47 research outputs found

    Effect of nitrogenous bases on the thermal stability of jet fuels

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    Fuels from naphthenic petroleums were evaluated, and it was found that they had more N bases than those paraffinic ones (0.00024 and 0.000009% N, respectively). The removal of the N bases improved significantly the thermal stability and reduced the residue formation during oxidation of the fuel. The improvement depended on both content and composition of the bases. Thus, fuels with similar content of N bases (0.00058% N) and thermal stability had oxidation residues of 17.5 and 5.6 and sol. gum of 13 and 1.5 mg/100 ml, before and after removing the N bases, respectively

    Comparative characteristics of biochemical composition of synovial fluid of knee and elbow human joints

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    The purpose of this study was comparative analysis of normal biochemical composition of synovial fluid of knee and elbow human joints. Studies were performed on synovial fluid samples of 33 cadavers of suddenly dead people of both sexes (26 men and. 7 women) at the age of 23 to 79 years, without articular pathology registered by expert. We didn't reveal reliable differences of albumen-globulin coefficient, but there were differences in contents of albumen fractions, products of oxide peroxidation of albumens. At the developement of pathological process cast of albumen in synovial fluid is possibly the compensatory reaction in providing of synovia viscosity, because albumen component provides this function on level with hyaluronic acid. Knee joint is an hinge joint, that is meant to bend only in one plane. Biomechanics of elbow joint is much more complicated and. is described as "ginglymoid hinge" with abduction-adduction besides the joint is much smaller. Obtained results can be used as normative values of biochemical synovial fluid indexes in orthopaedic and. trauma practic

    Genetic diversity of wild stone fruit species: specific aspects of <i>ex situ</i> conservation

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    Background. One of the most important tasks faced by the scientists of Krymsk Experiment Breeding Station of VIR is the long-term preservation of the stone fruit gene pools (over 1,000 genotypes of 44 species) collected during plant explorations. It is much more difficult to preserve representatives of the wild flora than cultivars, due to their ecological specialization to specific environments and the need to create conditions for their successful development. This aspect concerns, first of all, such species as Louiseania pedunculata (Pall.) Pachom., L. ulmifolia (Franch.) Pachom., Prunus cocomilia Ten., P. brigantiaca Vill., Armeniaca sibirica (L.) Lam., Padus ssiori (F. Schmidt) C.K. Schneid., and some others.Methods. The studies were carried out in the collection plantations of the field genebank at Krymsk Experiment Breeding Station of VIR according to VIR’s guidelines. Accessions of wild stone fruit species were the objects of the studies.Results. Many years of field research into ex situ conservation of introduced wild species proved the efficiency of stone fruit cultivation in tub culture and a modified technique of dense planting with crown formation according to the “border-hedge” pattern. It takes into account biological characteristics of genotypes shaped in natural areas, the use of own-root or grafted plants on clonal rootstocks of various growth rates depending on their life form (tree or shrub), resistance to biotic and abiotic stressors, soil and terrain requirements, and the tasks posed before researchers. The recommended planting schemes (2.5–4.0 × 0.5–1.0 m) significantly reduce the area occupied by the same number of plants in conventional cultivation patterns and cut down power and labor inputs into technological practices


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    Conservation of the world’s plant genetic resources is one of the most significant and relevant problems of mankind. At Krymsk Experimental Breeding Station of VIR, where the largest stone fruit plant genetic diversity in Russia is assembled (more than 5 thousand genotypes: cultivars and species, wild forms, distant hybrids and polyploids), a collection maintenance technology of ‘border hedging’ has been developed and successfully used. This method makes it quite economical (in terms of space reduction, simplification of the system of care for the storage garden, and decreasing the use of chemical protection agents) to maintain a large number of live accessions ex situ. The border hedging technology is based on a propagule nursery system that enables plants to grow longer than in conventional gardens, constantly keeping them in a state of active growth. The basic elements of this technology are dense arrangement of plants (intervals for high-growing plants: 4.0–5.0 m between rows, and 1.0–1.5 m in a row; for low-growing ones: 2.5 m between rows, and 0.5–1.0 m in a row) and annual pruning of shoots at a height of 1.0–1.2 m. Years of experience in using a denser planting pattern for collection garden maintenance helped to identify a number of most significant factors in this system, which make up the scientific basis of the technology for optimally efficient preservation of genotypes and their genetic compliance (representativeness). Among them are biological features of the in situ plant growth habit, including vigor, selection of rootstock or decision on own-root cultivation, layout of the plot, and maintenance system. If it is necessary to study the accessions in the garden where they are preserved in order to make their initial evaluation (approbation, morphological description, study of crop structure, biochemical or biotechnological assessment, analysis of resistance to biotic and abiotic stressors), the plants should not be pruned for 1–2 years. Upon completion of these works, the trees are coppiced again

    Retos y perspectivas del desarrollo potencial de las exportaciones pesqueras en el Lejano Oriente

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    De acuerdo con los objetivos del proyecto federal "Exportación de productos agroindustriales", el Distrito Federal del Lejano Oriente (FEFD) debería aumentar la exportación de recursos biológicos acuáticos (ABR), incluido el pescado, a USD 1338 millones para 2024. El pescado y los productos pesqueros son entre las tres principales exportaciones agrícolas de Rusia (junto con los cereales y las semillas oleaginosas). El Lejano Oriente es la principal región de la Federación de Rusia para la captura de peces y otros ABR. El artículo trata de los indicadores de producción y exportación de ABR de la industria pesquera del FEFD, que incluye también el Territorio de Kamchatka, el Territorio de Primorsky y la región de Sakhalin. Los autores consideran problemas que dificultan su eficaz desarrollo y analizan orientaciones y medidas para solucionar los problemas existentes. Los principales factores negativos están asociados a las deficiencias de infraestructura, como el deterioro físico y moral de la flota pesquera, la falta de modernas instalaciones de procesamiento, que no permiten producir productos pesqueros con alto valor agregado en la cantidad adecuada. Para desarrollar el sector industrial en cuestión y resolver los problemas que limitan el crecimiento de la capacidad de producción y exportación en las entidades de la FEFD, el gobierno ruso ha desarrollado programas especiales para promover la actividad inversora, la construcción de la flota pesquera y las instalaciones de infraestructura necesarias, y la modernización de las instalaciones existente

    Biochemical changes of synovial fluid in patients with osteoporosis of knee joint of various etiology

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    The aim of this study was to perform comparative analysis of biochemical composition of synovial fluid in patients with osteoarthrosis of various etiology. Studies were conducted on samples of synovial fluid of patients which were divided into two groups. Thefirstgroup consisted of 16 patients with patellofemoral arthrosis of the 2nd stage, the second group included 54 patients with bilateral gonarthrosis. The samples of synovial fluid of 11 cadavers of suddenly dead people of both sexes (4 men and 7 women) of 23-79 years who didn't have articular pathology registered by an expert were considered as a norm. Conducted study testifies significant imbalance of prooxidant and antioxidant processes in the synovial fluid and development of oxidative stress the intensity of which depends on the severity of the pathological process but is regardless to its etiology

    Ультразвуковая диагностика двойной дуги аорты с участком атрезии: клинический случай

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    The diagnosis of a double aortic arch (DAA), when both arches are patent, is easily established using modern imaging methods, including echocardiography. In the absence of blood flow in one of the segments of the left aortic arch (LAA), it becomes impossible to obtain an image of it throughout its entire length. This makes the result of the diagnosis of this condition uncertain, since DAA with atresia will visually resemble one of the variants of the right aortic arch. DAA is an absolute indication for surgical treatment, which determines the importance of differential diagnosis of these conditions. We describe a case of echocardiographic diagnosis of DDA with atresia distal to the left subclavian artery in a newborn, the first day of life, who was admitted to the intensive care unit for newborns and premature infants due to prenatally detected anomaly of the aortic arch. The purpose of the publication is to demonstrate the key features of visual diagnostics necessary in making an accurate diagnosis.Вариант двойной дуги аорты (ДДА), когда обе дуги проходимы, легко устанавливается с помощью лучевых методов исследования, в том числе и с использованием эхокардиографии. Отсутствие кровотока в одном из ее участков, где чаще всего атрезии подвергаются сегменты левой дуги, делает результат диагностики данного состояния неопределенным. ДДА с участком атрезии левой дуги аорты (ЛДА) визуально будет напоминать анатомию правой дуги аорты (ПДА), формирование которой происходит в результате эмбрионального перерыва в одном из сегментов ЛДА. Наличие ДДА является обязательным показанием к оперативному лечению, поскольку между правой и левой дугами аорты формируется полное сосудистое кольцо (СК) вокруг трахеи и пищевода, в отличие от ПДА, где образование СК будет зависеть от хода артериального протока. Этим обусловлена важность дифференциальной диагностики ДДА с участком атрезии от имитируемых ее вариантов ПДА. Мы описываем случай эхокардиографической диагностики ДДА с  участком атрезии левой дуги дистальнее места отхождения левой подключичной артерии у новорожденного 1-х суток жизни, поступившего в отделение реанимации и интенсивной терапии новорожденных и недоношенных детей в связи с пренатально выявленной аномалией дуги аорты. Цель публикации: продемонстрировать ключевые особенности визуальной диагностики, необходимые в постановке точного диагноз

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of rehabilitation of patients with obesity based on the fitness center using syndrome psychosensory-anatomical and functional maladjustment

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    The relevance of the topic is connected with contradictions between the state tasks in the prevention of public health, the large finance possibilities of fitness centers are specialized in the rehabilitation of citizens and the quality decline and ineffectiveness of approaches in medical care organizing, and the content of fitness classes. The objective of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures of patients with obesity on a fitness center base on the basis of their mental state. Applying assessment methodologies of personal response to illness« Syndrome psychosensory-anatomical and functional maladjustment '(SPSAFD) was examined the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures of patients with overweight (BMI >24,99) and obesity (BMI>29,99) (WHO recommendation 1997). It was found that before rehabilitation treatment Patients in a context of obesity had disadaptatiоnstate. Also was resulted in a positive trend in personal reaction on illness after rehabilitation complex from 1 to 12 months recommended by an attending physician of physical therapy and sports medicine. Within a month after recommendation patients was fully adapted with weight loss program. Patients remain Adaptation status during full research period (12 months).Актуальность темы связана с противоречиями между задачами государства в профилактике здоровья населения, большими материальными возможностями фитнес центров в оздоровлении граждан и снижением качества и неэффективностью подходов в организации медицинского обеспечения, и содержанию занятий фитнесом. Цель исследования состояла в оценке эффективности реабилитационных мероприятий у пациентов с ожирением на базе фитнес центра с учётом их психического состояния. С помощью методик оценки личностного реагирования на болезнь - «Синдром психосенсорно-анатомо-функциональной дезадаптации» (СПСАФД) оценена эффективность реабилитационных мероприятий у 150 пациентов с диагнозом избыточная масса тела (предожирение) (ИМТ>24,99) и ожирение (ИМТ>29,99) (рекомендации WH0(B03) 1997г). Было установлено, что до восстановительного лечения у пациентов на фоне ожирения имелось состояние дезадаптации. Также была отмечена положительная динамика в личностном реагировании на болезнь после проведения комплекса реабилитационных мероприятий от 1 до 12 месяцев, рекомендованных лечащим врачом лечебной физкультуры и спортивной медицины. В течение 1 месяца после получения рекомендаций пациенты были полностью ада/ттированы к условиям программы по снижению веса. Состояние адаптации сохранялось у пациентов на протяжении всего периода исследования (12 месяцев). Установленные факторы, влияющие на эффективность лечения ожирения на базе фитнес центра необходимо учитывать при назначении реабилитационных и профилактических мероприятий

    Основные принципы ведения неврологических пациентов в период пандемии COVID-19

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    In a COVID-19 pandemic, a neurologist needs to be able to assess the risks of virus infection in patients with individual neurological diseases. The review presents categories of risk groups from the Association of British Neurologists for neuromuscular diseases, multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases of the central nervous system, stroke, epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease. The risk of infection and the management of patients with neuromuscular diseases are analyzed in detail. The use of multiple sclerosis disease modifying drugs, the treatment of stroke patients are discussed. The data from the international guidelines for the management of patients with epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease are presented.В условиях пандемии COVID-19 неврологу необходимо уметь оценить риски заражения вирусом пациентов с отдельными неврологическими болезнями. В обзоре представлены категории групп риска от Ассоциации британских неврологов для нервно-мышечных заболеваний, рассеянного склероза и других аутоиммунных болезней центральной нервной системы, инсульта, эпилепсии и болезни Паркинсона. Рассмотрены риски заражения и особенности ведения пациентов с нервно-мышечными болезнями. Обсуждено применение препаратов, изменяющих течение рассеянного склероза, особенности терапии пациентов с инсультом при COVID-19. Представлены данные из рекомендаций международных организаций по ведению пациентов с эпилепсией и болезнью Паркинсона