59 research outputs found

    The index of a transverse Dirac-type operator: the case of abelian Molino sheaf

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    Local index theorem for projective families

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    Prediction model for the pressing process in an innovative forming joints technology for woodworking

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    To improve the efficiency of the joints formation, a new method of pressing in the longitudinal direction is proposed. This paper presents a predictive model for the pressing force depending on the state of the wood and the parameters of the pressed mortise. The most significant factors are the width of the mortise and the moisture content of the wood. Interestingly, the depth of the mortise formation is a less significant factor, which means that the pressing technology will allow to form a long glue line and accordingly high joint strength due to sufficient profile length. In the test range of factors, the best results in terms of energy costs are shown by a minimum mortise width of 4 mm. Further research should be devoted to the study of the formation of small width mortises (4 mm or less) and the investigation of their quality. © 2019 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Deformation quantization of gerbes

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    This is the first in a series of articles devoted to deformation quantization of gerbes. Here we give basic definitions and interpret deformations of a given gerbe as Maurer-Cartan elements of a differential graded Lie algebra (DGLA). We classify all deformations of a given gerbe on a symplectic manifold, as well as provide a deformation-theoretic interpretation of the first Rozansky-Witten class.Comment: Revised versio

    Cyclic cocycles on twisted convolution algebras

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    We give a construction of cyclic cocycles on convolution algebras twisted by gerbes over discrete translation groupoids. For proper \'etale groupoids, Tu and Xu provide a map between the periodic cyclic cohomology of a gerbe-twisted convolution algebra and twisted cohomology groups which is similar to a construction of Mathai and Stevenson. When the groupoid is not proper, we cannot construct an invariant connection on the gerbe; therefore to study this algebra, we instead develop simplicial techniques to construct a simplicial curvature 3-form representing the class of the gerbe. Then by using a JLO formula we define a morphism from a simplicial complex twisted by this simplicial curvature 3-form to the mixed bicomplex computing the periodic cyclic cohomology of the twisted convolution algebras. The results in this article were originally published in the author's Ph.D. thesis.Comment: 39 page

    Groupoids and an index theorem for conical pseudo-manifolds

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    We define an analytical index map and a topological index map for conical pseudomanifolds. These constructions generalize the analogous constructions used by Atiyah and Singer in the proof of their topological index theorem for a smooth, compact manifold MM. A main ingredient is a non-commutative algebra that plays in our setting the role of C0(TM)C_0(T^*M). We prove a Thom isomorphism between non-commutative algebras which gives a new example of wrong way functoriality in KK-theory. We then give a new proof of the Atiyah-Singer index theorem using deformation groupoids and show how it generalizes to conical pseudomanifolds. We thus prove a topological index theorem for conical pseudomanifolds