a necessity to discuss. This research focuses on the topic of the leadership crisis in Iraq and we look to women as a possible leaders in resolving crises and peacemaking in the stage of building the Iraqi state, and on the possibility of applying the relationship between women leadership and nation-building and what this relationship means in the context of continued insecurity and stability. Our research looks at a set of important points: 1- The possibility of exploring the role of women leaders in the process of building the Iraqi state; 2- The political behavior of Iraqi women and their role in the process of state-building; 3- The possibility of women’s participation in conflict resolution and reconstruction after a series of internal political conflicts; 4- The possibility of determining the status of Iraqi women as leaders in the context of political transitions and clarifying the roles they have already played in the transitional phase. Are Iraqi women considered essential actors in the processes of achieving peace and building the state

    Density functional theory study of molecular structure, Electronic properties, UV–Vis spectra on coumarin102.

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    The various properties of the ground and excited electronic states of coumarins 102 using density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) was calculated by the B3LYP density functional model with 6-31G(d,p) basis set by Gaussian 09 W program. Spectral characteristics of coumarin102 have been probed into by methods of experimental UV-visible, and quantum chemistry. The UV spectrum was measured in methanol. The optimized structures, total energies, electronic states (HOMO- LUMO), energy gap, ionization potentials, electron affinities, chemical potential, global hardness, softness, global electrophilictity, and dipole moment were measured. We find good agreement between experimental data of UV spectrum and TDDFT excitationenergies

    Adapted LZW Protocol for ‎ ECG Data Compression

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    خوارزمية الـ(LZW) هي واحدة من طرق ضغط البيانات المستخدمة في عدة تطبيقات كضغط بيانات تخطيط القلب الكهربائي( ECG) لتقليل حجمها مما يسهل عملية نقلها عبر الشبكة. بما ان بيانات الـ(ECG) الخاصة بالمرضى تنقل عبر الشبكة طول الوقت لذلك ظهرت الحاجة الى تقليل حجمها من اجل ضمان وصولها بالسرعة الممكنة  لقاعدة البيانات. في هذه البحث نحن نهتم بطريقة الـ (LZW) التي هي واحدة من اهم واشهر طرق ضغط البيانات وقد اقترحنا بروتوكول لتحسين الطريقة التي تعتمدها خوارزمية الـ(LZW) في خزن المؤشرات الخاصة بالبيانات المضغوطة. البروتوكول المقترح يمكن ان يقلل حجم المؤشر لخوارزمية الـ(LZW). تم اعتماد خمس عينات اخذت من بنك المعلومات الخاص بـ(Physionet) لغرض اختبار البروتوكول المقترح. وقد اظهرت نتائج الاختبارت العملية ان البروتوكول المقترح يعطي نسبة ضغط افضل لبيانات الـ(ECG) مقارنة بطريقة الـ(LZW) الاصلية.Lempel–Ziv–Welch (LZW) is a data compression method, which is adopted by many applications likes Electrocardiography (ECG) data to reduce the size of transferred data. Because of the ECG data moves over the network all the time, which means there is a need to reduce its size to improve the network performance. In this paper, we concerned with the LZW method, which is one of the important and famous data compression method. We propose a protocol to improve the way in which the LZW saving an index for the compressed data. The proposed protocol could reduce the size of the index in LZW method. Five samples data groups provided by Physionet are used for evaluation. The experimental result shows that the proposed protocol can give best compression ratio compared with the original method

    Effect of Starch and Chitosan Addition on Swelling Properties of Neutralized Poly(Acrylic Acid)-Based Superabsorbent Hydrogels Prepared by Using γ-Irradiation Technique

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    Superabsorbent hydrogels are polymers with a 3D network that have attracted the attention of scientists and industrialists because of their fantastic ability to absorb and retain water and aqueous solutions. The most widely used and commercially available superabsorbent hydrogels are synthetic K-acrylate materials. In this novel study, superabsorbent hydrogels have been developed using natural ingredients to have more biodegradable properties. Superabsorbent hydrogels were synthesized from acrylic acid, cassava starch, and chitosan using the γ-irradiation method under different experimental conditions. The γ-irradiation technique was chosen to produce hydrogels free of residues that may remain when chemical crosslinkers are used. The effects of irradiation dose, acrylic acid composition, and the amount of cassava starch and chitosan on the characteristics of produced hydrogels were analyzed. The resulting polymers were further characterized by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) to evaluate the structure. The thermal behavior of superabsorbent products at different neutralization doses was tested with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). FTIR data indicated that the grafting reaction was successfully implemented in this work. SEM analysis showed that the hydrogel produced from this study was porous and there was a reduction in pore size with the addition of starch and chitosan. It can be concluded that the addition of cassava starch and chitosan affects the acrylic acid-based superabsorbent properties, which are pore size, thermal behavior, gel content, antibacterial activity, and swelling capacity in water, salt, and urea solutions. The best hydrogel was obtained by adding 0.25 g of cassava starch and 0.25 g of chitosan, using 50 % acrylic acid neutralization and 5 kGy γ-irradiation doses. The graft polymers possess the maximum swelling capacity of 670 g/g for distilled water, 520 g/g for NaCl solution, and 767 g/g for urea solution (relative to the dry weight). These products were sterile from Escherichia coli bacteria and had the potential to be applied as superabsorbent resins for various fields

    Evaluation of Calvatia Craniformis Mushroom Activity in Treatment of Ringworm Disease Ion Cattle

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    In order to determine and treatment of the dermatophytosis , that infections in cattle, skin scraping samples were collected from thirty cattle which showed clinical  signs of skin diseases from some farms in different areas in Diyala  governorate. The isolation results in cattle samples showed that (90%) were positive for fungal isolation. The main fungal species that isolated included Trichophyton verrucosum. Three different concentration of Calvatia craniformis mushroom ointment are prepared to obtain (0.25%,0.50% and 1%) of the mushroom ointment respectively and then applied topically to lesion  once daily.Sixty infected cattles in different age and sex were involved in our study  and divided into two  groups ; the first is treatment group and, the second is the control group. The treatment group includes thirty patients  were treated by one of the three concentrations ( Ten patients 0.25% , Ten patients 0.50%, Ten patients 1% concentrations). The control group included thirty patients was treated by 1% sulpher ointment . The 1% mushroom ointment significantly reduce  clearance time  (P<0.05) in comparison with the control group , while other concentration produce non significant changes in clearance time , therefore this substance in all preparations is effective in the treatment of ringworm  . Keywords: ringworm, dermatophytosis, Calvatia craniformi

    Studying the Structural Behaviour of RC Beams with Circular Openings of Different Sizes and Locations Using FE Method

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    This paper aims to investigate the structural behaviour of RC beams with circular openings of different sizes and locations modelled using ABAQUS FEM software. Seven RC beams with the dimensions of 1200 mm×150 mm×150 mm were tested under threepoint loading. Group A consists of three RC beams incorporating circular openings with diameters of 40 mm, 55 mm and 65 mm in the shear zone. However, Group B consists of three RC beams incorporating circular openings with diameters of 40 mm, 55 mm and 65 mm in the flexural zone. The final RC beam did not have any openings, to provide a control beam for comparison. The results show that increasing the diameter of the openings increases the maximum deflection and the ultimate failure load decreases relative to the control beam. In the shear zone, the presence of the openings caused an increase in the maximum deflection ranging between 4% and 22% and a decrease in the ultimate failure load of between 26% and 36% compared to the control beam. However, the presence of the openings in the flexural zone caused an increase in the maximum deflection of between 1.5% and 19.7% and a decrease in the ultimate failure load of between 6% and 13% relative to the control beam. In this study, the optimum location for placing circular openings was found to be in the flexural zone of the beam with a diameter of less than 30% of the depth of the beam

    Factors Affecting Current Ratings for Underground and Air Cables

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    The aim of this paper is to present a parametric study to determine the major factors that influence the calculations of current rating for both air and underground cables. The current carrying capability of the power cables rely largely on the installation conditions and material properties. In this work, the influences on ampacity of conductor size, soil thermal resistivity and ambient soil temperature for underground installations are shown. The influences on the current-carrying capacity of solar heating (time of day effects and intensity of solar radiation), ambient air temperature and cable size for cables air are also presented. IEC and IEEE standards are taken as reference