137 research outputs found

    Buoyancy Effects on Concurrent Flame Spread Over Thick PMMA

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    The flammability of combustible materials in a spacecraft is important for fire safety applications because the conditions in spacecraft environments differ from those on earth. Experimental testing in space is difficult and expensive. However, reducing buoyancy by decreasing ambient pressure is a possible approach to simulate on-earth the burning behavior inside spacecraft environments. The objective of this work is to determine that possibility by studying the effect of pressure on concurrent flame spread, and by comparison with microgravity data, observe up to what point low-pressure can be used to replicate flame spread characteristics observed in microgravity. Specifically, this work studies the effect of pressure and microgravity on upward/concurrent flame spread over 10 mm thick polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) slabs. Experiments in normal gravity were conducted over pressures ranging between 100 and 40 kPa and a forced flow velocity of 200 mm/s. Microgravity experiments were conducted during NASAs Spacecraft Fire Experiment (Saffire II), on board the Cygnus spacecraft at 100 kPa with an air flow velocity of 200 mm/s. Results show that reductions of pressure slow down the flame spread over the PMMA surface approaching that in microgravity. The data is correlated in terms of a non-dimensional mixed convection analysis that describes the convective heat transferred from the flame to the solid, and the primary mechanism controlling the spread of the flame. The extrapolation of the correlation to low pressures predicts well the flame spread rate obtained in microgravity in the Saffire II experiments. Similar results were obtained by the authors with similar experiments with a thin composite cotton/fiberglass fabric (published elsewhere). Both results suggest that reduced pressure can be used to approximately replicate flame behavior of untested gravity conditions for the burning of thick and thin solids. This work could provide guidance for potential ground-based testing for fire safety design in spacecraft and space habitats

    On Simulating Concurrent Flame Spread in Reduced Gravity by Reducing Ambient Pressure

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    The flammability of combustible materials in spacecraft environments is of importance for fire safety applications because the environmental conditions can greatly differ from those on earth, and a fire in a spacecraft could be catastrophic. Moreover, experimental testing in spacecraft environments can be difficult and expensive, so using ground-based tests to inform microgravity tests is vital. Reducing buoyancy effects by decreasing ambient pressure is a possible approach to simulate a spacecraft environment on earth. The objective of this work is to study the effect of pressure on material flammability, and by comparison with microgravity data, determine the extent to which reducing pressure can be used to simulate reduced gravity. Specifically, this work studies the effect of pressure and microgravity on upward/concurrent flame spread rates and flame appearance of a burning thin composite fabric made of 75% cotton and 25% fiberglass (Sibal). Experiments in normal gravity were conducted using pressures ranging between 100 and 30 kPa and a forced flow velocity of 20 cm/s. Microgravity experiments were conducted during NASAs Spacecraft Fire Experiment (Saffire), on board of the Orbital Corporation Cygnus spacecraft at 100 kPa and an air flow velocity of 20 cm/s. Results show that reductions of ambient pressure slow the flame spread over the fabric. As pressure is reduced, flame intensity is also reduced. Comparison with the concurrent flame spread rates in microgravity show that similar flame spread rates are obtained at around 30 kPa. The normal gravity and microgravity data is correlated in terms of a mixed convection non-dimensional parameter that describes the heat transferred from the flame to the solid surface. The correlation provides information about the similitudes of the flame spread process in variable pressure and reduced gravity environments, providing guidance for potential on-earth testing for fire safety design in spacecraft and space habitats

    Applying Flammability Limit Probabilities and the Normoxic Upward Limiting Pressure Concept to NASA STD-6001 Test 1

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    Repeated Test 1 extinction tests near the upward flammability limit are expected to follow a Poisson process trend. This Poisson process trend suggests that rather than define a ULOI and MOC (which requires two limits to be determined), it might be better to define a single upward limit as being where 1/e (where e (approx. equal to 2.7183) is the characteristic time of the normalized Poisson process) of the materials burn, or, rounding, where approximately 1/3 of the samples fail the test (and burn). Recognizing that spacecraft atmospheres will not bound the entire oxygen-pressure parameter space, but actually lie along the normoxic atmosphere control band, we can focus the materials flammability testing along this normoxic band. A Normoxic Upward Limiting Pressure (NULP) is defined that determines the minimum safe total pressure for a material within the constant partial pressure control band. Then, increasing this pressure limit by a factor of safety, we can define the material as being safe to use at the NULP + SF (where SF is on the order of 10 kilopascal, based on existing flammability data). It is recommended that the thickest material to be tested with the current Test 1 igniter should be 3 mm thick (1/8 inches) to avoid the problem of differentiating between an ignition limit and a true flammability limit

    Wind-aided flame spread under oblique forced flow

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    he wind-aided flame spread process along a solid fuel rod under oblique forced flow is analyzed in absence of gravity or when the forced flow dominates the gravity-induced flow. The transverse velocity is large enough to ensure that mixing of the fuel vapors and air occurs in a thin boundary layer surrounding the fuel rod and we can use the boundary layer approximation to describe the gas-phase chemical reaction and downwind flame spread process. A global, second-order, Arrhenius expression is employed to describe the gas-phase reaction, while the solid surface gasification reaction is modeled in terms of a constant pyrolysis temperature. The solid is heated by the hot gases convected from the flame by the axial component of the velocity in the direction of the flame spread. The solid will be considered thermally thick, assuming the thickness of the heated layer in the solid to be small compared with the rod radius. The analysis determines the flame spread velocity and the flow structure in the flame front region. The analysis also shows that flame spread is not possible at large flow velocities due to finite rate effects, while at low velocities the gas-phase reaction is diffusion-controlled. By including radiation losses from the surface a flame spread limit, at low velocities, is also found in the present analysis. The wind-aided flame spread process along a solid fuel rod under oblique forced flow is analyzed in absence of gravity or when the forced flow dominates the gravity-induced flow. The transverse velocity is large enough to ensure that mixing of the fuel vapors and air occurs in a thin boundary layer surrounding the fuel rod and we can use the boundary layer approximation to describe the gas-phase chemical reaction and downwind flame spread process. A global, second-order, Arrhenius expression is employed to describe the gas-phase reaction, while the solid surface gasification reaction is modeled in terms of a constant pyrolysis temperature. The solid is heated by the hot gases convected from the flame by the axial component of the velocity in the direction of the flame spread. The solid will be considered thermally thick, assuming the thickness of the heated layer in the solid to be small compared with the rod radius. The analysis determines the flame spread velocity and the flow structure in the flame front region. The analysis also shows that flame spread is not possible at large flow velocities due to finite rate effects, while at low velocities the gas-phase reaction is diffusion-controlled. By including radiation losses from the surface a flame spread limit, at low velocities, is also found in the present analysis

    Microgravity smoldering combustion on the USML-1 Space Shuttle mission

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    Preliminary results from an experimental study of the smolder characteristics of a porous combustible material (flexible polyurethane foam) in normal and microgravity are presented. The experiments, limited in fuel sample size and power available for ignition, show that the smolder process was primarily controlled by heat losses from the reaction to the surrounding environment In microgravity, the reduced heat losses due to the absence of natural convection result in only slightly higher temperatures in the quiescent microgravity test than in normal gravity, but a dramatically larger production of combustion products in all microgravity tests. Particularly significant is the proportionately larger amount of carbon monoxide and light organic compounds produced in microgravity, despite comparable temperatures and similar char patterns. This excessive production of fuel-rich combustion products may be a generic characteristic of smoldering polyurethane in microgravity, with an associated increase in the toxic hazard of smolder in spacecraft

    Investigation on the Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds from Heated Vegetation and Their Potential to Cause an Accelerating Forest Fire

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    International audienceAn experimental study is conducted on the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by Rosmarinus officinalis plants when exposed to an external radiant flux. The thermal radiation heats the plant and causes the emission of VOCs. The thermal radiation simulates the radiant flux received by vegetation in a forest fire. The results of the experiments are used in a simplified analysis to determine if the emissions of VOCs in an actual forest fire situation could produce a flammable gas mixture and potentially lead to the onset of an accelerating forest fire. The experiments consist of placing a plant in a hermetic enclosure and heating it with a radiant panel. The VOCs produced are collected and analyzed with an automatic thermal desorber coupled with a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (ATD-GC/MS). The effects of the fire intensity (radiant panel heat flux) and the fire retardant on the VOCs emission are then investigated. Two thresholds of the VOCs emission are observed. The first is for plant temperatures of around 120C and appears to be caused by the evaporation of the water in the plant, which carries with it a certain amount of VOCs. The second one is around 175C, which is due to the vaporization of the major parts of VOCs. The application of a fire retardant increases the emission of VOCs due to the presence of the water (80%) in the fire retardant. However, the use of the retardant results in a lower production of VOCs than using water alone. The measurements are used to estimate the concentration of VOCs potentially produced during the propagation of a specific fire and compared to the flammability limits of a-pinene. It is concluded that the quantities of VOCs emitted by Rosmarinus officinalis shrubs under certain fire conditions are capable of creating an accelerating forest fir
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