50 research outputs found

    Determination of crystal orientation by 惟-scan method in nickel-based single-crystal turbine blades

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    The article presents an assessment of the crystal perfection of single-crystal turbine blades based on the crystal orientation and lattice parameter distribution on their surface. Crystal orientation analysis was conducted by the X-ray diffraction method 惟-scan and the X-ray diffractometer provided by the EFG Company. The 惟-scan method was successfully used for evaluation of the crystal orientation and lattice parameters in semiconductors. A description of the 惟-scan method and an example of measurement of crystal orientation compared to the Laue and EBSD methods are presented.This work was supported by the National Science Centre Poland (NCN) under Grant No. Preludium-UMO-2016/21/N/ST8/00240

    Analysis of the impact of sex and age on the variation in the prevalence of antinuclear autoantibodies in Polish population: a nationwide observational, cross-sectional study

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    The detection of antinuclear autoantibody (ANA) is dependent on many factors and varies between the populations. The aim of the study was first to assess the prevalence of ANA in the Polish adult population depending on age, sex and the cutoff threshold used for the results obtained. Second, we estimated the occurrence of individual types of ANA-staining patterns. We tested 1731 patient samples using commercially available IIFA using two cutoff thresholds of 1:100 and 1:160. We found ANA in 260 participants (15.0%), but the percentage of positive results strongly depended on the cutoff level. For a cutoff threshold 1:100, the positive population was 19.5% and for the 1:160 cutoff threshold, it was 11.7%. The most prevalent ANA-staining pattern was AC-2 Dense Fine speckled (50%), followed by AC-21 Reticular/AMA (14.38%) ANA more common in women (72%); 64% of ANA-positive patients were over 50 years of age. ANA prevalence in the Polish population is at a level observed in other highly developed countries and is more prevalent in women and elderly individuals. To reduce the number of positive results released, we suggest that Polish laboratories should set 1:160 as the cutoff threshold

    Improving the usefulness and use of patient survey programs: National Health Service Interview Study

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    Background: A growing body of evidence suggests a concerning lag between collection of patient experience data and its application in service improvement. This study aims to identify what health care staff perceive to be the barriers and facilitators to using patient-reported feedback and showcase successful examples of doing so. Objective: This study aimed to apply a systems perspective to suggest policy improvements that could support efforts to use data on the frontlines. Methods: Qualitative interviews were conducted in eight National Health Service provider locations in the United Kingdom, which were selected based on National Inpatient Survey scores. Eighteen patient-experience leads were interviewed about using patient-reported feedback with relevant staff. Interviews were transcribed and underwent thematic analysis. Staff-identified barriers and facilitators to using patient experience feedback were obtained. Results: The most frequently cited barriers to using patient reported feedback pertained to interpreting results, understanding survey methodology, presentation of data in both national Care Quality Commission and contractor reports, inability to link data to other sources, and organizational structure. In terms of a wish list for improved practice, staff desired more intuitive survey methodologies, the ability to link patient experience data to other sources, and more examples of best practice in patient experience improvement. Three organizations also provided examples of how they successfully used feedback to improve care. Conclusions: Staff feedback provides a roadmap for policy makers to reconsider how data is collected and whether or not the national regulations on surveys and patient experience data are meeting the quality improvement needs of local organizations

    Real-time system for measuring parameters of the tramway vehicle wheels

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    W artykule zaprezentowano opis realizacji nowoczesnego rozwi膮zania jakie zosta艂o u偶yte w komputerowym systemie pomiarowym parametr贸w k贸艂 pojazd贸w tramwajowych. Zastosowane rozwi膮zanie sprz臋towe wykorzystuje system czasu rzeczywistego oraz uk艂ad FPGA, kt贸re zosta艂y odpowiednio oprogramowane z wykorzystaniem graficznego 艣rodowiska programowania LabVIEW. Przedstawiono tak偶e spos贸b realizacji programu, funkcjonalno艣膰 oraz zalety zrealizowanego rozwi膮zania.The paper presents a description of the implementation of the modern solution that has been used in a computer system for measuring performance tram vehicle wheels. The solution is based on a real time system and the layout of FPGAs, which has been suitably programmed using the LabVIEW graphical programming environment. All functionalities of the control and data acquisition are implemented in the measurement system. The measured profiles of wheel (Fig. 1) are described in section 2. The next section presents the hardware solution and the structure of the whole system (Fig. 3) which were used in the tram depot. Brief description of the functionality is given. Functionalities of the designed control unit make it possible to compute geometrical parameters of the wheel. The software is characterized in section 3. The section also shows the structure of the software used (Fig. 5, 6). The developed algo-rithms provide higher quality of measurement, access to samples, easy modification, and rapid measurement by analysis of the laser signal. Application of LabVIEW tools allows to improve the accuracy of the results obtained. In the last part of the article the additional advantages resulting from the applied solution are presented

    Intensification of processes carried out in trickle-bed reactor applying periodic operations

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    Wyznaczono eksperymentalnie podstawowe parametry hydrodynamiczne i wsp贸艂czynniki wnikania masy na granicy ciecz - cia艂o sta艂e w reaktorze tr贸jfazowym pracuj膮cym w re偶imie wymuszonego przep艂ywu pulsacyjnego indukowanego metod膮 BAZA-IMPULS. Pomiary wykonano dla cieczy o r贸偶nych w艂a艣ciwo艣ciach fizykochemicznych. Opracowano uniwersalne mapy przep艂ywu oraz r贸wnanie koreluj膮ce zmierzone warto艣ci zawieszenia cieczowego. Wykazano korzy艣ci wynikaj膮ce ze zmiany sposobu zasilania z艂o偶a ciecz膮.Basic hydrodynamic parameters and liquid-solid mass transfer coefficients in a trickle-bed reactor working in the forced pulse flow regime induced by BASE-IMPULSE method were experimentally determined. The measurements were made for liquid of different physicochemical properties. The universal flow maps and equation correlating the measured values of liqu_ id holdup were developed. Advantages resulting from a change of liquid feeding method were shown

    Liquid holdup for two phase flow through solid foams bed

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    Wyznaczono eksperymentalnie warto艣ci zawieszenia cieczowego dla reaktora tr贸jfazowego wype艂nionego z艂o偶em pian sta艂ych. Stwierdzono, 偶e powszechnie stosowany czas ociekania z艂o偶a, w ociekowej metodzie wyznaczania zawieszenia cieczowego, dla wype艂nienia w postaci pian sta艂ych jest zbyt kr贸tki. Opracowano r贸wnanie koreluj膮ce zmierzone warto艣ci zawieszenia cieczowego w zale偶no艣ci od parametr贸w operacyjnych reaktora.The liquid holdup was determined experimentally for a trickle bed reactor with the solid foam filling. It was found that the commonly applied drainage time is too short to determine the liquid holdup properly. The liquid holdup was correlated against reactor operational parameters

    Statystyka w wykrywaniu informacji szyfrowanej

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    Mostly when word encrypted occurs in an article text, another word decryption comes along. However not always knowledge about the plaintext is the most significant one. An example could be a network data analysis where only information, that cipher data were sent from one user to another or what was the amount of all cipher data in the observed path, is needed. Also before data may be even tried being decrypted, they must be somehow distinguished from non-encrypted messages. In this paper it will be shown, that using only simple Digital Data Processing, encrypted information can be detected with high probability. That knowledge can be very helpful in preventing cyberattacks, ensuring safety and detecting security breaches in local networks, or even fighting against software piracy in the Internet. Similar solutions are successfully used in steganalysis and network anomaly detections.Nowoczesna kryptografia wykorzystuje wyszukane i skomplikowane obliczeniowo przekszta艂cenia matematyczno-logiczne w celu ukrycia wa偶nej informacji jawnej przez osobami niepowo艂anymi. Przewa偶aj膮ca wi臋kszo艣膰 z nich nadal odwo艂uje si臋 do postawionego w roku 1949 przez Claude'a E. Shannona postulatu, 偶e idealnie utajniona informacja charakteryzuje si臋 tym, 偶e 偶aden z pojawiaj膮cych si臋 w niej symboli nie jest bardziej prawdopodobny ni偶 inne spo艣r贸d u偶ywanego alfabetu znak贸w. Zgodnie z t膮 definicj膮 dane idealnie zaszyfrowane w swej naturze przypominaj膮 dane losowe o rozk艂adzie r贸wnomiernym, czyli przypomina swoim rozk艂adem szum bia艂y. Koncepcja detektora opiera si臋 o algorytm analizuj膮cy podawane na wej艣ciu dane pod wzgl臋dem ich podobie艅stwa do szumu bia艂ego. Wielko艣ci odniesienia s膮 bardzo dobrze znane, a ich ewentualne wyprowadzenie nie przysparza 偶adnych trudno艣ci. Wyznaczaj膮c w spos贸b do艣wiadczalny granice tolerancji dla ka偶dego z parametr贸w uzyskuje si臋 w pe艂ni dzia艂aj膮cy algorytm, dokonuj膮cy w spos贸b zero-jedynkowy klasyfikacji na jawny/tajny. W grupie przedstawionych 14 Parametr贸w Statystycznych pojawiaj膮 si臋 takie jak: energia, warto艣膰 艣rednia czy te偶 momenty centralne. Na ich podstawie mo偶na stworzy膰 klasyfikator pierwszego poziomu. Efektywno艣膰 poprawnego rozr贸偶nienia danych przez klasyfikator pierwszego rz臋du waha si臋 w granicach od 80% do 90% (w zale偶no艣ci od u偶ytej w algorytmie wielko艣ci). W celu zwi臋kszenia wykrywalno艣ci danych proponuje si臋, a nast臋pnie przedstawia, klasyfikator drugiego rz臋du, bazuj膮cy na dw贸ch lub wi臋cej, wzajemnie nieskorelowanych Parametrach Statystycznych. Rozwi膮zanie takie powoduje wzrost sprawno艣ci do oko艂o 95%. Zaproponowany w artykule algorytm mo偶e by膰 wykorzystany na potrzeby kryptoanalizy, statystycznej analizy danych, analizy danych sieciowych. W artykule przedstawiona jest tak偶e koncepcja klasyfikatora trzeciego rz臋du, wykorzystuj膮cego dodatkowo informacje o charakterze innym ni偶 statystyczny, na potrzeby prawid艂owej detekcji danych zaszyfrowanych