56 research outputs found

    Organizational creativity as idea work: Intertextual placing and legitimating imaginings in media development and oil exploration

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    How do we understand the nature of organizational creativity when dealing with complex, composite ideas rather than singular ones? In response to this question, we problematize assumptions of the linearity of creative processes and the singularity of ideas in mainstream creativity theory. We draw on the work of Bakhtin and longitudinal research in two contrasting cases: developing hydrocarbon prospects and concepts for films and TV series. From these two cases, we highlight two forms of work on ideas: (i) intertextual placing, whereby focal ideas are constituted by being connected to other elements in a larger idea field; and (ii) legitimating imaginings, where ideas of what to do are linked to ideas of what is worth doing and becoming. This ongoing constitution and legitimating is not confined to particular stages but takes place in practices of generating, connecting, communicating, evaluating and reshaping ideas, which we call idea work. The article contributes to a better understanding of the processual character of creativity and the deeply intertextual nature of ideas, including the multiplicity of idea content and shifting parts–whole relationships. Idea work also serves to explore the neglected role of co-optative power in creativity

    Trends in publications regarding evidence-practice gaps: A literature review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Well-designed trials of strategies to improve adherence to clinical practice guidelines are needed to close persistent evidence-practice gaps. We studied how the number of these trials is changing with time, and to what extent physicians are participating in such trials.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This is a literature-based study of trends in evidence-practice gap publications over 10 years and participation of clinicians in intervention trials to narrow evidence-practice gaps. We chose nine evidence-based guidelines and identified relevant publications in the PubMed database from January 1998 to December 2007. We coded these publications by study type (intervention versus non-intervention studies). We further subdivided intervention studies into those for clinicians and those for patients. Data were analyzed to determine if observed trends were statistically significant.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified 1,151 publications that discussed evidence-practice gaps in nine topic areas. There were 169 intervention studies that were designed to improve adherence to well-established clinical guidelines, averaging 1.9 studies per year per topic area. Twenty-eight publications (34%; 95% CI: 24% - 45%) reported interventions intended for clinicians or health systems that met Effective Practice and Organization of Care (EPOC) criteria for adequate design. The median consent rate of physicians asked to participate in these well-designed studies was 60% (95% CI, 25% to 69%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We evaluated research publications for nine evidence-practice gaps, and identified small numbers of well-designed intervention trials and low rates of physician participation in these trials.</p

    Does weight loss improve semen quality and reproductive hormones? results from a cohort of severely obese men

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A high body mass index (BMI) has been associated with reduced semen quality and male subfecundity, but no studies following obese men losing weight have yet been published. We examined semen quality and reproductive hormones among morbidly obese men and studied if weight loss improved the reproductive indicators.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this pilot cohort study, 43 men with BMI > 33 kg/m<sup>2 </sup>were followed through a 14 week residential weight loss program. The participants provided semen samples and had blood samples drawn, filled in questionnaires, and had clinical examinations before and after the intervention. Conventional semen characteristics as well as sperm DNA integrity, analysed by the sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA) were obtained. Serum levels of testosterone, estradiol, sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), anti-MĂŒllerian hormone (AMH) and inhibin B (Inh-B) were measured.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Participants were from 20 to 59 years of age (median = 32) with BMI ranging from 33 to 61 kg/m<sup>2</sup>. At baseline, after adjustment for potential confounders, BMI was inversely associated with sperm concentration (p = 0.02), total sperm count (p = 0.02), sperm morphology (p = 0.04), and motile sperm (p = 0.005) as well as testosterone (p = 0.04) and Inh-B (p = 0.04) and positively associated to estradiol (p < 0.005). The median (range) percentage weight loss after the intervention was 15% (3.5 - 25.4). Weight loss was associated with an increase in total sperm count (p = 0.02), semen volume (p = 0.04), testosterone (p = 0.02), SHBG (p = 0.03) and AMH (p = 0.02). The group with the largest weight loss had a statistically significant increase in total sperm count [193 millions (95% CI: 45; 341)] and normal sperm morphology [4% (95% CI: 1; 7)].</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study found obesity to be associated with poor semen quality and altered reproductive hormonal profile. Weight loss may potentially lead to improvement in semen quality. Whether the improvement is a result of the reduction in body weight per se or improved lifestyles remains unknown.</p

    Membrananlegg for humusfjerning - AvlĂžpets sammensetning og betydning for resipient, Del 1

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    Vestre Toten kommune har av Fylkesmannen i Oppland fÄtt pÄlegg om analyseprogram for avlÞpet fra Skjellbreia Vannverk samt et biologisk undersÞkelseprogram for resipienten Hunnselva, Skjellbreia Vannverk er Norges stÞrste membranfilteranlegg for reduksjon av NOM med en kapasitet pÄ 600 m³/h. Konsentratet fra filtreringsprosessen fÞres kontinuerlig til resipienten Hunnselva. Det kjemikalieholdige avlÞpet fra den daglig rutinevasken fÞres til en oppsamlingskum og fordrÞyes og fortynnes derfra inn pÄ konsentratet. Dette samlede avlÞpet av konsentrat og fortynnet kjemikalieavlÞp er undersÞkt for Ä avdekke en eventuell trussel for resipienten. Analysene inkluderte toksisitet, nedbrytbarhet, THM, farge, fosfor, pH, TOC, og diverse metaller. Den biologiske undersÞkelsen av resipienten omfattet en kartlegging av begroing og bunndyr fÞr etablering av vannverket, med tilsvarende Ärlige undersÞkelser for Ä dokumentere eventuelle biologisk endringer pga. vannverkets avlÞp. Konklusjon fra foreliggende resultater: Begroings- og bunndyrorganismer i Hunnselvas Þvre deler var fÞr oppstart av vannverket noe pÄvirket av tilfÞrsel av nÊringssalter og lett nedbrytbart organisk materiale. Den naturgitte biodiversitet var likevel intakt, selv om dette hadde medfÞrt Þkt biologisk produksjonskapasitet. Effekten av foreliggende forurensningsbelastning bedÞmmes derfor som liten (pÄvirkningsklasse I-II). Den biologiske undersÞkelsen viste ogsÄ at nÄvÊrende utslipp av prosessvann fra vannverket sÄ langt ikke har medfÞrt akutte skadeeffekter pÄ flora eller fauna. Dette stÞttes av analyser av avlÞpsvannet som tilsier at vannverket ikke vil medfÞre noen trussel for resipienten eller noen av dens brukerinteresser, enten man snakker om dyre- og planteliv eller kvalitet for rekreasjonsformÄl. Denne rapporten etterfÞlges av en Del II, som omhandler tilsvarende undersÞkelse av ufortynnet avlÞp fra den daglige rutinevask og Ärlig hovedvask i tillegg til langtidsresultater fra resipienten

    CO 2-stabilization may be a ‘no-regrets’ policy

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    Restricting CO 2 emissions requires changing today's consumption pattern away from energy and emission intensive commodities towards cleaner goods. The cost of stabilizing CO 2 emissions at the 1990 level by the year 2000, say, as compared to a business-as-usual trend, is estimated by several researchers to be on the order of 1% of GNP. We will argue that the cost may be overestimated because of a too simple model describing the working of the economic system and the evaluation of welfare. We demonstrate that by expanding a model to include the actual tax system and negative externalities, the cost to present generations from restricting emissions by a CO 2 tax may be negative. That is, some reduction may actually correspond to a ‘no-regrets’ policy. The reasons are inefficiencies in today's tax system and non-optimal handling of negative externalities. Our analysis suggests that a CO 2 tax and reduced emissions will lessen such inefficiencies. Copyright Kluwer Academic Publishers 1997CO 2 regulation, green tax reform, negative externalities, general equilibrium analysis,
